h00k | slgma is well aware of !attitude and isn't following it, removed once, for the record. | 06:01 |
bazhang | yeppers | 06:02 |
Tm_T | morning | 06:20 |
bazhang | hi | 06:21 |
h00k | Hello :) | 06:22 |
h00k | bazhang: I didn't know that was a factoid. | 06:27 |
bazhang | h00k, heh one of my faves :) | 06:27 |
* h00k takes a note | 06:28 | |
h00k | holy crap, that is my new favorite | 06:28 |
mneptok | doubleplusgood | 06:34 |
Madpilot | !attitude | 06:35 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 06:35 |
Madpilot | nice | 06:35 |
h00k | ;) | 06:35 |
* mneptok was referring to !1984 | 06:35 | |
mneptok | (obviously) | 06:36 |
* h00k missed the reference | 06:36 | |
Flannel | mneptok: yes brother. | 06:36 |
mneptok | choco rations up 1/4 gram! BB, INGSOC and the Ministry Of Power doubleplusgood! | 06:37 |
Jordan_U | ucenik03 is trolling in #ubuntu | 07:39 |
maco | elky: dudzik also was swearing so...not sure bout that one either | 07:47 |
maco | apparently ubottu doenst have a macedonia factoid | 07:47 |
maco | oh, thats former jugoslavija? | 07:48 |
maco | so...serbo-croatian then... | 07:49 |
mneptok | mk install | 07:49 |
mneptok | no, Macedonian is a separate language | 07:49 |
maco | oh | 07:50 |
maco | well we should have an alias for croatia to hr since the bot doesnt know theyre the same | 07:50 |
maco | bosnia could go there too, though serbia...same language, different alphabet (though aiui, adults tend to know both) | 07:51 |
* mneptok wriggles off to a weekly confcall | 07:51 | |
Mamarok_ | sorry for the noise, connecting through 3g is a pain | 08:47 |
knome | what noise? :P we've seen worse | 08:54 |
knome | (hey Mamarok_) | 08:54 |
Mamarok_ | hi knome :) | 08:55 |
Tm_T | 3g? I would be glad to have that... (;' | 09:45 |
ikonia | maco: the guy is using mac OS | 10:23 |
maco | the answer's the same... that there is no "always" about compiling | 10:23 |
ikonia | yes, but we don't support mac | 10:23 |
ikonia | he refuses to join the apple support | 10:23 |
maco | isnt their support why he paid $2000 for a freakin $600 computer? | 10:24 |
ikonia | yes, but it appears he has now swapped to an ubuntu machine | 10:24 |
ikonia | nazgjunk: thank you for joining, I didn't want to talk the channel any further offtopic | 10:27 |
nazgjunk | Understandable. | 10:28 |
ikonia | nazgjunk: the bottom line is, the policy is strict support of ubuntu only, not generic linux, or mac OS, if you make an exception for one, you may have to do more later, so the rule is not to do it | 10:28 |
nazgjunk | Right, that makes sense. I was a little confused because the answer to the question would have been exactly the same thing regardless of platform. It just seemed tremendously irrelevant, but I understand that you have to draw a line somewhere and #ubuntu draws that line a little further down the hill. | 10:30 |
ikonia | exactly | 10:30 |
Tm_T | we have to, as it is very busy channel | 10:31 |
ikonia | it's a big channel compared to others, if it becomes "generic" it will get out of control | 10:31 |
ikonia | must dash | 10:32 |
IdleOne | When did I get this persona of being a tyrant? | 13:05 |
IdleOne | jrib: why didn't my +q work on him? | 13:07 |
jrib | I don't know | 13:07 |
IdleOne | weird | 13:07 |
jrib | IdleOne: yeah, seems like it should match... | 13:08 |
jrib | how am I /supposed/ to ban web proxy users anyway? Floodbot did something different than me. And if he comes back now without the proxy, he wouldn't be banned right? | 13:09 |
IdleOne | it will catch his ip also | 13:10 |
IdleOne | your ban should be fine | 13:11 |
topyli | he is in -ot | 13:11 |
IdleOne | get your hammer ready | 13:12 |
topyli | stretching | 13:12 |
IdleOne | I would still like to know why when I did +q it didn't work :/ | 13:13 |
Pici | kick them | 13:18 |
Pici | the bot should set a ban then | 13:18 |
jussi | does anyone else feel that gogeta is a bit over opinionated to be helpful? (was my impression when I asked for help this morning - not based on anything else) | 13:45 |
Tm_T | he seems to be a bit pushy, yes | 13:48 |
ikonia | jungli back as "ching" with rocket16 in ##english complaining about #ubuntu and the operators | 14:17 |
popey | @btlogin | 16:12 |
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
=== You're now known as ubuntulog_ | ||
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
ubottu | In ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !dutch is !nl | 19:12 |
Pici | no need. | 19:13 |
Pici | !-dutch | 19:13 |
ubottu | dutch is <alias> nl - added by Seveas on 2007-01-11 14:09:45 | 19:13 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !stop =~ s/$/ - Note: this fact is really meant for ops as a last warning, not to be called at random./ | 20:20 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !forget stop | 20:21 |
maco | Pici: can you add an alias for croatia to hr? | 21:13 |
maco | i dont think most english-speakers know that croatia is hrvatska | 21:13 |
mneptok | gone to croatan | 21:33 |
Cpudan80 | Whats the channel that is used for when people get hit with the D-C-C thing ? | 21:37 |
IdleOne | Cpudan80: let #freenode staff know about it. but we forward users to #ubuntu-read-topic so they can fix the problem | 21:45 |
=== myriam_rs is now known as Mamarok_ |
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