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bdmurray | ara / jibel: so I'm trying to get a mago test to run and I'm having a hard time | 15:55 |
bdmurray | PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/mago -a gedit | 15:57 |
bdmurray | that results in an ImportError for gedit | 15:58 |
jibel | bdmurray, can you pastebin the error ? | 16:12 |
bdmurray | jibel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/533072/ | 16:14 |
jibel | bdmurray, main is the directory where you've pulled the branch ? Do you have ~/source-trees/mago/main/mago/test_suite/gedit.py ? | 16:20 |
bdmurray | jibel: yes and I can manually import it in that directory | 16:21 |
jibel | bdmurray, any useful information if you run with --log-level=debug ? | 16:24 |
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ara | bdmurray, it is PYTHONPATH, rather than PYTHON_PATH | 16:26 |
ara | in the pastebin it says PYTHON_PATH | 16:27 |
jibel | ara, :-) thanks a bunch | 16:27 |
bdmurray | well, that was dumb | 16:28 |
bdmurray | thanks! | 16:29 |
ara | bdmurray, np :) | 16:29 |
bdmurray | ara: I also noticed there is a test for bug 631665 but it isn't identified as one. What is the right way to do that? | 16:30 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 631665 in gcalctool (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "Calculator does not show thousands seperator despite being chosen in preferences (affects: 10) (dups: 4) (heat: 103)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/631665 | 16:30 |
ara | bdmurray, what do you mean by not identified as one? | 16:31 |
bdmurray | ara: well I'd expect there to something in the test to say if this fails look at this bug | 16:31 |
bdmurray | ara: so one could see if a patch was dropped etc.... | 16:32 |
ara | bdmurray, mmm, yes, I guess putting in the README should be enough | 16:32 |
bdmurray | ara: yes, that would work for me | 16:32 |
ara | bdmurray, each app folder (i.e. gedit) contains a README file to put information about the tests | 16:33 |
ara | bdmurray, I will add it there | 16:33 |
bdmurray | ara: yes, I saw that | 16:33 |
ara | bdmurray, thanks! | 16:33 |
bdmurray | finally how do I figure out what to use in input for the mod button in gcalc? | 16:34 |
bdmurray | I saw Cs9 for the square root of 9 | 16:34 |
bdmurray | ara: ^? | 16:35 |
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jibel | bdmurray, I've patched mago to get rid of PYTHONPATH. | 17:05 |
jibel | ara ^ | 17:05 |
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ara | jibel, great :) | 17:06 |
jibel | ara, that makes less frightening command lines :-) | 17:08 |
bdmurray | now my test is getting a traceback | 17:08 |
bdmurray | afaict modulus should be " mod " | 17:08 |
bdmurray | and so I have a key error for ' ' | 17:08 |
bdmurray | is that the BUTTONS dict in gcalc.py? | 17:10 |
jibel | bdmurray, yes. To discover the id of the components you can either use accerciser | 17:14 |
jibel | bdmurray, or app=ooldtp.context('frmCalculator') | 17:14 |
jibel | sorted(app.getobjectlist()) | 17:15 |
jibel | in a python console | 17:15 |
bdmurray | jibel: what setup is required for the python console option? | 17:16 |
jibel | bdmurray, nothing special, import ldtp, ooldtp | 17:17 |
pedro_ | just importing ldtp should be enough right? | 17:19 |
pedro_ | like: | 17:19 |
pedro_ | import ldtp | 17:19 |
pedro_ | sorted (ldtp.getobjectlist('frmblah')) | 17:19 |
pedro_ | you'd probably get the same result | 17:20 |
bdmurray | Is this information somewhere @ mago.ubuntu.com? | 17:20 |
pedro_ | i didn't see anything about this on the wiki pages... | 17:21 |
pedro_ | i've using magomatic and later discover the getobjectlist | 17:21 |
jibel | pedro_, right that's exactly the same, | 17:21 |
pedro_ | which is pretty useful if the widget you're working on is changing | 17:21 |
pedro_ | for example a gtkfilechooser | 17:22 |
jibel | bdmurray, no, not yet on mago.u.c, the reference documentation is there http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | 17:22 |
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bdmurray | jibel: here is my diff is there anything else required? updating the README? | 17:25 |
bdmurray | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/533124/ | 17:25 |
jibel | bdmurray, pedro_, for introspection you'll also find the methods getobjectinfo and getobjectproperty quite useful. | 17:25 |
bdmurray | jibel: ee, line 12 should be 7921m14 | 17:26 |
bdmurray | jibel: here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/533127/ | 17:27 |
jibel | bdmurray, also add the testcase to testcase.qa.u.c and add a note to indicate it's automated. | 17:27 |
bdmurray | jibel: there is no tool to update testcases.qa? | 17:29 |
jibel | bdmurray, not that I know, you have to log in and manually add the testcase. we definitely need something, I've ~ 450 testcases to add (http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/natty/testcases.html) and I probably won't do that manually. | 17:33 |
bdmurray | jibel: right and looking at the gcalc page one test didn't get added | 17:34 |
bdmurray | https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/mago/gcalc-test-modulus/+merge/40987 | 17:46 |
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