canthus13 | Yup. Jobs suck. | 00:18 |
Cheri703 | don't know who/what you're referring to, but I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE! | 00:34 |
canthus13 | Heh. | 00:42 |
canthus13 | 16 minutes left... | 00:44 |
Cheri703 | you can do it! | 00:45 |
dmcglone | Hey guys, I hooked up another monitor and I can't seem to make each monitor act as a desktop, anyone know how to do that? | 00:46 |
Cheri703 | you want them both to have taskbars and such? | 00:49 |
dmcglone | yeah, but I want each monitor to act as a desktop | 00:49 |
dmcglone | a seperate desktop that is | 00:50 |
Cheri703 | I don't think it works that way... | 00:50 |
Cheri703 | at least not to my knowledge | 00:50 |
Cheri703 | one is an extension of the other | 00:50 |
dmcglone | I see | 00:50 |
dmcglone | then in that case, how do I tell the monitors which monitor I want the taskbar and stuff on? | 00:52 |
Cheri703 | one sec | 00:52 |
canthus13 | dmcglone: Use a hammer. | 00:52 |
dmcglone | LOL canthus | 00:52 |
Navirio | lol | 00:52 |
Cheri703 | | 00:52 |
dmcglone | thanks Cheri703 be right back | 00:53 |
Cheri703 | toward the bottom, there's a script called chprimon "change primary monitor" | 00:53 |
dmcglone | I can't figure out what resolutions to pick for each monitor | 01:15 |
dmcglone | I'm getting a cut off wallpaper on one of them | 01:15 |
dmcglone | I've managed to make windows appear on different desktops | 01:40 |
dmcglone | but I had to go with 640 x 480 (4:3) on one and 720 x 400 (9:5) on the other.. Everything is HUGE! | 01:42 |
dmcglone | lol | 01:42 |
Cheri703 | ok...wait, I'm confused | 01:46 |
Cheri703 | why wouldn't it work with normal (appropriate) resolutions | 01:46 |
dmcglone | I don't know, If I put the normal resolutions on each monitor, it is cutting off the right side and not stretching the desktop all the way over | 01:47 |
Cheri703 | well, the wallpaper will be weird, but did other windows not fit? | 01:48 |
dmcglone | they fit, but if I accidentally drag them over the part where there is no wall paper, I get a bunch of windows | 01:49 |
Cheri703 | weird | 01:50 |
dmcglone | let me show you screenshots | 01:50 |
dmcglone | hang on | 01:50 |
dmcglone | here ya go: | 01:55 |
Cheri703 | that's weird | 01:57 |
dmcglone | oh cool, I clicked in the monitor preferences "same image on all monitors" thinking I needed that but remembered thats not what I wanted so I unchecked it and hit apply and now all is working correctly!! | 01:57 |
Cheri703 | ah, awesome :) | 01:57 |
dmcglone | weird | 01:57 |
dmcglone | thats a bug I've gotta report, but don't know how. I'll have to get with paultag for that one | 01:58 |
Cheri703 | yeah, I have no idea | 02:00 |
dmcglone | Ha! I am able to drag the taskbars to either screen! | 02:00 |
dmcglone | didn't need that script after all | 02:00 |
Cheri703 | nice | 02:01 |
Cheri703 | that might be a 10.10 thing | 02:01 |
Cheri703 | I'm still using 10.04 | 02:01 |
dmcglone | what I did was uncheck the "expand" in the properties and then drag it | 02:02 |
dmcglone | but now I can't find my screenlets | 02:03 |
dmcglone | I'm gonna log out and back and see what happens | 02:05 |
dmcglone | found em | 02:06 |
dmcglone | :-) | 02:06 |
Cheri703 | awesome | 02:06 |
dmcglone | This is cool | 02:07 |
dmcglone | LOL | 02:07 |
Cheri703 | heh, dual monitors is fun | 02:08 |
dmcglone | I'll be back | 02:15 |
dmcglone | Ah the possibilities! | 02:21 |
canthus13 | bah. crashed Titan somehow whilst setting up a client's machine on my bench. :( | 03:05 |
Cheri703 | titan? | 03:05 |
canthus13 | Titan. My web server. | 03:05 |
Cheri703 | ah | 03:06 |
canthus13 | There are Titan and Bob, my servers, then Akima, Gune, Tek, and Stith, my desktop and laptops... Then Korso, the name for whatever I happen to be running in virtualbox at the moment. | 03:06 |
* canthus13 named his machines after Titan A.E. characters/places. | 03:07 | |
Cheri703 | ha | 03:07 |
Cheri703 | I was thinking of titan ae when you said titan | 03:08 |
Cheri703 | I like that movie | 03:08 |
Cheri703 | just watched it a few weeks ago actually | 03:08 |
canthus13 | :) My youngest's middle name is Kael after the lead character. (My oldest picked it) | 03:08 |
Cheri703 | nice | 03:08 |
canthus13 | I'm still not sure how I managed to crash Titan... Well.. maybe snagging the keyboard.. It *IS* a ps/2 keyboard, after all... | 03:12 |
Cheri703 | perhaps | 03:18 |
Unit193 | I use the Greek alphabet for computer names (Beta is Virtual) | 03:20 |
canthus13 | That's kinda boring. :P | 03:21 |
Unit193 | I don't think so | 03:21 |
Unit193 | I know some place that uses President names... | 03:22 |
canthus13 | The university I went to back in 1993 used Muppet names for it's Vaxen... | 03:23 |
canthus13 | the Comp Sci student machine was Beaker. | 03:23 |
Cheri703 | the ones that stay at the house are pretty generically named "cdesktop" for my desktop, "ubuprint" for the print server, "ancient" for the 10 yr old dell server | 03:24 |
Cheri703 | at OLF, someone with the computer name "behemoth" connected to my wifi... | 03:24 |
Unit193 | I think the "Sarah-PC" "Johnsons-VIAO" stuff is really boring... | 03:26 |
Cheri703 | yeah | 03:27 |
Cheri703 | I try to keep it relatively simple, and something I will remember. I also have a specific ip numbering system I use, helps me remember which is which | 03:27 |
* canthus13 thinks seeing 'Sarah-Laptop' and 'HP-Owner' is wonderful when picking targets at a public wi-fi. | 03:28 | |
Unit193 | I like the people with WEP :) | 03:30 |
canthus13 | Willfully Eluding Protection? | 03:31 |
* Unit193 Cracked WEP once in 3min :) | 03:31 | |
Unit193 | On our router with BackTrack 4 | 03:31 |
canthus13 | Cracking's the easy part. It usually takes about 10-15 minutes for me to collect enough IVs to crack 128-bit. After that, less than 1 minute on a 2ghz p4. | 03:32 |
dmcglone | I cracked WEP in 2 seconds once | 03:32 |
dmcglone | I knew my password thats how ;-) | 03:32 |
canthus13 | That's not cracking. :P | 03:32 |
dmcglone | to me it is, I am very forgetful sometimes | 03:32 |
dmcglone | lol | 03:32 |
Unit193 | canthus13: The whole process was in 3min | 03:32 |
canthus13 | Unit193: Wow. How'd you force enough IVs? | 03:33 |
* canthus13 can't usually gather enough IVs that fast even with injection. | 03:33 | |
Unit193 | Started a video over the network :) | 03:33 |
Unit193 | They just shot up after that... | 03:34 |
canthus13 | Bah. Why did't I think of that? I was getting overly-technical and ping-flooding with 5 machines. | 03:34 |
* canthus13 couldn't remember the password for his router and lost the WEP key, didn't feel like resetting it and having to redo all his port forwards. :P | 03:35 | |
dmcglone | Are there certain backgrounds that look good on 2 monitors? | 03:35 |
dmcglone | sorry to bust up your hackin discussion | 03:35 |
canthus13 | dmcglone: Sure. Look for dual-monitor wallpapers. | 03:35 |
dmcglone | lol | 03:35 |
Unit193 | That was my first try at WEP (we have someone with WEP on our street) | 03:35 |
canthus13 | I've cracked every router in range of my house for fun. | 03:36 |
dmcglone | are there any on | 03:36 |
Unit193 | No WPA? | 03:36 |
canthus13 | I have no idea. | 03:37 |
canthus13 | Unit193: Just mine. | 03:37 |
Unit193 | canthus13: Do you broadcast your SSID? | 03:39 |
canthus13 | Yup. How else can I insult my neighbors? | 03:40 |
canthus13 | (I'm kidding...) | 03:41 |
canthus13 | SSIDs *can* be useful for starting rumors, though. :) | 03:41 |
Unit193 | I have 2 routers, 1:Tomato WPA AES not broadcasting 2:DD-WRT WPA TKIP broadcasting | 03:44 |
* BiosElement thinks people who commit huge binary's to git need to have their git install removed | 03:47 | |
dmcglone | is mac address filtering good? | 03:49 |
dmcglone | I'm headed off to bed. night everyone :-) | 03:51 |
BiosElement | dmcglone, Sometimes | 03:53 |
BiosElement | And night | 03:53 |
canthus13 | dmcglone: It's good... Unless someone runs a man-in-the-middle attack. | 03:57 |
thafreak | Morning Ohio | 14:15 |
_bbb | morning doug | 14:17 |
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
=== You're now known as ubuntulog_ | ||
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
_bbb | fear | 19:42 |
canthus13 | courage | 20:39 |
thafreak | embarassment | 20:39 |
canthus13 | randiness | 20:39 |
thafreak | truthiness | 20:39 |
canthus13 | tastiness | 20:40 |
thafreak | So apparently, you should be careful about what you put on a resume, as it may come back to haunt you for years | 20:42 |
thafreak | I made the mistake of listing C# way back | 20:43 |
_bbb | yeah i saw your fb post | 20:43 |
_bbb | re .net | 20:43 |
thafreak | and even though it's currently not listed anymore, some random recruiters still have old copies of my resume | 20:43 |
thafreak | I told the one guy to throw away and resume he has for me because it's obvious the only thing current is my name | 20:44 |
thafreak | I fsck'ing hate head hunters... | 20:44 |
* thafreak SMASH | 20:44 | |
_bbb | as you were ranting i got an email from robert half | 20:46 |
greyfox- | Oh geez, robert half. F those guys. They are like something straight out of the movie Boiler Room. | 21:28 |
greyfox- | least, the guys I talked to (and the guys a friend of mine talked to about 2 years later) sure were. | 21:29 |
=== greyfox-1 is now known as greyfox- |
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