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douglasawh-work | a view is a way of looking at the world | 21:30 |
douglasawh-work | like, you look out the window and you have one view | 21:31 |
douglasawh-work | then you look out another window and you have another view | 21:31 |
douglasawh-work | people that didn't leave their IRC open over the weekend will likely be confused | 21:31 |
douglasawh-work | the comments here answer a lot of questions: http://douglasawh.wordpress.com/2010/11/12/if-you-cant-say-anything-nice/ | 21:32 |
douglasawh-work | new subject though...is another a GDocs or OOo wizard? I am trying to do some stuff with dates | 21:33 |
douglasawh-work | another ==anyone | 21:35 |
* spikeb is not | 21:35 | |
douglasawh-work | I figured it out. I did what I thought the instructions meant, not what it says...because I didn't know what it said existed | 21:40 |
spikeb | haha | 21:40 |
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