
duanedesignmorning all09:28
beunogood morning duanedesign11:37
duanedesignhello beuno11:38
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=== You're now known as ubuntulog
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
iheartubuntuhonk :) need help please! my 8GB USB chip is now acting like its read only. Do I need to go sudo to edit the drive settings to fix this? Thanks for any help.18:52
commodooriheartubuntu, this is the ubnuntuone channel please ask it in #ubuntu18:53
iheartubuntuooops. sorry!18:53
=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
jdobrienrye, move performance was fixed with today's rollout21:18
ryejdobrien, awesomeness!21:22
jdobrienrye, yes, you can actually move a directory with 5k descendants now21:28
lalejandHi, is there a specialist of U1 contact sync in evolution ?22:50
lalejandwhen I activate the couchDB adressbook, moth (couchDB and personal) are borken : impossible to delete a contact22:50
lalejandHi, is there a specialist of U1 contact sync in evolution ?23:05
kklimondahey, is someone from U1 team present? honk?23:59
ryekklimonda, yes, kind of23:59
kklimonda(I'm not sure if ? after honk doesn't break it ;) )23:59
alecuhi kklimonda23:59

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