
charlie-tcaGood morning14:42
davmor2charlie-tca: morning you might have a bootable live cd unless you have an ati card with hdmi14:45
charlie-tcatook the ati card out because it won't work in maverick and natty14:49
charlie-tcaunfortunately, the ubuntu live images wouldn't install yesterday14:50
davmor2charlie-tca: yes todays seems to be fine till the kernel hits the ati hdmi14:51
charlie-tcaI think mr_pouit is still working on the Xfce4.7, too. That might kill Xubuntu desktop image yet14:51
charlie-tcadavmor2: no, I had the nvidia card installed. Also, it fails in Virtualbox, too14:51
charlie-tcaMy installs are hanging on trying to update network manager with static IP14:52
mr_pouitno, if images are killed, it's not my fault yet :P15:17
charlie-tcaWhew! I will try them today then.15:18
ochosimr_pouit: i can't wait for you to break the images ;)15:19
davmor2charlie-tca: I bet it is his fault really ;)15:19
charlie-tcadavmor2: agreed. You know those devs too, huh?15:19
davmor2Oh yes15:20
charlie-tcaEven if it is not his fault, we can blame mr_pouit , right? ;-)15:20
davmor2charlie-tca: of course we are testers he's the fixer right it's only fair :D 15:21
mr_pouitwell, if you really insist, I can start uploading xfce4-panel juste before the alpha 115:22
mr_pouitso everything will be broken, and you will be able to blame me as much as you like :P15:22
davmor2mr_pouit: haha15:23
* charlie-tca thinks that it is the testers decision to blame the people who break things. (even when it is wrong) :-)15:23
davmor2charlie-tca: don't get saying things like that it's us that breaks it ;)15:25
charlie-tcaOkay, I take it back15:28
charlie-tcaOh, I did word that wrong, I see. ;-)15:29
mr_pouitwell, testers break things, because as long as it's not tested, it's not broken, right?15:32
* mr_pouit hides15:32
* charlie-tca looking behind the boxes for mr_pouit 15:41
charlie-tcadavmor2: seems like natty desktop images do not see the connection when using the static IP address. I get a "X" on "is connected to the internet"15:50
davmor2charlie-tca: I got a nice boot splash but nothing else on my nvidia box 15:51
charlie-tcaooops, 15:51
* charlie-tca kicks the boxes to find mr_pouit 15:51
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