
charlie-tcaanybody know where to change fonts and preferences in pidgin?01:24
bill_how do i enable portable apps on xubuntu02:19
moetunesare they windows .exe progs?02:21
bill_no linux - i have sigil in a .bin package that is exectable under ubuntu 10.0402:23
moetunesin terminal does /path/to/portableapp not work?02:23
bill_under ubuntu clicking in file manager will activate app02:25
moetunesthere should be no difference in xubuntu from ubuntu in that regard - are they executable?02:26
Guest62124and if you tried to run it in the terminal, weren't there any error messages output? Is the target architecture correct - eg. 32bit, 64bit? How do you know they are portable and don't require any libraries installed on the system?02:27
bill_also when right click propertie/permissions will give the opportunity to make executable - no choice xubuntu02:27
Guest62124Yeah, Thunar, Xubuntu file manager, is limited in this respect, you would have to set the executable bit by other means (read: Terminal)02:28
moetunesI make things executable through thunar02:28
Guest62124as far as I remember it allows you only to make *.sh executable02:29
moetunescould be02:29
bill_the package came from a website that supplies no install binaries - everthing included in binary - used for usb transport02:29
moetuneswas it here - http://portablelinuxapps.org/ - ?02:29
moetunesit says there to make the app executable and away you go02:30
bill_have tried chmod - no go02:31
moetunesany error msgs?02:31
bill_no just returns to prompt02:31
moetuneschmod -v a+x /path02:31
Guest62124apps tested in GNOME - in the footer - it is possible that they aren't that portable and they rely on some GNOME libraries ;) an you're running them under xfce - just a guess02:32
moetunesusing the -v switch always returns something02:32
bill_am using xfce02:33
bill_returns to prompt after repeating file name02:33
moetunesit should say something about the mode being changed or not02:34
moetunesnot just the filename02:34
bill_i'll try again and the switch to xubuntu and try again if that fails i guess i'll get the install pack - thanks for help02:35
moetunesluck :)02:36
robertzaccourhey yall03:29
robertzaccourI really think xubuntu looked better and better over the years. whats with the step backward on the looks in maverick? haha03:30
ubuXubuGood Morning Xubuntu.05:22
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=== Balsaq is now known as ubuXubu
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basic123I have installed xubuntu13:11
basic123in system monitor13:11
basic123my memory 56,7%13:12
basic123swap 6,1%13:12
basic123fresh install13:12
basic123from cd lucid13:13
basic12356% = 281.7 MiB of 496.4 MiB13:14
basic123system running firefox, xchat, install driver nvidia, and system monitor13:15
basic123wheter is normal?13:17
moetuneshow many tabs open in firefox tho13:18
basic123one tab13:19
basic123google transalte13:19
knomewell, firefox takes a lot of memory.13:19
knomethere are alternatives, like epiphany or midori.13:20
moetunesnvidia drivers sometimes make X use alot of memory13:21
basic123my firefox closed and memory 243.6 MiB13:21
basic123nvidia driver downloading and isntalling now13:23
moetuneswhat does the system monitor say is using the most memory then??13:24
knomei've heard maverick might be faster with systems with low memory than lucid13:25
basic123i dont understand about processes in sytem monitor13:26
basic123what status sleeping?13:27
basic123now cpu 100%13:30
basic123down and up13:32
knomethat's normal13:33
basic123oke, i want to restart my computer.. driver installed13:33
basic123yup... i ll back again later13:34
basic123I am back13:39
basic123now memory is 136.8 MiB(27,6%) CPU is 20%13:41
moetuneswhat sort of processor are you using?13:41
basic123intel celeron cpu 2.66GHz13:42
moetunesthat seems a little bit much cpu if you don't have much open13:44
moetunesI would open a terminal and run   top   it shows things in an easy to read manner13:44
moetuneshit q to quit it13:44
knomehtop > top13:45
basic123htop is not installed13:46
knomesudo apt-get install htop13:46
basic123in htop13:49
basic123cpu 5.8%13:50
basic123mem 13313:50
basic123swp 013:50
moetunesthat's fine then :)13:51
moetunesit'll be xchat using the cpu I suppose13:52
basic123yup xchat and htop are runnning now13:54
moetunesopen a firefox and see what happens13:54
basic123now cpu 7.8% and mem 15813:56
moetunesthat's not too bad for that sort of cpu13:57
basic123up and down cpu: 4 - 813:58
basic123why cpu not stable?13:59
basic123memory is constant13:59
moetunesit'll be xchat updating afaik14:00
basic123cpu can reach up 70% suddenly and down again14:01
moetunesif you want an easy way to monitor things you should try conky or something similar14:01
moetunescpu spikes can be lots of things like X or cron or...14:03
basic123yup I understand14:05
basic123thank you for all...14:15
basic123I quit14:15
lamahwho are using nmcli?15:39
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
=== You're now known as ubuntulog_
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
PrebenRHi I only get wireless working in 10.10 if I have turned wireless on before boot. If I turn it on after kernel modules etc are not loaded. I tried loading the modeules manually but still not working, what do I need to run in addition?19:39
lamahwho are using nmcli??20:58
charlie-tca!info nmcli21:00
ubottuPackage nmcli does not exist in maverick21:00
charlie-tcawhat is it?21:00
lamahhow can i bring up the internet from cli with nmcli?21:00
lamahaa ok21:01
Balsaqgood afternoon citizens of Xubuntu.21:11

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