[12:32] Hello? [12:32] anybodyyyyyyyyyy thereeeeeeeeeee? [12:32] Eeeeeeeermmmmmm not sure... [12:33] not sure if I'm in the right place... [12:33] we're running ubuntu server, within hyper-v, behind an internet proxy [12:33] however [12:33] we can't seem to get ubuntu to access the outside world via our proxy [12:34] which is a massive shame [12:34] Yup, it doesn't look like the right place. You should probably try in #ubuntu or in #ubuntu-server or somewhere similar. [12:34] haha [12:34] thank you kindly! === alkisg1 is now known as alkisg [18:37] Edubuntu meeting in 23 minutes if I'm not mistaken :) [18:44] hi, highvoltage [18:44] I can actually make that one :) [18:45] whohoo [18:45] HedgeMage: I never received your suggestion for alternate meeting time! [18:46] highvoltage: ooh, I need to do that! [18:47] pm me your email addy in case I don't already have it, please? [18:47] jonathan@ubuntu.com [18:47] I lost a bunch when the desktop died its final death, not sure if yours was one [18:48] got it :) [20:15] ok, here's the support issue I'm trying to find help for a non-profit group located in Somerville, Massachussetes [20:16] they have a college student working an iso for an image they are using on some older dell desktops P4, 512 mb [20:16] they are trying to get the boot time down - it's currently around 8 minutes [20:16] 8 minutes? wow [20:16] does anyone know Casper/grub well enough to maybe talk to this kid on the phone and answer some questions for him? [20:17] 8 minutes to boot?! A bootchart would help. [20:17] http://itd-usr.blogspot.com/ is his blog detailing some of the work he's doing now [20:18] dinda: is he messing with casper scripts? [20:18] mhall119: yeah [20:19] mhall119: that's where he's stuck [20:19] there's his first problem :( [20:21] should I send him to the mailing list? or ask him to come in here? [20:21] even if I need to pay for an hour of someone's time to talk to him on the phone, it's a really worthy cause [20:22] Wouldn't #ubuntu-devel be a more appropriate place for casper related questions? [20:24] dinda: feel free to give him my email address and I'll do what I can, but I'm by no means an expert [20:24] I learned enough hacking casper scripts in Qimo 1.0 to not do it again in 2.0 [20:24] mhall119: thanks, that wouldbe much appreciated. [20:25] michael [at] qimo4kids [20:25] [dot] com [20:25] mhall119: ok, his name is Ian, will introduce you [20:25] dinda: I'd be glad to help him on IRC, I'd just need an heads-up of when and what his nick is [20:25] well, if mhall119 has it covered, that's fine then :) [20:25] yeah, if he can get on IRC, that'd be faster [20:25] highvoltage: not sure he's on IRC yet but will suggest it to him [20:26] it'll serve him well to be on IRC, and also to hookup with his local loco team [20:27] mhall119: yes i was trying to find doctormo and others in the Boston area [20:29] so, would the "school server in a box" be about specific school-related packages being included by default? [20:30] JanC: my thoughts were it would be everything a small school might need to setup school-wide infrastructure [20:30] so it sould be identity management (LDAP), file sharing (Samba), possibly email, plus things like schooltool, italc and LTSP [20:31] a filtering proxy would be good too [20:33] JanC: the idea to have something relatively inexpensive that could ship on a server appliance and allow schools with low or no internet local server tools [20:33] JanC: Tom Hoffman of SchoolTool created something with just schooltool on an ARM box [20:34] aha, so more or less an "SMB server" but tailored to schools [20:34] JanC: so I was building on that, something a school can just plug in, select the software, minor config and then run [20:34] JanC: yup, exactly [20:34] sounds interesting [20:35] Turnkey linux has a nice selection of appliance images already [20:35] dinda: michelle and I talked about something like this a couple years ago but it was "charity server in a box" [20:35] but I'm hoping to find an OEM to make and ship the box as a commercial product [20:35] I guess some way to publish an external website might be cool too [20:36] yeah, internal websites would be useful too [20:36] (not sure if schooltool supports that) [20:36] mhall119: I was also thinking about integration between internal & external website [20:36] JanC: that would be nice, but more involved [20:37] I was just planning on taking existing things and putting them in a single simple install [20:37] kind of like what edubuntu and qimo already do with games and apps [20:37] JanC: issue is that many schools still don't even have internet access or very limited [20:38] OpenLDAP and Samba work very well together once they're configured to do so, but the configuration is often difficult [20:38] hm, that's not really an issue here, but would certainly be in some parts of the world [20:38] if you can ship an install with that already done, you're 75% of the way to your goal [20:38] yeah, has to be dead on simple [20:38] that = internet access [20:44] mhall119: I think an SMB server that does the LDAP + Samba thing would be a good start... ;) [20:45] well, there is the thing-previously-known-as-ebox of course [20:45] (I always forget the new name) [20:45] but maybe that's not exactly what schools need [20:46] JanC: actually been talking to them, they are now called zenytal [20:46] JanC: yeah, we discussed that at UDS [20:46] they probably want to group users per function (student vs. teacher), but also by class etc. [20:47] not sure that's possible with Zenytal [20:57] I guess an LDAP-profile that's more school-specific might be useful there