nigelb | Yawn. Morning folks. | 00:00 |
popey | lo nigelb | 00:03 |
nigelb | Heya popey, up late today? :) | 00:03 |
popey | :) | 00:03 |
popey | not as late as I have been lately | 00:03 |
nigelb | heh | 00:04 |
* nigelb hugs popey | 00:04 | |
popey | the other night I stayed up till 4AM, slept for 1 hour then went to work | 00:04 |
popey | that was the worst night for a while | 00:04 |
nigelb | ouch | 00:04 |
nigelb | did you catch with sleep? | 00:04 |
popey | not really | 00:04 |
popey | next night slept 1AM-7AM which helped | 00:05 |
popey | and now.. i think I should sleep | 00:05 |
popey | have a great day nigelb | 00:05 |
popey | nn | 00:05 |
nigelb | popey: Good night, have a good sleep :) | 00:05 |
nigelb | jcastro: Totally awesome that kernel team members are replying at SE :) | 00:13 |
* jcastro whistles | 00:14 | |
* nigelb votes up | 00:15 | |
cjohnston | howdy | 02:06 |
nigelb | cjohnston: back after all the overtime? ;) | 02:06 |
cjohnston | lol | 02:06 |
cjohnston | at work right now | 02:06 |
cjohnston | first day at new station | 02:06 |
nigelb | oh | 02:06 |
nigelb | so now you can be on laptop at work? :D | 02:07 |
cjohnston | I was able to at my last station | 02:07 |
cjohnston | this station ill havew more time tho | 02:07 |
* nigelb assigns all LD bugs to cjohnston | 02:07 | |
cjohnston | I'll get czajkowski to throttle you | 02:08 |
nigelb | she'll agree with me on this one :D | 02:08 |
cjohnston | I dunno bout that | 02:09 |
* cjohnston is off.. g'nite | 02:14 | |
nigelb | g'nite :) | 02:15 |
nigelb | yo jcastro, you around? | 04:02 |
nisshh | haha, easiest way to get rid of support leechers: present them with a really complex awk command :) | 07:09 |
nigelb | lol | 07:44 |
nisshh | nigelb, not surprisingly, it was a gentoo user who just did that to a leecher in another channel, he was like "what? what is that? THIS ISNT HELPING!" :) | 07:49 |
nigelb | lol | 07:50 |
dholbach | good morning! | 07:51 |
nigelb | Morning dholbach :) | 07:53 |
dholbach | hi nigelb | 07:53 |
nigelb | man, he types fast! | 07:53 |
nigelb | The last time I had a call with Daniel, I got scared with all the typing :p | 07:54 |
nisshh | lol | 07:54 |
nisshh | nigelb, "The Phantom Typist" :) | 07:54 |
nigelb | it was like somone torturing a poor keyboard :p | 07:54 |
nisshh | nigelb, "noooo! not the C key! please! anything but my C key!" <- the keyboard :) | 07:55 |
nigelb | nisshh: haha | 07:56 |
dholbach | I'm sure it wasn't that bad | 07:56 |
dholbach | but when we had a call I was using the built-in mic, which I guess is somewhere near the keyboard, so it must have sounded bad :) | 07:56 |
nigelb | Yeah, that's the thing | 07:56 |
nisshh | heh | 07:56 |
nigelb | I could hear the keyboard more than your voice, which was SCARY! | 07:56 |
nisshh | hehe | 07:57 |
dholbach | hola dpm | 08:01 |
nigelb | morning dpm | 08:01 |
nigelb | I suppose kim0 is on leave today for the festival :) | 08:02 |
dpm | good morning all! | 08:02 |
dpm | heya dholbach, hey nigelb | 08:02 |
dholbach | nigelb, wasn't that yesterday? | 08:02 |
nigelb | dholbach: Its today here, not sure how its for him | 08:02 |
dholbach | nigelb, ah yes - I was just surprised because wikipedia said november 16th and the owner of a restaurant where I went yesterday gave me sweets for eid already, but then again I got an email from somebody Iran saying that it the celebrations would be today | 08:05 |
dholbach | daker isn't here either to explain :) | 08:06 |
nigelb | He's probably out celebrating | 08:07 |
nigelb | :) | 08:07 |
nigelb | I realized I had to pass in front of like 5 mosques on the way to work, there was a good crowd | 08:07 |
nigelb | yay lunch, later folks | 08:10 |
dholbach | enjoy | 08:10 |
jono | dholbach, around? | 08:20 |
nigelb | bah, short lunch | 08:22 |
nigelb | heya jono | 08:22 |
dholbach | hey jono | 08:23 |
jono | dholbach, hey | 08:25 |
jono | hi nigelb | 08:25 |
jono | dholbach, sending you an email re. patch pilots | 08:26 |
nigelb | jono: How are you doing? :) | 08:26 |
dholbach | jono, ok | 08:26 |
dholbach | salut huats | 08:26 |
jono | dholbach, sent | 08:27 |
huats | hello dholbach ! | 08:27 |
huats | jono o/ | 08:27 |
jono | thanks, if you can have this ready for when I wake up | 08:27 |
jono | not much work to do there | 08:27 |
jono | nigelb, good thanks, just published an uber blog entry | 08:27 |
jono | huats, hey | 08:27 |
jono | :-) | 08:27 |
jono | now I am headed to bed | 08:27 |
huats | good night jono | 08:28 |
jono | night! | 08:28 |
dholbach | ... ok | 08:28 |
duanedesign | morning friends | 09:00 |
nigelb | Morning dholbach :) | 09:00 |
dpm | hey duanedesign, good morning | 09:03 |
dholbach | nigelb, I'm having a déjà-vu | 09:03 |
dholbach | nigelb, didn't you say morning to me (and we talked a bit afterwards) like 1h30m ago? :) | 09:03 |
duanedesign | :) | 09:05 |
nigelb | dholbach: err, that was like tabfail | 09:06 |
nigelb | duanedesign: ^^ that one was meant for you | 09:07 |
dholbach | hola randa | 09:31 |
randa | hi dholbach :) | 09:31 |
* dholbach hugs dpm | 10:35 | |
* dpm hugs dholbach ;) | 10:36 | |
duanedesign | morning Pendulum | 12:17 |
* nigelb waves to Pendulum | 12:18 | |
* dpm lunch | 12:58 | |
* popey has a friend going to NJ,USA and wants to know what the sales tax there will be on an $699 ipad :S | 13:01 | |
popey | 7% seems to be what google says | 13:01 |
Pendulum | popey: that sounds about right | 13:02 |
Pendulum | where in NJ is he or she going? | 13:02 |
popey | dunno | 13:02 |
Pendulum | in case he's somewhere near NY, he wants to buy in NJ not NY (I think 8.5% sales tax in NY) | 13:03 |
popey | thats useful to know, thanks! | 13:04 |
Pendulum | however, if he's near Pennsylvania (so really if he's near Philly), he should look at buying in PA | 13:04 |
Pendulum | 6% sales tax there :) | 13:04 |
Pendulum | but if he rents a car, he should get petrol in NJ and know that it's all full service (but still cheaper than any of the surrounding states) | 13:06 |
popey | :) | 13:06 |
Pendulum | (I went to uni in Philly, lived in NY, and once dated a girl who lived in the middle of NJ so spent a lot of time at her place ;-) ) | 13:06 |
popey | :) | 13:07 |
popey | You and your crazy tax laws :) | 13:07 |
Pendulum | yeah, but it's lower than VAT :P | 13:08 |
popey | true | 13:09 |
Pendulum | the problem in NY is that the 8.5% is actually only approximate | 13:10 |
Pendulum | because the state sales tax is 4%, but all the cities and towns have their own additional sales tax\ | 13:10 |
Pendulum | (it's the only state I've spent time in regularly where that was true) | 13:10 |
Pendulum | so I think NYC was 8.5% | 13:11 |
Pendulum | I've found something that says the average for the state is 8.45% | 13:11 |
AlanBell | | 14:45 |
popey | Quiet in here today. | 15:50 |
* popey tickles dholbach | 15:50 | |
* dholbach hugs popey :) | 15:50 | |
jcastro | dholbach: 5 minutes? | 15:55 |
dholbach | yep | 15:56 |
JFo | jcastro, sorry I missed your ping. Whassup? | 15:57 |
JFo | it's headache day here at the JFo ranch | 15:57 |
* dholbach hugs JFo | 15:58 | |
dholbach | hey jono | 16:01 |
jcastro | can you guys connect to mumble? | 16:01 |
* JFo hugs dholbach | 16:01 | |
jono | dholbach, jcastro, dpm all set? | 16:01 |
jono | hey dholbach | 16:01 |
jono | dholbach, jcastro, dpm screw mumble, let's do skype | 16:01 |
jono | mumble never seems to work for me | 16:01 |
dpm | jono, ok all set | 16:01 |
dholbach | jono, why? | 16:01 |
jono | dholbach, no idea | 16:01 |
jcastro | I can't connect to mumble | 16:01 |
jcastro | says server disconnected? | 16:01 |
jono | jcastro, then connect to skype ;-) | 16:01 |
jono | ) | 16:01 |
jono | :-) | 16:01 |
dholbach | it'd be good to get that debugged and fixed | 16:01 |
jono | agreed | 16:01 |
jcastro | it would, just not right now | 16:01 |
jcastro | also, I am on natty now. | 16:02 |
jcastro | which in hindsight was a bad idea | 16:02 |
dholbach | jcastro, I didn't say it should be NOW :) | 16:02 |
=== cypher_ is now known as czajkowski | ||
jcastro | popey: is "ubuntudevs" on twitter you? | 16:27 |
JFo | so, unregistered nicks are getting K-lined in about an hour... just an FYI | 16:27 |
popey | nope | 16:28 |
popey | that account doesnt exist | 16:28 |
jcastro | yeah but I can't create it either | 16:28 |
popey | oooo | 16:28 |
popey | guess someone had it and renamed/deleted it | 16:29 |
popey | ubuntudev is available | 16:29 |
jcastro | snagged it | 16:30 |
jcastro | I think maybe nick grabbed it | 16:30 |
jcastro | I recall us snagging a ton of them | 16:30 |
jcastro | hey sense | 16:44 |
sense | hi jcastro | 16:44 |
jcastro | check out the post on ayatana from the guy who wants to start a loco | 16:45 |
jcastro | denmark | 16:45 |
sense | jcastro: On Planet? | 16:45 |
jcastro | no, ayatana mailing list | 16:45 |
jcastro | dang, I didn't mean sense | 16:45 |
jcastro | I meant paultag | 16:45 |
sense | ah | 16:45 |
paultag | herr? | 16:45 |
sense | :) | 16:45 |
paultag | jcastro, I'll snag it, thanks man | 16:46 |
jcastro | | 16:46 |
jcastro | paultag: help them out yo, that would be /killer/ to have an entire loco focusing on unity usability | 16:47 |
paultag | jcastro, aye | 16:47 |
paultag | You're my own savior. Thanks jcastro, is the thread dead and killed off or should I CC ayatana | 16:47 |
jcastro | mail him directly I would say | 16:47 |
jcastro | as the topic would be offtopic | 16:47 |
paultag | jcastro, righto. Cheers | 16:47 |
jcastro | also | 16:48 |
jcastro | do this: | 16:48 |
jono | dpm, let me know when the Ubuntu Translators page is finished on FB and I will tweet and FB it | 16:48 |
jcastro | paultag: CC me and too | 16:48 |
dpm | jono, yeah, I'm uploading some pictures now | 16:48 |
jcastro | she does usability studies | 16:48 |
AlanBell | JFo: that is just spam surely | 16:48 |
paultag | jcastro, done and done | 16:48 |
jcastro | <3 | 16:48 |
jono | dpm, awesome! | 16:48 |
paultag | jcastro, back atcha big guy :) | 16:49 |
JFo | AlanBell? | 16:49 |
AlanBell | the kline of unregistered nicks | 16:50 |
jono | dpm, might be wise to register ubuntul10n on too and cross post from Gwibber | 16:50 |
JFo | ah | 16:50 |
JFo | could be | 16:50 |
jcastro | jono: you might want to snag @ubuntuappdev | 16:50 |
jono | jcastro, wise | 16:50 |
jono | will do | 16:50 |
jcastro | daniel's now got @ubuntudev | 16:51 |
jcastro | hey paultag | 16:52 |
jcastro | you know what's awesome about ohio? | 16:52 |
paultag | jcastro, yo | 16:52 |
paultag | Oh christ | 16:52 |
jcastro | NOTHING | 16:52 |
paultag | jcastro, it's not Michigan? | 16:52 |
paultag | oh ffs :P | 16:52 |
jcastro | that never gets old | 16:52 |
paultag | jcastro, did you see that we're one of the most hungry states in the US? | 16:52 |
paultag | jcastro, and CLE is the 5th most depressed city. OWN IT! | 16:52 |
jono | jcastro, done | 16:53 |
dpm | jono, we've got the group already (which has an alias to ubuntul10n), I'm not sure if it's necessary to create an ubuntul10n user in as well. I'm open to any suggestions for not having to tweet/dent twice, though! :) | 16:53 |
jono | dpm, so can someone go to and see tweets? | 16:57 |
dpm | jono, no, that's what I meant, we've got a group instead of a user. People can go to and see tweets there - if creating a user is a better approach, I'm happy to create one | 17:00 |
jono | dpm, oh, I think we need the user too | 17:00 |
jono | and then people can see the same tweets on twitter or | 17:00 |
jono | could you register it too? | 17:01 |
jono | and then you can tweet once in gwibber and it goes to both accounts | 17:01 |
dpm | jono, ok, let me finish with fb first and then register it | 17:02 |
jcastro | people use identica still? | 17:02 |
paultag | jcastro, done. Cheers | 17:02 |
jono | dpm, you are a legend | 17:02 |
dpm | I wished :) | 17:02 |
dholbach | alright... claling it a day - see you all tomorrow! | 17:05 |
duanedesign | o/ | 17:05 |
dholbach | bye duanedesign | 17:05 |
duanedesign | cya tom | 17:05 |
jcastro | paultag: ... and over to charline | 17:10 |
jcastro | high five | 17:10 |
paultag | jcastro, ^5 | 17:13 |
czajkowski | evenng chaparoos | 17:55 |
Pici | \o | 17:56 |
dpm | jono, ok, FB page ready for announcement: | 17:57 |
dpm | Also if you could add the microblogging accounts in the announcement, that'd be great: | 17:57 |
dpm | | 17:57 |
dpm | | 17:57 |
dpm | Thanks! | 17:57 |
jono | thanks dpm! | 18:10 |
dpm | no worries | 18:11 |
dinda | doctormo: ping | 18:16 |
jcastro | dpm: that page looks great! | 18:17 |
dpm | jcastro, cool, glad you like it! | 18:17 |
jono | dpm, posted, lets see how many people join :) | 18:17 |
dpm | jono, awesome, thanks! | 18:18 |
jono | dpm, no, thank *you*! | 18:18 |
dpm | :-) | 18:18 |
jono | dpm, already 77 likes :-) | 18:22 |
dpm | wohoo, fantastic | 18:23 |
czajkowski | kenvandine needs a medal for his patience in debugging gwibber | 19:14 |
JanC | czajkowski: didn't he write most of those bugs himself? ;) | 19:39 |
JanC | (j/k) | 19:39 |
jcastro | heh | 19:45 |
czajkowski | dnno if folks can read this or not but | 19:49 |
czajkowski | | 19:49 |
JanC | czajkowski: without a Facebook account it's not readable it seems | 19:54 |
czajkowski | I am quite proud by the way I've destroyed Mark Shuttleworth's presentation by lending him my broken remote, faulty mouse pad, and my macbook that's in desperate need of ram. You've still delivered an inspiring talk. | 19:55 |
czajkowski | from one of the speakers at an event yesterday | 19:55 |
=== airurando_ is now known as airurando | ||
jcastro | jono: still need that unity.u.c stuff | 20:06 |
jono | jcastro, just finished my calls up until lunch | 21:06 |
jono | will check into it now | 21:06 |
czajkowski | jono: chatting in 55 ? you've mail | 21:07 |
jono | czajkowski, yup, thanks | 21:08 |
pleia2 | jussi: give me a nudge when you're around for a quick chat? | 21:17 |
jono | jcastro, hmmm my unity login doesnt work now | 21:21 |
jono | it seems that tried getting OpenID working, but it still doesnt let anyone in | 21:21 |
jono | jcastro, I will follow up with IS about it | 21:22 |
doctormo | dinda: pong | 21:37 |
* jono thinks aloud...if only I could here the dulcit tones of an Irishwoman saying "curly wurly" to me... | 21:57 | |
czajkowski | oi oi | 21:58 |
czajkowski | cheeky | 21:58 |
* czajkowski slurs on her PG tips mug of tea | 21:58 | |
czajkowski | jono: ready ? | 21:59 |
jono | czajkowski, yup, I will call you up | 22:00 |
czajkowski | lovely jubbly | 22:00 |
jcastro | jono: ok done, rendering | 22:06 |
jcastro | let's hope it turned out ok | 22:06 |
czajkowski | jono: see pm | 22:35 |
jono | everyone: | 22:55 |
Pendulum | jono: when do you want to reschedule our call for? | 22:57 |
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