dholbach | good morning! | 07:51 |
dholbach | nigelb, are you planning anything to get people in action for cleansweep this cycle? | 07:54 |
nigelb | dholbach: oh yes, you didn't see my blog post? | 07:54 |
dholbach | the one with the statistics? | 07:54 |
nigelb | yeah | 07:54 |
nigelb | more to come :) | 07:54 |
dholbach | I wonder if we should ask folks to pick the patch-accepted-* ones and push them into sponsoring | 07:55 |
nigelb | We'd have to make sure it hasn't come into Debian/Ubuntu yet | 07:55 |
dholbach | well, if it's in Ubuntu already, we can just close the bug | 07:57 |
dholbach | in the other case it'd be more about merging/syncing | 07:57 |
nigelb | Yeah | 08:01 |
nigelb | The thing is we'd have to show the different 'opportunies' to help from patch review | 08:01 |
nigelb | One would be to review new patches | 08:01 |
nigelb | the other would be to review the patches that have already been reviewed | 08:01 |
nigelb | like the ones accepted | 08:01 |
dholbach | well | 08:01 |
dholbach | that should be easy | 08:01 |
dholbach | we can feed them into harvest | 08:02 |
nigelb | I was getting there :) | 08:02 |
nigelb | Do you want me to do something regarding that or would you be able to take care of it? | 08:02 |
dholbach | I think bdmurray can easily get lp to spit out a list of bugs that can be fed into LP | 08:03 |
dholbach | we just need to make sure that we add proper explanation to it, so people know what it's about | 08:03 |
dholbach | which bug lists do you think would make sense? | 08:03 |
nigelb | one would be just the patch tahg | 08:05 |
nigelb | and one would be the ones that have been upstreamed | 08:05 |
nigelb | and accepted | 08:05 |
nigelb | and the last woule be ones that need work | 08:05 |
nigelb | (so anyone can help if required) | 08:05 |
dholbach | patch tag but no other of the patch-* tags, right? | 08:06 |
nigelb | Yep | 08:06 |
dholbach | ok, that sounds good to me | 08:07 |
nigelb | If you want to do a call to nail down specific things, I can :) | 08:07 |
dholbach | maybe you could file a bug on harvest-data about that? and subscribe brian-murray? | 08:10 |
nigelb | dholbach: No worries, I'll talk to Brian myself today :) | 08:21 |
dholbach | nigelb, super | 08:23 |
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