itnet7 | anyone seen chloric or govatent? | 00:57 |
MichelleQ2 | chloric was around earlier today, but I haven't seen him recently | 00:57 |
itnet7 | Hey there MichelleQ! He's the only one that had an agenda item | 00:58 |
itnet7 | I still want to bring up his topic though | 00:58 |
MichelleQ2 | I couldn't remember if we had a meeting or not. :-P don't even know what day of the week it is. | 00:58 |
itnet7 | because I think it would be cool to have a discussion on what the team thinks about "Promotional Events" | 00:59 |
X-Man | hello everyone | 00:59 |
itnet7 | Hey there X-Man ! | 00:59 |
itnet7 | Hopefully there will be a bit of discussion, and then we can end the meeting a little early | 01:00 |
itnet7 | :-) | 01:00 |
itnet7 | #startmeeting | 01:00 |
Mootbot-UK | Meeting started at 01:00. The chair is itnet7. | 01:00 |
Mootbot-UK | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 01:00 |
itnet7 | ping Catsceo cjohnston dantalizing mhall119 pak33m reya276 RoAkSoAx zoopster | 01:01 |
reya276 | hey | 01:01 |
itnet7 | Hey there reya276 ! | 01:01 |
reya276 | trying to stay awake, they got me working like a slave | 01:01 |
itnet7 | I am going to ask Alanbell for an enhancement request to mootbot to Anounce the start of athe meeting | 01:01 |
MichelleQ2 | mhall119 is putting kids to bed | 01:01 |
itnet7 | Ah! No worries reya276 | 01:02 |
itnet7 | I just thought we would discuss chloric's topic | 01:02 |
itnet7 | [TOPIC] Discussion for an Ubuntu Promotional Hour | 01:02 |
Mootbot-UK | New Topic: Discussion for an Ubuntu Promotional Hour | 01:02 |
itnet7 | quick show of hands to see whether or not we have a couple of people that can weigh in thoughts on this | 01:03 |
itnet7 | o/ | 01:03 |
X-Man | o/ | 01:04 |
itnet7 | If not we can hold off until next meeting.... | 01:04 |
MichelleQ2 | o/ | 01:04 |
X-Man | Sorry what is the Ubuntu Promotion Hour? | 01:04 |
* mhall119 is here | 01:04 | |
itnet7 | Hey there mhall119 ! | 01:04 |
itnet7 | X-Man: it's similar to a standard Ubuntu hour | 01:04 |
itnet7 | but | 01:04 |
itnet7 | their idea was to reserve a venue | 01:05 |
itnet7 | setup a pc, where passersby can try out Ubuntu | 01:05 |
X-Man | That sounds cool | 01:06 |
itnet7 | Browse the Web a bit, play some of the games | 01:06 |
itnet7 | Use the wordprocessor, gimp, etc | 01:06 |
itnet7 | showcase some Ubuntu goodness | 01:06 |
itnet7 | the thing I wanted to ask everyone about, is that chloric and govatent talked with flux which is similar to a LUG downsouth | 01:07 |
MichelleQ2 | that'd be cool | 01:07 |
MichelleQ2 | we could probably rummage up some equipment for the team to use | 01:07 |
itnet7 | and wanted to do stuff together with flux, but the leader of flux said they wouldn't participate in an "Ubuntu" only event | 01:07 |
itnet7 | Chloric was saying that he and govatent wanted to in that case showcase meego, and other Open source stuff like chromeos | 01:09 |
itnet7 | I don't think that's a big deal if flux were to head it up, and govatent and chloric wanted to support it | 01:10 |
itnet7 | but it shouldn't be advertised in my opinion as a "Ubuntu Florida Team" Event | 01:11 |
itnet7 | any thoughts? | 01:11 |
MichelleQ2 | seems reasonable to me | 01:11 |
X-Man | me too | 01:11 |
MichelleQ2 | we can just support the effort, without making it a team sanctioned event | 01:11 |
itnet7 | Well, I don't want to discourage any help that we can give to others, but I do think it would be awkward to open an Ubuntu Hour to Maemo, etc. just to get some flux members to attend | 01:12 |
itnet7 | or is it trivial? | 01:13 |
MichelleQ2 | I don't know that it's a big deal one way or another | 01:14 |
itnet7 | I just said that I would ask them if it would be allright to send an invite to their mailing list | 01:16 |
X-Man | The event and should have something demoing Ubuntu | 01:16 |
itnet7 | and let them know if they need support at installfests or other events, that we would be glad to help | 01:17 |
MichelleQ2 | seems reasonable | 01:17 |
itnet7 | Well, I just really wanted a gauge to see if I was the only one that felt that if the team is doing an event, that we should advocate Ubuntu is all | 01:18 |
itnet7 | Does anyone else have anything they would like to discuss, or any ideas to discuss? | 01:19 |
MichelleQ2 | nope, not at the moment. | 01:19 |
itnet7 | [TOPIC] Open Meeting | 01:19 |
Mootbot-UK | New Topic: Open Meeting | 01:19 |
X-Man | where is the next UDS going to be held at | 01:20 |
MichelleQ2 | Budapest | 01:20 |
* MichelleQ2 can't spell, tho | 01:20 | |
itnet7 | X-Man: Hungary | 01:20 |
MichelleQ2 | OH, I do want to thank everyone who helped pull off the welcome party! | 01:20 |
X-Man | What about the one in the Fall | 01:20 |
itnet7 | Then hopefully the next one will return to Florida | 01:20 |
X-Man | really? | 01:21 |
itnet7 | Thanks to you too MichelleQ you guys did a lot of work to help get that off the ground!! | 01:21 |
MichelleQ2 | itnet7: couldn't have done it without the team's help! | 01:21 |
X-Man | Thanks MIchelleQ | 01:21 |
itnet7 | Definitely | 01:21 |
MichelleQ2 | dantalizing, you, zoopster, everyone who was involved. It was a spectacular success | 01:21 |
itnet7 | That's exactly what I told Mark S. | 01:22 |
MichelleQ2 | I had the utmost of compliments from Marianna. She stopped me, and told me that in her years of doing UDS, she'd never seen anything like it before done by a team. | 01:22 |
itnet7 | That Rocks!! | 01:22 |
MichelleQ2 | I was touched. | 01:23 |
X-Man | That does Rock | 01:23 |
itnet7 | X-Man: it's definitely not confirmed, but it was absolutely discussed | 01:23 |
itnet7 | having it in Florida again | 01:23 |
X-Man | I will be there this time | 01:23 |
itnet7 | Marianna said that we need wait to get the feedback | 01:23 |
itnet7 | but I think everyone loved the location! | 01:23 |
MichelleQ2 | I sure hope it happens - I *loved* being able to be around so many friends | 01:23 |
itnet7 | Definitely | 01:24 |
MichelleQ2 | we had a great night with the women's team being here, and then having houseguests for several days afterward | 01:24 |
itnet7 | I bet that all of you had a ball!! | 01:24 |
MichelleQ2 | It was a blast... and really, really, solidified the idea of family between several of us | 01:24 |
MichelleQ2 | If nothing else, UDS made me realize that I do have a place in this community thing, and that I have something important to contribute. It was amazing. | 01:25 |
itnet7 | Oh, One thing... Let's make a concerted effort to try and utilize If you're trying to use it and you see a problem let me know | 01:25 |
MichelleQ2 | definitely | 01:25 |
itnet7 | MichelleQ2: Absolutely | 01:25 |
itnet7 | There have been some discrepancies with rights, and openid, but I think were through the thick of it | 01:26 |
itnet7 | Florida Team's planet should be working flawlessly as well | 01:27 |
MichelleQ2 | awesome | 01:27 |
itnet7 | thanks to dantalizing ! | 01:27 |
MichelleQ2 | I got my blog up on Planet, finally. | 01:27 |
itnet7 | MichelleQ2: Sweet!! | 01:27 |
MichelleQ2 | I'll have to get it up on ours as well. | 01:27 |
itnet7 | As soon as I learn how to add them, I will ping you sometime and hook you up | 01:28 |
* MichelleQ2 shamelessly plugs | 01:28 | |
MichelleQ2 | :-) | 01:28 |
itnet7 | nice!! | 01:28 |
cjohnston | o/ | 01:28 |
itnet7 | hey there cjohnston ! | 01:28 |
* MichelleQ2 waves | 01:28 | |
cjohnston | howfy | 01:28 |
cjohnston | howdy | 01:29 |
MichelleQ2 | I like howfy | 01:29 |
MichelleQ2 | :D | 01:29 |
itnet7 | gonna end the meeting... unless anyone has anything they'd like to add | 01:29 |
X-Man | nope | 01:29 |
itnet7 | ok then.. | 01:30 |
MichelleQ2 | nope! | 01:30 |
itnet7 | #endmeeting | 01:30 |
Mootbot-UK | Meeting finished at 01:30. | 01:30 |
MichelleQ2 | awesome | 01:30 |
itnet7 | MichelleQ2: have you ever geocached? | 01:30 |
MichelleQ2 | we've talked about it, but haven't actually tried. | 01:31 |
itnet7 | well I guess, that is really directed towards anyone :-) | 01:31 |
itnet7 | Oh.. My... I have become addicted | 01:31 |
MichelleQ2 | rofl! | 01:31 |
itnet7 | check this out | 01:31 |
itnet7 | well let me find the link | 01:31 |
MichelleQ2 | I need to get some sort of handheld gps doo-dad, don't I? | 01:31 |
X-Man | I heard some of the TOMTOM gps can download and install a geocache software | 01:32 |
itnet7 | you have an android phone, no? | 01:32 |
itnet7 | | 01:32 |
MichelleQ2 | itnet7: I do, ye | 01:32 |
MichelleQ2 | yes | 01:32 |
itnet7 | there are a bunch of great apps, the best one is free | 01:33 |
itnet7 | c:geo for android | 01:33 |
MichelleQ2 | awesome, I'll download | 01:33 |
itnet7 | all you'd need is the "Free" account | 01:34 |
MichelleQ2 | with us having the camper, we've talked about getting the kids into it. | 01:34 |
MichelleQ2 | figured it'd be something fun to do when we're out camping | 01:35 |
itnet7 | You don't need the premium membership, unless you really like it and want to do some member-only caches | 01:35 |
itnet7 | MichelleQ2: absolutely | 01:35 |
MichelleQ2 | sounds cool | 01:35 |
itnet7 | X-Man: Yeah, I think they list some of the gps that do support it | 01:36 |
MichelleQ2 | itnet7: your username itnet7? | 01:37 |
itnet7 | I did the caches and created the everytrail trip mapping right from my phone | 01:37 |
itnet7 | MichelleQ2: yes | 01:37 |
itnet7 | for now | 01:37 |
MichelleQ2 | excellent. :-) | 01:37 |
X-Man | itnet7, so you are using your andriod to Geocache | 01:37 |
itnet7 | X-Man: yup | 01:37 |
itnet7 | that's all I use | 01:37 |
itnet7 | my buddy has a handheld gps | 01:37 |
itnet7 | and he is surprised by the accuracy of the phone | 01:37 |
MichelleQ2 | awesome. I'll get the app and maybe we can give it a try this weekend | 01:38 |
itnet7 | I am probably going to buy and extended battery | 01:38 |
MichelleQ2 | good idea | 01:38 |
X-Man | itnet7, that is really cool so the android phone is pretty accurate? | 01:38 |
itnet7 | MichelleQ2: if you don't get a chance, we'll do a couple of easy one's in the area to get you started if you visit | 01:38 |
itnet7 | X-Man: wicked accurate | 01:39 |
X-Man | nice | 01:39 |
itnet7 | I am using an evo | 01:39 |
itnet7 | they do have ratings of phones on the site | 01:39 |
itnet7 | my buddy has a palmos phone | 01:39 |
X-Man | itnet7, so you are on sprint now | 01:39 |
itnet7 | and his is okay, but no where near as accurate | 01:39 |
itnet7 | X-Man: yes, thank God! | 01:39 |
itnet7 | Finally got away from t-mo | 01:40 |
X-Man | itnet7, was t-mo bad in you area? | 01:40 |
itnet7 | Yes, unfortunately, because I liked their service | 01:40 |
itnet7 | Well | 01:40 |
MichelleQ2 | itnet7: excellent. :-) I think we've found which campground we're gonna try to get into | 01:40 |
itnet7 | I mean Customer Service | 01:40 |
itnet7 | Coolbeans! | 01:41 |
X-Man | night everyone | 01:41 |
itnet7 | gnight X-Man talk with you soon! | 01:41 |
itnet7 | MichelleQ2: Hannya absolutely loves it | 01:42 |
MichelleQ2 | excellent! I think the kids will like it, if we can have some easy success to get started | 01:42 |
itnet7 | Most starbucks have hidden caches | 01:43 |
MichelleQ2 | really? | 01:44 |
MichelleQ2 | cool | 01:44 |
itnet7 | MichelleQ2: pm? | 01:44 |
b0gatyr | greetings! | 03:09 |
=== excid|mbp is now known as excid3|mbp | ||
maxolasersquad | It's one of those days where I have to pick which problem with production I have to fix first. | 14:48 |
reya276 | Morning Everyone | 15:45 |
itnet7 | Hey there reya276 ! | 15:55 |
reya276 | itnet7, hello | 15:56 |
govatent | does anyone use icq? | 16:16 |
reya276 | is it possible to change the name of a MYSQL DB? | 18:25 |
reya276 | or actually change the name of a MYSQL Schema? | 18:25 |
reya276 | When I try to Alter Schema all I can do is change the default collation | 18:27 |
DammitJim | govatent, I don't, but why do you ask? | 18:43 |
DammitJim | ICQ was my first IM, then it got hacked and never went back | 18:43 |
DammitJim | 829044 was my number | 18:43 |
govatent | DammitJim, it currently broke in empathy | 19:20 |
DammitJim | yikes | 19:20 |
govatent | yup | 19:20 |
govatent | so i want to file a bug or see if people have already done so and what i can do to help debug it | 19:21 |
govatent | same problem in pidgin as well according to the forums | 19:21 |
dantalizing | mhall119: i used to use the wp packages, but they're old, and I hate having my "site" spread all over the filesystem ... so I moved back to using the tgz release | 19:24 |
dantalizing | morning all | 19:25 |
mhall119 | ok, that was kind of my thoughts too, I just wasn't sure if the advantages of it being maintained by the repos was worth it | 19:25 |
mhall119 | and good afternoon | 19:25 |
dantalizing | the repos dont keep up with the security releases nearly quick enough | 19:26 |
dantalizing | and the upgrade is painless anyway | 19:26 |
mhall119 | cool | 19:28 |
mhall119 | thanks | 19:28 |
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