kklimonda | rye: as it's late and rodrigo is sleeping could you guys take a look at some couchdb/desktopcouch-glib api I'm thinking over? ;) | 00:00 |
kklimonda | alecu: ^ | 00:00 |
kklimonda | or are you guys die hard python fans? :) | 00:00 |
alecu | kklimonda, I'm a rabid pythoneer, but I might take a look as well :-) | 00:01 |
kklimonda | alecu: I'm writing brief.. but it's getting longer ;) | 00:06 |
kklimonda | alecu: http://pastebin.com/9t3teHzv ;) | 00:11 |
kklimonda | the problem is - I really like the new approach but I've came up with it at 6AM after 8 hours long coding session ;) | 00:16 |
kklimonda | so I'm actually not sure how sane it is | 00:16 |
alecu | kklimonda, I'm reading your spec, and it sounds nice. | 00:22 |
alecu | kklimonda, I haven't done much desktopcouch though, I've only played with it thru the python api. | 00:22 |
alecu | kklimonda, btw: you are planning on adding gobject support in that new api, right? | 00:23 |
kklimonda | alecu: what do you mean? | 00:23 |
kklimonda | gobject or gobject introspection? :) | 00:23 |
alecu | kklimonda, yes, introspection, right. | 00:24 |
alecu | I guess I'm kinda sleepy tonight :-) | 00:24 |
kklimonda | alecu: yes - that's the problem with our first, hacky tbh, idea to use #defines to ensure that you don't type wrong field names :) | 00:25 |
kklimonda | alecu: I'm planning on making bouch couchdb-glib and desktopcouch-glib fully introspectable | 00:25 |
alecu | cool. | 00:26 |
duanedesign | hello kklimonda | 00:41 |
kklimonda | hey :) | 00:41 |
duanedesign | kklimonda: hope you have been well | 00:41 |
kklimonda | duanedesign: I'm really busy with all the stuff I'm doing lately around Ubuntu. And it doesn't show :( | 00:44 |
kklimonda | actually that's probably because I write a couchdb powered application and that's why I feel like I always do something related to Ubuntu ;) | 00:45 |
duanedesign | :) | 00:48 |
duanedesign | morning friends | 09:00 |
kklimonda | hey duanedesign :) | 09:00 |
duanedesign | hey kklimonda | 09:01 |
duanedesign | morning rodrigo_ | 09:34 |
rodrigo_ | hi duanedesign | 09:34 |
lalejand | Hi, can't delete some contacts beginning with "." or "/" in U1 web interface | 10:14 |
lalejand | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/676297 | 10:14 |
ubot4 | lalejand: Error: Bug #676297 is private. | 10:14 |
lalejand | argh. And launchpad is on maintenance | 10:15 |
duanedesign | hello lalejand | 10:19 |
lalejand | duanedesign : hi | 10:19 |
lalejand | duanedesign : I have a video on launchpad showing the problem | 10:20 |
duanedesign | lalejand: yeah i was triaging some bugs... | 10:20 |
duanedesign | looking now to see how long Lp will be down | 10:21 |
lalejand | duanedesign : here it is http://ubuntuone.com/p/Pfu/ | 10:21 |
duanedesign | lalejand: I have a contact that begins with a ? and I get a similar result | 10:31 |
lalejand | I have some problems with my couchDb adressbook, and I'm wondering if it is related with this | 10:32 |
duanedesign | lalejand: hmmm | 10:32 |
duanedesign | lalejand: something you can try is... | 10:32 |
duanedesign | lalejand: run this command: evolution --force-shutdown | 10:33 |
duanedesign | then: /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.28 | 10:33 |
duanedesign | Then, start Evolution again and try to open again the CouchDB addressbook. If it fails, have a look at the output on the terminal, it should have some hints as to why it failed. | 10:33 |
duanedesign | lalejand: i have to get the family off this morning. Will be back in about 30 minutes | 10:35 |
duanedesign | rye will probably be in any minute now as well | 10:35 |
lalejand | duanedesign : ok will try | 10:38 |
lalejand | I don't have any evolution-data-server-2.28 in /usr/lib/evolution/ | 10:41 |
lalejand | Does someone have a similar bug ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/676297 | 10:50 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 676297 in ubuntuone-servers "Can't delete some contacts beginning with "." or "/" (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] | 10:50 |
lalejand | duanedesign : are back ? | 11:18 |
duanedesign | lalejand: yep | 11:26 |
lalejand | I don't have any evolution-data-server-2.28 in /usr/lib/evolution/ | 11:29 |
duanedesign | lalejand: youron maverick right? | 11:29 |
lalejand | duanedesign : yes | 11:30 |
duanedesign | lalejand: yep looks like they moved it on us | 11:30 |
* duanedesign looking | 11:30 | |
lalejand | i run evo 2.30.3 | 11:30 |
larsemil | should i be able to add contacts in my evolution couch db? i am not... | 11:32 |
duanedesign | lalejand: what version of Ubuntu are you running? 10.10 (maverick)? | 11:33 |
duanedesign | oops | 11:33 |
duanedesign | i mean larsemil | 11:33 |
larsemil | 10.10 yes. i was able to add new now. was not two days ago. | 11:34 |
larsemil | next question. i am using android and ubuntu one mobile to sync my contacts. But i would also like to be able to access my shared files on my android, is that possible? | 11:40 |
duanedesign | lalejand: there is an application in the works to do just that | 11:41 |
duanedesign | oop again | 11:41 |
duanedesign | larsemil: there is an application in the works to do just that | 11:41 |
lalejand | duanedesign : what test can I do ? Is there a way to reset the contacts on U1 servers ? | 11:42 |
duanedesign | lalejand: im still trying to find where they put the binary for the evolution-data-server :P | 11:43 |
lalejand | duanedesign : ok | 11:43 |
larsemil | duanedesign: cool. estimated time when its ready? | 11:45 |
duanedesign | larsemil: karni could probably best answer that | 11:47 |
lalejand | duanedesign : i'm going to have lunch, will check you when I come back | 11:52 |
duanedesign | lalejand: ok | 11:53 |
duanedesign | bug 666404 | 11:59 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 666404 in evolution-couchdb (Ubuntu) "Cannot reliably delete contacts (affects: 14) (heat: 197)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/666404 | 11:59 |
duanedesign | rodrigo_: /8 | 12:16 |
duanedesign | oops | 12:16 |
rodrigo_ | :) | 12:16 |
psypher246 | hi all | 12:17 |
duanedesign | hello psypher246 | 12:17 |
psypher246 | duane, how do i log a bug report for ubuntuone music client for android, dunno how to pull logs of the client | 12:18 |
duanedesign | psypher246: hmm. that is a good question | 12:19 |
beuno | psypher246, https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-music | 12:19 |
beuno | what problem are you having? | 12:19 |
duanedesign | i would ask...there he is | 12:19 |
duanedesign | :) | 12:19 |
psypher246 | thanks | 12:20 |
beuno | hiya duanedesign :) | 12:20 |
duanedesign | beuno: good morning | 12:20 |
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food | ||
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga | ||
Chupawindows | mandel: ping | 15:03 |
mandel | Chupawindows, pong | 15:04 |
addiks | hi, how can i reset the ubuntu-one-client? | 15:06 |
duanedesign | addiks: hello | 15:24 |
duanedesign | addiks: what is it you are trying to do? | 15:24 |
duanedesign | addiks: or what is the issue you are having? | 15:25 |
addiks | i have incedently deleted the ubuntu-one-folder and now i have a full queue of unlink-operations that i cannot get rid of. i want to delete the queue, the folder and then re-download it | 15:50 |
karni | larsemil: hey. you can fetch AndroidU1 here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AndroidU1 - we're currently working on a new version from scratch, so you can expect even better app released in alpha this year hopefully :) | 15:52 |
beuno | heya karni | 15:53 |
karni | hi beuno :) | 15:53 |
karni | I mixed days with nights. it's 5PM and I just got up o_O | 15:53 |
beuno | heh | 15:54 |
beuno | been there | 15:54 |
duanedesign | good morning karni ;) | 15:54 |
beuno | it's much more quiet to work | 15:54 |
karni | haha, hi duanedesign ;) | 15:54 |
karni | beuno: true! | 15:54 |
beuno | karni, how's the re-write going? | 15:54 |
duanedesign | addiks: ok | 15:54 |
karni | I prefer to code at nights. it's silent and less disturbing (in sense of mails/IMs/etc) | 15:55 |
duanedesign | addiks: i think I can help | 15:55 |
duanedesign | addiks: first thing is to open a Terminal and run the command: u1sdtool -q | 15:55 |
karni | beuno: so-so I must say. wanting it to be better imposes more time consuming thinking. *but*, I said what I said, and I still plan to have it ready, at least partially, this month | 15:56 |
beuno | awesome | 15:56 |
beuno | where are you at now? | 15:56 |
karni | :) | 15:56 |
karni | beuno: I was trying to separate meta and content download in the service. I don't know however if I won't make that matter similar to AU1, and leave it for little refactor for later and continue with new UI. | 15:57 |
karni | I wanted to separate that to keep it clean and robust. | 15:57 |
karni | in practice, meta queue will be heavinly working at the begining ('hi, thanks for using this software. I'll sync meta now! be patient') | 15:58 |
* beuno nods | 15:58 | |
karni | and in the mean time, if the user forces refresh | 15:58 |
karni | the content queue might be much more busy | 16:01 |
karni | so yes.. I'm currently trying to implement that stuff separately and nicely integrate into the service | 16:01 |
karni | content queue - in the sense that it should schedule download work during regular app use. and, say, limit simultaneous downloads to 3 or 5 | 16:01 |
beuno | right | 16:01 |
karni | beuno: when I have stuff to test, you and aq will be first to be notified :) | 16:02 |
beuno | karni, :) | 16:02 |
beuno | I've been working with our new graphic designer | 16:02 |
karni | aha? | 16:02 |
beuno | hope to be able to send some UI proposals before the end of the year | 16:03 |
* karni nods :) | 16:04 | |
addiks | so, it says the syncdeamon is stopped. | 16:06 |
duanedesign | addiks: this will get you started. When you get to the part where you pastebin the logs ping me and I will double check to make sure everything is good and you are ready to connect the syncdaemon http://paste.ubuntu.com/533501/ | 16:07 |
addiks | so, the folder is deleted and the queue empty, but now i get auth_failed without being asked for login. i am currently logged into one.ubuntu.com. http://paste.ubuntu.com/533503/ | 16:15 |
duanedesign | addiks: ok. Can you open System > Preferences > Password and Encryption Keys | 16:19 |
addiks | ok, i have | 16:20 |
duanedesign | addiks: look for the Ubuntu One Token | 16:20 |
addiks | delete it? | 16:20 |
duanedesign | addiks: yes | 16:20 |
duanedesign | addiks: then run this command: killall ubuntu-sso-login; u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c | 16:21 |
duanedesign | (that is for Maverick 10.10) | 16:22 |
duanedesign | addiks: then when it asks you to add your computer there is a link at the bottom of the window for existing accounts | 16:22 |
addiks | ok, there are a bunch of upload-operations in the queue now. all from "/home/addiks/.ubuntuone/Purchased from..." | 16:22 |
addiks | no meta-operations | 16:23 |
karni | ostro | 16:23 |
karni | sry | 16:23 |
duanedesign | addiks: are the files still in the cloud https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ | 16:24 |
addiks | yes | 16:25 |
mahen | Hi everyone + Honk :) | 16:25 |
mahen | Well, just in case : I have another issue with U1 :) It used to be stuck when processing metadata b/c of a moved directory : this is fixed with the latest server update. However : I've been uploading about 6 GB of data, but the U1 daemon is still sending the very same 350 MB avi file... | 16:27 |
mahen | (if anyone is interested : I have a full debug log) | 16:27 |
duanedesign | addiks: removing the ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon should trick U1 into thinking this is a new computer and result in it downloading your files from the cloud | 16:33 |
duanedesign | mahen: if you would like to pastebin the syncdaemon.log I can take a look. | 16:33 |
mahen | duanedesign: actually, John just replied about it on the bugtracker : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/666942 So I wonder if that is necessary as it seems to be a known bug ? | 16:34 |
ubot4 | mahen: Error: Bug #666942 is private. | 16:34 |
mahen | "We have a known issue with very large files and clients that don't have super-fast t1 lines to do their uploads. " ""Our connection to s3 times out. We're sorry for this inconvenience and are working on solutions. " | 16:34 |
mahen | (in my case : uploading a 250 MB file with a connection that can upload at about 100 KB / second) | 16:35 |
mahen | (note : the bugreport was about another bug, but I mentioned it on the same thread) | 16:35 |
addiks | ah, it looks like it is now downloading the files. | 16:36 |
duanedesign | addiks: ok great | 16:38 |
duanedesign | addiks: i think the team is working on an easier solution for resolving accicental deletes. | 16:38 |
duanedesign | mahen: ahh ok | 16:38 |
beuno | kenvandine, hai! so, where do I find these gwibber logs? | 16:52 |
kenvandine | ~/.cache/gwibber/gwibber.log | 16:53 |
addiks | is it possible to manipulate the order of the ubuntu-one download-queue? | 16:59 |
beuno | kenvandine, http://ubuntuone.com/p/PiS/ | 17:02 |
beuno | let me know what else I can do to help | 17:02 |
beuno | thanks | 17:02 |
kenvandine | beuno, thank you! | 17:02 |
kenvandine | beuno, ok, so it looks like you have some search streams defined | 17:08 |
kenvandine | do you see them in the client UI? | 17:08 |
kenvandine | and i should really make gwibber log the version number :) | 17:09 |
kenvandine | what version of gwibber is it? | 17:09 |
kenvandine | beuno, ^^ | 17:09 |
kenvandine | beuno, if you see those search streams in the UI, select them and close them | 17:15 |
kenvandine | and see if it gets better | 17:15 |
kenvandine | i suspect there is something broken in those search streams | 17:15 |
kenvandine | beuno, and if it does help... add a new search for the same string and see if it still pegs the cpu | 17:16 |
addiks | thanks @duanedesign for the help. bye | 17:37 |
beuno | kenvandine, sorry, went out to lunch | 17:40 |
beuno | aha | 17:40 |
beuno | well | 17:40 |
beuno | I forgot about those | 17:40 |
shane4ubuntu | ok, I have a whole folder full of files that show the syncing icon (circle) and yet, U1 indicator is reporting that all files are up to date. ??? | 20:05 |
shane4ubuntu | also to whom it may concern, I updated bug #667499 because more of my data disappeared. I mean I know you will be notified via the bug thing too, just a heads up. :) | 20:11 |
ubot4 | shane4ubuntu: Bug 667499 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/667499 is private | 20:11 |
shane4ubuntu | wow, slow in here today. :) | 20:12 |
beuno | shane4ubuntu, 70% of the team is sprinting or in training :) | 20:15 |
beuno | this week | 20:15 |
shane4ubuntu | beuno, wow, didn't know you had to be 'fit' to be part of the u1 team. :) | 20:16 |
shane4ubuntu | I thought that was for the military. :) | 20:16 |
* beuno looks around the room | 20:16 | |
beuno | it varies :) | 20:16 |
shane4ubuntu | is this for like a charity race? or something? | 20:17 |
shane4ubuntu | nothing wrong with being healthy. | 20:17 |
shane4ubuntu | or fit | 20:17 |
karni | haha ^ ^ | 20:17 |
karni | shane4ubuntu: you're kidding, right ^ ^? | 20:17 |
* karni chuckles cheerfully | 20:17 | |
beuno | shane4ubuntu, sprinting == working int he same room like crazy for a week | 20:18 |
shane4ubuntu | well, I was, except that last part. :0 ;) | 20:18 |
beuno | training == getting trained in cassandra, a new nosql db | 20:18 |
karni | and there you nave an explanation :) | 20:18 |
shane4ubuntu | beuno, oohh, thanks! | 20:18 |
beuno | and there's a lot of food involved | 20:18 |
beuno | so properly the opposite of what you where thinking :) | 20:19 |
* karni just googled cassandra | 20:19 | |
shane4ubuntu | lol, well, it was worth a shot. | 20:19 |
karni | neat! | 20:19 |
shane4ubuntu | ok, any how, anyone around that can help me get the rights logs around for more missing data? | 20:19 |
shane4ubuntu | don't want to miss the opporunity | 20:19 |
beuno | shane4ubuntu, I don't think so, unless Chipaca` is around | 20:20 |
shane4ubuntu | looked for the two I know, rye and duanedesign, but both seem to be out. | 20:20 |
Chipaca` | shane4ubuntu: do you have debug on? | 20:20 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, I think | 20:20 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, no | 20:21 |
Chipaca` | shane4ubuntu: :( | 20:21 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, wait, I mean, the logging.conf is changed, because it never worked with that file the way it was | 20:21 |
shane4ubuntu | I reported that in the bug. | 20:21 |
shane4ubuntu | bug #667499 | 20:22 |
ubot4 | shane4ubuntu: Bug 667499 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/667499 is private | 20:22 |
shane4ubuntu | always gave errors when starting with the logging stuff on | 20:22 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, here is my logging.conf that seems to cause problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/533590/ | 20:23 |
Chipaca` | shane4ubuntu: line 5 should be next to the = on line 4 | 20:24 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, well, that would account for the problem. :) | 20:24 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, I should have saw that, I hate it when I overlook such simple things like that. | 20:25 |
Chipaca` | :) | 20:26 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, ok, this is the error I get when I have that file in place, even with it fixed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/533593/ | 20:26 |
shane4ubuntu | and if I disable that file, then I don't get that error. | 20:27 |
shane4ubuntu | I get that error, starting u1 with u1sdtool --start | 20:27 |
Chipaca` | shane4ubuntu: I've got to run, and other people that could help you are in a course this week | 20:27 |
Chipaca` | shane4ubuntu: running syncdaemon by hand should give you more useful output | 20:28 |
Chipaca` | that is, /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon | 20:28 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, ok, thanks | 20:28 |
shane4ubuntu | I won't keep you, I guess we will tackle this later. | 20:28 |
Chipaca` | shane4ubuntu: what does u1sdtool --list-shared produce? | 20:29 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, No shared | 20:30 |
shane4ubuntu | that isn't good. | 20:30 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, if you gotta go, that is ok, we can work on it another time. | 20:30 |
Chipaca` | shane4ubuntu: not to be confused with --list-shares | 20:30 |
shane4ubuntu | Chipaca`, ooooh, right, | 20:31 |
Chipaca` | clearly different | 20:31 |
Chipaca` | ok, bbl, ttyl, etc :) | 20:31 |
shane4ubuntu | lol, No shares either. :) lol | 20:31 |
kklimonda | aquarius: Chipaca`: is couchdb authorization scheme enough to implement things like "some documents can be synced only by other couchdb instances only if user who syncs is on a list" or "some users can only sync documents one way"? | 20:34 |
kklimonda | for example - would it be possible to implement calendar related stuff based only on couchdb? | 20:34 |
kklimonda | for that to works well you would need r/w access to some documents for one group of people, r/o for another group of people and r/o with obfuscation for another | 20:35 |
aquarius | hey kklimonda | 20:37 |
kklimonda | hey :) | 20:37 |
aquarius | kklimonda, we'll have that as part of the app developer programme in 11.04 | 20:38 |
kklimonda | aquarius: but will it work at the couchdb level or will it be desktopcouch specific? | 20:38 |
aquarius | That'll happen in your CouchDBs at Ubuntu One | 20:38 |
aquarius | so it's at couchdb level. | 20:39 |
kklimonda | aquarius: so couchdb authentication is flexible enough to provide such things? | 20:39 |
aquarius | kklimonda, not right at the moment it isn't, but it will be for 11.04 ;-) | 20:40 |
kklimonda | aquarius: ah :) | 20:40 |
kklimonda | I can imagine some cool stuff that you can do with it.. | 20:41 |
kklimonda | making U1 into a nice calendar server beingh one of them | 20:41 |
aquarius | I'd be interested in hearing that cool list, and indeed also interested in working with you to help you implement some of it :) | 20:41 |
aquarius | part of what I'm doing in this release is to help people start building cool things using Ubuntu One: that's what the app developer programme is all about | 20:42 |
kklimonda | yeah, it would be great to kick it off | 20:44 |
aquarius | what sorts of things were you thinking of/ | 20:44 |
aquarius | ? | 20:44 |
kklimonda | I've heard rumors of desktopcouch being considered for removal from the default cd? | 20:44 |
kklimonda | aquarius: first two things that came to my mind were fully blown calendar server and a way to share your favourite rss items with friends (in a news aggregator I'm trying to write ;) ). | 20:46 |
kklimonda | actually, I've written most of the easy code - not comes the hard part of designing gui and writing it in Gtk+ :( | 20:47 |
kklimonda | and I suck at this | 20:48 |
kklimonda | well, I don't have that much experience with writing "frontends" so that's the reason. | 20:48 |
kklimonda | aquarius: I see couchdb as a mean to make a "personal cloud" - something you can take with you wherever you go, that isn't connected to the single provider. | 20:49 |
aquarius | kklimonda, absolutely, that's what Ubuntu One is. | 20:49 |
aquarius | kklimonda, ah, interesting. Sharing stuff with friends is not specifically provided for by the oauth work we're doing, because you can't control when and where your Ubuntu One CouchDB instance syncs to | 20:50 |
kklimonda | one thing that I'm missing has always been a way to make it possible to share your couchdb with friends (while retaining control over what can the see etc.) | 20:50 |
kklimonda | without it your personal cloud is a little too lonely. | 20:50 |
kklimonda | and It's going to be hard to compete with web services that provide a lot of "social stuff". I'd like to find a way to make desktop applications competetive in the new cloudy and social world of web apps :) | 20:52 |
aquarius | kklimonda, completely agree. Sharing is a separate thing, which I absolutely plan for us to provide, but not for 11.04 | 20:53 |
aquarius | the work we're doing is about you accessing your own data from everywhere -- imagine, for example, going to http://kklimondasRSSreader.com/, logging in with U1, and seeing all your feeds, in the same state as they were in the desktop app (read ones are read, etc) | 20:54 |
aquarius | helping you share other people's data is also important, though, and I want to work on that in 11.10 | 20:54 |
kklimonda | yes, accessing data from everywhere is just as important | 20:57 |
kklimonda | I can access my couchdb on ubuntuone servers just as any other couchdb if I know address and authorization data? | 20:58 |
kklimonda | it would make a nice fallback plan for writing mobile applications before couchdb is ready for wide deployments on at least android, iphone and meego/symbian | 20:58 |
aquarius | kklimonda, yep, you can -- you can do that now :) | 20:59 |
kklimonda | awesome | 20:59 |
aquarius | kklimonda, what we're working on for 11.04 is allowing you to generate an oauth token which allows *limited* access to your data, so you can grant that to other websites (so they can read your contacts but not write them, for example) | 21:00 |
aquarius | kklimonda, if you have your oauth token, you can talk to couchdb.one.ubuntu.com fine, by signing the details with your token | 21:00 |
aquarius | but don't give that token out, because it has full read/write access to all your databases and files | 21:00 |
kklimonda | right | 21:01 |
kklimonda | but I could write a mobile application that uses your database remotely without running couchdb instance locally. | 21:01 |
kklimonda | can couchdb compress/decompress stuff you send in and receive out? I know I can compress attachments but on a slow edge connection every byte counts. | 21:02 |
aquarius | definitely you could write a mobile app that uses u1couch remotely | 21:03 |
aquarius | and if you're interested in doing that I'm very interested in helping you do it :) | 21:03 |
aquarius | compressing...er. Don't know. | 21:03 |
kklimonda | the problem isn't really couchdb stuff and rather the Android stuff. I can't really swallow Java and writing everything in XML :/ | 21:04 |
kklimonda | I'm an emacs guy myself ;) | 21:04 |
kklimonda | or vim depending on a weather | 21:04 |
aquarius | :) | 21:04 |
aquarius | I may do a phonegap thing :) | 21:05 |
aquarius | couchdb doesn't yet support gzip compression of non-attachment output | 21:05 |
kklimonda | aquarius: yet as in they have it on their todo list? Is there a roadmap I could take a look at? | 21:20 |
aquarius | kklimonda, | 21:21 |
aquarius | kklimonda, <davisp> aquarius: I don't think anyone's written that patch yet | 21:21 |
aquarius | it sounds to me like people think it'd be a good idea but it hasn't made it to the top of anyone's list yet | 21:22 |
kklimonda | aquarius: I would do that if they have choosen a different language for writing couchdb in. I love the idea of functional programming but learning it makes me feel like an idiot ;) | 21:22 |
ubuntu4shane | I enabled extra logging, and every time I do that u1 won't start without errors. | 21:22 |
aquarius | kklimonda, I know the feeling. I can't hack erlang either :P | 21:23 |
ubuntu4shane | here is the error I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/533614/ | 21:23 |
aquarius | joshuahoover, is ubuntu4shane's problem known? | 21:23 |
joshuahoover | aquarius: looking... | 21:24 |
ubuntu4shane | I enabled extra logging because I was asked to do so in a bugreport. | 21:24 |
ubuntu4shane | and I reported back today on that bug, files disappeared, because more files disappeared, and I was asked about logging. | 21:25 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane, aquarius: this error happens because syncdaemon is too busy to reply | 21:25 |
ubuntu4shane | joshuahoover, it seems to only happen when logging is enabled, if I turn it off, it works | 21:26 |
ubuntu4shane | however if I disable, when I have problems like files disappearing, there isn't enough logging info. :) catch 22 | 21:27 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: very strange... | 21:27 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: what bug #? | 21:27 |
ubuntu4shane | it is bug #667499 | 21:27 |
ubot4 | ubuntu4shane: Bug 667499 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/667499 is private | 21:27 |
ubuntu4shane | I reported back because another whole folder of files was erased. | 21:28 |
ubuntu4shane | also on my desktop, u1-indicator reports that all files are synced, and yet I have a whole folder with the circle icon showing they need synced. | 21:29 |
ubuntu4shane | odd stuff going on, at least on my system. | 21:29 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: what version of ubuntu? | 21:30 |
ubuntu4shane | joshuahoover, 10.10 | 21:30 |
ubuntu4shane | on both | 21:30 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: hmmm... | 21:30 |
ubuntu4shane | laptop and desktop | 21:30 |
ubuntu4shane | with proposed update of u1 | 21:30 |
ubuntu4shane | u1 version 1.4.5 | 21:31 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: i tried running a job on your account to recover files...do you see them on the web? https://one.ubuntu.com/files | 21:32 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: it didn't look like it recovered anything (the storage size # on your account didn't appear to get bigger) | 21:32 |
ubuntu4shane | they are small files | 21:32 |
ubuntu4shane | last recovery wasn't successful | 21:33 |
ubuntu4shane | no, no files recovered | 21:33 |
ubuntu4shane | there were in the folder IglesiaBautistAncla/Messages.bak/ | 21:33 |
ubuntu4shane | that had 3 or 4 folders, and about 300 files | 21:34 |
ubuntu4shane | joshuahoover, file recovery isn't really a priority to me, as I have them backed up, discovering why it is removing them is of more interest to me. | 21:34 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: agreed, it's strange though that the job didn't find them, it should | 21:35 |
ubuntu4shane | joshuahoover, lol, that is what rye said last time. :) | 21:35 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: nice | 21:35 |
ubuntu4shane | yes, I had three recovery folders where he attempted recovery, didn't recover anything | 21:36 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: that timeout error occurs when syncdaemon is too busy to reply...i'm going to have to leave it to verterok and others much smarter to figure out what is going on...sorry i can't help out more | 21:36 |
ubuntu4shane | joshuahoover, ok, no problem, I just saw some atcivity here and thought we could try and sort things out. | 21:36 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: yeah, unfortunately all the devs who are knowledgeable on this are in training at the moment :( | 21:37 |
ubuntu4shane | ok, not a problem, thanks joshuahoover | 21:37 |
ubuntu4shane | joshuahoover, one more odd thing, one the laptop, none of the folders that I had syncing with u1 show as being syncronized now?!?!?? | 21:38 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: if syncdaemon is not responding or running, then that is likely why | 21:39 |
ubuntu4shane | joshuahoover, no it seems as though it is running now. | 21:39 |
joshuahoover | ubuntu4shane: if you run u1sdtool --status what is returned? | 21:39 |
ubuntu4shane | --status shows it is running | 21:39 |
ubuntu4shane | State: QUEUE_MANAGER | 21:39 |
ubuntu4shane | connection: With User With Network | 21:40 |
ubuntu4shane | description: processing queues | 21:40 |
ubuntu4shane | is_connected: True | 21:40 |
ubuntu4shane | is_error: False | 21:40 |
ubuntu4shane | is_online: True | 21:40 |
ubuntu4shane | queues: IDLE | 21:40 |
ubuntu4shane | weird. | 21:40 |
rohan | guys how do I connect my machine to ubuntu one ?? i'm on 10.04 LTS | 21:54 |
rohan | anyone here? | 21:55 |
rohan | hello? | 21:56 |
rohan | thanks for the HELP !! | 22:00 |
rohan | bye | 22:00 |
helo | so to use the music streaming, i'd need to purchase more storage unless i only want to stream from a 2GB pool of music? | 22:37 |
beuno | helo, you don;t need more storage, no | 22:37 |
helo | it would be cool as hell if u1 could pool users' music files | 22:38 |
beuno | yeah it would | 22:38 |
beuno | record labels aren't very nice people, though | 22:38 |
helo | so if you demonstrate that you own a file, it becomes available to be streamed from the 'pool' | 22:38 |
helo | sorry, maybe you misunderstood my question | 22:38 |
beuno | ah | 22:38 |
beuno | as in, you own the copyright | 22:39 |
beuno | yeah, we're looking into making free music available | 22:39 |
beuno | we will add a pool of songs for the next release | 22:39 |
beuno | and figure out how to make that process more inclusive | 22:39 |
helo | so that if i have 10GB of music i'd like to stream to my android phone using u1, i don't need 10GB of storage, because u1 doesn't have to use storage space for my files (by using pooling) | 22:39 |
beuno | right | 22:40 |
beuno | well | 22:40 |
beuno | OTOH, space is pretty cheap *wink* | 22:40 |
helo | i guess 20GB and mobile streaming is $7/mo, roughly on par with cheaper than netflix (to put it into perspective of entertainment/dollar) | 22:41 |
helo | err on par with, but a little cheaper | 22:41 |
beuno | right | 22:41 |
helo | if only there was an 'audio diff' that could compare files uploaded to determine whether they matched something in the database... | 22:51 |
helo | surely the record companies would not go for it, but it would enable a killer streaming service value... | 22:51 |
helo | mmmmm... i should suggest bueno instead of burger king... | 22:53 |
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