
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198254 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/Application.cpp Fix names containing Utf8 characters00:40
ulyssesshadeslayer: ping05:44
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Riddellapachelogger: for bug 676663 you're usually better just uploading SRUs09:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676663 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu Karmic) "Kopete ICQ plugin broken due to login server change" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67666309:12
Riddellapachelogger: also it needs fixed in natty (or marked as already fixed)09:12
apacheloggerRiddell: it is uploaded09:31
apacheloggersru guide says debdiffs are required eitherway09:31
apacheloggerRiddell: for natty I was actually going to wait for 4.6b109:31
Riddellapachelogger: pitti will want it in natty before it gets into older versions09:39
apacheloggerRiddell: well, if you could just forward port the maverick change, that would be cool09:40
* apachelogger cannot testbuild right now, since he is netbooking @ university09:40
apacheloggeralso it *is* wasted effort since the patch will be dropped within <7 days 09:41
* Riddell makes it sew09:43
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hrwScottK: how much time it took to build qt4-x11 on armel?10:02
Riddellhrw: he said 12 hours with icecc10:07
hanthanakubuntu use debian installer or some thing else?11:09
freeflyinghanthana, depends on which image you mean, alternative does, desktop use ubiquity11:17
apacheloggerRiddell: thank you11:30
Riddellhanthana: welcome along11:33
Riddellhanthana: debian-installer on alternate as freeflying says, desktop uses ubiquity which uses strings from debian-installer and some from itself11:33
hanthanafreeflying: Riddell : I am approching Kubuntu Desktop edition11:35
* hanthana asked same question from #kubuntu and #kubuntu-devel. my bad11:35
Riddellhttps://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/ubiquity is the key11:36
hanthanaRiddell: don't you guys use Debian Installer at all?11:39
Riddellhanthana: yes, on the alternate CDs, but it's more normal for people to use the desktop CDs which use Ubiquity (which as I say use strings from debian installer)11:40
hanthanaRiddell: as we approach desktop edition i can leave Debian installer , and work on Ubiquity11:41
* hanthana is more interested on offiline l10n with lokalizer instead of launchpad/transifex11:42
Riddellhanthana: it needs both, most of Ubiquity's strings are from Debian Installer11:42
hanthanaRiddell: its mean we can inherits my debian translation work?11:42
Riddellhanthana: yes11:43
=== larsivi_ is now known as larsivi
ScottKhrw: 23 1/2 hours with one smarttop.  12 with three using icecc.12:02
ScottKOr ~1 hour to FTBFS with the current gcc, but that's a separate issue.12:03
CIA-42[apturl] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101118122415-f1qonsl56yudy951 * debian/ (changelog control) Make apturl-kde explicity depend on python-qt4 and python-kde412:24
SputScottK: so the current gcc optimizes compile time!12:51
shadeslayerulysses: pong13:05
ulyssesshadeslayer: I tried to upgrade to kde 4.5.3 on lucid, but aptitue wanted to remove much thing, like kdebase-workspace, kdebase-workspace-bin, plasma-widget-smooth-tasks, etc13:08
shadeslayerulysses: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:08
shadeslayerdont use aptitude for such stuff13:08
shadeslayeri have no idea why aptitude and apt behave so differently :P13:08
ulyssesok, I'll try it13:09
ulyssesapt-get wants to upgrade packages too:P13:14
ulyssesfreespacenotifier kbluetooth kdebase-plasma kdepimlibs-data knm-runtime ktorrent libkfontinst4 libkonqsidebarplugin4 libkwineffects1 libplasma-applet-system-monitor4 libplasmaclock4 libprocesscore4 libprocessui4 libqt4-assistant libqt4-multimedia libsolidcontrol4 libtaskmanager4 libweather-ion4 network-manager-kde plasma-widget-smooth-tasks13:15
shadeslayerulysses: just make sure it doesnt remove important stuff13:16
ulyssesplasma-widget-smooth-tasks is important for me:P13:16
shadeslayerulysses: its not removing that is it?13:17
ulyssesthese packagaes will be removed, if I hit the 'y'13:17
shadeslayerulysses: are you upgrading from 4.4?13:17
ulyssesyeap, it's lucid13:17
shadeslayerah clean lucid13:18
shadeslayereven more win13:18
shadeslayerulysses: pastebin apt-get dist-upgrade output13:18
shadeslayerand afaik thats all good13:18
shadeslayerbut pastebin the output and i can advise only then13:18
shadeslayerhold on13:19
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198444 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationWindow.cpp Fix a crash that occurred if you were making the ApplicationView paint() right before reloading the backend13:22
shadeslayerwhy does it want to remove kbluetooth13:22
shadeslayerulysses: im pretty sure youll have to let go of plasma-widget-smooth tasks13:23
shadeslayerthere was a reason behind it.... cant remember13:24
shadeslayerbut this was a complaint :P ....13:24
JontheEchidnais this backports?13:25
shadeslayerulysses: i can fix that hold on13:25
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: thats a clean install upgrading from KDE 4.4 in lucid to KDE 4.5.3 13:25
shadeslayerits in staging13:25
shadeslayerulysses: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+sourcepub/1263164/+listing-archive-extra13:25
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: any idea why it wants to remove kdebluetooth?13:26
JontheEchidnaright, the lucid backports need the library name changes that we got in the debian merge reverted13:26
JontheEchidnae.g. libfoo4a back to lib4 in lucid13:26
shadeslayerulysses: you shall get your plasmoid back, dont worry :D13:26
shadeslayerbut why does it want to remove kdebluetooth13:27
ulysseskde 4.5 uses bluedevil, no?13:27
JontheEchidnakdebluetooth uses libs from kdebase-workspace13:28
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: so that upgrade looks fine?13:40
shadeslayeri was just a bit unsure about kdebluetooth13:40
JontheEchidnano, the library rename changes need to be reverted back to what they were in lucid13:41
shadeslayerum... why?13:41
JontheEchidna...because it causes things like kdebluetooth and plasmoids to be removed13:41
shadeslayerbut afaik the same names were used for KDE 4.5.213:42
shadeslayerand the plasmoids are fixed in the backports PPA13:42
JontheEchidnaright, the 4.5.2 packgaes are messed up too13:43
shadeslayerheh :P13:43
JontheEchidna4.5.3 can't go to lucid-updates like that13:43
shadeslayerim not putting it there13:43
shadeslayerand it wont get into lucid updates13:43
Tm_Thow so?13:43
shadeslayersince the new policy says we can only do 4.4.x releases13:43
shadeslayer( for lucid )13:43
JontheEchidnaoh, right13:44
shadeslayerhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy <<13:44
shadeslayerIf approved by the Ubuntu Technical Board, this policy would be implemented starting with KDE 4.4.X in Lucid (already tested and ready for -proposed).13:44
JontheEchidnayeah, I forgot that we weren't on 4.4 anymore13:44
shadeslayerheh :P13:44
* Tm_T keeps getting confused with KDE release numbers13:44
JontheEchidnaanyways, there must have been some changes with the natty merges that changed some lib from 4a-4b13:45
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: so id like to keep the maverick packaging13:45
shadeslayer99% of it is the same as the maverick kde 4.5.3 packaging13:45
JontheEchidnawhich is why we're still getting removals even after rebuilding all those apps13:45
shadeslayeractually.... theres no kdebluetooth in the PPA13:46
shadeslayerso i think i have to do a seprate upload for that13:46
shadeslayerah wait13:46
shadeslayerno need for that as well13:46
shadeslayerill just copy stuff13:46
shadeslayerulysses: wait for 30 mins and so and check again :D13:54
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: also the part where it says that it wants to remove Qt stuff seems to be fine, since multimedia foo was merged anyways14:06
shadeslayerfreespacenotifier is one other thing im a bit concerned about14:07
shadeslayeridk where that went14:07
JontheEchidnait's in kdebase-workspace in 4.514:08
JontheEchidna!info freespacenotifier natty14:08
ubottu'natty' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable14:08
JontheEchidna!info freespacenotifier maverick14:08
ubottuPackage freespacenotifier does not exist in maverick14:08
JontheEchidnaright, I think it's in kdebase-workspace-bin in maverick or somesuch, and then debian split it back out. We then got that change in natty14:09
shadeslayeryeah https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/freespacenotifier/0.0svn1061317-0ubuntu114:10
shadeslayerseems it was moved to kdebase-workspace14:10
shadeslayerof all the widgets only plasma-widget-smooth-tasks FTBFS's14:11
shadeslayerwait no.. its yawp14:12
shadeslayer!find libweather-ion514:14
ubottuPackage/file libweather-ion5 does not exist in maverick14:14
shadeslayerhmm.. ill need to update yawp with package from maverick 14:17
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198454 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (3 files in 3 dirs) Move the packageChanged() -> setActionsEnabled() connection to MuonMainWindow for less duplication14:18
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198455 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (4 files) Add the "File" menu to muon-installer14:19
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: when are you moving to Git? :D14:21
ulysseslibktorrent-dev is missing so ktorrent fails to build14:25
shadeslayerulysses: yes, libktorrent needs publishing first14:25
shadeslayerim waiting for it to get published ^_^14:25
shadeslayerive also backported a new plasma-widget-yawp 14:26
shadeslayerand for some reason my upload was gobbled by all mighty launchpad14:26
shadeslayerwhich seems to have a mind of its own now a days14:26
ulyssesevil launchpad14:26
shadeslayerthere we go : https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+builds?build_state=building14:26
shadeslayeri still dont have a upload email -.-14:27
shadeslayeri hate it when lp gobbles up my email14:28
Riddellarguably better than it spewing up e-mail at you14:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: afaik the find search bugfix is on reviewboard 14:29
shadeslayerwell... yeah.. i also hate it when it spews rosetta email at me14:29
shadeslayerulysses: try now and pastebin output14:32
shadeslayer( ktorrent is rebuilding now )14:32
shadeslayerlol... one of the builders is called nannyberry14:33
shadeslayerlooks MUCH better now14:34
shadeslayer!find libkfontinst414:34
ubottuPackage/file libkfontinst4 does not exist in maverick14:34
shadeslayer!find libkfontinst4 lucid14:34
ubottuFound: libkfontinst414:34
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198458 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (5 files in 3 dirs) Move the software properties launcher action to MuonMainWindow. All MuonMainWindow derivatives will have this action14:38
shadeslayerulysses: upgrade after like ... 20 mins or so, ktorrent will be done till then14:42
ScottKapachelogger: More ice cream troubles.  Please see the discussion about which version of gcc I was using in Bug #675347.14:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 675347 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67534714:42
ScottKSput: Definitely ;-)14:48
ScottKshadeslayer: Don't worry about getting tired of email from LP.  It now decides when someone in the opensuse bugzilla marks one bug a duplicate of another bug that is so critical I must be emailed about it.14:49
ScottKI "solved" that one by unsetting the remote bug watch.14:55
ScottKProbably not the behavior the designers anticipated.14:55
shadeslayerRiddell: can i haz announcement on kubuntu.org? :D14:56
Riddellshadeslayer: what for?14:58
shadeslayerRiddell: KDE 4.5.3 for lucid... as soon as ulysses confirms its working and we copy it over to the backports ppa14:58
Riddellshadeslayer: I'm doing the upgrade now14:59
Riddellalmost downloaded14:59
shadeslayerRiddell: i copied over some more packages.... you should update and upgrade :D14:59
shadeslayerkdebluetooth, alot of widgets, ktorrent ...15:00
shadeslayerand i tested the stuff in my chroot... install seemed to go fine15:02
Riddellshadeslayer: testing yourself is necessary but not sufficient before announce, needs a third party to test too15:05
Riddellshadeslayer: also you say install went fine, did it run?15:05
shadeslayerRiddell: yep, but since i did a install in a clean chroot, i need to verify if the upgrade works too15:06
shadeslayersince i did Lucid Base -> Lucid KDE 4.5.315:06
shadeslayerulysses is testing out a full fledged install :)15:07
shadeslayeri wrote to upstream about something related to openssl15:07
shadeslayercant remember which project :P15:07
shadeslayeroh skrooge15:08
ScottKshadeslayer: Send them our armel patch too.15:09
shadeslayerlooking into that15:09
effie_jayxScottK: I did the update to wiki entris to netbook and make references to current info regarding plasma-netbook15:11
Riddellapachelogger: any objection to me switching to gstreamer for alpha 1?15:11
ScottKeffie_jayx: I'm subscribed to the page.  I saw that. Thank you.  Very helpful.15:12
ScottKapachelogger: Did you get my note abou the ice cream?15:12
* apachelogger is busy with calculus right now15:12
ScottKGonna fix it?15:12
Riddellapachelogger: works for me on the important stuff, compositing turned on with the music and videos I have lying around on my hard disk, DVD menus don't work of course, so i think we should solicit larger feedback to see what happens15:12
Riddellrdieter: am I right in thinking Fedora uses phonon gstreamer?15:13
apacheloggerRiddell: I have a branch with dvdmenu support15:13
apacheloggerjust needs polish15:13
Riddellapachelogger: a branch of phonon?15:13
apacheloggerScottK: once I found out what there is to fix15:13
shadeslayerulysses: upgrade is a go! :)15:13
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.15:13
apacheloggerRiddell: a git phonon branch, yes15:14
* ulysses crosses fingers15:14
* shadeslayer holds on to ulysses15:14
rdieterRiddell: not by default, no (still xine)15:17
rdieterRiddell: but we do ship/install it by default15:17
shadeslayerScottK: patch forwarded :)15:18
Riddelljefferai: how much would amarok eat us if we switched to phonon gstreamer?15:19
jefferaiwould amarok eat you?15:20
jefferaiwhat's the impetus to switch to phonon gstreamer?15:21
Riddelljefferai: qtwebkit is using qtmultimediakit which uses gstreamer15:21
jefferaiOK, and?15:22
jefferaiqtmultimediakit != phonon15:22
Riddellour CD has limited space and getting libraries off which perform duplicate functions is very preferable15:22
shadeslayerwhy are we bringing more g* stuff onto the CD :(15:22
shadeslayeroh... the libs are there? .... 15:23
Riddellshadeslayer: just because it begins with a g doesn't make it gnome15:23
apacheloggerto more x* stuff off the cd15:23
jefferaiRiddell: I think the question is really how buggy phonon gstreamer is15:23
jefferaimy impression is -- very15:23
jefferaibut, ask in the amarok dev channel15:23
jefferaiothers know more about it than I do15:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: seems world domination is nearer http://design.canonical.com/2010/11/the-monospace-is-coming/15:25
ScottKFortunately we have an active Phonon maintainer here.15:25
jefferaiScottK: who?15:25
ScottKjefferai: apachelogger.15:25
jefferaihe works on phonon?15:25
ScottK(it's actually a bit of an inside joke - sorry)15:25
ScottKNot when he can avoid it.15:26
* apachelogger is second in command for some obscure reason15:26
jefferaishadeslayer: why did Canonical feel the need to come up with yet another monospace font?15:26
jefferaithere are already plenty of good alternatives to Courier15:27
jefferaiit just makes them look silly15:27
jefferai"Courier sucks so we made our own" -- "Umm...why were you using Courier?"15:27
shadeslayerjefferai: another one? afaik thats the only Ubuntu Monospace font15:27
Riddelljefferai: to fit in with the rest of our desktop 15:27
jefferaiUbuntu Monospace15:27
jefferaiAs opposed to many other existing fonts15:27
shadeslayer( from the Ubuntu Font Family )15:27
Riddelljefferai: we don't use courier at the momeny we use deja15:27
jefferaiRiddell: the blog post compares to Courier15:27
shadeslayerlike Riddell said.... fits with the overall look15:27
jefferaiit doesnt' talk about deja15:27
jefferaihow does it fit with the overall look?15:28
* apachelogger almost got a beating yesterday because people feel that the ubuntu font in 10.10 is the ugly15:28
jefferaihow would deja or inconsolata and so on *not* fit?15:28
Riddelljefferai: I think that's just the reference font many font people use for monospace15:28
jefferaibut it's a silly comparison because it's not even the font Ubuntu was using!15:28
jefferaiRiddell: word back so far is that phonon gstreamer works pretty well except it won't do any last.fm streaming15:29
jefferaiso last.fm will be broken for all Amarok users15:29
ulyssesQt: 4.7.015:29
ulyssesKDE Development Platform: 4.5.3 (KDE 4.5.3)15:29
jefferaion Kubuntu15:29
Riddelljefferai: mm that's interesting15:29
Riddelljefferai: of course last.fm doesn't work for me anyway but that's something to do with money15:29
* shadeslayer hugs ulysses15:30
shadeslayerulysses: fire up some apps and see if you can use them15:30
shadeslayerreport any funny™ behaviour15:31
shadeslayerRiddell: any news from your side? :)15:32
ulyssesthere isn' preview in the Box switching when switching windows15:32
jefferaiRiddell: nobody really has the time or energy or money to fix up the gstreamer backend since Qt didn't hold to their promise of keeping it maintained15:32
shadeslayerulysses: possibly go and checkout system settings15:32
jefferaithe best backend that we've found is phonon-vlc15:32
jefferaithe newest versions (there will be a new release soon) has been working very well for three days nonstop for markey15:33
shadeslayerjefferai: erm.. phonon-vlc causes amarok to crash when it exits15:33
shadeslayerand theres a bug report with about ~10 backtraces attached to it15:33
Riddellshadeslayer: all installed, about to run it15:33
jefferaimarkey: ^15:33
jefferaiany insight?15:33
shadeslayerkewl :)15:33
jefferaishadeslayer: it's probably fixed in newer code15:33
jefferaibut let's see if markey knows15:34
shadeslayerim lookning as well15:34
shadeslayerkde bug 24000115:34
ubottuKDE bug 240001 in VLC backend "Amarok crashes with phonon-vlc backend (XrmDestroyDatabase at Xrm c, Pulse related)" [Crash,Resolved: upstream] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24000115:34
shadeslayerso its resolved15:35
shadeslayer( i didnt look at it for quite some while, i just remembered it now :P )15:35
Quintasan_shadeslayer, yofel: apparently we are stalled with kdebindings until upstream fixes it15:35
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Nightroseapachelogger: re n900 - what do you want to do with it?15:35
shadeslayerQuintasan: bah15:36
jefferaishadeslayer: oh -- pulseaudio related15:36
apacheloggerNightrose: kubuntu mobile primarily and take qtmultimediakit's only real target platform away and give it to phonon15:37
shadeslayerRiddell: quite some people are in favour of the clear button in the URL bar... some not quite for the idea..... its a hot topic on the mailing list, go put your views on it15:37
Nightroseapachelogger: i might have one then for this15:37
* shadeslayer hugs apachelogger15:37
apacheloggerhooray hooray15:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: w00t :D15:37
ulyssessilly lokalize, can't load the project, just eat cpu :$15:37
Riddellshadeslayer: 4.5.3 works on lucid!  but funky double panel strangeness http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/lucid.png15:38
ulyssesI don't have two panel o.O15:38
shadeslayerthats something due to plasma and our settings messing stuff up :P15:38
shadeslayerhappens only in VM's15:39
Riddellhmm, sounds worrying15:39
shadeslayerRiddell: i had the same issue on maverick when i booted it on a VM, but a live ISO ran fine15:39
RiddellI also had a crash i policykit but I'll put that down to running in a chroot15:39
shadeslayerno ideas on that one15:40
shadeslayerulysses: any polkit crashes?15:41
ulyssesshadeslayer: nothing15:41
Nightroseapachelogger: poke me again about it next week and we'll figure something out15:41
shadeslayerulysses: same thing with firefox?15:41
Nightrosetoo tired atm15:41
apacheloggerNightrose: :*15:41
ulyssesshadeslayer: same with konsole too15:42
shadeslayeri also need to poke rbelem about getting kubuntu mobile for other phones and such15:42
shadeslayerulysses: possibly turn on Highlight window in system settings?15:42
Nightroseapachelogger: :*15:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: damn it.... now i cant stop thinking about the N90015:45
shadeslayermy mind was made up about the HTC Desire15:45
ulyssesshadeslayer: it's on15:48
shadeslayerok hold on...looking15:48
ulyssesI turn Box Switch out, it is very slooooooooow15:48
shadeslayerulysses: did you try re adding the widget?15:50
ulyssesah, Lokalize's second start was faster15:50
shadeslayer( i know its lame, but still worth a try )15:50
ulyssesdoesn't help15:51
shadeslayerno idea :(15:52
ulyssesI'll just turn out:p15:52
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198469 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (5 files in 2 dirs) Add an install/remove button inside the app details widget15:53
JontheEchidnawhee http://imgur.com/pGm7d15:56
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's new?15:56
JontheEchidnainstall/remove button15:57
JontheEchidnaalso forward/back are now toolbar buttons15:57
JontheEchidnaso now you can install apps from both the package list and the application details widget15:58
JontheEchidnaI do wonder what that black ring surrounding amarok's icon is: http://imgur.com/OL6A015:59
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you have thoughts on 4.5.5 for -proposed?16:00
JontheEchidnadoesn't appear in the details view: http://imgur.com/UCarU16:00
JontheEchidnaScottK: we just need to make sure that none of the library renames debian did in 4.4 that we merged during natty don't get applied to the packages for maverick-proposed16:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: Right.  We need to start with lucid and 4.4 though I think.16:02
ScottKJontheEchidna: Sorry, I meant
ScottKI think for 4.5.3 and maverick it's a bit soon.16:03
JontheEchidnasame goes for lucid, except one KDE release cycle back. iirc we had this issue then, too16:03
JontheEchidnawhere we miss an ABI break, debian catches it/renames their packages, then when we merge for ubuntu+1 we pick up the new names16:05
JontheEchidnawe then make packages for KDE 4.x+1, backport to ubuntu-1, and the new names stay for some reason16:05
JontheEchidnaa bit of a mess16:05
ScottKRiddell: Looks like we have at least a work around for the Qt arm build failure.16:12
RiddellScottK: oh?16:13
ScottK+= -fno-strict-volatile-bitfields16:13
ScottKI've no idea what it does, but it gets past where it was failing.16:13
ScottKI'll work it into a proper patch and upload it.16:14
ScottKRiddell: The comment for debian/patches/89_powerpc_opts.diff says "Not needed long-term as the relevant g++ bug is fixed in GCC 4.4."  Perhaps I should drop this patch.16:25
RiddellScottK: in qt?16:25
ScottKI'm consulting your patch review mail now16:25
RiddellScottK: it's a debian patch, plenty of their patches can be dropped but we don't because we may as well stay in line with debian16:26
Riddellhopefully fabo will consult my patch review e-mail :)16:26
ScottKRiddell: OK.  The thing is it have to modify that patch now due to this new one.  Modify it or drop it?16:26
ScottKI've actually got the change done, so it's the same effort either way.16:27
Riddellthen keep it16:28
Riddellshadeslayer: so moveing packages from staging to backports?16:32
shadeslayerRiddell: i cant right now, im off to study :P16:32
shadeslayermaybe tommorow?16:32
shadeslayeror if you want to do it :)16:32
Riddellno you study and do it tomorrow16:34
shadeslayercya tmmrw then :)16:34
ScottKActually I don't have to change it.16:35
ScottK(silly me, new patch is only for armel)16:35
RiddellJontheEchidna: could you take a look at the commit I just made to kubuntu-notification-helper for gstreamer and let me know if I can upload16:39
JontheEchidnaI think the strings could be way less scary, but on a technical basis the commit is sound.16:41
RiddellI couldn't think of a less scary way to put it16:41
RiddellI agree bad and ugly and gstreamer are scary16:41
JontheEchidnaShould be good to upload.16:41
JontheEchidnawe'll just have to think of something later :)16:42
JontheEchidnagotta get to class; be back in ~an hour16:43
JontheEchidnawell, an hour and a half more likely16:43
ScottKOK.  Qt uploaded.  We'll know tomorrow if it worked.16:57
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelQuintasan: meh, leave it then, we've got other stuff left to do anyway17:38
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Re perl and the icecc stuff, if you could make a patch to kdescr-build that would shell out right as it's about to start to build and print the results of "which g++" to stdout, that might reveal something.17:41
DarkwingDuckScottK: i was thinking something along those lines... i was going to output to a log so i could view it.17:54
ulyssesshadeslayer: amarok crashes all the time if I want to play something (mp3 or internet stream)18:00
shadeslayermarkey: ^^ KDE 4.5.3 and Qt 4.7 on lucid18:10
shadeslayerulysses: please check any bug reports on bugs.kde.org with help of crash assistant that pops up18:11
ScottKshadeslayer: Did you rebuild  amarok?18:12
ulyssesit's from lucid/main, not from the staging ppa18:13
shadeslayerScottK: nope18:13
ScottKThat would be why it crashes.18:13
ScottKYou'll need to build it in the PPA against 4.5.18:13
shadeslayerill do that18:14
shadeslayercopied over builds.. should be building shortly18:16
DarkwingDuckoh... heads up. GreyGeek saw the posts for my call and wants to help with documentation18:18
DarkwingDuckalso, apachelogger ping18:19
ScottKRiddell: It looks like I may have touched the wrong qmake bits with my patch (since arm still FTBFS, just later on with the same error).  Would you please have a look.18:39
* Quintasan_Droid made a cheesecake18:52
* Quintasan_Droid cant wait to eat it18:53
DarkwingDuckHey GreyGeek 19:01
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Pingie19:01
* dasKreech takes a fork that goes alllllll the way across the room and eats up Quintasan_Droid's cheesecake. He eats it up!19:02
dasKreechhi GreyGeek19:02
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: You have any DocBook or XML expierence?19:02
=== dbarth is now known as dbarth-afk
dasKreechnixternal: ping 19:02
GreyGeekNope.  Mostly C++ with QT4 development...19:02
dasKreechdocumentation talk :)19:03
GreyGeekBUT, I can learn!  :-)19:03
DarkwingDuckAwesome... You have C++ and QT4 as well? 19:03
GreyGeekand PostgreSQL work19:03
DarkwingDuckapachelogger, Riddell ScottK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^19:03
GreyGeekWhat do you want me to begin documenting first?19:04
DarkwingDuckYou now how to use BZR?19:05
GreyGeekthe version control system?  Love IT!19:05
DarkwingDuckAwesome, 19:05
DarkwingDuckgimme just a sec.19:06
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198514 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationModel/ApplicationViewWidget.cpp Not reporting download size in our confirmation box anymore19:06
debfxScottK: maybe try adding it to src/qbase.pri19:06
debfxbut isn't the flag required for all packages that use qt?19:07
Quintasanyofel: the problem is, we can't do other stuff without kdebindings I'm afraid19:07
yofelQuintasan: well, some of it sould work, only the python stuff should be broken, but iirc PyKDE isn't on the REQUIRED list anywhere, just a lot will be missing19:08
QuintasanThat's what I wanted to avoid :P19:09
Quintasanwhat, the, heck is going on with my ubuntu install19:09
yofelwell, I'll do kdenetwork over the weekend anyway, currently you can login, but that's about all you *can* do with what we have19:09
DarkwingDuckoh yeesh... mavrick branch takes for freaking ever to branch19:09
* Quintasan has to reboot every few hours to have a working computer19:09
Quintasanduuno why19:10
QuintasanI have totally no idea what causes it,19:11
QuintasanAt times, launching Konsole takes up to 7 seconds19:11
yofelwhere's it hanging? cpu/hdd_io/memory_io ?19:12
QuintasanI have no idea19:13
Quintasanbut it seems like hdd_io19:13
Quintasancause desktop effects still work fast, and *sometimes* I can easily alt+tab through the windows19:13
DarkwingDuckanyone seen apachelogger today?19:22
JontheEchidnaDarkwingDuck: about 4 hours ago, yeah19:22
DarkwingDuckthanks JontheEchidna 19:23
trichardhey, i know this probably doesn't belong here, but does anyone know why this example seems to leek memory? http://pastebin.com/tA6HWW3519:33
trichardwhen the process get's to a.exec() it still uses 50MB according to top19:33
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198520 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Undo the marked change if the user either fails to gain authorization or cancels at the authorization screen. This prevents the canceled operation for being done when another application is installed19:38
JontheEchidnatrichard: If I understand this, you are creating a list of pointers to images, then for each of those items you create a pointer that points to a new image, but right afterwards change what the pointer points to, leaving the recently-created one hanging19:43
JontheEchidnaimage = queue.dequeue(); <- this changes what *image points to, but the thing that it was previously pointed to is still hanging around in memory, forever alone19:43
trichardJontheEchidna: If i run exactly the same codesnippet on windows the memory usage drops to 5MB again (correctly)19:43
shadeslayerScottK: so if any app uses Qt/KDE ... itll have to get rebuilt against the new packages?19:44
shadeslayeror is it application specific?19:44
JontheEchidnaoh, but you are adding the new image to the queue, so it should always delete any new ones made19:44
trichardJontheEchidna: cvReleaseImage() releases the memory that's behind the pointer19:44
trichardJontheEchidna: Another strange thing is that it runs fine on my laptop but malfunctions on my desktop19:45
ScottKshadeslayer: Should be only some of them.19:45
ScottKQt only should be fine19:45
JontheEchidnawell, I'm stumped then. new images are always added to the queue, and that loop ensures that all images are free'd before it exits. In theory it should work...19:45
ScottKKDE that only uses kdelibs should also be fine.19:45
trichardJontheEchidna: http://pastebin.com/CG9jyY1U could you maybe try this example, it does the same for me19:45
trichard(it's the same without opencv)19:46
shadeslayerso its everything else that could cause a issue19:49
shadeslayerulysses: did the rebuild fix your issue?19:49
trichardJontheEchidna: http://imagebin.ca/view/GNGrNfl.html see this screenshot19:49
ulyssesshadeslayer: I didn't updated yet19:50
JontheEchidnatrichard: hmm, seems fine here on my laptop: http://imgur.com/cLq9C19:50
trichardJontheEchidna: I see the same on my laptop but my desktop shows otherwise19:51
trichardi have a real world app that does much like this but then in a useful way, after a while it starts consuming over 600MB while it shouldn't consume more then 200MB19:52
JontheEchidnaanything differing between the two? (64 bit vs 32? Different Qt versions? Different linux versions?)19:52
trichardboth 64 bit kubuntu 10.1019:52
trichardi don't think Qt has much to do with this19:52
JontheEchidnaI wouldn't think that 32 vs 64 bit would either, but you gotta cover your bases ;-)19:53
trichardQt is at version 4.7.0 here19:54
trichardanother strange thing is that when i remove the second for loop (which probably allocates memory on freed space again) the memory is released on my pc too19:55
trichardand when i add some qDebug() lines the memory is released as well19:55
trichardi'm clueless actually19:55
JontheEchidnaafraid I'm clueless too :(19:56
trichardshould i report this as a bug somewhere or .. ?20:04
danttitrichard: iirc linux did not release memory if not needed which does not happen with windows20:30
tricharddantti: so there's no way to actually know how much memory a process uses?20:33
danttitrichard: i think valgrind might help you20:34
tricharddantti: I'll take a look, massif looks promising :)20:37
apparleis there a channel for wubi? kubuntu install via wubi is not working. I am dropped to intrafms20:42
ScottKapparle: #ubuntu-installer I believe20:43
tricharddantti: Too bad massif is this slow :s20:56
trichardit does show my memory usage correctly though20:57
danttitrichard: right, so I think I was right :P21:03
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
starcraftmanapachelogger: in belated response to somewhat old question, nope, no packaging experience... yet :)23:53
starcraftmanhi jjesse :)23:56

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