
veinosHey, i just installed kubuntu, install proprietary drivers for my geforce880000:48
veinosthen installed compiz00:49
veinosi can access nvidia's x server settings00:49
veinosbut i can't get the 3d cube or wobble windows effect started00:49
veinosand probably none of the effects00:49
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:50
claydohI haven't played with compiz in a long time, but I think you need to use a compiz config  app00:52
claydohveinos:  ^^^00:52
claydohveinos: kde uses its own thing for desktop effects00:53
veinosyah :) i did what i did in gnome version...00:53
veinosmaybe i didn't use what i should have then :O00:53
claydohyou have to basically replace the standard kwin with compiz00:53
veinosi guess i want to use kwin then !?00:53
claydohkwin has cube and wobbly windows, but admittedly less fancy effects00:54
claydohveinos: i'd give it a try first, at least00:54
veinosi access kwin settings into the desktop effect from the kde menu?00:54
veinosyah, i just assumed i needed to install compiz to get any effect at all00:54
claydohin system settings, you'll see a place for that00:54
veinosok, seems i got the cube enable, but can't drag windows to other face due to that aero snap feature00:58
claydohI don't remember how the cube works, my hw is kinda old -I don't think you can drag n drop01:00
veinosis that feature hidden in effects ? or somewhere else?01:00
veinosthe feature that when you drag a window to the side of the monitor and tries to fill half maximize half of it...01:01
claydohthe snap - it s somehwere01:02
* claydoh looks01:02
claydohdarn brb01:04
veinosi doubt that's the problem though01:04
veinosi can't even drag windows to desktop on bottom01:04
veinosthat's weird01:05
veinosthis 3d cube seems as buchered as possible honestly01:10
veinoswhat's the use of it i fyou can't drag windows from face to face easily !?01:10
Roxy_ok i asked two question in this place two different days no one answered.... so i am going to ask this one question to see if i can getan answer what do i have to do to get someone to answer anything...to point this freaking noob thats wants to learn in the right direction to learn sth01:13
claydohRoxy_:  sorry you didn't get an answer, but do remember sometimes people have to sleeep, eat, work, etc. so sometimes things can get missed01:15
claydohRoxy_: also maybe no one knew an answer when you asked?01:15
claydohveinos: I think kwin effects are simpler, more stable imo. but that means less features/blingitude01:16
veinosmmmkay, i just feel i'm doing it right though...01:16
veinosi can't even control the cube01:16
claydohRoxy_: I can also suggest asking questions on http://kubuntuforums.net or ubuntuforums01:17
claydohveinos: I can't get the cube :(01:19
Roxy_claydoh: diff. times of the day.... and it was simple questions.... yes -_- im upset and pissed off at djustice cuz he being an asshole... and other things mostly dealing with kubuntu and him.01:19
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:20
Roxy_claydoh:  thank you also for the links01:20
veinosdefault shortcut key being ctrl +F11 ... wtf with that lol01:20
veinosI understand how it works now though01:21
claydohveinos: there are other ways - you can set a screen corner to activate things as well01:21
veinosthat would make more sense01:22
veinosbut i like way better the ctrl+alt+mouse#1 action from compiz01:22
claydohveinos: you can make it that way :)01:22
veinosi tried to01:22
veinosthe custom key binding won't allow it01:23
veinosor i don't know how to have the setting register my mouse click as a key binding01:23
veinosi think i'll just find a way to use compiz01:23
veinosi need some true bling bling01:24
veinosbut then, i'll have to change a bunch of stuff i guess?01:25
veinosthis is getting really confusing01:25
claydohveinos: using compiz to replace kwin isn't too difficult - I think you can shange that in system settings -- defualt applications -- window manager01:27
claydohuoimay have to log out for the chang to happen, or something01:27
veinosand what will I lose in functionnality if i dump kwin??01:27
claydohstability mostly, but I don't know01:28
claydohbut no lost functionality afaik01:28
veinosi'll give it a try then01:29
claydohand if you do, switching back is easy01:29
veinoshum, this did remove functionnality hehe01:35
veinosi don't have any close/minimize buttons anymore on every windows01:35
veinoseven after restarting x01:35
claydohdunno, maybe the docs are outdated01:38
claydohthat sounds familair but I don't knnow the fix01:38
veinosi'll try to ask google01:39
Roxy_i want to learn how to do some coding.... dont know much about it.....wheres a good place to start at? and if i want to pratice something in on it what is something where i can write the code in?01:46
Roxy_pratice something on kubuntu*01:47
veinosdecide what language you want to learn first? :)01:47
Roxy_veinos: i was leaning toward c++. :P01:47
veinosyah, i think most of linux fits with that01:48
veinosI never did any linux code though, but i use visual studio01:48
veinosi think bloodshed c++ is open source and not bad?01:49
Roxy_veinos: i played with visual...a bit...til i got kbuntu...but not able to get on windows any more -_- lol..01:49
veinosyah, i can understand that01:50
veinosvisual studio is only thing that really impresses me from microsoft01:50
Roxy_:) lol use to be evertime i was on wndows i got pissed off with it...since i got kubuntu...been having less stress except the times i get mad when something goes wrong and cant find or understand a way to fix it01:53
veinosI didn't have your luck01:54
veinosi,m yet to find a 100% working install of any linux distro01:54
veinoslinux mint was almost it... but then flash player would slow down a lot when playing online poker01:55
veinosnow i'm trying to have kde barely working...01:56
veinoswhich seems impossible so far01:56
Roxy_>.> wow... god -_-  this makes me scared of kubuntu now... lol01:56
veinoskubuntu went smoother so far01:57
veinosbut linux mint kde was completely useless01:57
veinosi couldn't have my video card to run01:57
Roxy_>.> dang!01:57
veinosgot help by two guy for 2-3h yesterday with no help01:57
veinosnow i try to have compiz work01:58
veinosbut it crashes windows decorator systematically01:58
veinosi'll reboot though brb01:59
Roxy_o.O! *starts reading a lot about everything but not rly cuz clueless on where to start* lol01:59
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veinosdid anyone manage to run compiz in kubuntu succesfully??02:25
HRPufnstufWhat can i type in a terminal to see all the specs of my system, hardware?02:33
veinoshow can I bind ctrl+alt+mouse click as a shortcut!?02:34
veinoshow would I go about having different wallpapers per virtual desktop?02:46
claydohveinos: now that is a tough one iirc...02:47
veinosno way !02:48
* claydoh fires up the google or something02:48
veinosi basicaly changed to kde for that02:48
veinosthought it was a breeze02:48
veinosi just read it,s in desktop/multiple desktop settings but i can't find that02:48
claydohwell not necessarily simple, but actually is a feature not fully re-implemented yet from the kde3 to kde4 move02:49
veinosman i'm not lucky with that ahah02:49
veinosdoes that multiple desktops menu sounds famliar to you?02:51
veinosGo to System Settings/Desktop/Multiple Desktops and check "Different activity for each desktop" option.02:51
veinosi think I found it02:52
claydohveinos: i beleive you did02:53
veinosi've search desktop in the menu search02:54
veinosthenclicked virtual desktop02:54
veinosand checked: Different widgets for each desktop02:54
mauricioHi, i'm brazilian02:54
veinosthat also works for dual monitors, so one picture per monitor per virtual desktop02:55
claydohdang I do need a laptop that is younger than 7 years old :(02:55
veinosfinally got something going :P02:55
* claydoh is missing out02:55
Roxy_when i try to go to my windows  os it goes to the windows loading screen then it flashes a blue screen then restarts back over  to choose which one to go to...  i member from when the person that was helping me with this stuff said something that i have to unmount windows everytime before i turn kununtu off.. could that be a reason for this problem to occur?02:55
Roxy_lol sorry being long02:55
Roxy_claydoh:  * pats you on the back* it be okay...02:56
vinny@Roxy you nead to run chkdsk on it from windows02:57
Roxy_vinny: if it not a problem to answer how would i be able to do that if i am not able to get on windows?02:59
vinnyis it XP03:00
vinnyeney way younead a xp,vista ,,, cd and boot to the recovery console03:01
vinnythen run "chkdsk /p03:01
claydohvinny, you stalking me?03:01
Roxy_dont have a place to put a cd into the computer i have a notebook.03:02
Roxy_sorry about not putting that into what i said  up there03:03
vinnyyou could try from Kubuntu with ntfsprogs03:03
vinnyI'v never done it so?03:04
poyntzwhen I get a new email in kmail i get a notification but dont see the email until I restart kmail. can this be fixed?03:04
vinnyfrom "man ntfsprogs"   ntfsfix(8) - Check and fix some common errors, clear the LogFile and make  Win‐03:06
vinny       dows perform a thorough check next time it boots.03:06
poyntzwhat i just said is wrong. pls ignore my last question03:06
veinosis samba pre installed in kubuntu!!?03:09
poyntzakonadi error - http://pastebin.com/qFWj1uDa03:09
poyntzhow can this be fixed?03:09
DarkwingDuckHRPufnstuf: lshw03:19
DarkwingDuckpoyntz: live CD or installed?03:20
poyntzDarkwingDuck: upgraded04:20
DarkwingDuckpoyntz: if you fire it up a second time does it still happen?04:30
Gorrothi'm using kubuntu 10.10 netbook edition.  in System Settings->Network Management, i've setup a working 'Mobile Broadband' connection, but where does it store that data?05:19
sysop1hi guys05:27
dasKreechGorroth: I'd guess ~/.kde05:33
dasKreechsysop1: hi05:33
OxDeadC0deI have a buddy who just installed Kubuntu 10.04 on a laptop with a new motherboard (core 2 duo 2.2ghz, geforce 8500gs) When he logs in it shuts off instantly, but can sit at the login screen for hours without it shutting off05:36
OxDeadC0deany ideas?05:36
OxDeadC0dehe tells me "I can log in but as soon as it loads all the desktop it shuts down"05:37
sysop1hi dasKreech05:42
dasKreechOxDeadC0de: can he login on the terminal?05:43
OxDeadC0dedasKreech: checking05:44
OxDeadC0dehe tells me when he goes to term1 (control+alt+f1) it shows him a black screen with a blinking line and no login prompt...05:51
OxDeadC0deer, blinking cursor*05:52
OxDeadC0deand the livecd "seemed to have worked fine"05:52
sysop1btw just wanted to give the kubuntu team a big thumbs up. 10.10 has fixed alot of issues I had.05:53
sysop1and was a very smooth upgrade.05:53
sysop1almost have all the qemu sound issues worked out.05:54
sysop1I can almost play netflix in a virtual machine.05:55
GorrothdasKreech: wow, you were right.  i was looking in all the wrong places to try and find this thing.  didn't think it would store that in my local space, as i thought it would be something it set system-wide05:55
OxDeadC0dedasKreech: and he was able to get to the terminal in xorg (failsafe mode?)05:56
dasKreechOxDeadC0de: can he get to alt+ctrl+F2 ?05:56
dasKreechGorroth: :-)05:56
OxDeadC0deno, black screen with blinking cursor only.. but we may have found the problem - overheating.. his cpu is at 125F and his gpu is 221F05:58
Gorrothrunning kubuntu 10.10 on this sucker, and it's fantastic05:59
Gorrothnetbook edition05:59
Gorroththe netbook itself is pretty slow though.  it's an aspire one AOD255 with N450 CPU from intel06:00
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alvinTroubles... apt-get and aptitude both dump core. I can't report a bug with ubuntu-bug because it segfaults.08:07
alvinSome package in the latest upgrade broke apt. Maybe openssl?08:08
moetunesyou could try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt   and look for error returns08:10
alvinYes, weird stuff. sudo dpkg --configure -a 'fixed' it.08:12
alvinTried the latest updates on another machine and there it worked.08:12
moetuneswell remeber that command for future reference then :)08:13
alvinI do hope aptitude doesn't dump core on me in the future. The command is usually only needed when packages are not completely installed.08:14
alvinAh well. No harm done. Everything runs as usual again.08:14
moetunesmight pay to try a different mirror then08:15
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progre55hi guys. how can I rotate a video? any video editing programs?08:35
moetunesthe desktop or a movie?08:36
ftg2progre55: avidemux maybe. i have never used it though08:39
progre55ftg2: how about kino? ever used it?08:39
ftg2sorry, no08:40
progre55ftg2: well thanks, let me try avidemux..08:41
moetunesmplayer can it seems - http://nwlinux.com/blog/rotate-a-video-using-mplayer/08:41
progre55moetunes: is it just to watch it, or can it save it rotated?08:42
moetuneshere's mencoder one that makes a new file - http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialVideo.html#KINO08:44
moetunesit's under that kino entry in command line08:45
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poyntzDarkwingDuck: "if you fire it up a second time does it still happen?" yep =(08:55
alvinI have a user here with an unresponsive desktop. iotop says no disk activity, load is 0.25 and there's 157M free. How can I search for the cause?09:08
84XAA9TE9can you tell me if is possible to use the normale network manager of ubuntu for all the connections and wpa_supplicant for only one that doesn't work with the normal connection09:09
alvin84XAA9TE9: Both Ubuntu and Kubuntu use the same networkmanager09:24
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samarkandHi everyone10:50
samarkandI have problem with geting a defunct kded4 process10:51
samarkandcan anyone help me ?10:52
moetunesmaybe with a bit more info10:52
samarkandps aux | grep Z10:53
samarkandUSER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND10:53
samarkand1002      1840  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    10:06   0:00 [kded4] <defunct>10:53
samarkand1002      4347  0.0  0.0   5188   756 pts/2    S+   12:52   0:00 grep --color=auto Z10:53
FloodBotK2samarkand: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:53
FloodBotK1samarkand: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:53
moetunesdo you want to kill it?10:54
samarkandI am using kubuntu 10.1010:54
samarkandI know how to do it10:55
samarkandI understand that the processes of zombie should not be in the system10:58
samarkandand want to know how to fix it10:58
moetunesmake it active again?10:59
samarkandit helps for a while11:01
samarkandwhen I restarting the computer the problem returns11:01
hanthanahow to localize kubuntu installer?11:17
omkarI had my apache configured for runninng cgi script but now its giving me a weird warning11:27
omkarwhen i open http://localhost int he webpage11:28
Riddellhanthana: you want to do translations?11:29
hanthanaRiddell: yes, i have completed sublevel{1,2,3} of Debian Installer11:30
hanthanaand now approaching Kubuntu Translation11:30
Riddellomkar: you have to say what the error is (although #ubuntu or a server channel might be better, we mostly do KDE here)11:30
hanthanaRiddell: i want to what i should translate to get localized Kubuntu release11:30
omkarthe error is permission denied11:30
hanthanaRiddell: I am the KDE localization Coordinator for my language  as well :)11:31
Riddellhanthana: not Sinhala?11:31
Riddellhanthana: ah, you are Danishka, I just e-mailed you11:31
omkarI have changed the permisison for www n also have restarted the apache2 service11:31
Riddellhanthana: for the installer see Ubiquity at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Translations11:31
Riddellomkar: the permissions for cgi need to be set exactly, I don't remember what they are but make sure both the directory and the script are set right11:32
Riddellmight be 755 I'm not sure11:32
hanthanaRiddell: Yes! Sinhala11:33
omkarI had given 777 too but it didn't help11:33
Riddellomkar: that'll be too open, it will require it to be more restricted11:33
hanthanaRiddell: yes, i replied back :)11:34
omkarbut anyways it should atleast work right?11:34
omkarearlier it use to give me something like it worked =11:34
Riddellomkar: no there are security mechanisms that stop it working if it's too open with permissions11:35
omkarstill the same11:37
Riddellomkar: best ask on a server channel, this one is more desktop orientated11:43
omkari just think that i messed something in the config11:43
omkari am trying to play with it11:43
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omkarProblem is fixed :)11:45
omkarnow the webpage is proper11:45
Riddellomkar: how did you fix it?11:45
omkarchanged the directory to /var/www11:47
omkarearlier i had kept it to cgi-bin11:47
omkarn also commented a script alias as there was already one script alias thingy mentioned above11:48
omkarn also closed the virtual host tag after the script alias was over11:48
omkarn restarted the apache2 service11:48
eeepcg'day anyone. I have just swapped from gnome to kde on eeepc 701. Couldn't stand the netbook destop, but the standarrd desktop looks and works much better :)12:27
johann_语法错误 /etc/apt/apt.conf:2: 文件尾部有多余的无意义的数据13:01
rorkmight be a good idea to point johann_ towards the chinese channel when he comes back :)13:10
shashankI need help with Kubuntu13:42
friesei have a persistent usb drive installation of ubuntu 10.10, how do i add new entrys to its grub file manager?13:44
friesei dont find any grub files on the drive13:44
K350How can I take a screendump and have the image in a desired folder in an easy way? I'm using lucid13:45
friesei hate that grub2 stuff, i liked a simple menu.lst and the old grub...13:45
K350!snapshot K35013:51
rorkK350 use ksnapshot, it's in the graphics menu13:52
Tm_T!info ksnapshot13:52
ubottuksnapshot (source: kdegraphics): screen capture tool for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 171 kB, installed size 500 kB13:52
K350rork: Ah, thanks:-)13:53
K350rork: Really appruciated!:-)13:54
rorkK350: you're welcome, express further thanks to the developers ;)13:55
K350rork: I'll. I discovered a minor problem with it. It doesn't work well if one want to take a snapshot of yakuake. But it's not a big deal14:05
rorkK350: you can set ksnapshotdelay, pop down yakuake and make a snapshot of it14:07
rork* snapshot delay14:08
K350rork: Oh, la la..superb!:-)14:13
K350rork: Nice since I prefere hotkeys and working in the terminal rahter then using gui's - I'm visually handicaped.14:14
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GreyGeekhi everyone!17:07
GreyGeekhi vinny!17:08
vinnyhay GG17:08
GreyGeekseems quit17:09
vinnyI gess this thing works :)17:09
vinnybut yes quiet17:10
GreyGeekI thought that with so many names showing in the right panel that there would be a lot more traffic.  Must be lots of private sessions going on...17:10
vinnyprob but I dont know how that works ....yet17:11
GreyGeekI used the IRC only once, about 10 years ago...17:11
vinnyI'm a IRC virgin :)17:12
GreyGeekWell, far be it from me to pick your cherry!  DarkwingDuck is in the list ...17:12
vinnyfirst time last night17:13
GreyGeekI'm playing with buttons right now.... so if I disappear ....17:13
vinnyyes and claydoh17:13
GreyGeekall these people joining and no converstaions... ???17:14
BluesKajvinny, yeah but IMO quassel is fugly and clunky , you really should try konversation17:14
GreyGeekSeems slow, too.17:15
GreyGeekI'm going to log out and try konversation17:15
dmoynewo has installed nfs + autofs on a client on a lan ; I cannot write on a directory created on server !17:20
Waffleguys i have a question for you?17:20
dasKreechikonia: what's that about?17:23
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GreyGeekvinny, you still here?17:24
* BluesKaj wonders why ikonia banned Waffle ?17:25
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GreyGeekvinny, still here?17:47
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rorkGreyGeek: there should be a userlist on the right, you can also start typing his name and use autocomplete (tab) to find out whether he's here17:56
GreyGeekThanks, I saw that list... he's not here17:56
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck: Where's the documentation channel?17:57
Alarmhello, i have a really high cpu usage when playing flash movies on firefox. i was using the nonfree flash player for firefox . i changed it and downlaoded the lib file from adobe.com , this still did not fix the problem. i read several solutions of how to fix this problem. does anyone really now how to solve the high cpu usage thing for the flash movies ?17:57
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: for kubuntu? we sit in #kubuntu-devel17:58
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: the kubuntu documentation is really small17:59
DarkwingDuck*documentation team17:59
GreyGeekThat's what I heard.  That's why I came here to volunteer.17:59
DarkwingDuck:D awesome. yeah head to #kubuntu-devel and ill be back in about 15 to 2018:00
BluesKajAlarm, did you try the flashplugin-installer ? It replaces the nonfree version18:05
Alarmi mentioned already above, yes18:06
Alarmthe installer as much as i know it copies the .so file18:06
=== Gee is now known as Whimsical
BluesKajAlarm, you mentioned "player" so that made me think you installed flashplayer rather than the plugin , hence my question18:14
Space_ManAlarm: ...i was using the nonfree flash player for firefox . i changed it and downlaoded the lib file from adobe.com...18:16
Space_Manaren't they the same plugin18:16
Alarmthats what i also did18:16
Alarmbut still i do not see much of a difference18:17
Space_ManI use opera with flash, when viewing a page with flash the cpu load does go up18:17
Space_ManI use opera's builtin flashblocker to turn flash off unless it is wanted18:18
BluesKajyeah the flashplugin uses about 35-47% cpu on youtube flash,but default size not FS18:26
BluesKajAlarm, how high is your usage?18:27
rork!de | DiogenesW18:28
ubottuDiogenesW: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:28
Space_ManAlarm: I just visited www.phoronix.com and enabled 2 flash ads, opera is at 10 - 15% load and operapluginwrap went from 0.1% to 100% for 20seconds and is now 'stable' at 5%18:28
DiogenesWrork be patioen with me. i think you can stand a german greeting or twon, when i leave :)18:29
Space_ManI do have about 30 tabs open, this is a test with opera, i'll try firefox in a few seconds18:29
seawingHello, I just purchased a new NEC monitor with 1400x1600 resolution but when I look at the systemsettings>display options I see that the max res is 1024x768.  Is this because of my video card or is it a driver issue?18:29
* BluesKaj was using FF18:30
BluesKajseawing, probly both , which graphics card ?18:30
seawingI have to look it up18:31
rorkHawadere DiogenesW ;)18:31
BluesKajseawing, lspci | grep VGA18:31
DiogenesWLOL rork !18:31
DiogenesWso you know something of viennese, rork18:32
seawing00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (rev a2)18:32
Space_Mannow with firefox, firefox-bin is 2 - 4% and plugin-container is 2%, only 2 tabs18:33
seawingbut I have a geforce 220 coming in the mail soon18:33
Space_Mani scrolled the page down and another flash ad appeared now the plugin-container is 80%18:34
Space_ManAlarm: sorry this isn't really helping you18:35
Alarmits alright, i can leave with it :D18:35
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BluesKajseawing, open the kmenu / system/additional drivers , choose the recomended driver , you may need to reboot18:36
BluesKajseawing,oops it should be :  kmenu/applications/system/hardware or additional drivers18:39
seawingit is already set to the recomended driver (version 180)18:40
sebastian_hey guys, i got  Nvidia 460 and cant find drivers for it, so cant max the resolution, any ideas?'18:42
BluesKajseawing, which kubuntu version are you running?18:43
rorksebastian_: did you check the nvidia site? http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us18:44
sebastian_no, but im looking for the open source one, usally installed by default on ubuntu18:44
seawingI think it is 8.4  I have been meaning to upgrade but haven't had the time18:45
BluesKajsebastian_, http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2010/10/get-higher-screen-resolution-with.html18:46
BluesKajseawing, the above tutorial might work for you as well18:46
BluesKajgotta goo...bbl18:47
sebastian_Blues, as i said i cant find the drivers so i dont have the software18:47
BluesKajsebastian_, think it might be nvidia-current18:48
sebastian_naah not working, thx tho, i try google some more :)18:48
seawingthanks, I'll look at that. actually I am using 9.04 (I had to look it up)18:49
sebastian_whats weird is that i dont even have a xorg.conf in X11 hehe18:49
sebastian_a lot of people here but no one got an answer on Nvidia common opensource drivers?18:55
seawingThank you BluesKaj!  That solved my issue!19:02
hanamichisomebody there ?19:04
BluesKajnope :)19:05
BluesKajwow, now there's an example of someone who expects instant gratification19:05
vinnyyes that was quick....lol19:06
dasKreechI know I've seen someone login ask two questions get frustrated and leave all in under a minute19:13
enesI have some resolution issues when i use a vga extension cable19:48
enesany idea?19:48
enesno one?19:50
PiciWhat sort of issues?19:51
eneswhen i plug extension cable after computer has started there is no problem19:53
enesi reboot my computer19:53
FloodBotK2enes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:53
eneswhen i reboot my computer there is a resolution like 640*480 and nothing fixs that19:56
utkuI think I have a problem with my fonts, especially with the bold ones: http://ompldr.org/vNjd6bw19:59
utkuIs there any way to fix this, maybe a ~/.fonts.conf?20:00
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kurdistankubuntu is a eye candy but really bloated20:27
kurdistanslow and really slow20:27
kurdistan:( kubuntu is even slower then windows20:28
kurdistanthats bad and really bad20:29
BluesKajreally kurdistan ? not here20:29
kurdistanhere it is. gnome is much faster boot time.20:30
kurdistanlxde even faster20:30
kurdistanit looks great. and I really like the control setting.20:31
kurdistanubuntu should take after20:31
* BluesKaj shrugs , depends what you have loading at startup20:31
studentzHeeelp  Please  Hi there dual boot Kubuntu Ubuntu. After I changed the plymouth in Ubuntu I only can boot to terminal in Kubuntu (runlevel 2)20:33
kurdistanstudentz do you mean you have ubuntu-kubuntu dualbooting?20:34
studentzkurdistan Yes20:34
kurdistanuse startupmanager20:34
kurdistanand there you can pick which one to use20:34
studentzkurdistan I am in a console runlevel two in kubuntu I cannot go to tty7.  What I should do?20:35
kurdistanhave nice day studentz, kubuntu needs to be faster. I will leave you guys. back to lubuntu.20:35
afroclusterHey, I've got a question. I just installed kubuntu and wireless seems to be working fine. I can connect with the GUI tool no problem.20:38
studentzHi there  Please  Help me I stuck in a console tty2 runlevel 2 . What I shoul do?20:38
afroclusterMy issue is that I want to use the CLI, so I try and connect with iwconfig, when I do this is never shows that I connect to the router20:39
afroclusterI usually connect via: ifconfig wlan0 up20:39
afroclusteriwconfig wla0 essid ROUNTERNAME20:39
AzureDragonHrm. I burnt a Kubuntu CD. I MD5checked the iso, I had k3b verify the burn, but the disk's self-check says it has an error... =/20:39
afroclusterdhclient wlan020:39
afroclusteris there something else I should do on kubuntu? This is sufficent on other distos?20:39
apparleis there a channel for wubi? kubuntu install via wubi is not working. I am dropped to intrafms20:42
studentzHi there   I'm stuck in a console  runlevel 2.  No way to go tty7.   Please help me20:46
adwahi, does anyone here know the Qt packages for ubuntu are generated ? Specifically, are they generated with debugging symbols and those symbols split out into a separate package ?20:47
apparleadwa: I suppose there must be a -dbg for each package, but I am not sure20:48
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bipolarDoes anyone know what I need to do to stop the ublog widget from being automatically added to all new users desktops?21:22
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cjlWhat command starts KDE from the console?21:31
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Tm_Trcjl: starkde21:32
Tm_Trstartkde even21:33
cjlXD, thanks.21:33
cjlCan I run multiple KDEs at once on different sessions?21:33
cjl(Not that I'd need to)21:33
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cjlDoes anyone know If I can run multiple KDEs at once on different terminals?21:36
Tm_Trcjl: you can launch kde sessions to different users21:36
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cjlHow does Kubuntu start up?  (Does it use a shell script or something?)21:58
cjlHow does Kubuntu start up?  (Does it use a shell script or something?)  Anyone know?21:59
morticumIs there any way to get a sound notification when doing a text search with no match in a kpart application21:59
DiogenesWgute nacht22:01
cjlDon't worry, bye.22:02
yofelhe's gone... it *is* a script (for loggin in at least)22:03
morticumno system beep for no matches in search boxes (e.g. in kpart apps)?22:05
morticumlooks like I'll have to go back to Windows XP :)22:05
kimaelHi, I use Kubuntu and I no longer have "network" :/ can anyone help me find how to configure this? It used to work perfectly.... I simply updated :(22:08
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utkuI have created a chroot environment and I'm getting that error: http://dpaste.com/277050/22:24
utkuWhere can I change my locale configuration?22:24
molly1ciao a tutti22:27
molly1come siusa22:28
user554I just migrated to kubuntu from xubuntu, but I still have the xfce panel up top. How can I use the kubuntu default panel?22:59
user554I just migrated to kubuntu from xubuntu, but I still have the xfce panel up top. How can I use the kubuntu default panel?23:02
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SonseeHi all, I have a simple question: how to run a startup script in KDE which contains a sudo command?23:51
SonseeI mean, the ones you put in .kde/Autostart23:52

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