
wgrantI see why this happens now.00:01
wgrantThere's a proper fix, but this reversion is probably better.00:01
wgrant(for now)00:01
wgrantwallyworld: ^^00:02
wallyworldwgrant: ?00:02
wgrantwallyworld: I (and everyone else, it seems) was misunderstanding the code. write_htpasswd is given the name of a temporary file which was just created, with mode 600.00:03
wgrantNot the old .htaccess file.00:03
wgrantSo this makes sense.00:03
wgrantI now understand why that patch works.00:04
weather15no solution to my problem?00:05
wallyworldthumper: i need that cowboy eyeballed asap. see mp ^^^^^^^^^00:06
wallyworldthumper: only one losa left and he is waiting00:06
wgrantweather15: What happens if you try to retrieve testopenid.dev from the server?00:06
wgrantwallyworld: The MP looks empty to me :/00:06
thumperwallyworld: looking00:06
wgrantAh, there.00:06
wallyworldwgrant: fixed. i was being dumb00:06
weather15Service Temporarily Unavailable00:07
wgrantweather15: You killed 'make run'?00:07
thumperwallyworld: you aren't really reverting the fix are you?00:07
weather15wgrant see this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/533655/00:07
wallyworldthumper: no. but that effectively what it does00:07
wallyworldit a new branch00:07
wallyworldbad comments i guess00:07
wgrantPreferably don't merge that fix, but please cowboy it.00:08
thumperwhat is really changing here?00:08
wallyworldit will be cleaned up. i justed wanted to get the cowboy done00:08
thumperwgrant: doesn't open(..., 'w') overwrite?00:08
wgrantthumper: Yeah, but it doesn't set the mode.00:08
wallyworldthumper: see pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/533638/00:08
thumperwgrant: so really what is the difference for the cowboy?00:09
wgrantthumper: What do you mean?00:09
wgrantthumper: The problem is that write_htpasswd is being called on a tempfile.00:10
wgrantThe tempfile is 600.00:10
abentleywallyworld: pong00:10
wgrantthumper: open(..., 'w') truncates, but does not set the mode to the 644 that we require.00:10
wgrantthumper: This is unobvious, and apparently a drive-by cleanup a week or so ago.00:10
wallyworldabentley: hi, just was looking for some eyeballs to review a cowboy. see mp a few lines above ^^^^^^ thumper is onto it00:12
mbarnettif the file doesn't exist at all (in the case of a newly privatized PPA) is the file going to be initially created with the correct permissions?00:12
weather15wgrant what can I do?00:13
wgrantmbarnett: That's irrelevant. It creates a new tempfile, writes to that, then renames it over the top of the old one, if any.00:13
wgrant(to attempt to be atomic)00:13
thumperwgrant: I just don't see why this is any different00:14
thumperwgrant: how confident are you that this works?00:14
wgrantthumper: It deletes the file and creates it again.00:15
wgrantUmask is 002200:15
thumperand the existing file is 600 why?00:15
wgrantI've tested it locally, and it's just the same as the old code which worked.00:15
wgrantthumper: Because that's what mkstemp does.00:15
thumpermbarnett: do the cowboy plz00:15
wallyworldthumper: thanks00:16
thumperwgrant: why is the existing filename mkstemp?00:16
thumperwgrant: I'm just trying to understand00:16
wallyworldthumper: did we want the cowboy to become the accepted fix00:16
thumperwallyworld: probably not00:16
abentleywallyworld: in fact, it's something that looked wrong when I reviewed the code, and I said so at the time.00:16
thumperwallyworld: I think it should be looked at as it isn't obviously wrong00:17
wgrantthumper: generate-ppa-htaccess creates a new temp file (using mkstemp), calls write_htpasswd on it, then renames it to .htpasswd.00:17
mbarnettthumper: thanks.00:17
wallyworldthumper: abentley: np. who should i assign the bug to?00:17
wgrantI can't see the original MP (it's a private branch), but it looks like something which could have been fixed as part of a review.00:17
thumperwallyworld: don't assign it to anyone00:18
thumperwallyworld: but pass it on to soyuz00:18
wallyworldmbarnett: thanks!00:18
mbarnettnow we need to update a subscirption and make sure it worked!00:18
wgrantmbarnett: Have you fixed existing file modes?00:18
wallyworldthumper: ack00:18
thumperwgrant: would it be better to look at the mode of the file rather than depend on the umask?00:18
wgrantthumper: Of course.00:18
wgrantAnd it should be tested.00:18
mbarnettwgrant: yeah, all were set properly00:18
wgrantBut I lack time to do that right now.00:19
mbarnettwgrant: re-running my find to make sure no more snuck in00:19
weather15Traceback (most recent call last):   File "bin/killservice", line 23, in <module>     import lp.scripts.utilities.killservice   File "/home/weather15/launchpad/lp-branches/devel/lib/lp/scripts/utilities/killservice.py", line 25, in <module>     from canonical.lazr.pidfile import ( ImportError: No module named pidfile make: *** [initscript-stop] Error 100:19
abentleywgrant: Yeah, it was considered a security vulnerability that we were publishing private PPAs before setting up their auth.00:21
wgrantabentley: I know the bug and fix, but I can't see the comments in the MP.00:21
wgrantI was wondering if the problematic change was a review fix.00:22
mbarnettno errors in the logs on the subsequent ppa generation runs.  gonna change a subscription now and make sure it is happy00:23
abentleywgrant: it was.00:26
abentleywgrant: rev 11842.1.12 of stable.00:28
wgrant... why did I not think to check the revision history.00:30
wgrantand the build farm seems to still be alive.00:36
wgrantIs PQM untestfixed at the moment?00:49
lifelesswho knows?00:52
poolieseiflotfy: hey01:21
seiflotfyhi poolie01:21
seiflotfyhi all01:21
poolieseif is interested in feeding launchpad actions into zeitgeist01:21
pooliewhich i think would give an incredible experience01:21
poolie"that bug i touched the other day"01:21
seiflotfyUsing Zeitgeist as a backend in Launchpad will allow users to have a personal timeline of their activities regarding themselves or specific project. This will allow easier tracker of when things were done commited and view a chronicle of the project in terms of all (blueprints/bugs/etc..) mashed together.01:21
seiflotfyTo do so Zeitgeist will just need 1 minor change which is use a different SQL DB to allow multiple read and write.01:21
poolieseif i just saw this general topic of zeitgeist-like-things was mentioned in the Economist last week01:21
seiflotfyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiithe magazine01:22
seiflotfysorry typo01:22
seiflotfyfixed the keyboard01:22
james_wseiflotfy, what's the db backend of zeitgeist? Can it be replicated?01:23
seiflotfyjames_w, we have an extension that forwards zeitgeist stuff to couchdb01:23
poolieseiflotfy: http://www.economist.com/node/17388382?story_id=1738838201:23
seiflotfyjames_w, its easy to exchange the backend01:24
seiflotfythe trick is in what shoudl be stored01:24
james_wseiflotfy, so LP could write a different backend to use a more appropriate technology for it?01:24
seiflotfyi was thinking of postgre sql01:25
james_wok, what would zeitgeist provide in that situation, over some hacked up timeline view?01:25
seiflotfyjames_w, i dont understand you question01:25
james_wseiflotfy, just trying to understand what benefit using zeitgeist itself would have01:26
james_wI agree that the functionality would be good for LP, but I'm unsure whether the code itself makes sense01:26
seiflotfyjames_w, i dont understand the question though01:26
poolieif you're talking about having zeitgeist directly access the launchpad pgsq, that's probably not feasible01:26
seiflotfyno no no01:26
poolieare you talking about having zeitgeist run on the client, or also having it run in the datacentre?01:26
seiflotfypoolie, it shoudl run on the datacenter with its own DB01:27
seiflotfyjames_w, the code is stable01:28
james_wseiflotfy, my concern would be that zeitgeist was designed for activity tracking on desktops. Using it in a webapp is quite different. I want to separate the concept from the implementation.01:28
seiflotfyand being used by canonical already for unity01:28
seiflotfyjames_w, not really01:28
pooliehow about having lp emit data into couch, in the dc, and then having zeitgeist pull some per-user parts of that?01:28
seiflotfywe developed it for using it with webapps too01:28
seiflotfyjames_w, i can track twitter stuff easily01:29
seiflotfyjames_w, poolie , zeitgeist supports exchangable backends per default :)01:29
seiflotfyso the DB where the data is stored is not a problem01:30
seiflotfyits about how it is stored01:30
seiflotfyjames_w, I already started mapping out how user activities on launchpad will be logged01:30
seiflotfyand tbh its pretty easy01:30
james_wI'd suggest that you send it to the mailing list, you'll reach a larger fraction of LP developers that way01:30
seiflotfyjames_w, sure thing01:32
seiflotfypoolie, this is how a bug report would look like01:33
seiflotfyi can save this as it is in zeitgeist01:33
seiflotfythis will allow me to query a timeline for user/project/team/bug01:33
pooliespiv and i might get some lunch, biab01:35
poolieagree with james, sending it to the list too could be good01:35
james_wseiflotfy, what about privacy?01:35
seiflotfyjames_w, in which sense01:36
seiflotfyjames_w, its easy to set the privacy issues of who gets to see what as a layer between zeitgeist and launchpad01:37
seiflotfyits a simple logic01:37
james_wright, but you need to account for that01:37
james_wbugs can be private01:37
seiflotfydepends on how the team is set up01:37
wallyworldthumper: could you plz stamp this so i can progress it https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/person-mergequeue-listview/+merge/4112201:38
seiflotfyjames_w, the logic part for privacy is an issue that should be taken seriously and I agree on that, but its easier than oyu think01:38
seiflotfyjames_w, can u give me the launchpad list01:38
james_wseiflotfy, I'm not saying it's hard, I'm saying it's a requirement for LP, so if your proposal doesn't mention it then it will be the first objection that people make01:41
seiflotfyjames_w, taken into consideration01:41
seiflotfyjames_w, the problem i dont have it all thought out yet01:41
seiflotfyi would like to do it with the launchpad team01:41
seiflotfythink it through with u guys01:41
seiflotfyjames_w, join the team or write to launchpad-dev@lists.launchpad.net ?01:45
james_wI think you have to do the former to do the latter01:46
seiflotfyi am applying to join then01:50
lifeless=== Top 10 Time Out Counts by Page ID ===02:09
lifeless    Hard / Soft  Page ID02:09
lifeless     198 /   62  Person:+commentedbugs02:09
lifeless     138 / 5176  Archive:+index02:09
lifeless      78 /  267  BugTask:+index02:09
lifeless      44 /  308  Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats02:09
lifeless      36 /    1  Bug:EntryResource:newMessage02:10
lifeless      28 /  267  Distribution:+bugs02:10
lifeless      26 /   53  Archive:+copy-packages02:10
lifeless      21 /  135  POFile:+translate02:10
lifeless      17 /   24  DistroArchSeries:+index02:10
lifeless      15 /   10  ProjectGroup:+milestones02:10
wgrantYay, we aren't winning any more :D02:10
lifelesssum the two figures ;)02:11
poolieseiflotfy: yeah, privacy seems to be the hard thing02:28
StevenKwallyworld: Pong02:28
seiflotfypoolie, not at all02:28
seiflotfyi think it can be done as a logic between launchpad and the server-zeitgeist02:29
seiflotfypoolie, its pretty easy02:29
wallyworldStevenK: hi, no matter now. there was an cherry pick i wanted to get eyeballed. all sorted, thanks02:29
seiflotfypoolie, i am sending out an email to the launchpad and zeitgeist lists02:29
StevenKwallyworld: I'm not working this week in any case :-)02:29
seiflotfythis would get us into good discussion :)02:29
wallyworldStevenK: lucky bastard. you on leave?02:29
StevenKwallyworld: Yup, until Monday02:30
wallyworldStevenK: well get off irc then and enjoy your holiday :-)02:30
seiflotfypoolie, i sent out an email to the dev list :)02:37
seiflotfypoolie, i am off to bed again02:39
seiflotfyits 3:40 am here02:39
pooliesleep! :)02:39
=== seiflotfy is now known as seiflotfy|sleepi
pooliewallyworld: can you have a look at bug 67458102:41
_mup_Bug #674581: Sourceforge Mercurial Import Fails <hg> <mercurial> <souorceforge> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/674581>02:41
poolieand say whether it's a dupe or a known limitation?02:42
wallyworldpoolie: ok, i'll look02:42
wallyworldpoolie: not sure - i'm a bit uneducated as yet on this stuff. perhaps thumper could comment? ^^^^02:44
thumperah... whut?02:44
wallyworldthumper: could you take a quick look at poolie's bug above. i can dig further. i thought you may just look at it and know what was happening based on past experience02:45
thumperwallyworld: most hg imports fail02:46
thumperaround 80%02:46
thumperbzr-hg is not really going anywhere02:46
wallyworldok. so it's a limitation in our importer02:46
thumperI'm looking at the imports02:46
thumperwallyworld: the only thing I could suggest is to try the import locally02:50
wallyworldthumper: thanks. poolie see thumper's comment ^^^^^^02:51
poolieit's failing to connect to the server02:51
thumperpoolie: I see that, have you tried it locally?02:52
pooliei can connect tothe url02:52
pooliei didn't actually try bzr-hg02:52
* thumper tries03:02
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha-afk
thumperpoolie: bzr-hg fails miserably with that import03:07
thumperI've commented on the bug03:07
thumperI think that the server is looking at the client type03:07
thumperhg client works fine03:07
thumperbzr gets the http redirect03:07
thumperand so fails on the unknown bzrdir format03:08
thumperpoolie: I added a bzr-hg task03:08
pooliei see03:10
=== timrc is now known as timrc_zzz
lifelessanyone seen 'Module canonical.launchpad.webapp.login, line 440, in expireSessionCookie04:30
lifelessvalue = request.response.getCookie(session_cookiename)['value']04:30
lifelesson launchpad.dev logging in ?04:30
lifelessTypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable<br />'04:30
wgrantI blame Cassandra!04:34
lifelessso, did you gain much from my notes?04:38
wgrantMm. It looks good for some stuff (like the session bits you mentioned). But I need to look into it more deeply to see how it could feasibly replace much more than that.04:41
* thumper EODs04:50
lifelesssinzui: ping04:58
lifelesswgrant: its what, 4pm for you ?05:00
wgrantlifeless: 4pm, yeah.05:00
lifelesshmm, actually, I can just look at my mail in the morning.05:00
lifelessI have a fix for Person:+commentedbugs05:00
lifelessIts a one-word fix.05:01
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
adeuringgood morning08:32
=== adeuring1 is now known as adeuring
henningedanilos: Hi!08:46
jelmerwallyworld_, wgrant: Thanks for dealing with the permissions issue crisis! I'm looking at a proper fix now.08:50
wallyworld_jelmer: no problem at all. i updated the incident report with a few extra details which i also included in the email08:51
jelmerwallyworld_: Thanks.08:53
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
wgrantjelmer: Great.09:37
wgrantjelmer: An unobvious bit of code, that one :/09:37
wgrantjml: Thanks for landing that.09:37
bigjoolswgrant: my fix seems to have worked09:37
wgrantbigjools: Yup, looks OK today.09:38
bigjoolsno, to work out wtf they take so long to respond09:38
wgrantbigjools: The "fix" being the removal of failure count assessments?09:38
wgrantOr increasing timeouts?09:38
bigjoolsnothing would have got failed if the assessment method had been left09:38
* bigjools will land the fix properly today09:39
wgrantSo you increased the TCP timeouts across the board?09:39
bigjoolsall xmlrpc connections09:40
bigjoolsthat's the *connection* timeout09:41
wgrantCan we grab logs from palmer and co. and see what was happening around the time of the timeouts?09:41
wgrantAlso, do we have resource graphs from the non-virt builders? I'm guessing not.09:41
bigjoolsyeah I'll sort that out09:41
bigjoolswe do09:41
wgrantThere may be hope yet.09:41
bigjoolsas in like the one I showed you for the virtual ?09:41
wgrantNo, I mean load and memory usage and stuff.09:42
bigjoolsoh that09:42
bigjoolsI'll check09:42
bigjoolsdo you know which ones (apart from palmer) to save me looking them up? :)09:42
wgrantAll of them, I believe it was.09:42
wgrantOne or two may have survived. But I don't recall which.09:43
jmlwgrant: it did it automatically09:58
wgrantjml: Huh?09:59
jmlwgrant: I think there was some kind of mail queue delay09:59
jmlwgrant: because another branch that I had forgotten about also landed.10:00
jtvstub: any idea why our makefile has "schema" depending on "clean_codehosting"?10:00
stubNo idea10:01
jtvHaving it depend on build definitely looks like overkill—we don't _really_ need new WADL to build a new DB, do we?10:01
stubOr should I say 'because that Makefile has become utterly unmaintainable'10:02
jtvToo late—I'm hacking & slashing at it.10:02
stubI don't know when we need WADL.10:02
wgrantjtv: make schema will be deleting branches, so it probably makes sense to clean up their directories too...10:02
jtvwgrant: make schema deletes branches?  That's surprising.10:03
wgrantjtv: It resets your DB.10:03
jtvwgrant: I'm waiting with bated breath for you to finish that sentence!10:04
wgrantjtv: Is Codehosting going to be wonderfully happy if it tries to create a branch and there's already something there?10:04
jtvwgrant: I still fail to see the connection between that and the DB schema.10:05
wgrantjtv: 'make schema' will remove all your extra branches. If you create a new one, it's going to use an ID that's already on disk.10:05
jtvwgrant: nope, I'm still not getting it.  What are my "extra branches"?10:06
wgrantjtv: Any branches you create on top of the sampledata.10:06
jtvOh, you're saying it needs to reset the local codehosting state in conjunction with the schema.10:06
wgrantWhich are probably the same as those that are in the directories that clean_codehosting deletes.10:06
jtv(Why not the local librarian state though, I have to wonder)10:07
jtvYes, schema also depends on clean_codehosting.10:07
wgrantHmm. clean seems to remove just about everything except the dev librarian.10:07
wgrantschema removes the dev librarian.10:08
jtvISTM schema may only need to depend on $(PY) and clean_codehosting.10:14
wgrantNot even compile?10:14
wgrantLooks like you may be right.10:15
jtvI can't see compile doing anything more fundamental than UI-level work.10:16
jtvOr wait, no, compile also did mailman.10:17
jtv(Which it could do perhaps 10 seconds faster with a judicious -j option, but the change I have in PQM right now should make that sort of pointless)10:17
jtvBut I imagine mailman is not necessary for what we want from "make schema."10:18
wgrantI would hope not.10:18
wgrantUnless something imports it.10:18
wgrantWhich ew.10:19
jtvWe'll see, when my current branch clears PQM.10:19
wgrantWhat does it do?10:19
jtvNot break when you "make -j2" :-)10:19
jtvIt's a pretty even break between "generate WADL" and "do everything else," so gratifyingly close to a 2× speedup.10:20
jtvbenji & I got worked up about build speeds last night.  He may have a way to skip the half a million optparse "add_option" calls from the WADL generation.10:20
jtvUnexpected?  It was to me.10:20
jtvIn a 4-minute profiling run of wadl generation, add_option accounted for about one minute.10:21
jtv(Profiling added less than 100% runtime overhead for me, so estimate the gains at 30s)10:21
wgrantjtv: Oh, last time I tried to profile the WADL generation it didn't finish...10:21
jtvSee?  Things aren't so bad these days!  :-)10:22
jtvIt could be worth doing separate wadl generation runs for separate API versions, though single-cores shouldn't sniff at the repeated zcml overhead either.10:23
jtvIronically, "make" would be just the tool for limiting that job to only the files that need updating.  But the finer details are hidden away in a python script.10:24
wgrantYes :(10:24
wgrantThat was quite a mail backlog.10:45
bigjoolsjml: did you change something recently in testtools?  I am getting errors about "can't import StartsWith" and I've dist-upgraded and updated-sourcecode...11:47
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
wgrantAnd updated download-cache and remade?11:48
bigjoolsI've never had to do that before11:48
wgrantAnd the dozens of other dependency mechanisms? :D11:48
bigjoolsthat's the nice thing about standards, there's so many to choose from11:48
wgrantBut really, testtools is an egg. Update download-cache and run make.11:48
bigjoolsutilities/update-sourcecode does all that11:49
wgrantDoesn't that just update sourcecode?11:49
wgrantrocketfuel-get is the one that does it all.11:49
bigjoolsit just calls the latter11:49
wgrantI think you have it the wrong way around.11:49
bigjoolslast time I looked, anyway11:49
wgrantrocketfuel-get calls update-sourcecode.11:49
bigjoolsthat's what I said11:49
wgrantupdate-sourcecode pulls everything in sourcecode/11:49
bigjoolsmake clean seems to have fixed it11:56
bigjoolsthe Windows solution11:56
deryckMorning, all.11:57
bigjoolswotcha deryck11:57
wgrantbigjools: There was an email about that a week ago.11:57
wgrantAn egg was changed.11:57
bigjoolsahhhhhhh I remember now11:57
bigjoolsI fixed it on one box but not my other11:58
* bigjools goes back to tracking down PoolFileOverwriteErrors11:58
bigjoolstrying to work that out but I 99% suspect so11:59
bigjoolswgrant: https://launchpad.net/~rhpot1991/+archive/ppa/+packages12:00
bigjoolssee mythbuntu-lirc-generator12:00
bigjoolsI wonder if it's down to .debs moving between sources12:01
wgrantbigjools: Let's see..12:05
wgrantThat doesn't sound likely.12:05
deryck*sigh* why do we put up with this internet thing?12:05
wgrantBut this is Soyuz.12:05
bigjoolswgrant: the files were put in the librarian a few hours apart12:06
bigjoolscurrently hunting down where they are published12:06
wgrantbigjools: I am confuse.12:06
wgrantbigjools: That file isn't in any of the other sources in the PPA.12:07
bigjools2 files with the same name12:07
wgrantbigjools: Something is really screwed.12:09
wgrantThere was never a binary by that name published.12:09
wgrantOf any version.12:09
wgrantOn any arch.12:09
wgrantSo WTF is it doing on disk?12:09
wgrantIt's not a half-written file?12:10
bigjoolsno idea12:11
bigjoolsit might be a merged account12:11
bigjoolsthe same file is in rhpot1991-merged12:12
wgrantThat would do it.12:12
wgrantThat is good news.12:12
bigjoolsso I can either block merges of persons with ppas12:12
bigjoolsor work out htf to merge them12:13
wgrantI say you should block merges if there are undeleted PPAs on the source.12:14
wgrantWe have no hope of merging them.12:14
wgrantbigjools: Can we convince the publisher to rename PPAs once it's deleted them, like we do with account deactivation?12:15
bigjoolswe'd need to track the old and new names to do that12:16
bigjoolsoh - once they are deleted it's fine12:16
bigjoolsmissed that but12:16
* bigjools prepares sql to fix data12:17
bigjoolsthen, I need to solve the double-copy thing12:17
wgrantJust the one PPA?12:17
bigjoolsmy life is fun-filled12:17
bigjoolswgrant: argh, there's a PFOE in ubuntu too12:18
wgrantbigjools: Which file?12:18
lifelessbigjools: hey12:18
lifelesscan I ask a favour12:18
bigjoolsa few12:18
lifelesshttps://pqm.launchpad.net/ - see the second job there from me - '[r=lifeless][ui=none][bug=668138] Add a DISTINCT to the commentedbugs subselect for performance.', bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/malone12:19
bigjoolsgfortran-arm-linux-gnueabi_4.4.4-9_amd64.deb, gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi_4.4.4-9_amd64.deb, gobjc-arm-linux-gnueabi_4.4.4-9_i386.deb ...12:19
bigjoolswell basically all the debs for gcc-defaults-armel-cross12:19
bigjoolslifeless: yo12:19
wgrantThat package gave me nightmares.12:19
lifelessbigjools: that should, in theory, be merged in about 1/2 an hour to an hour12:19
lifelessbigjools: then buildbot, then qastaging etc12:20
lifelessbigjools: it should fix our current highest frequency oops - but I'm going to be in transit ...12:22
bigjoolslifeless: you want me to watch it, or what?12:22
lifelessif it disappears out for some reason, can you resurrect it - it passed ec2 overnight12:23
bigjoolsbug 668138]12:23
_mup_Bug #668138: Person:+commentedbugs timeouts <timeout> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/668138>12:23
bigjoolslifeless: sure12:23
bigjoolslifeless: why is that not "in progress" ...12:23
lifelesswhen you EOD, if you can tag flacoste or someone12:23
lifelessI'll try to check in from airports etc12:23
lifelessthank you12:24
bigjoolsI've subscribed the bug so I will expect a qatagger email12:24
bigjoolsnow, back to my thousands of oopses12:24
wgrantbigjools: So, the package is fairly evil, and epochs are involved.12:25
wgrantBut filename conflicts should still have been caught :/12:25
wgrantI hate epochs.12:26
bigjoolswgrant: there's a bug somewhere, should be easy to re-create12:29
jmlbigjools: we added StartsWith to testtools recently and removed it from lp12:30
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wgrantbigjools: I don't think we ever check for binary file conflicts on upload...12:32
wgrantbigjools: We do for copies. And we check that the version isn't older than one already in the archive.12:33
wgrantBut I cannot see a binary file check anywhere :/12:33
bigjoolsI thought there was one12:35
wgrantSo did I.12:35
wgrantThere's one in dscfile12:35
wgrantAnd PackageUploadSource does it as well.12:36
wgrantBut not PackageUploadBuild.12:36
bigjoolsdoesn't the source upload check inspect the debs mentioned in the control file?12:37
wgrantThere is no source.12:37
wgrantThis is a binary upload.12:37
bigjoolsin the original source I mean12:37
wgrantHmm? You can't get binary details directly from the source.12:37
bigjoolsI guess not file names12:38
wgrantYou can't get anything at all.12:38
wgrantNormally they will sort of match.12:38
bigjoolsyou can get the package name12:38
wgrantNot necessarily :/12:38
wgrantIt's conventional, but I don't believe policy requires it.12:39
wgrantAnd lots of packages violate it.12:39
wgrantWe probably just need to do the binary file check.12:40
wgrantAnd thwack people who write packages like that :)12:40
lifelesspolicy can't require it, because folk have transitional packages and so forth12:44
wgrantI mean more to thwack people who write packages which duplicate versions.12:45
bigjoolswell the lack of a check in the uploader is thwackable12:48
bigjoolsespecially since it's done in the package copier!12:48
wgrantIt's just distressing that it has been missing for nearly five years.12:48
bigjoolssounds like some code refactoring is in order12:48
wgrantI'd like to push all copies and uploads through PackageUpload, really.12:49
bigjoolsmmmm maybe, I dunno12:50
bigjoolsneed to think about that, because I want to put copies through a job at some point12:50
wgrantbigjools: I think we probably need to attempt to discuss and think about redesigning all the upload and copy stuff at some point... the current model seems to be creaking.12:59
bigjoolsif you can define exactly where and why it's creaking, yes12:59
wgrantA few things immediately spring to mind... We have no copy tracking. We unnecessarily reupload files on privacy changes. We have incorrectly duplicated inefficient checking logic. archiveuploader is madness.13:00
wgrantWe ideally want NSS to not suck. And backports would be nice. And we have issues with copying between series and archives with different architectures.13:02
wgrantAnd any solutions to these are going to be hacked onto a system that was designed before archives existed, and even before pocket copies were envisioned.13:02
bigjoolsreuploading actually helps, it stops the request from timing out when the security team unembagoes something!13:08
bigjoolsbut yeah, it's unnecessary.  Wish we'd known that at the time.13:08
wgrantYeah :/13:08
bigjoolsI need fud13:09
lifelessbb test failure13:18
_mup_Bug #676980: lp.translations.windmill.tests.test_languages.LanguagesFilterTest.test_filter_languages failing <Launchpad Translations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/676980>13:23
gmbArrgh. Why does LaunchpadFormHarness use '' rather than 'launchpad.dev'? That's odd.13:24
jmlI was just about to raise the test failure issue13:25
jmllifeless: what should I do about it?13:25
lifelessjml: you could analyse the test to see if it has race conditions like those fixed in other tests recently.13:25
lifelessjml: you could run it locally and see if it passes.13:25
lifelessjml: both of those would be useful to do, I think.13:25
jmllifeless: you mean, actually address the root cause of the problem?13:25
jmlI really did have better things to do today.13:26
lifelessjml: amen13:27
deryckor we could just disable the windmill tests entirely ;)13:27
jmlderyck: the sky would fall in13:28
deryckjml, clearly, some are of this opinion.13:28
* deryck isn't afraid of falling sky13:29
lifelessderyck: oh good morning13:29
deryckhi lifeless13:29
lifelessderyck: can you take on the +commentedbug thing I handed off to Julian before - you'll be awake longer, and its right up your alley :)13:30
daniloslifeless, I don't remember seeing that test fail ever in the past, and I am sure we haven't changed anything remotely related :(13:30
lifelessdanilos: ouch13:30
derycklifeless, sure, I don't mind.13:30
lifelessdanilos: I'm sure we'll figure it out soon enough13:30
* deryck looks at scrollback13:30
lifelessderyck: its in devel now, needs to get to stable, be qa on qastaging and then (assuming all other bits are qa'd) deployed : will fix the highest oops we have :)13:31
daniloslifeless, yeah, let's see if it's spurious first, and if it is, then really ouch... I prefer reliably failing tests :)13:31
derycklifeless, sure, I'll keep an eye on it.13:31
lifelessderyck: cool13:32
deryckjml, lifeless, danilos -- there is no timeout value on the assert in the windmill tests.  passing in the past has likely been timing luck.13:34
jmlderyck: I know next to nothing about windmill tests. Got something I can look at to figure out what you mean?13:35
danilosderyck, quite some luck for roughly 6 months or so since the test was introduced, but I won't dispute it13:35
deryckindeed, this is browser testing for you ;)13:36
lifelessok, must run13:36
lifelessgood luck!13:36
deryckjml, danilos -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/533852/13:36
deryckjml, danilos -- so what happens is this: there is a page load wait and then the assert, but if the page load is complete but the page not entirely initialized, these sort of asserts can fail.  the timeout buys you some time but can potentially make the test slower.13:37
deryckhowever, the assert will pass as soon as the element is available.  so doesn't always wait the full timeout.13:38
jmlderyck: I see.13:38
danilosderyck, yeah, makes sense, thanks13:39
danilosderyck, since you've already gone through the trouble, do you mind landing a fix as well? :P13:39
* danilos whistles innocently13:40
derycksure, I can do it.  rs=danilos? :-)13:40
danilosderyck, yep13:40
danilosderyck, even r=danilos — I did look at it and see no problems :)13:40
deryckexcellent :-)13:41
* deryck branches and runs test for paranoia13:41
danilosderyck, assigned bug 676980 to you, thanks again :)13:41
_mup_Bug #676980: lp.translations.windmill.tests.test_languages.LanguagesFilterTest.test_filter_languages failing <Launchpad Translations:Triaged by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/676980>13:41
derycknp at all!13:41
deryckthis is all I've been doing for 3 weeks anyway... trying to get windmill tests to pass. *sigh* ;)13:42
jmlderyck: thanks.13:42
jmlanyone working on bug 636193?13:45
_mup_Bug #636193: feature flags need to self document <feature-flags> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged by mbp> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/636193>13:45
bigjoolsderyck: disabling windmill.... what a great idea.. :)13:49
deryckbigjools, you know, no one ever says differently, until you ask on a mailing list about that option. ;)13:49
bigjoolsderyck: we're a bunch of 2-faced....13:50
deryckalthough, I think we need a new process doc.... if you're in favor of keeping windmill, you are required to do the next lazr-js upgrade branch.13:50
lifelessall hail the great free internet gods14:16
bigjoolswgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/6697414:19
_mup_Bug #66974: Binary versions not checked correctly <boobytrap> <soyuz-upload> <Soyuz:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/66974>14:19
bigjoolswgrant: that is an *old* bug :/14:19
deryckmars, hi.  you learn anything from that test run I sent you yesterday?14:33
marsderyck, no, unfortunately.14:35
marsI looked through, and looked at the windmill source code a bit.  Nothing jumped out at me.14:36
marsBut I did find that the socket code was doing something odd14:36
marsit only logs socket connections after they are connected.  So the connections causing problems may not be logged, or they could be left open14:36
deryckmars, ok, so what do I do here?  I'm 3 weeks in on this.  rockstar has 3 weeks prior to that.  it's majorly blocking work, but I need to get the new lazr-js in.  How do I get it landed?14:37
marsderyck, I am thinking about it.  There should be some way around this.14:39
* rockstar votes "dump windmill" and runs away.14:39
marsderyck, what test did you run that had the thread trash?14:44
marsderyck, locally, the exact command please14:44
deryckmars, pick a test, pick any test, ;)  but I did:  xvfb-run ./bin/test -cvvt test_bug_commenting14:45
deryckmars, the bug commenting test runs pretty quickly, which is why I picked it.14:45
marsderyck, I am going to trying running it through wireshark, maybe that will catch something14:46
deryckmars, ok.  I'll just hang out and wait on you.  Thanks for the help!14:47
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marsjml, around?  danilos just sent a list mail about a testtools failure in a twisted test case.  It sounds like something you may know about?14:53
jmlmars: it's not a testtools failure14:53
lifelessjml: whats the tag to say 'this is a feature request'14:53
daniloslifeless, "feature" :)14:53
jmllifeless: feature, iirc. there's a wiki page w/ bug tags14:53
lifelessjml: I feel a strong desire to mark all 'feature' bugs as wishlist.14:54
lifelessjml: but I'm restraining myself.14:54
jmllifeless: thank you14:54
marsjml, ah, by 'testtools failure' I meant 'it may be something to do with testtools', not within testtools itself14:54
jmlmars: it doesn't have anything to do with testtools14:54
daniloslifeless, well, we've basically stopped using wishlist priority and usually mark feature bugs as 'low' instead14:54
marsmy mistake14:54
lifelessjml: thank you for restraining myself :) ?14:54
jmllifeless: yes.14:54
lifelessjml: you're welcome14:55
lifelessdanilos: why don't we use wishlist?14:55
* jml so does not have headspace for this discussion right now14:55
daniloslifeless, because it's orthogonal to priorities, I guess... but it was an ancient discussion and I don't remember the specifics anymore; I am sure sinzui does, though :)14:55
lifelessjml: for reference - https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.importance=High&field.tag=-feature14:56
sinzuilifeless, https://dev.launchpad.net/BugTriage14:57
sinzuilifeless, ^ since there are three states, and Lp defines the use of critical, we have two importance states left, high, because we only work on high things, and low, because we might do fix the issue in the future14:58
lifelesssinzui: that diesn't discuss wishlist at all14:58
lifelesssinzui: I'm fine with not using medium - there is a similar experiment running in testtools and related projects.14:59
lifelesshowever, I'm not sure bugs /are/ a work queue. Nevertheless - thanks for the link14:59
sinzuiI use medium in my own projects. I rejected critical14:59
sinzuiI want real words. do now, do soon, do when at an opportunity15:00
lifelesssinzui: I think thats a different concept to bugs per se, but related.15:02
lifelessanyhow, I have to go through security, I hope to be back online again in a bit15:02
jmlmars: oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see the *actual* error that's in the full log but not the email15:11
marsjml, no problem, I should not have punted to you without understanding it first myself15:13
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marsderyck, argh, I keep running into the 'text=bytea' problem.  I can't even run launchpad.dev :(15:28
marsthis after a database drop and rebuild15:29
marsback to code inspection, maybe that will spark something15:31
deryckmars, ok.  I didn't have that issue.15:37
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deryckmars, are you running against my branch?15:49
marsderyck, yes15:49
deryckmars, ok, cool15:50
jmldanilos: answered. hopefully enough for you to go on.15:57
danilosjml, thanks15:57
danilosjml, I've ran the tests locally already, and just submitted directly to pqm15:57
jmldanilos: are you going to try to address the problem?15:59
marsderyck, I am looking at the windmill.server.https code now, maybe there is some way to figure out which threads are still around, and why16:00
marsderyck, taking an early lunch, back in a little while16:00
danilosjml, most likely not, since I'm off after tomorrow and I got a few pressing issues for today and tomorrow16:00
jmlwell, maybe someone else will pick it up16:01
deryckmars, ok, on call.  talk to you soon.16:01
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EdwinGrubbsleonardr: ping16:44
jmljames_w: do you know if https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/365098 has been fixed?16:51
_mup_Bug #365098: Anyone who can write to a sourcepackage should be able to set the official package branch <package-branches> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/365098>16:51
james_wI don't think so16:51
leonardredwingrubbs, hi16:52
EdwinGrubbsleonardr: I was wondering if I should just add some parameters to a REST method to slice it, or if can re-use the REST API's ability to slice collections. I would just convert the method to a collection, but it has other parameters.16:55
leonardrEdwinGrubbs: if your method returns a resultset, it should already be sliceable16:57
EdwinGrubbsleonardr: right now, it returns a list so that only one call is necessary to get all the data that the timeline graph needs. Would I be able to use a DecoratedResultSet, or does each item in the result need to be an exported entry?17:00
leonardrEdwinGrubbs: a list should also be sliceable, but at that point what's the point? are each of these items huge?17:01
EdwinGrubbsleonardr: each item is not huge. If it just needs to be sliceable, then the DecoratedResultSet should work.17:04
leonardrEdwinGrubbs: yes, or just returning a list should also work17:04
leonardrtry it and see17:04
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bigjoolsleonardr: can I poke you about a webservice problem for a moment?17:37
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leonardrbigjools, sure17:51
bigjoolsleonardr: thanks - you reviewed a branch of mine a while ago and I am just getting around to land it17:51
bigjoolsI've not changed it and it's now failing tests: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/533928/17:52
bigjoolsI can't figure out why17:52
bigjoolsI suspect some wadl problem but I've done "make clean;make" before running the test17:53
leonardrbigjools: yes, you'd get that problem if nopriv_launchpad was using an old wadl. do you have any caches from launchpad.dev in your ~/.launchpadlib?17:54
leonardrit would be a bug for the testrunner launchpadlib to look there, but it could be happening17:54
bigjoolsI am getting deja vu17:54
bigjoolsyes there's a cache there17:55
leonardrremove that cache and see what happens17:55
bigjoolsok, running ...17:56
leonardrif it works, then file a bug against launchpad saying that launchpadlib_for is still looking in .launchpadlib instead of a temp directory. it might be something that can be fixed by upgrading launchpad's version of launchpadlib, or it might have been _caused_ by upgrading launchpad's version of launchpadlib so the order of arguments are different17:56
bigjoolsstill failing :/17:57
bigjoolsI removed ~/.launchpadlib/api.launchpad.dev/17:57
leonardrbigjools: ok, step into launchpadlib_for and see what cache directory it comes up with17:58
leonardrthen, keep an eye on that cache directory17:58
leonardrlook at the wadl and see if 'builders' is mentioned17:58
bigjoolsleonardr: the code has "cache = tempfile.mkdtemp ...."18:02
dobeyhey guys. does the source package recipe builder stuff not use the same buildds as PPA builds to build the source packages?18:02
bigjoolsdobey: why do you say that?18:03
dobeybigjools: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-hackers/+recipe/protocol-dailies/+build/777918:03
bigjoolsdobey: natty is not ready for recipe builds18:03
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dobeybigjools: what is prevening it from being "ready" exactly? it makes it hard to build dailies for the ubuntu development release :-/18:06
bigjoolsdobey: talk to abentley18:06
dobeyabentley: hi. :) ^^ what's blocking source recipes from working on natty?18:07
abentleydobey: What's preventing it from being ready is that bigjools thinks maybe it caused the build farm failures of a couple weeks ago.18:08
abentleybigjools: Success with memory limit on recipe build: http://librarian.dogfood.launchpad.net/57529959/buildlog.txt.gz18:08
bigjoolsabentley: nice18:09
bigjoolsabentley: the new manager is better about timeouts now so we should try again tomorrow18:09
bigjoolswell, when I get it rolled out tomorrow18:09
abentleybigjools: I thought the new manager was already rolled out?18:09
bigjoolswell - the timeout fix to it is cowboyed18:10
bigjoolsthe fix landed today on devel18:10
bigjoolsI'll roll it tomorrow18:10
abentleybigjools: cool.  I'll get this rlimit branch reviewed, and we can throw that in the mix, too.18:11
bigjoolsleonardr: "builders" is not in the wadl that's in the cache dir :/18:11
leonardrbigjools: in that case your top-level collection is not being properly published18:11
bigjoolsleonardr: I wonder if the recent interfaces apocalypse broke it - I bet that's it actually18:11
bigjoolsI need to register it in the zcml18:11
bigjoolsabentley: excellent - we can coordinate tomorrow18:12
bigjoolsthanks for the help leonardr18:12
* bigjools -> fud18:13
Ursinhabigjools, after fud... could you please give your ideas on bug 673985?18:14
_mup_Bug #673985: Provide a way to mark something as QA done before it was landed <qa-tagger:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/673985>18:14
dobeyleonardr: btw, i added the print of the team object yesterday, and it still failed, but the object was valid and pointed at the right thing. trying a 3 second sleep now to see if that helps at all.18:17
leonardrdobey: remind me what the exact problem was?18:17
dobeyleonardr: the two calls to getMembersByStatus18:18
jmlthe planet is down :(18:18
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abentleyjml: And the sky is up.  Unless you're in Australia :-)18:23
jmlabentley: :D18:23
jmlI'm off for the day. Tomorrow, email email email and maybe some naughty programming.18:36
leonardrdobey: i don't have any advice beyond stepping through the code and seeing what's different about the data structure or the code execution path in the first time vs. the second time18:37
dobeyleonardr: right. i was just letting you know where i was at now :)18:38
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
deryckbdmurray, ping18:42
bdmurrayderyck: hey18:44
deryckbdmurray, hey.  So we're expiring Ubuntu bugs now each day.  Doing 200 a day as we discussed....18:45
deryckbdmurray, and I'll let this run for about month until we clear the ~6000 bug backlog.18:45
bdmurrayderyck: right18:45
deryckbdmurray, and then we'll open it up to expire for every project.18:45
deryckbdmurray, so if you see any issues, let me know.18:45
deryckmars, hi.  Any luck on my branch?  (he says too anxiously) :-)19:05
marsderyck, I had some time to think about it.  The problem is figuring out which threads are still around, and why19:07
deryckmars, right.  That's where I got stuck, too.  I pdb'ed into the middle of windmill.server.https and just couldn't figure out how to work that out.19:08
marsderyck, I was thinking, as a first step, could we debug the https server to print a threadID whenever a new thread is started, and again when it is told to shut down?19:08
marsderyck, and a threadid when it makes a socket connection19:09
marsthat way you could see "tID 2: started; tID 2: http://blah; tID2: stopping"19:09
derycksure, that makes sense to me.19:09
marsany thread that does not print "stopping" is a problem19:09
deryckmars, are you trying this now?19:10
marsI dislike this approach, it's dirty, inelegant, but it might work19:10
marsderyck, I thought about it.  Do you think you could try patching for it?19:10
deryckmars, I don't think I understand where windmill is starting and stopping threads completely, but I can try to work it out.  Also, I had issues with print statements being swallowed earlier and had to pdb to get at objects.19:11
marsderyck, try printing to sys.stderr, it should work19:12
deryckah, ok19:12
marsderyck, perr = functools.partial(print, file=sys.stderr)19:12
deryckmars, thanks.  That gets me going again.  Will try again here in a second.19:13
marsderyck, no problem.  I think windmill.server.https is the right place to start.  Each server instance is a ThreadingMixin, so you will have a bunch of them.19:14
deryckright, that's what I thought, too.19:14
marsthankfully that part is close to the standard library,19:14
marsderyck, ah, just saw WindmillHTTPServer.process_request() (line 433).  It calls thread.start().  That is one good option to begin at.19:16
deryckmars, gotcha.  Thanks.19:17
marsderyck, let me know how it goes.  I am going to start hacking on my other deadline-driven work.19:17
deryckwill do19:17
EdwinGrubbsmars: do you happen to remember where we configure certain object types not to be security proxied?19:39
marsEdwinGrubbs, sorry, I have no idea19:39
EdwinGrubbssinzui: ^^^19:39
deryckthumper, ping19:39
marsEdwinGrubbs, pick an object you know is not proxied, then grep the ZCML for it?19:40
sinzuiEdwin Utility verses SecuredUtility in ZCML19:40
jamesh_sinzui: that just determines whether the returned utility is security proxied.  It doesn't set a policy for a class19:43
EdwinGrubbssinzui: yes, but a dict, str, and I believe some other classes we have specified do not get security proxied when they are returned from a secured utility.19:43
jamesh_EdwinGrubbs: there is some Python code that does this for a Storm type in storm/zope/__init__.py19:43
EdwinGrubbsjamesh_: thanks19:45
dobeyleonardr: ah-hah. i've found the problem19:56
leonardrdobey: ?19:56
dobeyleonardr: foo = team.getMembersByStatus(); foo.extend(team.getMembersByStatus())19:57
dobeyleonardr: apparently the .extend() there causes launchpadlib to attempt to alter the list via the API19:57
dobeyleonardr: which of course fails (though the traceback is whacky)19:58
leonardrdobey: so it thinks that 'extend' is a webservice method?19:58
dobeyleonardr: i guess. if i do foo = [x for x in team.getMembersByStatus()] to assign it, and then do foo.extend(team.getMembersByStatus()) after, it seems to work19:59
leonardrok, good to know20:00
dobeyleonardr: is that a bug i should file against lplib/wadllib/restfulclient? or is it just me trying to be too clever and i shouldn't do that?20:01
leonardrdobey: i think you're trying to be too clever. objects you get from the web service play by different rules than normal python objects, and part of our next project is making this more clear20:02
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deryckbooyah!  I have some knowledge now, mars!20:08
marsderyck, great!  What did you find out?20:09
deryckmars, so all the threads that are left behind are the launchpad.js file.20:09
deryckmars, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/533988/20:10
marsI thought we used lp.js now?20:10
deryckmars, it's called launchpad.js, I thought.20:10
deryckmars, lp.js is a file in lp.app.javascript20:11
marsderyck, please please /please/ send me patch that made this possible :)20:11
deryckmars, and launchpad.js on disk is 1.3 Mb now.20:11
deryckabout 450k compressed.20:12
marsok, that's a bit better20:12
deryckmars, presumably windmill is trying the compressed form, right?  but I guess the browser and/or server is hanging making sense of it?20:12
marshmm, could be.  I wonder, it must be working, right?  Otherwise the page would not function.20:13
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marsderyck, that is the only javascript file?20:13
marsno, Mochikit.js as well20:14
deryckmars, but it is the only js file when not in devmode that we build.  and playing locally in devmode or not, everything works fine.  Thought in devmode the browser can slow in firebug because of all the individually linked files.20:14
deryckmars, meant only file besides mockikit20:15
deryckmars, and here's my windmill patch to make all this noise.  :-)  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/533990/20:16
deryckmars, does this suggest our only way forward is making the file smaller or getting dynamic loading via a combo loader working?20:20
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marsderyck, I am not sure20:34
marsif that suggests the only way forward20:35
marsderyck, did the file size change much across versions?20:35
deryckmars, oh way bigger.20:35
marsdid the YUI core grow?20:35
deryckyes, many more files now.20:35
deryckthey assume combo loading not concating. :-)20:36
marsso we may need to look at unloading some stuff from our own bundle then20:36
marsnew functionality that we do not need20:36
deryckyeah, that's one way.20:37
deryckI can consider the options now. at least I know what's going on.20:37
LPCIBotProject devel build (228): FAILURE in 3 hr 42 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/228/20:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=danilos][ui=none][bug=676980] Fix up a translation windmill test20:39
LPCIBotto be more stable by adding a timeout value to an assertProperty.20:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=EdwinGrubbs][r=benji][ui=none][bug=318842][bug=383615][bug=488491]20:39
LPCIBotEnable tests.20:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=julian-edwards][ui=none][no-qa] Changes to20:39
LPCIBotcron.publish-copy-archives copied from the actual changes made20:39
LPCIBotin production to get it working20:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=julian-edwards][ui=none][no-qa] launchpad-buildd updates for20:39
LPCIBotSIGILL to not automatically retry the build20:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=jelmer][ui=none][bug=676479] Make XMLRPC connections to builder20:39
LPCIBotslaves respect the config's timeout value. Also add more logging.20:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=benji,edwin-grubbs][ui=none][no-qa] Support "make -j2"20:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=lifeless][ui=none][bug=668138] Add a DISTINCT to the commentedbugs20:39
LPCIBotsubselect for performance.20:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=benji,20:39
LPCIBotedwin-grubbs][ui=none][bug=676489] fix bug 676489 by adding code in20:40
LPCIBotthe apache log parsing to handle a space in the path.20:40
_mup_Bug #676489: librarian apache log parser failing to parse bogus line in access log <librarian> <oops> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged by gary> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/676489>20:40
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=thumper][ui=none][no-qa] Add person merge queue listing page20:40
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=allenap,gmb][ui=none][bug=594247] use JOIN and LEFT JOIN to link20:40
LPCIBottables needed to search for bugtask releated to a structural20:40
LPCIBotrefactoring of BugTaskSet.search() and BugTaskSet.serachBugIds();20:40
LPCIBotmore tests for BugTaskSet.search()20:40
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=jtv][ui=none][bug=675562] Fail requests for master stores if we20:40
LPCIBotare in read-only mode,20:40
LPCIBotno matter what database policy is currently installed.20:40
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=gmb][ui=none][bug=654372] Optimise source domination down from a20:40
LPCIBotfew minutes to less than a second.20:40
rockstarThanks LPCIBot.  I was trying to read mars and deryck's conversation...20:40
marsI wonder why IRC bots aren't aware when a conversation is going on - they could just wait 10 seconds for an idle moment in the channel20:42
benjigood point, mars20:42
rockstarderyck, mars, so, YUI's *-min files concatenated together, the files are about 850K20:43
EdwinGrubbsleonardr: I'm not sure if you would consider this a bug, since I can get around the issue by returning a DecoratedResultSet of IEntry objects instead of dicts. ResourceOperator.should_batch() decides not to batch list objects, which is why a list of dictionaries is encoded fine, but a DecoratedResultSet of dicts does not work.  BatchingResourceMixin.batch() pukes on dicts in result sets because it tries to call checkPermission()20:44
EdwinGrubbs and EntryResource() on the dict. For some reason, checkPermission() blows up because it tries to pass the dict to weakref.ref().20:44
marsrockstar, IIRC we rolled our own bundle before20:44
deryckrockstar, plus all our files.20:44
rockstarderyck, mars, yeah, this is WITHOUT lazr-js (I've just submitted the lazr-js abandonment branch to PQM)20:44
rockstarmars, deryck, roll your own bundle is actually rather complicated now, since the dependency graph is a little frustrating to follow in any scale.20:45
deryckrockstar, what do you mean send to pqm?  You've another yui upgrade branch?20:45
leonardredwingrubbs: in general our support for named operations that return lists of non-entries is poor20:45
EdwinGrubbsleonardr: I guess the security proxy knows not to bother calling checkPermission() on dicts, so maybe the REST API should copy its logic.20:45
rockstarderyck, sorry, I'm working in the U1 context now...20:45
marsrockstar, deryck, not fun.  We are fighting the grain of the library then.20:45
deryckwe need to get a proper loader going.  tis the one true way20:45
leonardrEdwinGrubbs: go ahead and file a bug, i don't think we'll get to it for a good while though20:46
rockstarmars, deryck, this is not a bug that's ever going to get fixed, I suspect.20:46
EdwinGrubbsleonardr: ok, thanks20:46
marsderyck, that would be nice, but we need to find one possibly lame way if we want to land your patch right now :)20:46
marsrockstar, what but isn't going to get fixed?20:47
pooliehi all20:47
marsHi poolie!20:47
rockstarmars, the 512K bug.20:47
rockstarmars, did I tell you that mikeal said "windmill is dead?"20:47
marsrockstar, I disagree.  I think it will be fixed, but it will be 5 years from now :)20:47
marsrockstar, yes, we discussed that20:48
rockstarmars, no one is working on windmill anymore.20:48
marsrockstar, wait, was the 512K bug in windmill, or in Firefox?20:48
rockstarmars, I know I keep banging this drum, but windmill is not the tool of the future.20:48
rockstarmars, it was in windmill, because we could run in the non-devmode and it worked fine for us.20:49
marsrockstar, that may be true, and I am all for investigating other alternatives, but I don't think tossing out windmill will help us land the YUI 3.2 patch right now.20:49
rockstarmars, I don't see why it wouldn't.  Windmill is what's blocking the landing.20:50
marsthat should read, I don't think we can take tossing out windmill as an option to get this patch landed20:50
rockstarmars, so then we wait until the next time someone needs to update the javascript20:50
marsrockstar, you mean, we will have to wait until then to evaluate and replace the tool?20:51
deryckI think we need to sort out the tool asap, and I also don't think the tool gains us that much right now. ;)20:52
rockstarmars, well, if we don't do something drastic, we'll continue to roll our own.20:52
rockstarmars, deryck, it's on my list of things to do for the next six months to set up our own combo loader.  This might help in the future.20:52
deryckso I think in the short term, I'll see what files we can exclude.  But this is non-trivial, too.  Requires build changes, even if minor build changes.20:53
rockstarmars, deryck, just today, beuno and I weighed the cost of rolling our own yui v. just having a larger file, and we just decided on the larger file, because rolling your own becomes a maintenance nightmare.20:53
marsderyck, I think you just have to change the file list in base-template-macros, no?20:53
deryckI thought it was just a for file in dir: concat script.20:53
rockstarderyck, you know how I feel about this.  As we workaround it this time, we forget about it until we hit it again, and then we try and work around it again.20:53
deryckbut maybe it gets the list from the base macro template.20:54
deryckrockstar, you know I *totally* agree :-)20:54
deryckthese tests aren't even really very good.20:54
deryckI don't think they gain us anything.20:54
deryckbut I've said all this before ;)20:54
deryckwell, gain us much. ;)20:55
lifelessafternoon :)20:55
rockstarderyck, so you can roll your own, but be prepared for some really obscure errors.20:55
deryckrockstar, yeah, I'm not found of this option either.  But I don't see I have any other option.  It's disable tests or roll my own smaller file (and hope for the best).20:56
rockstarderyck, also, make sure you run with filter: 'debug' in your LAZR_CONFIG, otherwise, you won't see breakages.20:56
rockstarderyck, I'm not convinced that we can get much smaller.  We have A LOT of javascript.20:56
marsderyck, fwiw, if we had some insight on browser-level testing from U1, Landscape, ubuntu.com/ISD, or current industry best practice, then cool.  But it will take that level of investigation to convince everyone to toss the tool out.20:57
marsrockstar, deryck was saying the YUI core grew between versions - that is features, isn't it?20:57
marswe may need to switch to -base.js everywhere20:58
marsand then build up20:58
deryckmars, I disagree. No one understands the tool or any other option.  There is just fear and paranoia.  I'm not willing to do such research for a pointless lost argument...20:58
deryckmars, and it's too much to change on my own.20:58
derycki.e. a weekend hacking to proof of concept.20:58
marsright, I understand20:59
rockstarmars, well, not entirely, and some of those features are for new core things.20:59
rockstarmars, remember, we're going from 3.0 to 3.2.  That's a pretty big jump.20:59
marsderyck, fwiw, I picked windmill in the first place (2 years ago now).  If you want, I can explain the reasoning some time.20:59
rockstarAnim, for instance, now wants to use Transition in some browsers.21:00
deryckmars, no, that's ok. :-)  I'm not against your original choice.  There are things I quite like about windmill even....21:00
marsrockstar, yeah, and unfortunately I have not been tracking the library - I don't know much about the changes21:00
deryckmars, I'm against the blind loyality to a system that at this point doesn't provide us much.21:00
pooliejam: aren't there two north american losas?21:00
jamAs I understand it21:00
pooliejam, here, unless it's private21:00
marspoolie, Chex and mbarnett21:00
jamI'm not sure why mthaddon is the primary one working on my request21:00
jamI assume it is a comfort level thing?21:00
jamHe's the only one who has posted to the rt21:01
deryckanyway, I need to EOD mars and rockstar.  I'll see what I can work out tomorrow.21:01
rockstarderyck, okay, keep me posted.21:01
pooliebye deryck21:01
marsderyck, I agree, and I am for evaluating alternatives - all software has a lifecycle.  (Even zombies like Emacs and vi!)21:01
derycklifeless, I think your branch is still playing in buildnot.21:01
deryckheh, didn't mean that typo.21:02
rockstarmars, mikeal said that basically everything they hated about Selenium when they started Windmill is basically fixed now.21:02
lifelessderyck: kk21:02
=== Guest67633 is now known as jelmer
deryckbut one last thing on this....  it's not *just* the tool.... it's that we have no idea why to even use the tool.  browser testing can't be approached like unit testing.21:02
marsderyck, good point21:03
deryckwe will end up with the same crappy tests run by another tool21:03
marsfunny, and true21:03
deryckwhich is why I advocate disabling the tests. :-)  Kill the pain.  Get on with work, and figure out to how to do this right before trying again.21:03
rockstarmars, U1 is probably going to go with YETI.21:03
marsrockstar, no idea what that is21:04
marssomething else that needs shaving21:04
deryckanyway, bye all.21:04
rockstarmars, YETI = Yahoo Easy Testing Interface. It's how the YUI tests get run.21:05
jampoolie: as an aside, I haven't seen any real l-osa interaction on any channel other than -ops, and even then I've gotten misses (though probably if I haven't heard a response in 30min, I should just send it again)21:05
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
marsrockstar, got it: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yeti/21:05
rockstarmars, yeah.  It's more for pre-commit tests than it is for CI.21:06
mars"Yeti is designed to help you run tests before you commit. It compliments existing CI tools like Selenium and Hudson which run tests post-commit. Yeti is not a replacement for those tools."21:06
rockstarBut I don't see why it can't also be used for CI, but reid advised against it.21:06
* lifeless looks for another handoff21:07
marsrockstar, windmill and stuff test the full house of cards - that is why we started using them, and why they fall over all the time21:07
pooliejam, like francis said, they're just swamped21:07
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.11 | PQM open for 10.12 | firefighting: - | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
poolieperhaps it's worth just shelving it entirely until they can give you some dedicated time?21:07
rockstarmars, yeah, but windmill was actually developed for CI type tests.21:08
pooliehi flacoste21:08
flacostehi poolie21:08
rockstarAnd the tests we wrote for it are very much CI type tests.21:08
jam /wave21:08
flacostehi jam21:08
marsrockstar, yep.  Deryck's argument partly hinges on our understanding of, and deriving value from, that fact.21:08
jampoolie: I certainly think that the best use of time would be to just pre-arrange a couple of hours, and have a live conversation and testing of it.21:09
jamI'm not all that great at sysadmin stuff, the production config is nothing like local config, etc.21:09
marsrockstar, we also have the complimentary xUnit suite with YUITest21:09
jamI don't have access to production to see what it is actually like21:09
poolieit seems like you could (are?) waste a lot of mental energy waiting around to see if they've responded21:09
marsrockstar, so, two tools, two roles.  What do other projects do in the industry, and at this company?21:09
rockstarmars, I think that Launchpad is kinda the leader in js testing, actually.  This means we're kinda feeling around in the dark.21:10
jampoolie: well, today I mostly switched off, and was doing code review, etc, so not a lot of waste21:10
jambut certainly I spent some time making sure the init script worked on my machine21:10
jambut it doesn't match production21:10
lifelessrockstar: within Canonical?21:10
rockstarlifeless, yes.21:10
lifelessqa folk - https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html seems to be missing 10 new commits, am I just eager, or is something wrong ?21:11
flacosterockstar, mars: yeah, nobody else is really paying that much attention to automated JS testing21:11
marslifeless, you can check the logs on devpad, if you want.21:11
lifelessmars: https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/logs/output-launchpad-stable.log does not have a timestamp in it21:12
rockstarflacoste, landscape is, and they're having problems too.  jstestdriver randomly decides not to run tests.21:12
marslifeless, really?  That's an oversight21:12
flacosterockstar, mars: Landscape started with Selenium and dropped it21:12
marslifeless, we should fix that21:12
flacosterockstar, mars: now Landscape is ysing yuitest with jstestdriver as a harness21:13
lifelessmars: have a look :)21:13
rockstarflacoste, yeah.  I assume, at some point, we'll swing for the fences and actually get a home run.21:13
flacosterockstar, mars: ISD started using Selenium, than Windmill now looking into Selenium2 (never really systematized on anything)21:13
rockstar...Or 6 runs, if you're in that part of the world.21:13
marsflacoste, ok, so is the whole integration testing idea a mountain not worth climbing, or are we just not committed enough?21:13
pooliei'm going to try to pilot more today, depending what else is in my inbox21:14
flacostemars: deryck would say not worth climbing, i say not commited enough21:14
flacostemars: industry standard is selenium-grid21:14
rockstarflacoste, yeah, we're in a black hole.  U1's fix seems to be "don't go to long before we can fix it" and lifeless' recent changes might be helpful there.21:14
marsflacoste, rockstar, or possibly, no one save BigCos like Yahoo have made it to the top.  The OSS world is still building convenient, stable tools to work with?21:14
flacosteor any custom solution built on top of selenium, (like google does)21:14
rockstarmars, Yahoo still struggles with it.21:15
rockstarmars, only small groups test at Yahoo.21:15
lifelesshudson has selenium-grid glue I think21:15
flacostemars, rockstar: go read Bjorn's report from last year Google Testing conference21:15
marsrockstar, I remember the Google "If you try it, don't go here, or there" slides :)21:15
rockstarlifeless, yeah, YUITest has hudson glue as well.21:15
marsflacoste, ah, I remember now21:16
flacostepoolie: i'm free for the next 1h45 if you want to talk, but i'm fine with resuming next week if you rather not21:16
marsrockstar, only small groups test at Yahoo??21:17
flacostemars, rockstar: iirc, google was working on webc or something like that would should be more reliable than selenium for piloting the browser, but not sure where this is at now21:17
marsrockstar, so the industry standard is still manual testing?21:17
poolieflacoste: now's good for me; we haven't spoken for a while21:18
lifelessmars: industry standard is probably user complaints.21:18
lifelessmars: depending on how you define industry, and standard.21:18
marslifeless, haha21:18
rockstarflacoste, are you talking about jstestdriver?  That's what Google uses to test gmail.21:18
marslifeless, we are working at the bleeding, gory edge of the whole thing21:18
flacosterockstar: i don't think so, it was also in Bjorn's report21:19
rockstarmars, yeah, I was surprised too.  I had lunch with the Yahoo Sports team, and they just farm it out to their QA team.21:19
marsflacoste, are you talking about that project that became Selenium2?21:19
marsrockstar, could just be institutional momentum21:19
marsRemember what a shock it was to start on LP and find how far ahead the practice here is21:20
marsrockstar, could also be ease of implementation: perhaps everyone in the industry knows how to do manual JS+QA.  Few know automated testing.21:20
flacostemars: it might be21:21
marsSo, do we have some options here?21:21
rockstarmars, yeah.  U1 makes sure that the barrier for rolling out a fix in cases like that is very small.21:21
marsrockstar, right, and that helps a lot, I'm sure.21:22
jderoserockstar: MooTools seems to be one of the more test-driven JS libs, and they're using Windmill: http://www.getwindmill.com/  <= you guys ever try it (i haven't)21:22
mars"cap deploy"21:22
rockstarjderose, you cant' see the backchat where I say terrible things about the mothers of the windmill developers.21:23
jderosehehe, okay, that answers my question21:24
marsjderose, the Launchpad project has a decent sized windmill test suite, all Python, integrated as python unittests.21:24
rockstarjderose, launchpad uses windmill, and no one believes me when I say we shouldn't.  :)21:24
jderoserockstar: so what should you use?21:25
* mars notices they redid the windmill homepage21:25
lifelesssinzui: do we support safari?21:25
lifelesssinzui: - https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-web/+bug/9726621:26
_mup_Bug #97266: Suggestions menu next to "Choose..." doesn't do anything <launchpad-web:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/97266>21:26
sinzuiyes, in the form of webkit engine that underlies safari, konqueror, and chromium21:26
lifelesssinzui: do you think that that bug is high ? I'm torn.21:27
sinzuiit is not high because the work around is to type what you see in the list for item 121:28
marslifeless, "Safari 1.3"?21:28
sinzuithat is broken in chromium now21:28
lifelesssinzui: it is ?21:28
lifelessI think I'll leave it high and add confusing-ui21:28
rockstarjderose, that's still up for discussion.21:29
lifelesswe're making chromium default in Ubuntu I think, aren't we?21:29
lifelessmars: EOldBug21:29
sinzuiyep, still broken21:30
marslifeless, if Curtis didn't say it affects current Chromium, I would say it is not a supported browser.  We only support Safari 3+ now.21:30
lifelessis https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/86352 still relevant21:30
_mup_Bug #86352: SchoolTool imported bugs have invalid reporters <oops> <tech-debt> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/86352>21:30
lifelesswe've changed our email handling, haven't we?21:30
marslifeless, old, but here was the plan, back when I played webmaster: https://dev.launchpad.net/GradedBrowserSupport21:31
sinzuimars, please listen to what I said. This is a webkit issue. I just tested the bug (again) and it is still broken in chromium Maverick21:31
sinzuiIt is broken in Kubuntu maverick21:31
* sinzui tags the bug so it is with its friends21:32
marssinzui, I understand.  Unfortunately a GBS table like the one I wrote doesn't take root-level engine bugs into account well.21:33
marsIt assumes you can't easily discern a bug in the engine vs. a bug in the browser's integration of said engine21:33
sinzuiI tag most of the bugs in launchpad-web  with the browser engine when it is known21:33
sinzuiopera is another class of victim21:33
marssinzui, +1, that is a big step forward then21:33
sinzuiI was pondering how to tad IE issues last night. I think the versions with undocumented changes make it difficult to say if a  issue is ie, 6, 7, or 8. I believe we have one bug that is definitely IEs problem, but it is only fixed in version 821:36
lifelesssinzui: 'usersthathatefreedom'?21:36
sinzuiThe inline help iframe sitting invisible over the login button is a nightmare. I think the only fix is to re-implement the the feature with ajax instead of an iframe21:38
sinzuidoes anyone who uses opera have a moment to check two presentation issues21:40
weather15Hello Everyone21:41
weather15After configuring Apache to access Launchpad from a remote machine I get this error: Secure Connection Failed                                                                      An error occurred during a connection to launchpad.dev.  SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.  (Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)21:41
weather15My Apache config looks right any idea as to what's wrong?21:42
mwhudsonthat usually means that you're not talking ssl when something is expecting you to i think21:42
mwhudsonnot really a launchpad issue21:42
weather15is this something know that the instructions in the documentation do not work?21:55
weather15Everything here is as said in the documentation22:05
weather15I would think this would work! <VirtualHost>22:10
weather15wgrant are you outthere?22:20
weather15*out there22:21
weather15It seems that Mod-ssl is not loading22:39
weather15any idea as to why this does not work? It seems to that it has to do with Launchpad's Apache Config22:44
weather15Looks to like Apache is not even running on port 443:tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN23:04
EdwinGrubbsleonardr: is there a specific IField that works for exporting a dict that can just be converted to json?23:10
leonardrEdwinGrubbs: i don't know. i have no experience with named operations that return dicts. you might ask bdmurray23:11
rockstarwallyworld_, hi23:13
wallyworld_rockstar: otp23:13
wgrantEdwinGrubbs: I don't think you declare it as anything.23:14
wgrantEdwinGrubbs: It just works.23:14
rockstarwallyworld_, okay. I was just pinging you to see how the war was going.23:15
maxbIt seems that leaving the code import machines deactivated for 2 days has left the import queue seriously backlogged23:20
wgrantHm, really?23:23
wgrantAren't most imports tried every 6 hours?23:23
maxbHmm, actually no, but something's screwed up23:23
maxbThe importds are full of imports, but new imports registered on Monday haven't had their initial import run yet23:23
wgrantSomething is up, yeah.23:24
wgrantLots of branches haven't imported since the 15th.23:24
rockstarWasn't there an incident where we disabled the importds?23:24
wgrantOver the weekend, yeah.23:25
wgrantBut they were reenabled.23:25
maxbhttps://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/sope/debian-tfh is the earliest new import that has not been processed23:25
wgrantA suspicious number are stuck like this:23:25
maxbTo put a time box on when the problem started23:25
wgrant2010-11-18 23:19:40 INFO    Getting exising bzr branch from central store.23:25
wgrant2010-11-18 23:19:40 INFO    [chan bzr SocketAsChannelAdapter] Opened sftp connection (server version 3)23:25
wgrant2010-11-18 23:19:40 INFO    35 bytes transferred23:25
wgrantEven some that started an hour ago.23:26
wgranteg https://code.launchpad.net/~rpm5/rpmlint/trunk has been going for 51 minutes, but normally takes 20 seconds.23:26
maxbIn fact, I wonder if there's a single successful import since the 15th23:27
maxbThe never used to log "[chan bzr SocketAsChannelAdapter] Opened sftp connection (server version 3)23:28
maxb", afaik, before23:28
* mwhudson looks at a graph23:28
wgrantThey seem to time out after an hour.23:28
wgrantSo we will be backlogged.23:28
wgrantYeah, they time out after almost exactly 60 minutes.23:29
wgrantOh, killed with KeyboardInterrupt.23:30
wallyworld_rockstar: off the phone now. how's life in greener pastures?23:30
rockstarwallyworld_, it's a nice evening in Buenos Aires.23:31
rockstarwallyworld_, how goes merge queues?23:31
wallyworld_rockstar: wow i didn't realise you were there. lucky you :-)23:31
wallyworld_rockstar: i have a branch almost ready to land (for the product queues etc). but it's been on hold most of the week due to other tasks23:32
wallyworld_rockstar: i landed the person listing branch yestersay into devel23:33
rockstarwallyworld_, awesome.23:33
rockstarwallyworld_, so I guess that means you haven't pulled out the json constraint on the configs?23:33
wallyworld_rockstar: no :-( i have a few items left on my todo list. should get to it monday or tuesday. is that too late. i can do something over the w/e if you need it23:34
rockstarwallyworld_, okay.  I'll see if I can get to it this weekend, in any case.  I'm also going to work on getting the merge proposals queueable.23:35
mwhudsonuh yes, the codeimport graphs is terrible23:36
wallyworld_rockstar: i would think that make the mp queueable would take priority?23:36
wallyworld_rockstar: the json cleanup can happen after that?23:36
rockstarwallyworld_, yeah, but it's small.23:38
wallyworld_rockstar: that's a sad problem for you to have but what does it have to do with json? :-)23:40
wallyworld_rockstar: i'll ping you then before i start on anything and we'll take a view from there23:42
rockstarwallyworld_, cool.23:44
rockstarwallyworld_, jml went over the LEP, might be good for you to read it.23:44
mwhudsonhang on23:44
wallyworld_rockstar: will do23:44
mwhudsonwhy is bzr on the importds using the paramiko  transport23:44
maxbIIUC, the implication from the various logs on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/transaction/trunk suggests it was back when it was working too23:47

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