
bacMeeting Ping: thumper, rockstar, stub, mwhudson, stevek, lifeless, wgrant00:03
thumperbac: pong00:03
thumperbac: lifeless is in the US00:04
thumperwallyworld: ping00:04
bachey thumper.  and wgrant00:04
thumperbac: and rockstar is elsewhere00:04
wgrantAnd hopefully StevenK is as well.00:04
wallyworldthumper: hi00:05
bachi wallyworld00:05
thumperwallyworld: just thought you might like to sit in00:05
bacthumper: stevenk should be on-line by now, no?00:06
thumpershould be00:06
wallyworldthumper:  ack00:06
bacwell, let's start00:06
bacthe AmEu meeting was pretty uneventful.  despite the late warning about the time change most everyone was available.00:07
wgrantbac: Isn't Steve off this week?00:07
bacwgrant: perhaps.  i think i missed that email from sarah...00:07
bacsalgado is still a UI reviewer mentat.  please consider throwing your UI reviews to him if possible.  i think he should be wrapping up soon...00:08
bacthumper: how has mentoring StevenK been going?  is he getting any more reviews?  this process is dragging on for him.00:09
thumperbac: not mentored anything for a week00:09
bacthumper: ok.  i've encouraged the ameu folks to give him a shot at reviews but it isn't very practical.00:10
bacrelated, benji is not being mentored by edwingrubbs00:10
bacand jcsackett starts as a reviewer this week mentored by sinzui00:11
EdwinGrubbsI think you mean "now" and not "not".00:11
bacsorry EdwinGrubbs, typo00:11
bacso except for our newest team member that means all canonical lp team members are now reviewers00:12
bac(hi wallyworld)00:12
bacoutstanding stuff:00:13
bacSinzui to investigate making lint check for the Storm 'in' gotcha00:13
bache has made some progress but doesn't have a fix yet.  he does report that his pocket-lint program has been accepted into natty, which is cool.00:13
bac* bac to work with mars regarding a slow introduction of new reviewer points regarding the ArchitectureGuide.00:14
sinzuiI think the final fix is to convert the false SQLObject SQLs to Storm and declare victory00:14
wallyworldhi bac. sorry, stepping in and out. getting a cowboy done00:14
bacjtv started a discussion about seeing more blatantly bad code in devel and was concerned.00:15
bacit was suggested by sinzui that some automated changes post-review can cause style problems00:15
bacabentley commented that he is working on a tool (bzr plugin i assume) that will trace every line back to the merge proposal.00:16
abentleybac: Yeah.  Well, any arbitrary line, at least.00:17
baci offered to contact reviewers if other find things that slipped by that should not have.  we don't want to do a lot of finger pointing but instead just inform people that they may have missed something.00:18
bacpersonally i'd like a gentle reminder if i did a bad review.  hopefully this feedback will be rare and well received.00:19
bacand that is what we covered in AmEu.00:19
bacanyone have comments or other topics to discuss?00:19
wgrantI think different reviewers apply different levels of pedantry.00:19
bacwgrant: the examples cited by jtv weren't really pedantry but things that were just clearly out of place00:20
wgrantAh, i see.00:20
bacand with some of the automated tools we have i feel comfortable deferring a lot of stuff and mention "your imports look funny, run henning's tool before you commit."  that plus running lint covers a lot of the drudgery.00:22
bacanything else?00:22
bacthanks for coming.00:23
mwhudsonoops, missed that01:24
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== jelmer is now known as Guest52674
=== Guest52674 is now known as jelmer
=== jelmer is now known as Guest95477
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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