=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk === amitk-afk is now known as amitk === hrw|gone is now known as hrw [08:47] morning === lilstevie is now known as lilstevie|ZNC === lilstevie|ZNC is now known as lilstevie === robclark_ is now known as robclark [15:55] torez: I think there aren't a bug opened to fix the broken wifi on IGEP v2, you can open one ? [16:22] eballetbo, yes, it's probably better here than that long email string :-) so why CONFIG_REGULATOR_DUMMY ? [16:23] eballetbo, interesting that was not enabled for older linaro kernel yet wifi worked fine [16:27] the problem is commit 00cd6e6ad383061b7111f7cff3d0f84b73d3c0c7 (igepv2: Remove VMMC2 regulator), the patch is ok but introduces a new feature. [16:27] this patch removes an unused regulator entry, but left the second MMC channel (used by the Libertas WLAN mudule) without link to power regulator. This causes the SDIO module to fail being detected. [16:28] eballetbo, ok, explains why it can't be loaded and is not instantiated at boot time [16:31] WIFI/BT (MMC2) requires link to power regulator to be detected, otherwise the SDIO card on mmc2 is not detected and the libertas_sdio driver is not loaded at boot time. [16:35] This should be solved with https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/333911/ , set CONFIG_REGULATOR_DUMMY is only a workaround. [16:37] eballetbo: I'm not sure we merged 00cd6e6ad383061b7111f7cff3d0f84b73d3c0c7 though [16:37] eballetbo, oh great, patch to fix is there...tnx [16:39] lool: on my ubuntu git tree is merged (Ubuntu-2.6.32-23.40) [16:40] torez: I wll backport and send the patch if it works [16:40] eballetbo, I was just doing that too :-) [16:49] torez: have you tested wifi with CONFIG_REGULATOR_DUMMY, is working ? [16:52] eballetbo, yes, that works [16:52] eballetbo: 2.6.32?? [16:53] torez, eballetbo: AIUI, Wifi was broken in Linaro 10.11 images; is that what we're discussing, or are we discussing that it was broken upstream? [16:53] eballetbo, wifi also worked in older linaro kernel without CONFIG_REGULATOR_DUMMY [16:53] (Ubuntu shipped 2.6.35 in 10.10, not .32) [16:55] lool: sorry Ubuntu-2.6.35-23.40 [16:56] Right, so I see 00cd6e6ad383061b7111f7cff3d0f84b73d3c0c7 in the master branch of ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git; "UBUNTU: ARM: igepv2: Remove VMMC2 regulator", and I see it in the linaro branch indeed [16:57] it didn't make it to Linaro 2.6.35, how confusing [16:57] eballetbo: Probably the right explanation then indeed, thanks! I had passed that patch to scottb yesterday actually, since he mentioned this wifi issue to me and I saw the patch on lakml [17:06] torez: CONFIG_FIXED_REGULATOR is required, now SDIO card is detected (mmc1: new SDIO card at address 0001) but the firmware is not loading for me (libertas_sdio: probe of mmc1:0001:1 failed with error -2) === hrw is now known as hrw|gone [17:15] oops my bad, I haven't the firmware in /lib/firmware, I copied the firmware files and now wifi is working :-) [17:58] eballetbo, sorry, was in a meeting...cool :-) === kmargar is now known as markos_ [20:21] hi using rootstock how to create image for lubuntu or gnome xfce4 [20:21] eithr of this any desktop environment [20:22] i have downloaded rootstock [20:40] aksh1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch [20:41] cwillu_at_work, thanks [20:41] aksh1, spend a _little_ effort googling next time :p [20:41] cwillu_at_work, in arm is there edubuntu [20:42] aksh1, read the page [20:42] cwillu_at_work, yes before getting this itself i started all luduntu xubuntu filesystem creatiopn\ [20:42] --seed just wants a list of packages [20:43] there's nothing special about them [20:43] cwillu_at_work, thanks, is there any arm gui emulaor [20:43] i mean to test some .c apps want to test in emulator [20:43] what part of "spend a little effort googling" didn't you understand? :p [20:43] gui [20:44] cwillu_at_work, i did something scratchbox and other commanline tools i got [20:44] but expecting exact which one [20:44] got confused [20:47] cwillu_at_work, one more basic doubt... rootstock now fetching alot .deb and creating filesystem will these .deb can be stored on local system [20:48] so that next time i need not to connect repository [21:13] aksh1, You'll need to have some local cache manager. apt-cacher is often recommended, and approx got recent mention on planet. [21:14] persia, is it possible to use apt-cacher with rootstock [21:15] You'd need to set the debootstrap-mirror to point at the cache, or otherwise set up the proxy, but beyond that, I can't imagine why not. [21:15] But as I haven't used rootstock since before it had a working GUI, I'm maybe not the best person to ask :)