
=== squishy is now known as rbniknej
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c2tarunhi friends, can anyone please tell me the difference between schroot and debootstrapchroot08:40
sumitkv2i installed ubuntu 9.10 alongside windows.....but m stuck with sh:grub>...09:47
CndyTeach me !11:28
serfusUndiFineD, if you are looking for some support you should try at #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners11:51
UndiFineDno my ‘?’ was for the questions above11:52
serfusoh, my bad. I sew only your "?"11:53
c2taruncan anyone please explain me the difference between schroot and debootstrap??13:50
padhui can't save image after editing it using photoscape through wine17:04
sumitkv2i installed ubutu 10.10 alongside windows xp using wubi...but now when i boot into ubuntu i get a GRUB> prompt,,,,what to do?17:04
SergioMenesespadhu, go to #ubuntu...17:04
SergioMenesessumitkv2, ↑↑17:04
padhuSergioMeneses: Sure, i accidentally posted here :-)17:05
SergioMenesespadhu, don't worry17:05
UndiFineDit is amazing how many people come here with beginner questions, is there a faulty link to this channel ?17:06
mhall119UndiFineD: I don't think so17:06
mhall119nobody has ever said anything17:06
mhall119but I'll start asking when I see someone doing it17:06
SergioMenesesmhall119, me too17:06
padhuUndiFineD: no17:08
padhumore people add this chat room as regular one, that's all ;-)17:08
SergioMenesespadhu, :D17:09
serfusmaybe add to the topic something like "THIS IS NOT A SUPPORT CHANNEL"17:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jigsaw050488Is anybody there???18:58
zkriessejigsaw050488: yes18:58
pleia2jigsaw050488: the next class isn't until sunday18:58
pleia2see: http://is.gd/8rtIi18:58
jigsaw050488Ok ok18:59
jigsaw050488I am new in this channel18:59
pleia2(depending on your time zone)18:59
jigsaw050488I'll check that! Thank you:)19:00
=== JFo is now known as JFo-food
=== JFo-food is now known as JFo

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