
nhandlerSo, would anyone in here be interested in giving the classroom folks a hand recruiting locos for the loco days event (or volunteering your loco to do a session)?00:17
duanedesignnhandler: ill give it a shot seeing if I can recruit some folks00:20
nhandlerThanks duanedesign. I really think this will be a beneficial event, we just need to get some momentum going00:21
duanedesigni agree00:21
duanedesigni have a couple of locos I have been in contact with recently about other topics. I can use the opportunity to mention the Loco Days00:23
nhandlerduanedesign: Thanks. Remind them that the topic for the sessions is rather trivial, so almost anyone should be able to participate (we want groups of people to lead when possible in the native language)00:24
* jussi sighs tiredly. some mornings just arent good07:19
jussihi all07:19
AlanBello/ jussi07:24
AlanBellnhandler: is it something for English language locos too?07:30
nigelbMorning jussi07:37
* nigelb hugs jussi 07:37
nigelbAlanBell: yes07:37
nigelbAlanBell: But we essentialy want other lanuage locos to recognize the value of irc as a classroom like spanish loco did07:37
dholbachgood morning!08:02
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
dpmgood morning everyone08:29
dholbachkim0, صباح الخير08:33
kim0dholbach: morgen ;)08:33
dholbachkim0, sehr gut! :)08:34
kim0ehum :D08:34
kim0very good ?08:34
dholbach"very good", yes :)08:34
kim0dholbach: how's it going08:35
dholbachkim0, بخير، الحمدلله08:36
kim0very good .. :)08:36
dholbachkim0, how about you? :)08:37
dholbach(not sure how to ask that yet :-))08:37
macomy neighbor across the hall was trying to teach me some arabic the other day when i was helping her with her english homework.  (yeah i know, different language)08:37
dholbachno, that was (well was supposed to be) Arabic :)08:39
macooh confusing!08:39
macoi thought you did farsi not arabic!08:39
kim0he does everything :)08:39
dholbachkim0, just little bits here and there08:40
macoyouve at least managed to stick with one foreign language enough to be pretty much fluent08:40
maco(yeah yeah you'll argue you're not, but it takes a shock to get you to screw up your english)08:40
dholbach"English is the easiest language to speak badly"08:42
kim0why is that!08:42
macowhoever said that didnt hear me trying to remember japanese last weekend! O_O08:42
kim0hahah .. I suppose Japanese is pretty hard08:43
macoit took me 5 minutes (*after* trying to say it) to remember how to say"i haven't been studying for 4 years"  ... instead i said "4 years no study" ... i also had to give directions 1/2 in english to the poor tourists08:44
macoyounen kara benkyou shite imasen  <-- what i should have said.   what i said --> younen benkyou shimasen08:44
nigelbHOla kim0, dholbach09:19
nigelbkim0: Had a good festival? :)09:19
dholbachhi nigelb09:19
* nigelb also waves to dpm09:20
kim0nigelb: hey :) Yeah indeed .. it was fun09:24
nigelbkim0: \o/09:26
kim0hehe :)09:26
nigelbI just realized that beetroot can be made into halwa and its *extremely* tasty when hot along with ice cream :D09:26
nigelbIn short - excellent lunch :D09:27
duanedesignmorning all09:27
nigelbMorning duanedesign09:28
nigelbstrange, maco was just active and you're saying 'Morning' and you're from the same TZ . . .09:29
dpmhey nigelb, hey kim0, hi duanedesign09:31
kim0dpm: morning man09:31
evilnhandlerAlanBell: Yeah, any loco can participate.12:39
nigelbI wish the non evil version said that :p12:40
nisshhwooopeeee! finally we are getting an Ubuntu Monopsace font in natty!: http://design.canonical.com/?p=1477012:57
duanedesignnisshh: aha, goody13:15
nisshhduanedesign, i was hoping we would, i got a very vague answer during Ask Mark a while back13:15
AlanBelllooks good13:18
akgranerCall for more volunteers and nominations for Editor in Chief for UWN (process still being worked out - but if you are interested please let me know and I can go over the Editor in Chief responsibilities) :-)13:26
popeywill mention it on the podcast13:32
akgranerpopey, thank you - we still don't have a good process for this b/c it wasn't an open and transparent decision in the past13:35
akgraner(as you know)13:35
popeymaybe it's time to close up UWN?13:40
popey(just a suggestion)13:40
akgranerpopey, that would need to be a community decision :-) I'd hate to be the reason it goes away :-(13:42
popeyyou wouldn't be the reason13:42
popeyyou're stepping down, if nobody else steps up then that's the community decision done for you13:43
popeywe can't beat people into contributing13:43
popeywe can try :)13:43
popeywe have tried on the podcast to get people to contribute13:43
popeyit's almost impossible13:43
akgranerI was spending upwards of 15 hours each week on UWN13:44
popeyyeah, thats just not practical13:44
akgranerespecially when I had to cover all the sections13:45
popeymakes me wonder how long we spend on the podcast...13:45
czajkowskipopey: I'll call over next time and listen and make tea!13:45
czajkowskihows that13:45
akgranerand publish it - I keep thinking if we can get more people to do one little task13:45
akgranerthen no one would be overwhelmed13:45
popeyczajkowski: sure!13:45
czajkowskiakgraner: was it always taking 15 hours a week though13:45
popeyczajkowski: I'll drive you down to Tony & Lauras if you like13:45
czajkowskiohh studio B13:46
popeyno, A13:46
popeypopey towers is B13:46
akgranerI think maybe halting UWN for a cycle the relaunching a new a better product might be an option as well13:46
akgranerbut I need to pitch it to the team13:46
akgranersuggestions welcome and wanted :-)13:47
akgranerI upgraded my survery monkey account so I could get all the results from the survey and will get that information out tomorrow13:47
czajkowskitime to go poke/bribe/talk nicely to the folks in IS13:48
akgranertime for me to "clock in at work"13:49
popeyakgraner: you'll get some feedback after next wednesday13:49
akgranerpopey awesome - thank you!13:49
popeymight blog about it actually, see what people say13:49
akgraneryep that's what I am going to do when I send out the survey results13:50
popeyZoiks.. rough guess it's 25 person-hours hours spent per episode of UUPC13:53
czajkowskibut sooo worth it!13:57
nigelbheh, an aussie friend says its more cheaper to call australia from india than to call Brisbane to Canberra14:39
jonohey all15:50
dholbachhey jono15:50
jonohey dholbach15:50
* czajkowski offers jono a curly wurly 15:50
jonoczajkowski, :)15:50
kim0jono: morning o/15:51
jonohowdy kim015:51
jonowelcome  back!15:51
kim0thanks :)15:51
jonokim0, I need to take a call in 9mins, I am going to try and keep it to 30, can we talk after that?15:51
kim0jono: I'm writing a blog post, and for me I can skip today, but can also do it if needed15:52
jonokim0, np15:53
* AlanBell wonders if jono is in the uk for Christmas15:57
czajkowskisunshine V rain15:58
czajkowskihard choice!15:58
jonoAlanBell, afraid not15:59
jonowe alternative, this year, Christmas here, and in our new house :-)15:59
JFoyay! new house!16:00
czajkowskijono: ohh new place16:00
JFojono, will there be enough food for me to visit? :)16:00
nigelbJFo: I doubt there is a plce that satisfys that condition :p16:00
akgraneryay - on the new house! - congrats jono!16:01
* nigelb hugs JFo 16:01
jonoakgraner, thanks!16:01
jonoJFo, dude, you have to visit, and Erica really wants to meet you :)16:01
nigelbjono: Congrats :)16:02
nigelbok, night all.  I have wake up at 4.16:02
jononight nigelb!16:02
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day16:03
dholbachsee you all tomorrow16:03
dholbachbig hugs!16:03
jononight dholbach!16:03
AlanBellah well. if anyone is in the London area: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/568/detail/16:12
JFonow that took forever16:18
Technovikingjono: still in San Fran with new house?16:38
jonoTechnoviking, moving further to the East Bay17:10
jonowe are in the East Bay now, but want to move further where it is warmer :-)17:10
Technovikingjono: coolness and congrats17:13
jcastrofor the 2nd day in a row someone is smoking some serious weed in my condo complex17:21
jcastroit's as if the atmosphere is made of pot17:21
* popey wonders what a condo complex is17:22
jcastropopey: it's like apartments, but people own them instead17:22
popeyis that like a few appartments stitched together?17:22
popeycondos you specifically own rather than rent?17:22
jonothanks Technoviking :)17:23
jonopopey, terraced flats17:23
popeyI'm thinking of a scene in pulp fiction17:23
popeywhere John T gets shot in the toilet17:23
jcastropopey: yes, however I rent my condo17:29
jcastropopey: I know it can be confusing17:29
JFosome places do  both17:32
vishheh, i was just watching an episode of Weeds!17:33
doctormovish: Welcome to the wonderful world.17:40
vishis smoking pot quite common there?  and not a big deal there?17:40
TechnovikingOpinion?: Which sounds better Absolute Beginner Talk or New to Ubuntu?17:41
jcastroNew to Ubuntu17:41
JFovish, depends on where you are17:42
vishyea, probably..17:44
vishbut i was just watching the show and shows do exaggerate.. but when jcastro mentioned it, just sounded more common..17:44
JFoit is pretty common... even in the places where it is illegal :)17:44
czajkowskijono: when do you get to move?18:44
Technovikingjcastro: no compiz unity in Maverick, bummer but make sense18:47
jcastroTechnoviking: you'd end up with something more broken; at that point might as well go natty18:49
AlanBellhelp keep popey safe next week when we might have a spot of sleet in the UK http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/CarSurvivalKit18:52
TechnovikingAlanBell: yawn, going to get 5-10" of snow this weekend:)18:53
AlanBellI am loving the replay http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ep/pad/view/CarSurvivalKit/latest18:54
PiciI misread that as 5'10" of snow.19:06
=== JFo is now known as JFo-food
jonoczajkowski, few weeks :-)19:30
czajkowskisweet, though i don't envy you moving house, it's a nightmare19:30
=== JFo-food is now known as JFo
WazzzaaaI have a question about the Ubuntu CoC, is this the right channel?20:02
PiciMost likely.20:02
czajkowskiWazzzaaa: sup20:02
WazzzaaaOke :)20:02
WazzzaaaI quote: "We chose the name Ubuntu for our operating system because we think it captures perfectly the spirit of the sharing and cooperation that is at the heart of the open-source movement. In the free software world,...".20:03
WazzzaaaI guess it is a bit confusing to use Open Source and Free Source20:03
WazzzaaaThey is a difference between them, right?20:03
AlanBellthere is, and there is a FAQ about that somewhere20:04
AlanBellthe Ubuntu position is basically, call it what you like, it is the same stuff20:04
czajkowskipretty much is imo20:05
AlanBell Although some people regard ‘free’ and ‘open source' as competing movements with different ends, we do not. Ubuntu proudly includes members who identify with both.20:05
WazzzaaaYeah, the two terms overlap20:07
WazzzaaaSo Ubuntu is both Open Source and Free Source right?20:08
JFopopey, I am laughing at your list of car safety items20:08
WazzzaaaWe (the dutch LoCo) are translating the CoC and put them on our website and wiki. Is there another way or place to put our translation? (I can't find anything on Launchpad about translations).20:10
AlanBellOpen Source and Free Software20:10
WazzzaaaThanks for the nuance :P20:11
AlanBelllots of TODO on that one!20:13
WazzzaaaI see20:14
WazzzaaaUnder "When we are unsure, we ask for help";  "However, when asking a question, care must be taken to do so in an appropriate forum."20:39
WazzzaaaWhy forum? Why not "place", where place can be the appropriate IRC chan, mailinglist, forum20:40
PiciWazzzaaa: 'forum' is used here as a generic term. It doesn't necessarily mean the Ubuntu Forums.20:40
PiciA forum is any place for discussion.20:40
WazzzaaaHehe, that was my first thought. It's the same word in dutch, but I'm afraid most dutch people will confuse that with THE forum20:42
JanCWazzzaaa: "forum" is latin for "public place" (a.o.)  ;)21:01
PiciIs there a TODO to translate the CoC into latin?21:07
popeyJFo: good isnt it :D21:10
JFopopey, hilarious21:10
Technovikingjust discovered the awesomeness of freenx21:11
jonojcastro, any idea if I can use Unity in a VM?21:11
jonowith 3d accel21:11
jonodidn't  think so21:11
popeycompiz barely works inside virtualbox21:11
jcastroI've asked around and I've heard "unlikely" as well21:11
jonotried to boot from USB, it hung at SYSLINUX21:12
jcastroa daily from tomorrow will work, since unity was just uploaded21:12
jcastrowell, assuming you get past the syslinux21:12
jonojcastro, yeah, for me it is a boot issue right now21:13
jonojcastro, so I need to install the PPA for Unity in Unity now, right?21:22
jonooops Unity and Natty21:22
jcastroit was uploaded to natty but according to lp it failed to build21:23
jonojcastro, ok, where is the PPA?21:23
jcastroall three commands are there21:23
jcastrothen log out and back in21:23
jcastroand fire up the ccsm thing21:23
jonoare there still 32-bit issues?21:24
jcastroyes but the upload today fixed them21:24
jcastrohowever it didn't build in lp21:24
jcastroso it's fixed just not built21:24
jonoso not helpful at all then21:24
jcastroas it just happens21:24
jonono worries21:24
jonothanks, pal21:24
jcastroI happen to have a "rebuild" button in lp21:24
jonothis is why I am using a USB stick :-)21:25
jcastroso I am trying to rebuild nux and unity now21:25
jonowhy not just wait until tomorrow?21:25
jcastrotrue, but I happened to be looking it up21:25
jcastroand I saw the rebuild button21:25
jcastroso I clicked it21:25
jonowhat rebuild button?21:25
jcastroI have special lp powers21:25
jonoyou are rebuilding it on LP?21:26
jonoI thought you meant your local machine21:26
jonojcastro, ^21:27
jcastrooh sweet, it rebuilt nux on lp21:27
* jcastro tries unity21:27
jcastrolets see if this works21:27
jonojcastro, should you really be rebuilding packages on LP?21:27
jonothat is really for the desktop team to be doing21:27
jcastroit just fires off another build21:28
jonoI think you should check if it is cool to do that21:28
jcastrogood idea21:29
jonoirrespective of where you see a damn button or not21:29
jcastroI appear to have found a bug21:34
jcastrowell, it was there, and it offered, I thought I was doing lp a favor21:34
jcastroJFo: don't tell anyone21:39
jcastrobut I totally fell for this21:39
jcastro<slangasek> no, the "magically fix the package and rebuild" button is *very* heavily restricted in LP21:39
JFoit will be our secret21:41
JanCPici: it might sound unbelievable, but somebody here in Bruges managed to get Ubuntu introduced in a school after he showed the latin teacher of his daughter that you could run it with a GUI in latin (including OOo Writer with a latin spellchecker!), so I guess we need a latin CoC too  ☺21:42
jcastrojono: ok sounds like that button shouldn't be shown to me, I have filed a bug as per recommendation21:52
jcastroand won't click the button21:52
jonojcastro, thanks21:53
jonoin stock Ubuntu, where do I find USB Creator: Applications -> System -> ?21:53
jonoI am in Unity so I just search for it :-)21:53
jcastrousb creator21:53
jcastrostartup disk creator21:54
jonojcastro, did the new build work?22:08
jcastroit's just a redo of the broken upload, I actually don't modify anything22:09
jcastroI suspect didrocks will see this as soon as he wakes up22:10
jonowhen you install the PPA, do you select it from the session menu as before?22:10
jcastrono, you just log into the normal desktop session22:10
jcastroyou DO need to launch ccsm and check the unity plugin to turn it on22:10
Technovikingjono I would install nautilus-open-terminal or gnome-do before trying the new unity22:11
Technovikingyou can't add item to the launcher yet22:12
jcastroleave a terminal open at all times22:12
jcastroTechnoviking: sam is looking at making it fallback to metacity at least22:12
Technovikingjcastro: will it be awhile before the menu icon works again?, thought I heard alpha 222:13
jcastroI heard A2 as well22:13
* popey watches the time fly by till april22:14
popeyer may22:14
popeyno.. april22:14
* popey gets an early night :)22:15
TechnovikingONG Ubuntu really needs to bold there warnings on some of their risky posts22:15
jcastropeople never get it anyway22:18
jcastrohere's a response I got:22:18
jcastro(wrt. the kernel patch)22:18
jcastro"I do understand Ubuntu devs not wanting to maintain an out of tree patch and it's great that it looks like this will make it into Natty. But in the mean time, what about implementing Lennart Poettering's script that I posted about above??? Maybe an semi-official PPA for ubuntu users? That would be better than Ubuntu users trying to compile their own kernels or using kernels compiled from various untrusted sources."22:18
jcastroit's like dude, there is no easy way22:19
Technovikingjcastro: I had people asking me today if that patch was going to so up soon in 10.10 and 10.0122:25
JanCI found the name "speed booster patch" really amusing22:25
JanC(that patch makes your system slower)22:25
AlanBellif you want to watch HD video whilst hammering the crap out of your CPU in a terminal then it rocks22:26
AlanBellotherwise don't bother22:26
JanCAlanBell: well, it also helps if updatedb runs while I look at a HD video  ;)22:27
jcastroI can do that with the stock kernel though22:27
JanCor is supposed to help (I didn't test it yet)22:27
jcastrodunno, I don't even remember how to build a kernel22:31
jcastrolet alone patch one or git merge or whatever22:31
jcastroI get the feeling jono's session didn't work22:32
AlanBellLennart Poettering's script is not a kernel patch22:32
JFowhat script is that?22:33
AlanBellnot a script as such, but some bash bits22:34
JanCI didn't see it yet, but I guess it uses cgroups?22:34
Technovikingjcastro: lol22:35
nisshhthis is very strange22:41
nisshhi rebooted after an update to maverick22:42
nisshhand now my desktop is super responsive and all my apps load way faster22:42
nisshhthat was some update :)22:42
jcastrojono: any luck?22:49
jonojcastro, I kind of got it running22:49
jonoI got the launcher to appear22:49
jonoand then it shit itself22:49
Technovikingjono: deleting .gnome* and .config* fix that for me22:54
jonoTechnoviking, ahhh22:54
jcastrojono: remember the one in the PPA is a week old22:58
jonojcastro, yup22:58
jcastrook I'm going to refresh my sources and build this sucker22:58
jonojcastro, Technoviking https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-November/032092.html23:02
jcastroI am confused23:03
jcastrocan't you do that today?23:03
jcastroinstall to a USB stick as if it was an external drive?23:03
Technovikingyeah, never done it, but thought you could run Ubuntu from a USB23:04
jcastrowell yeah23:04
jcastrothe USB sticks have always done that23:04
jonojcastro, you can, technically23:05
jonobut every time you boot the installer shows23:05
jonoand you have to click Try ubuntu each time23:05
jcastrooh you mean keep a persistant thing on it?23:05
jcastrowhen you make the key23:05
jcastrothere's a slider in the usb creator23:05
jcastroto let you choose to keep persistance on the key23:05
jcastroas well as how much space to set aside23:06
jonojcastro, read my post23:07
jcastroI am23:07
jonoI say if persistance is turned on23:07
jcastrois it asking you "try ubuntu" every time but still keeping your settings?23:08
Technovikingthis maybe? http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/23:08
jcastroI see what you mean23:08
Technovikingseems like it would be easy to have the Try Ubuntu read look for and a settings folder of some sort23:09
jcastroor just say "I see persistant data on this key let's not ask"23:10
jcastroand just boot into your desktop23:10
jonojcastro, well possibly, but also I think the fact you can use it for persisance is a feature that we hide too much23:21
jonowe should make it top-level23:21
* jcastro nods23:21
jcastrook so I'm not familiar with cmake23:24
jcastroso this is my first time23:24
jcastroand I already know I don't like it23:24
jcastrojono: Technoviking: I am defeated for the day23:29
jonojcastro, np23:30
Technovikingjcastro:  drink many beers of recovery23:40
jcastroMy beer is named "didrocks" and it comes in tomorrow.23:40
jcastroTechnoviking: I got a boxee box23:41
jcastroso that's what I am playing with instead23:41
Technovikingjcastro: sweet, asking Santa Wife for one for Christmas23:41
nisshhim trying to con my parents into buying me a new desktop system for christmas :)23:42
nisshhim getting sick of this old thing23:43
cjohnstonget me one too nisshh23:45
JanCdefine "old"?  ;)23:51
cjohnston3 weeks23:55
Technovikinglater all, have a good night23:58

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