
rickspencer3robert_ancell, you instigator you00:24
rickspencer3rocking the weekly meeting boat, and poor jasoncwarner just started!00:24
robert_ancellrickspencer3, heh, disruption is good for industry right? :)00:25
rickspencer3robert_ancell, you know we frown upon taking independent steps to problem solving00:25
rickspencer3if you see a problem, bury your head in the sand!00:25
rickspencer3robert_ancell, seriously, thanks for stepping up to move the state of the art forward00:26
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3: don't worry boss..I wrote down his name under the "hooligan" category00:26
rickspencer3I think we'll have more and more people in the .au tzs00:26
rickspencer3so, it's worth thinking about00:26
rickspencer3jasoncwarner, how long have you been up man?00:26
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3: I get up around 3:15 or so, try to log on by 3:30, which is 9am your time (I think)00:27
rickspencer3I see00:27
rickspencer3so you are time shifted even earlier than I am00:27
rickspencer3but I guess that gives you overlap with everyone00:28
rickspencer3I hope you can keep it up without going crazy00:28
jasoncwarnerso I can get us/UK morning coverage in the early morning and then .au morning00:28
jasoncwarnertwo days in and I haven't cracked yet ;)00:28
jasoncwarneractually it seems ok...I'm about to take a break and take my son to the park and then get back online for when Pitti starts around 6pm00:29
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner, do you get up at that time every day?00:34
jasoncwarnerchrisccoulson: just the past two so far, but since I'm old I have to go to bed around 9pm anyway...I mean...it is 11am here and I am getting ready to eat dinner and play bingo ;)00:35
chrisccoulsoni normally go to bed at around 3am00:35
chrisccoulsoni should probably sleep earlier really ;)00:35
jasoncwarnerI don't know how you do it with a kid, man! Those things are like freakin' alarm clocks to getting you up early. And since my wife actually leaves the house for work (unlike me), somehow it becomes my responsibility to get him up and ready for daycare in the morning...go figure !00:37
chrisccoulsonmy daughter has started to sleep in now (she wakes up at around 730am)00:38
chrisccoulsonalthough, she did get up at 630am this morning00:38
brycehrickspencer3, the CodeReview schedule is requiring people to work during the week they're required to take vacation....  ouch00:39
rickspencer3bryceh, oops00:40
rickspencer3I think daniel can move that around :)00:40
brycehrickspencer3, also did you mean to have it cycle <1 month?  looks like five of us are listed to do two stints each month00:41
rickspencer3bryceh, tbh, I didn't look to closely at the schedule00:42
rickspencer3it was a dholbach creation00:42
rickspencer3but, no, it was not intended that people do it twice in a month00:42
rickspencer3I think it was probably just a clerical error00:42
brycehlooks like it's assuming 28 day months, probably should assume 31 days00:43
brycehrickspencer3, since I've been doing my sponsorship time on xorg patches, if I'm going to do this instead going forward, shall I just sub ubuntu-sponsors to the still outstanding xorg patches (there's about 30 currently)?00:44
rickspencer3bryceh, hmmm00:45
rickspencer3it's a good question00:45
rickspencer3I was hoping that things working well, like xorg sponsorhsip and #ubuntu-desktop sponsorship in general wouldn't really change00:45
rickspencer3unfortunately, I need to step away right now00:45
rickspencer3maybe we could talk it over tomorrow?00:45
brycehrickspencer3, sure00:46
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TheMusoRAOF: What hardware was xserver-xorg-video-geode for?04:36
RAOFSome crazy old serverish chip, from memory.04:37
RAOFAh, yeah.  It's an integrated chip on some AMD serverish motherboards.04:39
RAOFOh, apparently used in the OLPC XO04:40
RAOFTheMuso: Why do you ask? :)04:42
TheMusoJust curious, afterr seeing your SRU bug filing, no more.05:13
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didrocksgood morning!07:58
nisshhhey didrocks08:00
didrockshey nisshh, how are you?08:00
nisshhdidrocks, pretty good, i have a question for you in #quickly though :)08:00
nisshhand yourself?08:00
didrocksnisshh: I'm fine, thanks, rainy outside but fine :)08:03
nisshhhehe :)08:03
hyperairmvo: pnig08:08
hyperairhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/629532 <-- i'm just wondering if adding an Enhances: field to debian/control would resolve this issue.08:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 629532 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Add-ons not listed in software-center (affects: 1) (heat: 45)" [Low,New]08:09
mvohyperair: enhances should work, yes, let me double check08:18
mvohyperair: yep, that will work, I commented in the bugreport, the enhances is nicer as it does not require touching the banshee package if a new addon becomes availalble. but a combination of the too will work too08:21
hyperairmvo: okay thanks08:22
hyperairmvo: i've just committed the change for Enhances:08:22
seb128hello there09:00
mvohey seb12809:00
seb128hey mvo09:00
rodrigo_hi seb128, mvo09:00
seb128how are you?09:00
mvohey rodrigo_09:00
seb128hey rodrigo_09:00
mvogood, thanks!09:00
rodrigo_seb128, did you upload my gsettings-d-s package?09:02
seb128rodrigo_, no, it was time for dinner and then I was not a natty box in the evening09:02
seb128was there any hurry?09:02
rodrigo_no, no09:02
seb128I will do that in a bit09:02
rodrigo_no hurry, just wanted to know if it was uploaded or not09:03
rodrigo_so no hurry :)09:03
rodrigo_btw, I read in the backlog there was the eastern meeting last night09:03
rodrigo_at what time is it?09:03
seb12811pm our team09:06
seb128it seems09:06
rodrigo_on Wednesdays?09:06
seb128they do it every week09:06
rodrigo_ok, added to my calendar09:06
seb128yes, not sure why, it used to be the same that us09:06
seb128rodrigo_, you should not bother to join it, it's made for people who can't join the main meeting because it's in the middle of their night09:07
seb128well "don't feel like you have to join it"09:07
seb128if you want to you are welcome ;-)09:07
rodrigo_yeah, but it's a chance to talk to robert, so I'll try to join09:07
seb128I'm sometime around like yesterday09:08
seb128well join any evening after 10:3009:08
rodrigo_of course, if I have a party, I won't be leaving the party for the meeting :)09:08
rodrigo_yeah, right09:08
seb128it's the time he's online usually09:08
didrocks1morning rodrigo_09:09
didrocks1hey mvo :)09:09
mvohey didrocks109:09
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
mvo"1" ?09:10
didrocksmvo: yeah, I'm competing with rick and seb :)09:10
rodrigo_hi didrocks09:10
didrocksmvo: more seriously, it should be "2", I already had two crashes this morning :)09:10
mvohaha, the numbers are not in your favour09:10
didrocksright :)09:10
mvotwo crashes? so that is the 128? seb should not run natty yet09:11
seb128rodrigo_, ok, so I think we pretty much decided with robert_ancell to not upload GNOME3 in natty before some weeks09:12
seb128or months09:12
rodrigo_seb128, I'm releasing g-c-c 2.32.1, so I'll propose a branch for the package in a minute, ok?09:12
seb128rodrigo_, ok09:12
rodrigo_seb128, ok09:12
seb128rodrigo_, we feel it's really a moving target and we have low visibility09:12
seb128rodrigo_, we don't risk much by just working in the ppa until we feel it's stable enough09:13
rodrigo_seb128, I think having the PPA is ok, since once we're happy, we can just upload straight from there09:13
seb128if we feel it would be better next cycle we can delay09:13
seb128it will be easier to update the ppa after freezes etc than natty09:13
seb128so it less us free to do work easily and we can decide when we feel confident09:13
seb128do you think it's a reasonable position?09:14
rodrigo_yes, I am confident gnome3 will be in time, but I agree it's better to not risk now uploading all to natty, so yes, I agree09:15
seb128well GNOME3 is one thing09:15
seb128we have challenging things to deal with09:15
seb128like the indicator stack, if we switch it to gtk3 what happens to xfce which is on gtk209:15
seb128or to unity09:16
rodrigo_is unity moving to GTK3?09:16
seb128though they said the service loading the indicator can build with gtk2 this cycle if we want09:16
seb128not sure about the new evolution either09:16
seb128evo has an history of not being really stable in the cycles where there is refactoring09:17
rodrigo_yeah, that's more risky09:17
rodrigo_the gsettings port is just being started09:17
seb128but if we keep evo on 2.32 what happen to the e-d-s libs09:17
seb128like will that create issues because they will change abi or gtk version and have other component require the new version09:17
rodrigo_well, the low level e-d-s is GTK-free09:18
seb128in any case better to use the ppa until we now where we stand on those09:18
rodrigo_not sure what apps link to the ui libs09:18
seb128right, I'm just pointing things we need to consider09:18
seb128we have quite some moving parts still, so let's work in the ppa09:18
seb128I think having natty staying on 2.32 and a GNOME3 ppa is a correct deal09:19
seb128it means stability by default and GNOME3 available09:19
seb128and ready to be uploaded to natty when we feel it's ready09:19
seb128without risk to get screwed if anything goes wrong or if GNOME3 has some weeks delay and is after natty09:19
seb128mvo, hey09:20
seb128$ apt-cache rdepends python-glade2 --show-installed=yes09:20
seb128  pitivi09:20
seb128  checkbox-gtk09:20
seb128  apturl09:20
seb128mvo, can I bribe you with some tea to review the apturl merge request to port to gtkbuilder? ;-)09:21
seb128or to upload09:21
seb128seems it has been merged09:21
mvoseb128: sure09:22
* seb128 hugs mvo09:22
seb128mvo, if you upload that to natty you will get some tea from me at the rally ;-)09:23
* mvo uploads now09:24
seb128rodrigo_, did you manage to build gnome-applets?09:24
rodrigo_seb128, no, the DH_SCOUR thing didn't work09:25
seb128we need pitti then?09:25
seb128pitti, hey09:25
rodrigo_seb128, btw, where is there good documentation on all those things, I couldn't find anything yesterday09:25
rodrigo_and dh_scour has no man page09:25
seb128rodrigo_, I grepped for scour in /usr/share/cdbs09:25
seb128I don't think there is any decent documentation about that09:26
rodrigo_ok, I'll wait for pitti then09:26
seb128rodrigo_, is your code somewhere?09:33
seb128rodrigo_, can you push to bzr?09:33
seb128I can try having a go to it locally to see if I stop an error09:33
rodrigo_seb128, yes, 1 min09:33
rodrigo_seb128, lp:~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-panel/no-more-deprecated09:35
seb128rodrigo_, is that gnome-applets?09:35
rodrigo_ugh, yesç09:36
rodrigo_let me push it again09:36
rodrigo_now pushed to the correct branch :)09:37
sumitkv2i installed ubuntu 9.10 alongside windows.....but m stuck with sh:grub>...09:37
seb128rodrigo_, ok, trying09:39
mvohey pitti, with the native apt-get changelog, is thre a reason to keep apt-changelog? I guess no, but wanted to confirm09:42
pittiGood morning09:42
seb128hey pitti09:42
pittiseb128: oh, I'm also trying to build a gir for libnotify; so far g-ir-scanner is acting up a bit, but I'll see to taming that today09:43
pittidbarth_: sorry, was on holiday yesterday; I guess the burn down charts auto-updated now. BTW, any platform team member can do that now09:44
pittiseb128, rodrigo_: dh_scour bug is on my list for today09:44
seb128pitti, thanks09:45
rodrigo_thanks pitti09:45
pittimvo: no, it was by and large a prototype; it can go, of course09:45
pittimvo: I just need to update the mangler to point to the new command09:45
pittimvo: are you going to upload that soon? then I'll change it right away09:45
mvopitti: thanks, I can keep a compat script for one or two uploads09:45
rodrigo_pitti, any idea how to trick it in the meanwhile? seb128 suggested to use DEB_DH_SCOUR_ARGS, but that doesn't do anything, it seems09:45
seb128pitti, btw if you activate the vpswitcher plugin in ccsm you should some keybindings back09:46
seb128if you use the gconf backend from compiz09:46
mvopitti: I want to upload today, I'm merging with debian and looking into some corner cases currently09:46
seb128pitti, I got my "switch to workspace <n>" back09:46
pittioh, cool09:46
seb128rodrigo_, that gnome-applets checkout builds fine here btw09:46
rodrigo_seb128, on natty?09:47
didrocksgood morning pitti09:47
pittihey didrocks09:47
seb128rodrigo_, yes09:48
seb128rodrigo_, but i38609:48
seb128could be different from amd6409:48
rodrigo_oh, yes, I'm on 6409:49
dbarth_pitti: yeah, no worries; it's looking better now09:50
rodrigo_btw, the debian/watch files that have http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/.. all fail for me, and work if I change that to download.gnome.org/sources/...09:50
rodrigo_it might be picking the wrong mirror?09:51
seb128rodrigo_, try using -X rather than --no-act09:51
rodrigo_seb128, ok09:51
seb128rodrigo_, either to experiment in the build dir by calling dh_scour manually09:51
seb128rather than doing new builds every time09:51
seb128try dh_scour -Xsvg_to_exclude09:52
rodrigo_dh_scour -Xgnome-cpu-frequency-applet.svg -Xgnome-eyes-applet.svg <- this seems to not fail09:53
rodrigo_trying that on the rules file09:53
seb128rodrigo_, scour -i ./cpufreq/pixmaps/gnome-cpu-frequency-applet.svg09:55
seb128does that end with a ValueError for you?09:56
seb128or do you get another error?09:56
rodrigo_seb128, fails with 'too many values to unpack'09:57
rodrigo_and the rules ignored the -X arguments :(09:57
seb128same here but dh_scour doesn't stop on it for some reason09:58
seb128dh_scour -v09:58
seb128echo $?09:58
seb128-> 009:58
seb128well, let's pitti debug09:58
pittiI'll start on it now09:58
seb128pitti, thanks09:59
pittirodrigo_: where can I get that svg?09:59
pittiI need a reproducer09:59
seb128pitti, gnome-applets09:59
seb128apt-get source gnome-applets09:59
rodrigo_pitti, lp:~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-applets/no-more-deprecated09:59
seb128pitti, ./cpufreq/pixmaps/gnome-cpu-frequency-applet.svg09:59
seb128pitti, or /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/gnome-cpu-frequency-applet.svg10:00
rodrigo_right, that's the file, my branch doesn't have it10:00
=== dbarth_ is now known as dbarth
pittithanks, that reproduces it nicely10:01
didrockspitti: do you want to test the /opt prefix in cdbs/python-support/python-distutils-extra or should I upload right away? (apart for python-distutils-extra where I guess, you prefer uploading to debian + sync)10:02
pittididrocks: if you could write a cdbs test, that'd be great10:04
didrockspitti: done :)10:04
pittiand likewise for p-d-e10:04
pittididrocks: go ahead then10:04
didrocksnot for p-d-e10:04
didrocksbut the switch is only in python-mkdebian, which has no test, isn't it?10:04
pittididrocks: did you already push the cdbs changes to bzr? nothing new to pull10:04
pittididrocks: ah, right10:04
didrockspitti: not yet, can do now10:04
pittididrocks: so p-mkdebian just needs to add the --prefix to debian/rules?10:05
didrockspitti: right, using DEB_PYTHON_PREFIX_ARGS10:05
didrocksshould be DEB_PYTHON_PREFIX_ARG btw now, fixing that10:06
pittirodrigo_: weird, I already fixed dh_scour to not break the build on scour failure in 0.25+bzr194-0ubuntu310:06
pittirodrigo_: did you use the latest python-scour to build that?10:06
pittiI'm going to build gnome-applets locally now10:06
rodrigo_I think so, let me check10:07
seb128rodrigo_, you probably need to make gnome-applets depends on the gir1.0-gtk-2.0 and gdkpixbuf one10:08
rodrigo_seb128, ok10:08
seb128rodrigo_, just reviewing your diff ;-)10:08
didrockspitti: pushed if you want to have a look (python-support as most of the changes)10:08
seb128rodrigo_, dpkg -l python-scour?10:08
pittididrocks: btw, aren't these both (central, support) obsolete, in favor of dh_python{2,3}?10:08
rodrigo_yes, don't have the latest one, sorry pitti10:09
rodrigo_installing and trying with that one10:09
pittididrocks: still nothing new in cdbs branch10:09
pittirodrigo_: ah :) *phew*10:09
didrockspitti: yeah, we should switch in python-mkdebian, but I prefer to know do with what works today and work with the debian guy for dh_python…10:09
pittirodrigo_: but anyway, I reported the actual crash upstream, so there was something good about it10:09
didrockspitti: really? maybe you were too fast, lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/cdbs/ubuntu isn't it?10:09
pittididrocks: right10:09
rodrigo_pitti, :)10:09
pittididrocks: ah, it's there now10:10
pittididrocks: your test checks for10:11
pitti+       | grep -q '/opt/share/py\(thon-support/python-cdbs-testsuite\|shared\)/testing/foo.py' \10:11
pittididrocks: that should be /opt/packagename/share/...10:11
didrockspitti: well, here I'm just checking --prefix support, it can be to whatever, so in the test, it's --prefix=/opt IIRC10:11
pittididrocks: ah, ok; looks a bit confusing10:12
pittididrocks: perhaps the test could actually use prefix=/opt/testpkg/?10:12
didrockspitti: but python-mkdebian with Quickly is doing --prefix=/opt/extras/packagename for now, but I understood that the name is still under discussion :)10:12
didrockspitti: sure, changing that :)10:12
pittididrocks: right; I think /opt/packagename/ will be fine10:13
rodrigo_pitti, right, builds ok now! sorry for the alarm :)10:13
pittiavoids LANANA name registration, and is what /opt is meant to be for10:13
pittirodrigo_: cool, thanks for checking10:13
didrockspitti: just retrying the testsuite with /opt/testpkg/ and pushing then10:14
didrockspitti: the thing is that it needs a particular version of python-support so that the test works, so I'll add in debian/control the version I'll upload10:14
seb128mvo, https://code.launchpad.net/~damg/ubuntu/maverick/synaptic/synaptic-lp510261/+merge/4078810:27
seb128mvo, not sure if you watch the merge requests or the sponsoring queue10:27
seb128mvo, https://code.launchpad.net/~bryce/software-properties/rm-apt-repository/+merge/25988 as well10:27
didrockspitti: so, when you have some time, if you can do a release of p-d-e, that will be nice (no hurry though), not sure about the version you want to use (maybe a newer version than incrementing -X so that I can test if the option is available?)10:32
pittididrocks: I can do a 2.23-110:34
didrockspitti: sounds good to me :)10:34
pittiit should have been a 2.23 anyway since 2.22-310:34
didrockspitti: what's the schema of versionning btw? I didn't get it10:35
pittididrocks: -X should just be packaging changes (debian/)10:35
didrockspitti: ok, it's logic then, I was puzzled by previous uploads :)10:35
* pitti chuckles at https://launchpad.net/python-distutils-extra10:38
pitti"released 10 hours ago"10:38
pittino, it was 10 seconds ago10:38
rodrigo_need to run some errands, bbiab10:39
pittididrocks: uploaded to sid and natty10:41
didrockspitti: thanks!10:41
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone10:56
chrisccoulsonwow, no new firefox bugs!10:56
didrockschrisccoulson: hey, that's a good way to start the day, isn't it? :)10:57
chrisccoulsonyes :)10:58
didrocks(and no, launchpad wasn't down if that's your second question :))10:58
chrisccoulsonheh ;)10:58
mvopitti: will your script get confused if i output on stderr from apt-changelog that its no longer needed?11:09
pittimvo: which script?11:09
pittimvo: oh, I need to update apt-listchanges for it11:09
mvopitti: the one that is currently using it .) pkgmangler? or is it not used at all?11:09
pittibut otherwise no11:09
pittimvo: pkgmangler adds a line "please see apt-changelog <package> for the full list of changes" to changelog.Debian.gz11:10
pittiI'll adapt that as well11:10
mvopitti: thans, I can take care of apt-listchanges as well and upoad them together11:11
pittimvo: great, thanks11:11
pittimvo: are you an apt-listchanges Debian maintainer?11:11
mvopitti: mdz is :)11:11
mvowell, used to11:11
pittionce apt-get changelog lands in sid, the apt-listchanges patch could go into debian as well11:12
pittiI just didn't send it to the BTS yet until apt-changelog (or equivalent) lands in Debian11:12
* pitti dances around happily -- there, libnotify GIR!11:46
didrockspitti: nice! :)11:55
pittiit doesn't actually work yet, but that's the next problem :)11:56
devildantewhat's that? share the awesome with me :p11:56
devildantegreat :)11:58
pittiseb128, rodrigo_: do you happen to know if I can add a directory to the GIR search path, for using local typelibs?12:14
rodrigo_pitti, g-ir-* have an argument for that, let me check12:14
pittirodrigo_: no, I mean when using it in e. g. python12:14
rodrigo_ah, no idea12:15
pittirodrigo_: for "from gi.repository import"12:15
pittirodrigo_: ok, thanks12:15
rodrigo_I'm in #introspection asking some other thing, so let me ask12:15
rodrigo_pitti, <nacho> rodrigo, yes12:17
rodrigo_<nacho> check gedit for that12:17
rodrigo_pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gedit/tree/gedit/gedit-plugins-engine.c#n7612:17
pittiok, that's C12:18
rodrigo_yes, the libgir-reposiroty-dev stuff, I guess it has typelibs?12:18
pittididn't find any test python script which uses the local typelib :-(12:32
pittirodrigo_: some RTFS later.. $GI_TYPELIB_PATH=... works12:39
rodrigo_ah, cool12:39
=== cking is now known as cking|afk
rodrigo_seb128, g-c-c 2.32.1 -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-control-center/2_32_1_release/+merge/4116612:52
seb128rodrigo_, seems fine, feel free to upload12:53
rodrigo_seb128, ok12:54
rodrigo_seb128, so, apart from the undocumented dh_scour thing, where is there good documentation on deb packaging?12:56
rodrigo_the python stuff in gnome-menus is giving me a bad time, because I don't really know what is wrong12:57
seb128rodrigo_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide12:57
rodrigo_ok, I think that's the PDF I have, checking12:57
seb128rodrigo_, http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/12:57
seb128on python12:57
seb128what error do you get again?12:58
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seb128kklimonda, hey, do you work on the glibmm update or should I do it?13:13
kklimondaseb128: I have it more or less ready but it requires atkmm to build. That's why I'm looking for a sponsor.13:40
kenvandineseb128, i commented on that vala/gio gir bug to get more clarification, but since i'll be out for a couple hours can you asked mterry if he can try to get someone's attention in #vala13:40
seb128kklimonda, weird, glib shouldn't13:40
seb128kklimonda, gtkmm does though13:40
kenvandinewhen he shows up :)13:40
kklimondaseb128: ah, I haven't read you right.13:40
seb128kenvandine, ok13:40
* kenvandine needs to leave now, be back in ~2 hours13:40
kklimondaseb128: I'll take glibmm13:40
seb128kenvandine, see you13:40
seb128kklimonda, thanks13:40
seb128kklimonda, let me know when you have something to sponsor, I will do some sponsoring today13:41
seb128I will review atkmm as well13:41
seb128did you open a bug about this one btw? I didn't see it on the sponsoring list13:41
kklimondaseb128: bug 672817 - sponsors were unsubscribed and then some random folk came buy and invalidated it ;)13:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 672817 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] atkmm1.6 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67281713:42
kklimondaseb128: as for debian bug I haven't opened it13:42
seb128hum, ok13:42
seb128kklimonda, oh I though you did package it13:43
kklimondaseb128: hmm, I did - it's in revu, in pkg-gnome13:43
seb128could you give pointers on the bug?13:43
seb128hum ok, http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/atkmm1.6/debian/#_packages_unstable_atkmm1.6_debian_13:44
seb128it should probably be in desktop/experimental13:44
seb128not packages/unstable13:44
kklimondaseb128: I did as pochu told me :)13:44
seb128why the epoch number in the version?13:45
kklimondahum.. I have no idea - I could swear I've removed it13:46
kklimondathere is no reason :)13:46
seb128ok, can you fix it in the svn?13:46
seb128kklimonda, you probably don't want to install the .la either13:47
seb128kklimonda, include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk is to clean13:48
seb128with source v3 you use quilt13:48
kklimondaseb128: bummer, libpkg-guide is outdated?13:48
kklimondait's for .la files)13:48
seb128well, there is not a clear reply but GNOME packages tend to clean those nowadays13:49
seb128you have clean-la.mk rule in the rules13:49
seb128you could as well not install it rather than using clean-la.mk13:49
seb128DEB_DH_INSTALL_SOURCEDIR := debian/tmp13:49
seb128not sure that is required? tmp should be the default?13:49
kklimondait shouldn't be but I've tried not to diverge from the current packaging of mm stack too much assuming it's going to be reviewed by the main maintainer :)13:51
kklimondabut he's too busy13:51
seb128well those are details13:52
kklimondasure, I'm going to fix them13:52
seb128would be nice to use a .symbols as well13:52
kklimondaless cruft the better13:52
seb128well the only thing to real fix is the epoch13:52
kklimondaas for symbols files I'd love to do them but the documentation on them I was able to find isn't stellar. Do you have some pointers I could use?13:53
kklimondaI'd love to create them*13:53
seb128kklimonda, the tarball also needs to ship a the GPL license13:56
seb128kklimonda, dpkg-gensymbols, see the manpage13:56
seb128or search on the wiki I think there was some documentation13:57
seb128basically run it after the build in the build dir13:57
seb128and copy the output to a .symbols13:57
kklimondaGPL livence because of the gendef.cc files?13:58
seb128if it has sources under the GPL it should distribute the license as well13:59
kklimondabummer, they are only needed by Visual Studio.. so I should a) contact the upstream about it and b) repackage it for now?14:00
seb128pitti, if a source include GPL files which are not used, does it need to ship a GPL license?14:04
seb128mterry, hey14:05
mterryseb128, hello!14:05
seb128mterry, kenvandine said he would be out for some hours and asked if you could try to ping the #vala guys about the issue you had yesterday14:05
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mterryseb128, sure14:06
seb128mterry, thanks14:07
seb128mterry, how are you otherwise? ;-)14:07
mterryseb128, good.  Catching up on what seems like an usually large number of email14:08
seb128mterry, is that a way to tell me to stop Cc-ing you all the GNOME3 emails I send? ;-)14:08
mterryseb128, :)14:09
mterryseb128, the idea to port anjuta has led me down quite a rabbit hole.  I'm thinking of porting deja-dup to gtk3 just so we'd have an easier universe guinea pig.  ;)14:09
seb128mterry, lol14:10
seb128mterry, well if anjuta is not easily reachable yet we can delay for later14:10
mterryseb128, eh, we'll see.  Just involves lots of other packages14:10
seb128I'm starting to think we should just focus on the ppa for now14:10
seb128it seems we will have low visibility on what the transition involves for a while14:11
seb128so better to work just in there14:11
mterryseb128, hey, btw.  With gsettings apps, what's the story for running gsettings-data-convert after installation?  I assume it gets run on login?  But still, should probably be run on install of first gsettings version too...14:11
seb128it's easily available and as easy than working on natty14:11
mterryseb128, sure14:11
seb128mterry, yes on login14:11
seb128we had the discussion at UDS but judged that people should restart their session after dist-upgrading between distributions anyway14:12
seb128or restart the computer14:12
mterryseb128, maybe we should trigger 'reboot required' then for anything that installs into /usr/share/GConf/gsettings for the first time14:12
seb128we might want to get the session indicator turn ted when one of those is installed14:12
seb128right, I was thinking to that as well14:12
seb128I will add a wi for it14:13
seb128or feel free to add it to the spec if you want14:13
seb128I will do some updates later on and add it if you didn't before14:13
mvogood morning tremolux14:23
tremoluxhey mvo14:23
devildanteyeah, good morning tremolux14:23
tremoluxhiya devildante14:24
didrocksseb128: I'm quite puzzled by bug #676787 and I should miss something…14:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 676787 in compiz (Ubuntu) "package compiz-gnome 1: glibmainloop-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gconf/schemas/compiz-annotate.schemas', which is also in package compiz-plugins 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu12 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67678714:24
didrocksseb128: I've added a Replaces: compiz-plugins (<= 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu12) in compiz-gnome in 1:
seb128didrocks, Package: compiz-gnome 1:
seb128didrocks, it's the revision before your fix?14:26
didrockswhat? bug title is "glibmainloop-0ubuntu2" ?14:26
seb128didrocks, you should ask mvo ;-)14:28
pittiseb128: GPL> I'd say yes, since it's part of the source14:29
pittiseb128: it shoudl at least have the standard GPL header, and debian/copyright a pointer to common-licenses/14:29
seb128kklimonda, I've mailed upstream about other things do you want me to email him about the GPL?14:29
didrocksseb128: hum, ok :-) It's not something I'm obviousy missing then :)14:29
didrocksmvo: when you get some time ^14:29
kklimondaseb128: sure, if you've already talked to him it makes sense for you to bring this up.14:32
seb128kklimonda, ok14:32
seb128kklimonda, I will Cc you on the email14:32
mvodidrocks: eh, that is puzzling. it comes striaght from hell^Wdpkg14:37
bcurtiswx_meeting going in ?14:38
bcurtiswx_guess not, lol14:38
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seb128bcurtiswx_, no, the meeting is on tuesday14:38
didrocksmvo: ok, let's pretend it doesn't exist and see if there are new ones :)14:38
kklimondaseb128: as for glibmm there has been no glibmm 2.26.x release so far - should I start packaging 2.27.x to keep it in sync with glib? If so, then it's an ubuntu-only packaging for now, right?14:40
bcurtiswx_i am wondering, i've seen this bug before in earlier releases https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=635105#c1 would it be worthy of an SRU ?14:40
seb128kklimonda, yes14:40
ubot2Gnome bug 635105 in General "Empathy is eating all the memory" [Major,Resolved: fixed]14:40
mvodidrocks: odd indeed14:41
seb128bcurtiswx_, if you find a way to trigger the issue so the fix can be tested that would be useful14:41
nessitapitti: hi there! quick question: if all the bugs attached to a -proposed package are already in verification-done, do I have to do anything else to make that package hit -updates?14:42
seb128nessita, hey14:42
seb128nessita, no you don't, you just have to wait the week delay14:42
bcurtiswx_seb128, im going to leave my empathy ON for (as Guillaume states) 40-ish minutes to see if it uses that much14:42
seb128bcurtiswx_, I doubt it do it for everybody or we would have noticed14:43
nessitaseb128: awesome, thanks! and hi :-)14:43
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK i will see if i can find a set trigger, and twitter/blog/announce it for confirmation (i.e. bug report as well)14:44
bcurtiswx_seb128, cassidy has 2 fixed leaks he says are going to make it into 2.32.x , i can request SRU for that once released14:47
cassidyUbuntu isn't affected by the main leak14:48
cassidybut the other 2 are worth fixing (especially one)14:48
cassidyI'm making a release14:48
bcurtiswx_cassidy, yes, sorry i wasn't specific enough14:48
mterrydidrocks, I got the error "libtool: install: error: cannot install `vtemodule.la' to a directory not ending in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gtk-2.0", which sounds similar to one you mentioned yesterday?14:55
didrocksdid I mentionned something like that? :)14:55
mterrydidrocks, thought so?  maybe someone else did... let me see if I have it in my logs14:56
devildantedidrocks: did I mention* ;)14:56
seb128mterry, it was rodrigo_14:56
seb128he has the same issue on gnome-menus14:56
didrocksdevildante: yeah, got it one pressing "enter", just note fixing all my spelling mistakes14:56
mterryseb128, ah thanks.  Sorry didrocks :)14:56
devildantedidrocks: heh :)14:57
mterryrodrigo_, did you figure the error out?14:57
didrocksmterry: no worry :)14:57
seb128mterry, he was still wondering about it before going for lunch it seems14:58
seb128mterry, not sure if lunch helped him to think about the issue though ;-)14:58
rodrigo_mterry, no, not yet, went to lunch after reading some docs on the supporting multiple pythons thing15:03
rodrigo_mterry, I guess there's something broken in the dh_pysupport thing?15:03
seb128rodrigo_, could you open a bug about libgnome-media-profiles?15:05
rodrigo_seb128, about adding it to natty?15:06
seb128yes, sponsoring one15:06
rodrigo_ok, but it conflicts with the libgnome-media from the older gnome-media15:07
rodrigo_so, we don't want it unless we upgrade gnome-media, I think15:07
seb128oh right15:07
rodrigo_well, it really doesn't conflict, it's the same lib but different naming15:07
seb128rodrigo_, don't bother for now then15:07
rodrigo_mterry, you're working on GTK3 vte, right?15:11
mterryrodrigo_, yeah15:11
mterryrodrigo_, it seems that the build area for the python2.7 version still has references to python2.6 install locations15:12
rodrigo_mterry, oh15:12
rodrigo_mterry, so it needs to distclean or something like that before building with the other python version?15:12
mterrylooking at rules file now, trying to figure out where it gets its python info15:13
mterryrodrigo_, does this sound similar to your issue?15:13
rodrigo_yes, it's the same15:13
ZdraHm, gnome-keyring in gnome3 ppa is older version then the one in maverick... :(15:17
rodrigo_Zdra, yes, the previous upgrade was wrong, I think, it had 2.92.92.is.2.31.91-0ubuntu415:18
rodrigo_not sure why15:18
rodrigo_didrocks, do you know why that was used?15:19
didrocksrodrigo_: I think the error happened in lucid or maverick version and it was to avoid an epoch15:22
didrocksrodrigo_: it was in lucid: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gnome-keyring15:22
rodrigo_didrocks, so, do I change it to be 2.92.92.is.2.91.2... or just leave it at 2.91.2?15:23
didrocksrodrigo_: nobody will be able to upgrade if you keep 2.91.215:23
didrocksrodrigo_: so 2.92.92.is.…15:23
rodrigo_ok, changing it15:23
seb128rodrigo_, why did you drop gnome-media-common?15:24
mterryrodrigo_, odd.  If I manually go through the sequence of debian/rules configure-stamp-python2.7, build stamp, and then install stamp, it works fine (the most relevant being that the first configure stamp correctly identifies python2.715:26
rodrigo_seb128, because that was for libgnome-media and gnome-media, and now there's just a few binaries, nothing depends on gnome-media-common, apart from libgnome-media, right?15:27
rodrigo_mterry, maybe something changed in dh_pysupport?15:27
seb128rodrigo_, no, debian tends to install translations in a -common15:27
seb128so they have one binary with those on the mirror and not one by arch15:28
seb128it's all all not any15:28
seb128spare mirror space15:28
rodrigo_ah, ok15:28
rodrigo_I'll re-add it then15:28
seb128rodrigo_, I'm fixing some of the things there15:28
rodrigo_ah, ok15:28
seb128rodrigo_, don't bother I'm reviewing your updates and fixing some things on the way15:28
seb128started with gnome-media15:28
seb128rodrigo_, I'm not sure how you managed to build it ;-)15:28
rodrigo_seb128, I'm fixing librest and libsocialweb with the stuff from the bugs I filed, so don't worry about those for now15:29
seb128rodrigo_, gnome-media you still build-depends on gtk215:29
seb128and use launchpad-integration gtk215:29
seb128I'm not sure how it works, the configure wants gtk315:29
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rodrigo_that's wrong indeed, should be build depending on gtk315:31
rodrigo_I guess that's why lpi patch worked :)15:32
rodrigo_didrocks, hmm, if I change the version to 2.92.92.is..., it can't retrieve the upstream tarball, any magic I need to do?15:33
didrocksrodrigo_: wget + rename :)15:33
rodrigo_ah, ok :)15:33
rodrigo_but that's not magic :D15:34
didrocksrodrigo_: wget is magic to me :)15:42
didrocksyou pass a string, you get a file!15:42
mterryrodrigo_, OK...  When it comes time to run the install target on python2.7, make decides to run /bin/bash ./config.status --recheck, which does not use the same PYTHON=python2.7 env var that configure did, so picks up python2.6 this time around15:46
mterrynot sure why it calls recheck yet15:46
mterrymaybe calling make with PYTHON=python2.7 is sufficient, regardless of why it calls recheck15:47
mvotremolux: I did some tweaks in the apthistory code (not the lazy loading yet). i wonder if that helps on your netbook with the statup speed15:50
rodrigo_mterry, but isn't the PY_VERSIONS thing supposed to deal with that?15:51
tremoluxmvo: cool, I will try it  :)15:51
mterryrodrigo_, well (for vte at least), PY_VERSIONS just drives a loop that runs configure/make all/make install for each version15:52
mterryrodrigo_, but the make install is redoing the configure step, but without the benefit of the PYTHON env var15:52
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seb128mterry, try without dh-autoreconf?15:53
seb128rodrigo_, ok so libgnome-media some comments15:58
seb128rodrigo_, you lack a compat file15:58
seb128you could use the new copyright format it's easier15:59
rodrigo_ah, ok, adding it as we speak15:59
seb128standard-versions is control should be 3.9.115:59
seb128you should have a source/format which say for 3.0 (quilt)15:59
* kenvandine waves16:00
pittihey kenvandine16:00
seb128kenvandine, hey16:00
mterrykenvandine, no progress in #vala yet16:00
kenvandinei see that :/16:00
pittikenvandine: do you plan an indicator-application upload by any chance in the next time? a simple no-change rebuild is apparently not enough to fix the typelib (it breaks with a mysterious error message)16:00
seb128rodrigo_, you should probably use a - before 3.0 in the library binary16:00
seb128pitti, help him to fix the dbusmenu gtk3 build16:01
kenvandinepitti, if it'll build...16:01
seb128pitti, then we can do libindicat*16:01
pittikenvandine: if not, I can have a look16:01
pittior that :)16:01
kenvandinepitti, but i assumed it would need dbusmenu and libindicator first16:01
seb128pitti, ted rolled new tarballs but kenvandine is having issue with gir and vapi it seems16:01
kenvandinewhich is broken because of vapigen and gir16:01
seb128kenvandine, it does16:01
pittiah, long dependency trail16:02
kenvandineand it isn't even building for gtk3 that is the problem... it is just with valac-0.1216:02
seb128pitti, "it's actively being worked but there are some issues16:02
seb128it's back to the eastern meeting discussion from yesterday16:02
seb128we lack a status page were people write those sort of informations ;-)16:02
seb128kenvandine, well you can keep using valac-0.10 if that works16:03
mterryrodrigo_, fixed it by adding PYTHON=$* at end of make install line, which makes sure that any subconfigures do the right thing16:03
mterryseb128, except the packaging in ubuntu didn't use separate source packages!16:03
rodrigo_seb128, you mean calling the package libgnome-media-profiles-3.0 instead of libgnome-media-profiles3.0?16:03
mterryseb128, forced to use vala-0.1216:03
rodrigo_mterry, ok, I'll see how I can fix it for gnome-menus16:03
seb128mterry, it didn't? that seems a mistake16:04
seb128mterry, we should perhaps reupload vala-0.1016:04
seb128as vala-0.1016:04
seb128rodrigo_, right16:04
seb128rodrigo_, I think that's what lintian should suggest (I didn't try to build yet)16:04
rodrigo_seb128, ok, all fixed except the copyright file, fixing it now16:05
seb128rodrigo_, great16:06
tremoluxmvo: some faster, from ~6.9 s to ~6.6 s16:08
seb128rodrigo_, you can also probably rename ubuntugtk3 to ubuntu for this one16:08
seb128rodrigo_, since there is no gtk2 version16:08
rodrigo_seb128, as you want, just wanted to keep it with the rest of the gtk3 ppa packages16:09
seb128rodrigo_, well we had to change the name for the others because ubuntu was taken16:09
tremoluxmvo: def lazy-loading will be the big win16:09
rodrigo_but ok, I'll push to ubuntu as soon as I fix the copyright file16:09
seb128rodrigo_, like gnome-desktop is ubuntu so gnome-desktop3 has to be an another name16:09
seb128rodrigo_, oh, also please use ~gnome3 or ~build for the ppa uploads16:10
rodrigo_oh, ok16:10
seb128rodrigo_, don't use official version numbers16:10
seb128it makes easier to know what is installed from the ppa16:10
mvotremolux: hm, 0.3s, but not what I had hoped for :) lazy loading plus caching will be it I think16:10
seb128and allow uploading to the archive as -0ubuntu116:10
tremoluxmvo: it's something, every little bit as they say  :)16:11
rodrigo_Zdra, new fixed version for gnome-keyring is now on the PPA16:11
seb128rodrigo_, oh, using a .symbols would be nice as well16:15
seb128I can do that if you want though16:15
rodrigo_seb128, in libgnome-media-profiles? I can do it as part of this update16:15
rodrigo_how do I create one?16:15
seb128rodrigo_, run dpkg-gensymbols in the build dir16:16
seb128after the build16:16
seb128rodrigo_, usually dpkg-gensymbols -p<libraryname> -Odebian/library.symbols -v2.91....16:16
seb128where library is the name of the library binary16:17
seb128like libgnome-media-profiles-3.0 there16:17
rodrigo_can I just add that in a rule in rules?16:17
seb128no, why?16:18
seb128rodrigo_, you just need to create it once16:18
rodrigo_ah, ok16:18
seb128the build call dpkg-gensymbols automatically16:18
seb128if new symbols are added it prints a diff on the command line at build then16:18
seb128you just need to apply the diff to update the .symbols file16:18
seb128it makes easy to track api changes16:19
seb128if a symbol is dropped it stops the build for you16:19
seb128you just need to create the reference api when you create the source16:19
rodrigo_ah, ok, now I get it16:19
seb128it's usually a dump of the current symbols16:19
seb128then it compares the lib to the .symbols at each build16:19
seb128so it makes easy to see new or removed symbols16:20
seb128the other packages will also get the depends according to the symbols they use16:20
seb128like if a new symbol is added in 2.91.3 but your application don't use it the depends will stay on the version which provides what you use16:21
seb128it's quite nice16:21
seb128rodrigo_, you can read the man dpkg-gensymbols16:21
seb128it's nicely documented there16:21
sumitkv2i installed ubutu 10.10 inside  windows xp using wubi...but now when i boot into ubuntu i get a GRUB> prompt,,,,what to do?16:32
seb128sumitkv2, hi, try #ubuntu16:34
rodrigo_seb128, ok, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/libgnome-media-profiles/ubuntugtk3 has all the fixes16:49
* mterry awaits today's presumed unity dump16:53
didrocksmterry: building there currently :)16:55
rickspencer3dang it16:56
mterrydidrocks, this will land in natty, right?  I'm not using the PPA16:56
didrocksmterry: yeah, natty :)16:56
sumitkv2i installed ubutu 10.10 alongside windows xp using wubi...but now when i boot into ubuntu i get a GRUB> prompt,,,,what to do?16:56
rickspencer3apt-get is still blocking on "Unpacking replacement libglewmx1.5 ..." :/16:56
rickspencer3sumitkv2, hello16:56
didrocksrickspencer3: waow… mvo ^^16:57
rickspencer3this particular channel is for folks developieng Ubuntu itself16:57
sumitkv2rickspencer3, hey!can you help me out!!16:57
rickspencer3sumitkv2, you might get better luck in #ubuntu16:57
rickspencer3sumitkv2, I can't really, sorry, and we're all working on 11.04 atm (in this channel)16:57
rickspencer3you are totally welcome to hang out, but probably no one here will be able to help you out, sorry16:58
mvorickspencer3: *ick*, could you pastebin the result of ps afx (or mail it to me)16:58
didrocksmvo: just FYI, it was already the case the day before of whatever, so not just an hang…16:58
rickspencer3it's not a "hang" per se16:59
rickspencer3apt-get just kinda gets stuck there16:59
rickspencer3I was installing unity from the PPA16:59
rickspencer3mvo, if it helps .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/533916/17:00
rickspencer3the last command I tried was "sudo apt-get install -f"17:00
mvorickspencer3: ehhhh, something is really crazy with your locking17:01
mvorickspencer3: or rather with dpkgs locking17:02
mvodidrocks: did you get this as well?17:02
rickspencer3mvo, so far as I know, it's just me17:02
didrocksmvo: no, I updated without any problem, but maybe I've installed it locally as I've built it, let me check17:03
mvorickspencer3: is there anything special with that machine? btrfs, arm? natty I assume?17:04
didrocksmvo: yeah, I've installed it manually with dpkg -i, so not relevant17:04
rickspencer3mvo, it's natty17:04
didrocksmvo: (and this package is in natty, not the ppa)17:04
rickspencer3but I have upgraded since Karmic, I think17:04
mvothere are a whole bunch of dpkg --unpack hanging around, that shuld not happen, dpkg locks should prevent this17:04
rickspencer3mvo, well ....17:05
rickspencer3maybe I was being bad17:05
mvorickspencer3: could you strace the most recent one17:05
rickspencer3ve been deleting lock files to get it started again17:05
mvorickspencer3: hehh :)17:05
mvorickspencer3: I was about to say "this can not be possible the users fault"17:05
mvobut …17:05
rickspencer3well, apt-get started it17:05
rickspencer3this happened the first time, it got stuck for like 12 hours17:05
rickspencer3and then cntrl-c didn'17:06
rickspencer3t work, so I closed the terminal window17:06
mvocould you please run "sudo strace -p 5439" (or any of the other ones)17:06
rickspencer3cleaned up the lock files, did dpkg --configure -a, and tried over and over again17:06
pittihey rickspencer3, how are you?17:06
mvoand it always hangs …17:06
rickspencer3hi pitti I'm ok17:06
rickspencer3mvo, yes, it seems to have the same basic behavior17:07
rickspencer3it's the same symptom, but I may have created new diseases ;)17:07
mvothe strace output might be helpful at this point17:07
rickspencer3mvo, sure, it doesn't seem to be doing anything17:07
mvonot priting anything at all?17:08
rickspencer3should I delete the lock files, dpkg --configure -a, and then run apt-get install -f under strace?17:08
mvoso dpkg --configure -a returns without error?17:08
mvostrace -f dpkg --unpack /var/cache/apt/archives/libglewmx1.5_1.5.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb would be a good one17:09
mvoit will generate a lot of output17:09
mvobut hopefully the last few lines gives us a idea what is wrong17:09
rickspencer3mvo, dpkg --configure return with no error17:10
rickspencer3give me a minute, I'll run --unpack with strace17:10
mvorickspencer3: no rush, I need to go for dinner now17:13
* mvo is away for a little bit17:13
kenvandinemterry, i confirmed that dbusmenu builds on maverick, and still fails on natty with valac-0.1017:31
kenvandineas you suspected, gir related17:31
kenvandineit fails to create the gir17:31
rickspencer3mvo, when you get back ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/533927/17:32
rickspencer3it's been stuck there for about 20 minutes17:32
seb128Riddell, do you have time to do a NEW review for unity?17:36
seb128pitti, ^ or you?17:41
pittiseb128: can do, what?17:46
pittioh, unity17:46
* pitti looks17:46
didrocksnot unity, nux!17:46
didrockspitti: ^^17:47
ari-tczewshould do I drop second depends on fast-user-switch-applet ?17:47
pittididrocks: sure17:47
ari-tczewI have in debian/control: gdm | fast-user-switch-applet (>= 2.24),17:47
seb128you can17:48
seb128it's deprecated17:49
pittididrocks: oh, you got this thing to build now? congrats :)17:49
didrockspitti: it's almost a week now :)17:50
didrockspitti: it was a mesa missing dep17:50
pittididrocks: no 3.0 source?17:50
didrockspitti: no, it's not working well with daily build…17:50
pittididrocks: oh, how so?17:50
didrocksjust stand with "can't upload source", the bug is logged17:51
pittiwow, .tga files -- that rings a bell from ancient DOS times :)17:51
pittididrocks: please fix the tags in debian/copyright in bzr; it's "Name:", not Upstream-* (see http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/)17:53
pittididrocks: and the "(if not otherwise specified)" in Files: isn't documented either, it might break parsers17:54
pittididrocks: and "Copyright:", "License:" tags are missing17:54
didrockspitti: I was relying on python-mkdebian  :)17:54
pittididrocks: and the last line looks odd, too17:54
pittididrocks: oh, does it produce output like that? kick the author of python-mkdebian :)17:55
didrockspitti: yeah, he did a pretty bad job it seems :p17:55
* didrocks hugs pitti17:55
pittididrocks: argh, here's a rejection reason: the source doesn't ship a copy of the GPL3 (examples/ is licensed under that)17:55
didrocksreally? I added it last week?17:56
didrockslet me check17:56
pittiI see COPYING, which is LGPL17:56
didrocksargh, I didn't dist it…17:56
didrocksI half-fixed upstream it seems :)17:56
pittididrocks: any chance you could compress changelog into one "initial release"? or woudl that disrupt something else?17:57
didrockspitti: hum, some versions have been uploaded in the natty ppa, but it's not that important I guess, can compress it17:57
pittididrocks: (not a requirement, but would look nicer)17:57
didrockspitti: more seriously, as the upstream tarball doesn't contain the gpl, what to do, a new release?17:57
didrockspitti: or I can ship one, but it will not be in upstream tarball17:57
seb128repack the tarball locally to include it17:58
seb128don't bother rolling a new version17:58
pittididrocks: if you can fix it upstream, it's enough to include it in diff.gz for now17:58
seb128or what pitti said17:58
didrocksok, fixing it upstream then17:58
pitti(that was the general consensus last time we discussed that)17:58
pittididrocks: ok, rest looks fine17:58
didrocksweird, in my memory, autotools automatically shipped COPYIN*17:58
seb128didrocks, they do but it might not be the license you want ;-)17:58
pittididrocks: you need both17:59
pittior at least the GPL17:59
pittiyou can ship LGPL files under GPL, but not the other way around17:59
didrocksmy remark was only that autotools was automatically disting COPYING*, so COPYING and COPYING.gpl which are in trunk should have both been disted17:59
didrockspitti: COPYING.gpl is fine as a name, right? (as I'm at it…)18:00
pittididrocks: ah, I see18:00
pittididrocks: yep, looks good18:00
pittididrocks: as seb128 says, don't bother with a new upstream release just for that; just include it into the diff.gz18:01
didrocksok, adding COPYING.gpl to extra_dist18:01
didrocksyeah, but that will be there for next week :)18:01
seb128rodrigo_, gnome-media-profiles tries to overwrite gnome-media 2.32's /usr/bin/gnome-audio-profiles-properties18:01
pittididrocks: rejected, please tell me when you reuploaded18:01
didrockspitti: ok, should be there in two minutes18:01
seb128rodrigo_, you need a Conflicts, Replaces on gnome-media (<< 2.91)18:01
seb128rodrigo_, btw what happened to your gnome-applets build?18:02
didrockspitti: just putting "initial packaging" in the changelog then18:03
didrockspitti: just a question, how to do if I don't put (if not otherwise specified), listing every directories?18:05
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pittididrocks: I can't parse that, I'm afraid18:08
didrockspitti: what should I put instead of "if not otherwise specified" in debian/copyright?18:09
LaneyFiles: *18:09
didrocksLaney: it's wrong, some files are specified below and have another license18:09
seb128didrocks, which is "if not specific otherwise"18:09
Laneyyes, more specific globs override18:10
didrocksseb128: not documented either at http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/18:10
LaneyHowever it makes for easier reading if the copyright file lists the “main” license first: the one matching the “top level” of the work, with others listed as exceptions. To allow this, the following precedence rule applies for matching files: If multiple Files declarations match the same file, then only the last match counts.18:11
didrocksLaney: nice! thanks for the quote :)18:13
didrocksLaney: ok, doing that then18:13
Laneyseems like you don't even need Files: * for the main license18:13
didrocksLaney: yeah, let's just keep it for now18:14
didrockspitti: you should get it now18:18
seb128ok, sport, bbl18:19
didrockssee you seb12818:19
* pitti applauds didrocks for dh_install --fail-missing18:29
didrockspitti: hehe, you will everytime recognize my packages because of that :)18:29
pittididrocks: looks fine now, accepted18:29
didrockspitti: thanks :)18:29
* didrocks nukes now the netbook session18:30
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you mind approving xulrunner-2.0 in NEW please? :)18:34
didrockspitti: hum, for the session, my plan was to only build ubuntu-netbook-default-settings on armel, then update-manager ask for removing on other archs -> no more .desktop file. But for people not removing that, should there get a transitional empty package containing nothing for other archs?18:34
pittididrocks: yes, I think there should be an empty transitional package  which just depends on ubuntu-desktop18:35
didrockspitti: but it needs to be done in another source than ubuntu-netbook-default-settings, right? as there will be already a ubuntu-netbook-default-settings containing those files for armel18:35
pittididrocks: oh, that's an arch:all package?18:36
pittididrocks: I guess you'd need to convert it to an arch:any then18:36
didrockspitti: it was, but ogra wants to keep it for now for armel18:36
didrockspitti: so a .install by arch, right?18:36
pittididrocks: I don't quite understand why?18:36
pittididrocks: I'd install in debian/rules, easier18:36
pittii. e. why is arm different?18:37
didrockspitti: apparently, they don't know what to do for arm as there will be no unity, they maybe want to keep a netbook product and a netbook session18:37
didrockspitti: I discuss it extensively with ogra, trying to convince him to change it too :)18:37
pittiso, I think arch:any is it then18:37
pittiand empty for !armel18:37
pittididrocks: you could use the .install file, and then only call dh_install on arm18:38
didrockspitti: nice idea :)18:38
didrockspitti: ok, will do that tomorrow then18:38
didrocksthen, for ubuntu-netbook, only build on armel18:38
didrocksno need for transitional package I guess, as it's from the seeds and if people still have it, it's not an issue18:39
didrocks(and for upgrade, unity will be already installed)18:39
didrockswaow, the symbols are totally different than a local build…18:44
* didrocks tries rebuild nux18:44
tremoluxmvo: lazy loading/parsing the apthistory cuts 30% off startup time, woo  \o/18:49
kiwinotetremolux: lazy loading the whole history_pane does too ;)18:50
kiwinotetremolux: gtg and have dinner now, but I'll catch you either later in the evening or tomorrow18:51
kiwinote(tremolux: I've pushed a few basic speed improvements to a branch)18:51
tremoluxkiwinote: seems like the real slowdown is the load and parse (cuts a full second out of a 3 second startup on my machine)18:53
tremoluxkiwinote:  lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/startup-speed18:53
tremoluxkiwinote: definitely ping me when you have some time18:56
tremoluxkiwinote: I added a small mechanism that I think will make it very straightforward to load the other views on-demand as well18:57
tremoluxkiwinote: see you!  good dinner to you18:57
pittiseb128: pygi guys (John Palmieri in particular) are great :) got responses to all my bug reports18:59
didrockspitti: ok, got different symbols in a local build than in the buildd and as my natty pbuilder is broken, will look at that tomorrow if you don't mind19:00
pittididrocks: C++ mangling is weird19:00
pittididrocks: I'm not sure whether .symbols files work reliably with C++19:00
didrockspitti: yeah, and I don't know if you look at the doxygen doc…19:00
* pitti throws a new pygobject into natty, with 10% more love19:00
didrockspitti: you mean, I should revert to shlibs?19:00
didrocksahah :)19:00
pittididrocks: I'd check how other packages deal with this, like Qt or boost, or other C++ libs19:01
didrockspitti: ok, looks like a nice thing for an early Friday task :) (Julie is already staring at me :))19:01
pittigo! go! go!19:02
pittididrocks: have a nice evening! *hug*19:02
didrockspitti: have a nice evening! see you tomorrow :)19:02
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mvotremolux: *nice* work19:08
tremoluxmvo: thx  :)19:08
rickspencer3tremolux, I've been meaning to ask you and TheMuso about how the Unity accessibility work is going19:09
rickspencer3tremolux, anything you tell me about that?19:09
mvotremolux: 3.1.2 tomorrow then!19:10
tremoluxmvo: coolness19:10
tremoluxrickspencer3: I have not done much on it beside background reading and to reach out to TheMuso19:11
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rickspencer3tremolux, hmmm, okay19:12
tremoluxrickspencer3: I need to get sync'd in now that he's got the effort in full swing19:12
rickspencer3that's a bit concerning19:12
rickspencer3tremolux, please do19:12
rickspencer3we need *everybody* to be able to use Unity19:12
tremoluxrickspencer3: yes, no question19:12
rickspencer3thanks dude19:13
rickspencer3I keep seeing changes to the software-center blueprints, which is good19:13
rickspencer3but am bummed that I am not seeing anything related to accessibility (from anybody, not specifically singling out tremolux)19:14
mvoa11y for software-center? we did some work on this last cycle, it should be pretty good nowdays19:14
tremoluxmvo: he's referring to a11y for Unity19:15
rickspencer3mvo, I pasted the strace for you while you were at dinner19:17
rickspencer3(if you're still interested)19:17
mvorickspencer3: thanks, and in this "sync()" its hanging forever?19:20
mvotremolux: aha, software-center19:20
rickspencer3mvo, yeah19:21
rickspencer3mvo, I can totally understand if this is a self-inflicted wound and you don't have time, energy, or patience to work on it ;)19:22
mvoheh :) well, its puzzling, it smells like a deeper problem, if sync() is not returning19:22
mvorickspencer3: anyhting in dmesg output that looks like a oops?19:23
* rickspencer3 looks19:24
mvorickspencer3: something like "Call Trace" in the output or somesuch19:25
mvohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/624229 <- that looks like its the one19:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 624229 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "dpkg hangs while unpacking replacement (affects: 7) (heat: 34)" [Undecided,New]19:25
* rickspencer3 looks19:26
rickspencer3I do have an external USB drive plugged in19:27
* rickspencer3 tinkers19:27
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
mvorickspencer3: is that a netbook or a desktop you run this on?19:35
mvorickspencer3: e2fsck might also be worth a try (recovery mode supports running a fsck)19:37
* pitti waves good night, dinner time19:38
chrisccoulsonpitti - re bug 606910 - yes, that would work19:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 606910 in packagekit (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "[lucid] mozilla-packagekit cannot be installed with firefox 3.5 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60691019:40
chrisccoulsondid you want to do it? i was going to fix it, but I'd need somebody to sponsor it anyway19:40
mvorickspencer3: please keep me updated on your findings19:40
pittichrisccoulson: please go ahead, you can test it better than me; I can then sponsor and process the SRU19:40
chrisccoulsonand it's probably just quicker if somebody who can upload it fixes it ;)19:40
chrisccoulsonok, i can do that19:40
pittithanks to you!19:41
* pitti -> off for real19:41
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
mvokiwinote, tremolux: I get *dramatic* speedup from your speedup branches, almost 50% - excellent work \o/19:58
tremoluxmvo: woohoo!19:58
* mvo just had to say this and will go to bed now19:58
tremoluxthanks, goodnight mvo19:58
* mvo sits there and run software-cener --measure-startup-time in a loop because he like the result so much20:01
tremoluxmvo: haha! I agree it's very satisfying20:02
mvobut you guys stole all the thunder ,)20:03
mvolets see much much more we can push it. the lower bound seems to be 0.3s (python startup overhead)20:04
mvoon my sysstem anyway20:04
tremoluxbah, it's the team, all the team  :)20:05
tremoluxcool, sounds like a target  ;)20:05
mvoteam> indeed!20:06
* mvo is really off now and stops the --measure-startup-time loop20:06
bcurtiswx_when i do an apt-cache show nux , i don't get anything, but i have nux installed.. i though20:48
bcurtiswx_hmm, maybe because it's from a PPA that it won't show ?20:48
micahgbcurtiswx_: should still show20:53
bcurtiswx_hmm, it doesn't20:53
brycehcya seiflotfy21:42
bryceher seb128.... too late :-)21:42
mdeslaurhmm...auto-completion race condition :)21:43
ograpitti, thats only temporary, we dont know what to do until january22:26
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rodrigo_hey robert_ancell22:49
robert_ancellrodrigo_, hey22:50
rodrigo_robert_ancell, how is it going? already on Friday, right? :)22:50
robert_ancellsure is!  trying to get yelp to compile...  I'm trying to work out how to override parent class construct only properties22:51
rodrigo_oh, right, the yelp-xsl package in the PPA is just the XSL stuff22:52
robert_ancellit's the old gnome-doc-utils22:52
rodrigo_ah, ok22:52
rodrigo_I haven't done much on the PPA today, apart from fixing some gnome-media and libgnome-media-profiles stuff that seb pointed out22:52
rodrigo_tomorrow I'll keep going with more stuff22:53
robert_ancellrodrigo_, ah cool, so I can install the media -dev package now?22:54
rodrigo_yes, I think so22:54
rodrigo_it installed fine here, but I did it by hand, so let me know of any problems22:54
rodrigo_I just submitted a fixed one, with the correct conflicts, replaces22:54
rodrigo_so wait a little bit, until it builds22:54
rodrigo_I'll submit now the new g-s-d and go back to the sofa22:56
rodrigo_robert_ancell, so, after yelp, what are you working on?22:56
robert_ancellI have totem built, but it crashes due to a plugin.  I think it's probably a python one using GTK2.  I need to see if PyGTK3 is working22:57
robert_ancellthen evince probably22:58
rodrigo_yes, I ported the invest applet to use introspection, and with gtk2 gir it crashes, and with gtk3 git it hangs22:58
rodrigo_so not sure it works, at least from my short experience :)22:58
robert_ancellthe migration really is non-trivial!23:00
rodrigo_robert_ancell, if you're not going to, maybe tomorrow I'll try gedit, it should be straightforward, right?23:00
rodrigo_robert_ancell, yes, right23:00
robert_ancellshould be :)23:00
rodrigo_ok, that'll be a change from packaging only libs :)23:01
robert_ancellFeel free to package anything on the list that's not already got a work item (and check in bzr if it's part done)23:01
rodrigo_on the versions page you mean, right?23:01
rodrigo_should I open a bug for each module I work on?23:02
robert_ancelland if it's not on the versions page and should be then we can fix it (the bzr branch is at the bottom of the page)23:02
rodrigo_ah, ok23:02
robert_ancellno, we did that originally, but I don't think it's worth it now - we don't seem to be having any conflicts.  Just make sure it's in bzr as UNRELEASED or open a bug.  (we had the bug tracking before we had work items)23:03
rodrigo_ok, new g-s-d built, so time for eod'ing23:16
rodrigo_night robert_ancell, have a good weekend :)23:16
robert_ancellrodrigo_, night! see you next week23:16
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robert_ancellRAOF, X org crashing in natty>23:21

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