
hallynbdrung: building it in a ppa at https://launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/+archive/kvm-keys-test in case you want to have others try it out01:36
smoserpitti, awake ?01:50
hallynbdrung: uh - but capslock works for me in kvm!01:52
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mwhudsonwhere should i ask about python-apt questions?04:00
NCommanderdirecthex: ping, so have you been looking at the mono issues on ARM?04:00
lucentuh... I'm needing some help to get a PPA built for multiple Ubuntu releases07:03
lucentwhen I copy the PPA package, launchpad UI complains that the same name exists07:03
lucentso, what is the naming I should be using such that copy will work within the same PPA and onto a different release target?07:03
lucenthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/189223 using this UI07:10
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directhexNCommander: which current arm issues?07:27
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dholbachgood morning!08:02
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directhexNCommander: i'm aware of problems with 2.8 on arm, but the existing 2.6.7 i'm not08:32
* apachelogger tickles pitti with bug 676663 ^^08:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676663 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu Karmic) "Kopete ICQ plugin broken due to login server change" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67666308:51
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mvohey seb - too late08:57
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pittiGood morning09:41
pittiapw: that sounds like a bug -- the graph is supposed to have all WIs09:41
pittismb: I think cjwatson did yesterday09:42
pittismoser: hello09:42
smbpitti, Hi and yes. Sorry for the noise.09:42
pittiapachelogger: will do SRUs today09:42
apwpitti, i was wondering if it might be an overlap issue, as the bar is actually 10 bars on top of each other09:43
apwnot had a chance to investigate it yet09:43
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loolpitti: Hey there, would you mind NEWing linaro-image-tools https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linaro-image-tools/0.3/+build/2040596 ?11:12
pittilool: done11:14
loolpitti: thanks!11:14
sebnerdidrocks: my compiz crash in openoffice is now fixed in git. I can prepare a debdiff later unless you want to upload it yourself as you have rights for main which makes it a little bit easier and faster11:17
didrockssebner: I have other pending upload and I'll make dist a newer version soon11:20
didrocksalso, the git commit doesn't fix everything, there are still some pending issues11:21
didrockshopefully, we will have a new version next week :)11:21
sebnerdidrocks: aye, thanks :)11:21
didrocksyw :)11:21
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MTecknologyThis probably isn't the best place to ask.. How hard is it to convert an init script to an upstart script?12:16
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apwMTecknology, depends on the initscript complexity but not so hard, i would think #ubuntu-devel is a better place though12:37
apwoh heh, this is there12:37
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MTecknologyapw: LOL..13:06
MTecknologyapw: the init script is something I wrote - so obviously not complex :)13:07
smoserpitti, was pinging regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/67679013:11
smoserbut i'm on vacation today13:11
pittiI've seen the bug fly by13:11
pittiwill look at it in due course13:11
MTecknologysmoser: vacation?...13:12
* MTecknology googles13:12
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seb128doko_, when you fix a bug which concerns debian and has been opened in the bts as well could you send your patch to debian?13:16
seb128doko_, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=603676 for example13:16
seb128doko_, should bug #650945 be closed as well with your upload?13:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 650945 in cairo (Ubuntu) "Symbols file incorrect for compilers supporting LTO" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65094513:17
doko_seb128: dude, give me some time ...13:17
seb128doko_, ok ;-) I was not sure if you checked for open bugs since you didn't list the bug number is the changelog13:18
seb128is -> in13:19
seb128doko_, I was pointing the bug references in case you didn't know about them, thanks13:19
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pittimvo: apt-get download> yay you! (and for changelog as well)14:34
mvopitti: :) its pretty nifty, it supports all the niceness of apt-get install (like pkg/natty pkg/maverick, pkg=version etc)14:36
pittioh, new firefox14:36
pittimvo: that's awesome! so much nicer than having to download it manually in the browser14:37
mvoyeah, I'm happy too :)14:37
sebnerpitti: I miss the reload Icon ¬_¬14:37
pittiI miss vimperator14:37
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sebnerpitti: not ported yet?14:40
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pittithe update check didn't find it14:47
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/533879/ <- grep-ubuntu-irclogs, for when your local IRC logs (if any) are insufficient14:52
cjwatson(bit cheesy)14:52
sorencjwatson: I miss the days when I could log into the machine serving the irclogs. That's saved me a bunch of time on multiple occasions.15:01
sorencjwatson: Sometimes, grep is just better than Google.15:02
testiIs this the place where you discuss blueprints?15:03
sebnerpitti: F6 is now focusing the first tab??15:04
pittisebner: not for me, it behaves like ctrl-l for me (go to URL bar)15:04
sebnerpitti: ctrl-l works for me but F6 focuses the first tab xD15:05
sorensebner: well, ctrl-1 and ctrl-l looks and awful lot like each other in many fonts. Maybe it gets confused.15:07
sebnersoren: ??, I said ctrl-l works and F6 does *not* work15:08
sorensebner: Well, if F6 is supposed to to the same as ctrl-l, and ctrl-l looks just like ctrl-1 (at least if you squint)..15:09
* soren is kidding, of course15:09
cjwatsonI can't tell what F6 does.  It seems to draw a dotted border around the main page window.15:10
pittiso it's "do any action, except the one which is on your mind at the moment"?15:11
sebnercjwatson: main page windows = main page tab? It seems F6 toogles always the selected tab /here15:12
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cjwatsonsebner: no, I mean the frame surrounding the rendered page15:34
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pittimvo: hm, where does http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59278887/apt_0.8.9ubuntu1_0.8.9ubuntu2.diff.gz actually drop apt-changelog?15:42
pittimvo: oh, it's in the previous diff15:42
mvopitti: *cough* hawk eye! I forgot it in the initial upload changelog15:43
* mvo knew he would not get away with it ;)15:43
pittimvo: heh, np; sorry, I'm not spying after you15:44
mvo"the fact that you are paranoid does not mean they are not after you"15:44
pittimvo: I just wanted to know whether 0.8.9 changed anything wrt. bug 675641, it got closed15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 675641 in apt (Ubuntu) "[Natty] apt_0.8.8ubuntu3 seriously slows down synaptic" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67564115:44
pittibut I didn't see anything15:44
mvolet me check15:44
pittimvo: nevermind, I'll check it out in a bit (need to leave for some mins)15:44
mvopitti: thanks, I don't think I changed anything there15:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - if you want vimperator - http://is.gd/hm9Tv15:46
chrisccoulsoni miss venkman, which doesn't work either :(15:48
chrisccoulsonsebner - " I miss the reload Icon ¬_¬" - what's wrong with the new icon? ;)15:48
mptskaet, hi, besides you, who can approve blueprints for Natty?15:49
mptwhere by "approve" I mean "accept" in Launchpad-ese15:50
skaetmpt, hi, each of the manager for the teams are approving the blueprints.  Once the manager take a pass, we're intending to take an overview pass to see if it all makes sense from an available folk's time to work on, and adjust a bit.15:52
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mptskaet, so all a designer/engineer needs to do is make sure it's "Proposed for natty"?15:53
skaetmpt,  and let the appropriate manager or team lead for the area know you're looking for a review ;)  (extra communication is good thing here)15:55
mptok, thanks skaet15:56
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mathiazDaviey: hey!16:40
mathiazDaviey: I'm going to remove myself as an administrator from ubuntu-server@16:41
mathiazDaviey: do you think of anyone else to pick the role?16:41
mathiazSpamapS: would you like to become an adminstrator of the ubuntu-server@ mailing list?16:42
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manjosuperm1, ping16:51
superm1manjo, whats up?16:58
manjosuperm1, 1. USB install failed16:58
superm1manjo, hmm, was it at least detected?16:59
manjoyes the bios is able to see the usb drive and I am able to browse through the files16:59
manjoI will talk to intel to see if I need to do anyting diff16:59
superm1but did it offer it as a potential target to boot uEFI like it does for CD?16:59
superm1so at which point did the failure occur then?17:00
superm1and more importantly, did you have to do anything special to get it to show up in that list?  like format the drive fat16 or anything like that17:00
manjonot tried fat 16yet, this is the default 32bit17:01
manjosorry fat17:01
manjodoes it not even show up on your laptop ?17:01
manjoas target?17:02
superm1i'll have to recheck, when i first did a while back it wasn'17:02
superm1so where is the problem occurring for you then?  after picking the target, grub is failing to load?17:02
manjonot exactly sure, but looks like grub is not loading17:03
manjosuperm1, I might be visiting UK on the 4th of Dec, we talked about a uefi laptop for colin, is this something that can be arranged ?17:04
manjoif so I can pick it up and deliver it to him17:05
superm1manjo, yeah we should be able to work something out17:05
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cjwatsonmanjo: is this one without firmware flaws? :)17:14
cjwatson(dunno which Colin you mean, mind you)17:15
manjocjwatson, yeah this is the intel dev platform17:15
manjocjwatson, oh the laptop is for cking17:15
cjwatsonright.  actually that's good.17:15
* manjo broke the usb stick shit!17:16
ckingmanjo, gotta laptop for me?17:17
manjocking, I might be in UK on the 4th dec, so I will bring you one that superm1 gives me17:18
manjocking, I will be there from 4-1117:19
manjocking, also the WD 3T disk17:19
ivankamvo: hi17:22
ckingmanjo, how ya gonna get them from millbank to my home?17:24
manjocking, bummer... never thought of that!17:25
ckingjust joining up the dots..17:25
ckingperhaps you could ask somebody in millbank to fedex them to me17:25
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ckingmanjo, alternatively, you could just fedex the kit to my home straight from the US17:59
manjocking, true17:59
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SpamapSmathiaz: re admining ubuntu-server .. sure.. somebody needs to do it. :)19:02
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mvoivanka: hi19:08
mvoivanka: sorry for the delay, I was at dinner19:08
ivankamvo: shouldn't you now be enjoying post dinner and not be looking at irc?19:09
mvoivanka: *cough*19:09
ivankamvo: :-)19:12
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mathiazSpamapS: which email address should I use?19:33
SpamapS@ubuntu.com I think makes the most sense19:37
SpamapSmathiaz: ^19:38
pittichrisccoulson: nice, vimperator on 4.0, thanks :)19:40
shtylmananyone know what software runs packages.ubuntu.com?19:40
ebrodershtylman: There's a link to http://packages.ubuntu.com/about/ at the bottom of the page19:41
shtylmanebroder: holy crap.. totally missed that19:41
shtylmanthank you :)19:41
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jonohey all21:13
jonoinstalled natty on a USB drive and it hangs at SYSLINUX, is this a known bug?21:14
jonousing the latest live daily21:14
faganjono: I had a quick check of the bug list for natty and its not there so id say report a bug for it21:16
firewavejono, is it in virtual or not ?21:17
jonofirewave, no native, but on a USB stick21:17
firewavejono, yeah sorry.. lol21:18
jonooh I think I may have screwed up the creation of the disk21:19
jonore-creating now21:19
faganoh thats good to hear then21:19
firewavejono, I'd tell you to try with maverick to check all the creation21:20
firewavejono, and if it actually works, report the bug for it21:20
jonocreating it nw21:20
jonothanks firewave21:20
firewavejono, don't, I did anything to solve your problem :-s21:21
firewaveSomebody know how to track a f*** freezing bug ?21:23
firewaveBecause all freeze, I'm not able to have some log or anything21:24
firewaveThink it's nvidia prop driver but I can't do anything...21:24
firewaveto check that21:25
faganfirewave: have you changed anything big with your install? Im not getting any freezes at the moment in natty but im on an intel GPU so it could be a nvidia thing21:25
firewavefagan, the thing is very nasty, appends randomly every 30min or 1 days..21:26
firewavebut same with maverick... humm21:27
faganfirewave: well it sounds like a driver issue then but its hard to debug21:27
firewavemetacity and compiz, even in GDM one time..21:27
firewaveI'll check if an opensource driver work for me21:28
fagangood idea it might help21:28
firewaveeven if no 3D, after 2 days, I would know if it's nvidia or something else21:28
jcastroslangasek: around?21:29
slangasekjcastro: hey there21:29
jcastroslangasek: I have a button in lp that says "rebuild" when I was investigating why nux/unity didn't rebuild21:29
jcastroand I clicked it21:29
jcastroand now it's rebuilding it21:30
slangasekjcastro: ok, good? :)21:30
jcastrocan that do anything bad? It feels like I shouldn't have clicked that, I'm not an archive admin or anything like that21:30
slangasekjcastro: it makes the log of the previous build attempt unavailable; but that's a secondary concern21:31
slangasekjcastro: the button is there so that people click it and don't have to ask people with hats :)21:31
james_wI thought only people that could upload could retry21:32
slangasekI think that's right21:32
jcastrook so I certainly should not be pushing it.21:32
slangasekjcastro: then maybe you've found a bug in LP21:32
jcastroslangasek: at first glance it was like "oh something didn't build I get a chance to make it build"21:33
james_wmy guess is that jcastro's UDS superpowers get him this ability somehow21:33
jcastrojames_w: not likely, there's a seperate uds drivers group, perhaps my registry powers?21:35
james_wjcastro, maybe, yeah21:35
james_wone of your many superpowers at least21:35
jcastrook, so don't click it anymore, got it.21:35
james_wonly when you really want to ;-)21:36
jcastrowell, if something fails to build reclicking it won't magically fix that21:36
slangasekif it's a kernel build that failed after 12 hours, don't click it21:36
jcastroso really all I've wasted is 10 minutes of build time. :-/21:36
slangasekno, the "magically fix the package and rebuild" button is *very* heavily restricted in LP21:37
jcastrohow can something like that even exist?21:37
highvoltagecan't you use that button to enable it for everything? or is that like asking the genie for a 1000 more wishes?21:38
slangasekjcastro: ... magically? :)21:38
jcastroslangasek: I don't miss working with you one bit. :)21:38
slangasekyou don't fool me21:38
slangasekyou weren't working!21:39
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jcastroslangasek: james_w: I have filed bug #67720721:47
ubottuBug 677207 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/677207 is private21:47
[reed]RAOF: ping21:53
RAOF[reed]: Pong?22:03
[reed]RAOF: what's it going to take to get bug 650539 fixed?22:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 650539 in xorg (Ubuntu Maverick) "Launching QT apps under Xinerama crashes Xorg : affects SpeedCrunch, KeePassX, Lucky Backup, Pencil, Stellarium, Skype, Google Earth, VLC, Konqueror, VirtualBox, Opera ..." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65053922:03
[reed]the fix has been committed upstream, so they've signed off on it22:04
* RAOF waits for firefox to start.22:04
RAOFThat's part-way through the SRU process, isn't it?22:05
[reed]I'm not sure how to tell that... I didn't see any specific comment, though maybe I overlooked something22:05
RAOFHm, no, you're right.22:07
RAOFSo, that gets fixed by me actually going through the SRU process.22:08
[reed]RAOF: that would be awesome if you could do that :)22:09
chrisccoulsonRAOF - if you're waiting for firefox to start, then you can't be running natty yet ;)22:10
RAOFchrisccoulson: Oh, I am.  I just needed to kill the first firefox process that had hung somewhere :P22:11
chrisccoulsonoh :(22:11
chrisccoulsondid you upgrade to 4.0 today?22:11
RAOFWell, yesterday, but this was the first run.22:12
chrisccoulsonit starts quickly here ;)22:12
RAOFI've switched back from Chromium on the basis of lower memory useage.  And the tab grouping thing is pretty nifty, too.22:14
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's pretty nice :)22:17
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superm1manjo, cjwatson i managed to get the uefi option to show up for a usb device on my system, but had to pull efi/boot/bootx64.efi out of boot/grub/efi.img and put it in efi/boot/bootx64.efi at the root of my fat32 usb stick23:04
manjosuperm1, wow23:05
superm1i really don't see how it could have worked for you the more i think about it23:05
superm1because that means that it was loop mounting boot/grub/efi.img which is a non-standard location23:05
manjosuperm1, like it only showed up on the list of devices to boot from, but never able to boot from it23:06
superm1manjo, ah, see by doing this i can actually load grub23:06
superm1it looks like there are some other problems once it gets loaded with trying to find the right grub.cfg potentially though23:07
superm1this was with today's natty23:07
superm1so maybe it's a natty problem with trying to find the right grub.cfg23:07
superm1so there's two ways to generally address this though: 1) in the CD build process, make sure efi/boot/bootx64.efi is left in the ISO in the right place (will use 348k more space on the ISO).  2) teach usb-creator to extract efi.img to the right place23:09
manjosuperm1, should probably recorded in a bug and assigned to cjwatson23:10
superm1manjo, do you have a gold maverick amd64 handy you can try what I did with?  i only have a natty here atm23:11
manjosuperm1, no I can create one ..23:11
NCommanderdirecthex: ping, I've got some mono on ARM questions for you :-)23:18
directhexNCommander: go23:18
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
NCommanderdirecthex: any idea why I'm getting PInvoke failures int he test case? I've been poking around and this looks like banshee is completely foobar'ed23:22
directhexhang on, let me boot this thing23:23
NCommanderdirecthex: http://paste.ubuntu.com/534065/ - I'm thinking this is an issue with Thumb223:24
superm1manjo, okay bug 67726023:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 677260 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "CD images aren't able to boot off USB sticks in uEFI mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67726023:25
NCommanderthe big ones that consider me are pinvoke which suggest calling convention issues, and vararg23:25
superm1i'll leave both tasks as new so cjwatson can decide which one is more appropriate23:26
manjosuperm1, I will update that bug, creating maverick usb now23:26
superm1manjo, i think additionally it looks like bootx64.efi's grub image appears to be missing part_msdos and vfat support23:34
superm1at the rescue prompt i'm not able to ls on any of the (hdX) devices because it gets unknown filesystem.23:34
superm1my guess is that it was built with iso9660 support only with the expectation that it would load additional modules from the CD23:35
directhexNCommander: it'd take some digging through the git commit logs to see what fixed those test cases23:35
directhexNCommander: i know the whole test suite passes on mono 2.823:35
superm1so maybe a second efi/boot/bootx64.efi needs to be built that's a little bit different than the one contained in efi.img so as to contain this additional support23:36
directhexNCommander: and i don't know about "completely fubar" - i'm currently listening to an mp3 on banshee on maverick on armv723:42
directhexNCommander: u1ms seems broken though23:42
NCommanderdirecthex: thats counter to everything I've tested and GrueMaster has tested w.r.t. to banshee23:46
NCommanderbanshee will crash failure quickly if idling or if you try to do something with it in my experience23:46
cjwatsonsuperm1: loop-mounting /boot/grub/efi.img> you know that /boot/grub/efi.img is assigned as the content of the EFI boot catalog entry, right?23:47
cjwatsonfagan: can you please try to avoid top-posting and including the entire previous message in your message when posting to ubuntu-devel?  please trim quotes23:48
fagansure sorry about that23:48
faganI write emails fairly quickly normally so I forget about formatting23:49
directhexNCommander: i can take a more extensive look tomorrow, but regular playback with a test track seems normal here23:49
=== dannf is now known as dannf_afk
cjwatsonsuperm1: /boot/grub/efi.img is very definitely supposed to be built with part_msdos and vfat.  it was not my intention when constructing it to build it with iso9660 only.23:54
cjwatsonhm, I think, anyway23:55
cjwatsonI suppose it's possible there was an oversight there - I certainly consider it a bug if it's missing part_msdos and fat though23:55
cjwatsonno need for a second image23:55

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