
MTecknologyI just 'love' this... I try to use the newer flash in firefox and when launched from cli. I see this message when I try to play the flash '2.4+ kernel w/o ELF notes? -- report this'. You guys have any idea what it might be complaining about?04:12
MTecknologyI see in the kernel config for the latest generic there's not much about ELF that's not added04:14
MTecknologyI wonder if that04:18
MTecknologyI wonder if that has something to do with why flash doesn't work for crap for me on this system04:18
akheronapw: after ethtool -K eth0 tx on, the data still moves fast07:13
akheronapw: so the problem actually doesn't reassert itself07:13
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apwakheron, interesting, could you document that in the bug as well08:49
apwakheron, perhaps there is a source end clamping issue after all08:49
smbakheron, One thing I was wondering as well, was that tcpdump taken in the domU or dum0?08:50
smbapw, Good morning btw. :)08:51
apwsmb morning08:54
akheronsmb: the tcpdump in the bug desc is not mine08:56
akheronsmb: but I had the same dump in my domU, didn't dump at dom008:58
smbakheron, Ah ok. Hm, wondering whether it would add some insight to dump dom0. But probably its just the same08:59
akheronprobably yes08:59
akheronapw: commented on the bug now09:05
akherongah, there's a typo09:06
akheronI can't edit comments?09:06
apwnope, that would be useful09:07
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dholbachdid anybody else report problems with the newest kernel in natty in vms? I can't start X in there:12:22
dholbach[    8.358283] WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.37/drivers/pci/pci-sysfs.c:758 pci_mmap_resource.clone.9+0x156/0x1a0()12:22
dholbach[    8.358297] Hardware name: Bochs12:22
dholbach[    8.358300] process "Xorg" tried to map 0x00100000 bytes at page 0x00000000 on 0000:00:02.0 BAR 0 (start 0x        f0000000, size 0x         2000000)12:22
dholbachfull dmesg log: http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/tmp/dmesg.log12:22
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apwdholbach, nope noone mentioned it before you12:38
dholbachwant me to file a bug? with -4 it works12:38
apwdholbach, please and assign it to me12:39
dholbachwill do12:39
dholbachapw, what would a good bug title be so you can find it more easily?12:39
ogra_ac"doesnt work"12:39
dholbach"IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!111!!!1!!111!11"12:40
dholbachapw, ok nevermind, bug 67696312:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 676963 in linux (Ubuntu) "process "Xorg" tried to map 0x00100000 bytes at page 0x00000000 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67696312:44
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smbdholbach, http://www.spinics.net/lists/kernel/msg1111743.html13:17
smbapw, ^ upstream detection of regression of lp#67696313:17
apwsmb thanks ... that thread says "its fixed in master" ... so i'll go look13:19
dholbachsmb, thanks13:29
bondhi list I recently began doing kernel programming13:35
bondI was able to develop a character device driver13:35
bondbased on my search on internet and docs here and there13:35
bondI want to do bug fixing13:36
bondand I had a look at the ubuntu kernel bugs page13:36
bondI am reasonably Ok in C and programming13:36
bondhave been practising things for quite some time13:36
bondI am not sure as which bug should I start with13:36
bondcan some one suggest me some thing13:36
apwbond, JFo normally has a list of bugs which are of priority to us perhaps something off there would be suitable14:01
tgardnersconklin, now that we have kernels in proposed, have you have any feedback from cert that they've gotten started?14:11
apw(or indeed have they been told they are there)14:20
tgardnerskaet, ? ^^14:21
skaettgardner, heard from victorp and they're ready to go as soon as sconklin sends the signal.14:22
tgardnerskaet, what signal? I think all we are lacking are the meta packages.14:23
skaetthink the process is still going to be a bit manual in terms of the handover, until we get some flows and expectations nailed down.14:23
sconklinskaet: If the packages are there, then they can start. I'll ping victor (I just walked in)14:24
skaetsignal is to tell victorp(?) that its ready to be kicked of (via IRC, phone, email, etc.)14:24
skaetsconklin, yup,  that's what seems to be needed right now.  :)14:24
tgardnersconklin, make sure they aren't depending on the meta packages to be up to date.14:24
sconklintgardner: they probably are, but I'll ask14:25
tgardnersconklin, shall I upload those packages whilst you're talking to them?14:25
sconklintgardner: make it so ;)14:26
tgardnersconklin, maverick meta looks OK., and the kernel ABI is 2.6.35-23.40 ( have to say it outlous 'cause these numbers make me dyslexic)14:29
sconklintgardner: thanks14:29
sconklinI don't recall an abi bump for either, but my memory is not to be relied on14:30
tgardnersconklin, and lucid meta is, the kernel ABI is 2.6.32-26.47, so it all looks good.14:31
sconklintgardner: thianks, I've just informed Victor, and they'll start testing.14:32
apwthey both look up to date to me14:32
apwsconklin, bjf[afk] i have moved the pre-preproposed kernels over to master-next for maverick and lucid14:33
tgardnerapw, I saw those go by on the c-k-t list this AM14:33
apwoh yeah, thats where the accept emails go14:34
sconklinapw, you did that yesterday around noon, right?14:34
apwnope, today around 10 my time14:34
sconklinapw: hmmm, there was a pile of stuff on both -next branches yesterday . . .14:35
happyaroncould somebody have a look at bug 674952 ?14:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 674952 in linux (Ubuntu) "natty kernel doesn't work with voice input by microphone (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67495214:35
* sconklin looks at the repo14:35
apwsconklin, huh?  i only switched over the checker to -next today at 10, so that was the first it would have noticed14:36
tgardnersconklin, what apw meant was is that he switched the pre-proposed builds to pull from master-next,14:36
sconklinoh, I get it now.14:36
sconklinSweet, and thanks apw14:36
sconklinOnly one cup of coffee so far14:36
apwsconklin, keep me in the loop if you are making -next for any other repos14:36
sconklinapw: ack14:37
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apwdholbach, ok i've posted some test kernels in your bug if you could test for me ... :)15:04
dholbachapw, sweet - thanks15:05
sconklindholbach: the lucid kernel in -proposed may fix your audio problem, it would be great if you could test it for me15:12
dholbachsconklin, I'm in the office now, I'll test it tonight and send you a mail15:12
dholbachI'm VERY much looking forward to it working again15:12
bjfsconklin, if we just start telling people the -proposed kernel will fix their bug, we get more -proposed testing, good plan15:13
bjfsconklin, :-)15:13
sconklinbjf: heh, yeah - only this time there's some fact-based reasoning behind that ;-)15:13
dholbachbjf, there might be a future in marketing for you!15:13
bjfdholbach, i thought i was in marketing15:14
dholbachapw, it works15:18
apwdholbach, ack thanks15:18
dholbachgood work15:19
dholbachthanks apw, sconklin, smb, ... and bjf: you rock! :)15:19
sconklindholbach: That's provably true now, and I'll continue their roadie training so they have a second career to fall back on ;-)15:20
dholbachhaha, excellent :)15:21
tgardnerbjf, don't forget to upload the LBMs for lucid/maverick15:22
bjftgardner, ack15:22
tgardnerlots of ogasawara goodness therein15:22
* apw pops to the bank15:47
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pgranerbjf, sconklin, smb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-11-22-SR  can you look over and add any points/questions as necessary pls.18:14
* smb looks18:14
JFoskaet, speaking of which, do you have any bugs other than the one noted for me to keep an eye on?18:16
apwJFo, yo ... yogout18:16
JFodid you just call me yogurt? ;-)18:16
skaetJFo,  for the tomorrow agenda - just culling through the bugs right now.   Will post something out after lunch. :)18:17
JFocoolness thanks :)18:17
vanhoofanyone decent with bug mail w/ lp?18:18
vanhoofi keep getting everything (including direct subscriptions) in kernel-bugs18:18
vanhoofi even tried leaving the team, but they're still coming18:18
* vanhoof cant figure out why18:18
vanhoofYou received this bug notification because you are a member of Kernel18:18
vanhoofBugs, which is subscribed to linux in ubuntu.18:18
vanhoof... must be some indirect association?18:19
* tgardner lunches19:07
apwvanhoof, probabally some other team is a member of that team, you can tell somewhere though19:11
ckingnever sure how though19:12
vanhoofapw: i cant seem to find anything :\19:12
vanhoofits weird, this just started on Nov 5th19:12
vanhoofat 3am19:12
vanhoofi certainly wasnt playing w/ mail or lp at 3am19:12
JFothat is probably when that crackhead put all those lists on Kernel-Bugs19:13
JFoI remember seeing the e-mail19:13
ckingwhich crackhead?19:13
JFocan't remember the guy's name now19:13
JFobut there was someone creating all these lists and adding tons of others19:14
JFoyeah :)19:14
JFoso not a literal crackhead :)19:14
apw vanhoof  ubuntu-kernel-team  is a member of kernel-bugs19:15
apwand i suspect you are an indirect member of that19:15
vanhoofapw: right, but would that trump me being a subscriber?19:17
vanhoofbugs i subscribe to are landing in kernel-bugs w/ that verbiage in them19:17
* vanhoof is puzzled19:17
bjfis "kernel-bugs" a legitimate group or one the crackhead created?19:18
JFocreated by Brian Murray19:19
JFobeen around a while19:19
bjfwell he's a crackhead :-)19:19
JFo<-late lunch19:19
JFoI have got to do better at looking at the time19:19
=== JFo is now known as JFo-food
cking#include <garbage.h>19:25
vanhoofJFo-food: where did that email get sent?19:26
vanhoofthis is pissing me off :\19:26
JFo-foodvanhoof, what do you mean?19:45
JFo-foodOh, Kernel-bugs... let me look19:46
JFo-foodvanhoof, when you look at https://launchpad.net/~kernel-bugs what does it say in the active members section?19:48
vanhoof62 active members19:50
vanhoofYou are a member of the team that owns this team. You are not currently an active membe19:50
Sarvattnot a member here19:51
vanhoofSarvatt: those b43 updates went to kernel-bugs, even though im a subscriber19:51
vanhoofSarvatt: which is why i didnt see it :)19:51
JFo-foodso vanhoof you do or do not want mail from there?19:51
JFo-foodjust so I understand19:51
JFo-foodSarvatt, are you a member on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-team?19:52
Sarvattyeah I've been following, it's something you're in that i'm not. he doesn't want to be in it19:52
vanhoofJFo-food: well ive been in it since june19:53
JFo-foodyeah, I see that19:53
JFo-foodSarvatt, want to be? :)19:53
vanhoofJFo-food: i left last night in an effort to fix mail19:53
Sarvattnot if it's going to screw my mail filters :)19:53
JFo-foodit shouldn't19:55
JFo-foodI don't see anything that would make me think something here is what hosed you vanhoof 19:55
vanhoofhere's an example:19:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 663442 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "S3 resume fails to restore video on Intel Sandybridge platforms (affects: 2) (heat: 127)" [Undecided,Fix committed]19:55
vanhoofall that lands in kernel-bugs19:56
vanhoofmaybe i should have a few beers and search aruond :D19:56
JFo-foodwhat mail client are you using?19:56
JFo-foodbecause there may be a duplicates handling issue at play here19:57
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vanhoofyeah good idea19:58
SarvattJFo-food: do you have the mailing list as the team contact address list for the team maybe? I dont have that problem with X bugs I'm subscribed to while being subscribed to the ubuntu-x-swat list manually, I think we did that for this exact problem19:58
JFowhere do you mean Sarvatt?19:59
Sarvatt(for kernel-bugs)19:59
JFono, that isn't my team.19:59
JFoit has it's own e-mail address20:00
Sarvatthttps://launchpad.net/~kernel-bugs - change details - set contact details20:00
Sarvattoh ok, what a pain in the butt :)20:00
JFoit has no contact e-mail address set20:00
vanhoofSarvatt: do me a favor20:00
JFoit does have a list that I am not subscribed to20:00
vanhoofSarvatt: update 663442 with something20:01
vanhoofi want to watch procmail20:01
JFovanhoof, think it is the duplicate handling I mentioned?20:01
vanhoofwell im doing no filtering in thunderbird20:02
vanhoofunless its server side duplication handling20:02
Sarvattvanhoof: done20:03
vanhoofSarvatt: k20:03
* vanhoof waits for mail20:06
Al_5hi guys, I have a question about a bug that was solved with a patch, but that patch wasn't integrated upstream in the kernel. I know maybe this is not the appropriate place, but maybe someone could point me to the right direction :)20:12
vanhoofSarvatt: JFo here we go20:12
vanhoofFrom bounces@canonical.com  Thu Nov 18 20:12:09 201020:12
vanhoof Subject: [Bug 663442] Re: S3 resume fails to restore video on Intel20:12
vanhoof  Folder: /home/vanhoof/af/autofolder   509720:12
vanhoofautofolder: launchpad lpproj="kernel-bugs"20:12
vanhoofautofolder: delivering message via dovecot to folder lp.kernel-bugs20:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 663442 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "S3 resume fails to restore video on Intel Sandybridge platforms (affects: 2) (heat: 22)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66344220:12
vanhoofwtf ...20:12
JFovery odd20:12
JFoyou said you were unsubscribed or never subbed to the kernel-bugs list yes?20:13
vanhoofi unsubscribed last night20:13
JFomay not have been done yet then20:13
JFo(it is possible)20:13
JFotry it again20:13
JFoshades of reboot20:13
Al_5this is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/278648?comments=all . until now I used a patched kernel, but this solution is not available in maverick.20:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 278648 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[regression]snd-hda-intel sound input does not work at all with Conexant CX20549 (Venice) chips (affects: 12) (dups: 1) (heat: 67)" [Undecided,New]20:13
vanhoofi find it hillarious my email address is chris.van.hoof20:14
JFoI didn't notice that20:14
vanhoofi dont use it20:15
vanhoofuse the alias for in/out20:15
JFoyou should get it changed to chris.von.und.zu.hoof@20:15
vanhoofX-Launchpad-Message-Rationale: Subscriber (linux in ubuntu) @kernel-bugs20:15
JFoyeah, so no unsub processed20:15
JFodid you try the unsubscribe again?20:15
JFooh wait a sec...20:16
vanhoofi cant20:16
vanhoofi can join/part it20:16
vanhoofJFo: just joined and left again20:18
vanhoofwe'll see :\20:18
JFogood luck20:18
* JFo is looking at something that could be related20:18
vanhoofJFo: is there launchpad support? lol20:19
vanhoofi tried #launchpad, no luck20:19
* vanhoof could just file a bug i guess20:19
vanhoofJFo: well thanks for looking for me20:21
JFoI see that I am getting the e-mail from them, but I am not subscribed either20:21
JFovanhoof, my pleasure20:22
vanhoofJFo: so you're seeing it too?20:22
JFowonder if you are getting them via the ubuntu-kernel-team 20:23
JFoI see Robert's mail as the last one20:23
vanhoofJFo: find a bug you're physically subscribed to20:23
vanhoofsee if its in the right place20:23
JFoand apparently I have been getting them too since the 5th20:23
JFoso it would seem I am in the same boat20:24
Sarvattbryceh: are you around? what did you do to ubuntu-x-swat to make it stop doing what they're describing?20:24
vanhoofJFo: too odd its on the 5th ...20:24
Sarvattbryceh: tormod complained everyone on the team was subscribed to bug mail so you made a mailing list and let people opt in to the bug mail20:24
JFomakes me think something is broken on the back end20:24
vanhoofunless something was changed by accident20:25
vanhoofbut ive looked everywhere20:25
Sarvatteveryone on kernel-bugs is getting bug mail looking at the mailing list subscriber list20:25
vanhoofand if its impacting you ...20:25
vanhoofSarvatt: im not even in kernel-bugs anymoer and im getting it20:25
JFoand I only see one subscriber to kernel-bugs e-mail20:25
JFohuh, and it looks like the team mail list is deactivated on that page anyway20:27
JFofrom looking here: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-bugs/+mailinglist20:27
vanhoofSarvatt: where did that sandybridge email land for you?20:28
vanhoofwhats in the header under X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale20:28
* jjohansen lunches20:32
JFoyeah, I dunno how/why we are getting this e-mail now. the mail list for kernel-bugs is deactivated20:36
* JFo sends a test e-mail to the list 20:37
JFogot mail delivery failure to kernel-bugs@lists.launchpad.net20:40
JFoso that isn't where it is coming from20:40
JFovanhoof, ^^20:40
JFofound this though: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kernel-bugs20:42
JFoso that may be where it is coming from20:42
JFobdmurray, any idea why we are suddenly seeing e-mail from kernel-bugs since the 5th of November with no interaction from us?20:44
JFoI tried to unsubscribe but I got Error: Illegal Email Address: Jeremy Foshee20:44
brycehSarvatt, yeah20:45
JFoooh wait20:45
JFoI think I may have figured it out vanhoof 20:45
brycehSarvatt,  yeah by default teams are set up to send bug mail to all members20:46
bdmurrayJFo: can I see one of these emails with all the headers20:46
* vanhoof reads20:46
brycehI'm trying to remember exactly how it was done20:47
brycehI *think* I created a second team ${team}-bugs and set it as the bug contact for the team20:47
JFosent bdmurray 20:47
vanhoofJFo: you figure something out?20:49
JFomaybe vanhoof gimme a sec :)20:49
bdmurrayX-Launchpad-Message-Rationale: Subscriber (linux in ubuntu) @kernel-bugs20:49
bdmurraythe "kernel-bugs" team is subscribed to all linux bug reports20:50
bdmurrayhowever all the mail should go to the kernel-bugs mailing list20:50
JForight, but we only suddenly started getting e-mail on the 5th20:50
JFothat seems odd20:50
vanhoofbugs im a direct subscriber on are only going to kernel-bugs20:51
vanhoofwith the same header you just posted20:51
JFohow wound we individually unsubscribe if that was wanted bdmurray?20:51
bdmurrayThis team's mailing list has been deactivated.20:51
JFoand yet we are getting e-mail20:51
bdmurraywell because it is deactivated it likely goes to the team members20:51
Sarvattdid the mailing list get deactivated on the 5th?20:52
bdmurrayI thought the email address used to kernel-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com20:52
brycehaha, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+contactaddress20:52
brycehby default the email notifications are set to go to 'Each member individually'.  You can set up a mailing list for the team and then direct the bug mail to go there instead.20:52
brycehthen people can sub/unsub as appropriate20:53
vanhoofcheck this out20:53
JFobdmurray, I sent an unsubscribe through https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kernel-bugs but I have gotten nothing back yet20:53
vanhoofStarting: Mon Nov 1 00:02:04 GMT 201020:53
vanhoofEnding: Fri Nov 5 05:15:12 GMT 201020:53
bdmurrayJFo: I believe the team email address used to be k-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com and somebody changed it20:54
JFoI am thoroughly confused now20:55
vanhoofso perhaps it should be changed back to k-bugs@ ?20:56
bdmurrayI'd be happy to mumble about it20:56
bdmurraywell aside of the fact that I like the song I am listening too ;-)20:57
vanhoofJFo: think we should change it?21:04
JFoI just want the mail to go to the right place again.21:05
JFoI don't care how we accomplish that21:05
bdmurrayI'll fix it then21:05
bdmurrayhmm, can't21:05
JFothank you bdmurray sorry to pull you into all of this21:05
JFouh oh21:05
bdmurrayanyway set team email to kernel-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com21:06
Al_5hi, anyone wanting to look into that conexant problem? :)21:21
vanhoofJFo: bdmurray thanks guys :)21:21
* vanhoof feels better about life now 21:21
* ogasawara lunch21:32
vanhoofbdmurray: JFo: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-bugs ... didn't you just set this to the list?22:14
JFono, that mail list is deactivated22:14
JFolist is @ubuntu.com22:15
vanhoofTeam details22:15
vanhoofNo contact email Set contact address22:15
vanhoofoh i see22:16
vanhoofhe said he cant do it22:16
vanhoofJFo: want me to set it?22:17
JFoI'd ask pete about it as he is the penultimate owner22:17
vanhoofJFo: right, i guess what im saying is that ntohing has been changed yet22:19
JFoI have no idea22:19
JFoall I do know is that nothing has changed22:20
JFostill getting the e-mail I mean22:20
vanhoofim still getting kernel-bugs22:23
keeswhat's the tool to track disk access? it'll show each block and the process responsible... can't remember now22:26
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