
=== dorsy_ is now known as Guest9545
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
markjoneshey YoBoY07:19
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YoBoYhi markjones 07:29
dholbachgood morning!08:02
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dholbachhey toabctl08:51
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czajkowskialoha 11:50
mhall119dholbach: czajkowski: cjohnston: http://family.ubuntu-fl.org/mhall/community-website-foundation/13:35
dholbachmhall119, good work!13:37
mhall119man, gwibber won't stay authorized with identi.ca13:44
geothomhello everybody14:59
czajkowskijtoomey: aloha 15:11
czajkowskijtoomey: mhall119 might be able to help 15:11
czajkowskior just explainign where you are having issues, dholbach does a bit of packaging 15:12
jtoomeyreally? that would be awesome...15:12
mhall119what might I be able to help with?15:12
dholbachwhat's the problem?15:13
jtoomeyim trying to build gnome-disk-utility into a deb from the source (which i found on launchpad)15:13
jtoomeyim using these instructions: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/how-to-create-deb-package-ubuntu-debian.html15:13
dholbachisn't that packaged already?15:14
dholbachwhat are you trying to do? :)15:14
jtoomeywell..... i would really like to (read: my manager wants me to) modify the app slightly to add some extra functionality...15:15
jtoomeybut i would like to use the ubuntu sources from launchpad rather than the vanilla source from the gnome git repo.... if that makes sense...15:16
dholbachthe easiest way is:15:16
dholbach(make sure you have deb-src lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list or go to settings → administration → software sources → ubuntu sources (or something))15:16
dholbachsudo apt-get update15:17
dholbachsudo apt-get install devscripts; sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-disk-utility15:17
dholbachapt-get source gnome-disk-utility15:17
dholbachcd gnome-disk-utility-*15:17
dholbachpatch -p1 < ../your-patch-with-new-functionality15:17
dholbachdebuild -us -uc && sudo debi15:17
dholbach(in theory :))15:17
mhall119might want to explain what some of those do15:18
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 15:18
dholbach"apt-get source" gets the source15:18
dholbach"apt-get build-dep" install necessary build dependencies15:18
dholbach"debuild -us -uc" builds the package without trying to sign it afterwards15:18
dholbach"sudo debi" installs it15:19
mhall119to clarify, "apt-get source" downloads the source of the *package* in the repositories, not just the source of the app, so you have all the package configurations and build scripts you need 15:20
mhall119"build-dep" will check to see what tools and libs are needed to build the package, and will install those for you15:21
jtoomeyah ok cool15:21
mhall119between the two, you will have everything you need to re-build the package in the same way it is build for Ubuntu15:21
jtoomeyok.. when you say cd gnome-disk-utility, where is that dir?15:22
dholbachit should be right there where you ran "apt-get source"15:22
* dholbach hugs czajkowski, jtoomey and mhall11915:22
jtoomeyah - there it is, hiding right in front of me....15:22
jtoomeyso - if i do that dbuild bit it will build exactly the same .deb that is in the repo (presumably?)15:24
mhall119more or less15:24
mhall119it won't be signed15:24
jtoomeyoh ok15:24
mhall119but I think that's the only difference15:24
dholbachtimestamps might be different15:24
dholbachsmall subtle things because you probably now have newer libraries on your machine than were available at the time when it was built15:25
dholbachbut essentially yes, probably near to "same"15:25
jtoomeyclose enough15:25
jtoomeyim not sure how to create a patch to apply to the source i just downloaded, is it easy to do or can i just work away on that source?15:26
dholbachyou can just work away on that source15:26
jtoomeywhat are the .diff and .dsc files that also appeared?15:27
dholbach.orig.tar.gz is the original tarball that was downloaded from the gnome-disk-utility authors15:30
dholbachthe .diff.gz is the compressed set of changes that is necessary to build it the "debian/ubuntu way"15:30
dholbachthe .dsc is just metadatza15:30
dholbachlike md5sums etc15:30
jtoomeyso - is the diff applied when you build the .deb?15:31
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Building the Package Locally (Binary Only)15:31
dholbachit's applied in the gnome-disk-utility-*/ directory15:32
jtoomeythat makes sense.15:33
jtoomeythis packaging stuff is quite a lot more complex than i thought it would be! 15:33
jtoomeylast question - is there any easier way to work on the source without having to rebuild the deb every time i make a change and want to test?15:34
czajkowskijtoomey: you should come along to the packaging sessions the folks run 15:35
jtoomeyczajkowski: sounds good, is there going to be one soon?15:36
czajkowskijtoomey: they usually run things in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat 15:37
czajkowskijtoomey: dholbach runs them15:37
=== Joeb454 is now known as CptSerious
dholbachjtoomey, you can run        debuild binary            after every change15:38
jtoomeyczajkowski: i think i will have to attend the next one :D15:38
dholbachit's a bit like running "make"15:38
dholbachczajkowski, it's not only me running them :)15:38
jtoomeyso - that will tell me if it still compiles?15:39
dholbachjtoomey, the terminal will be busy when it compiles15:39
czajkowskidholbach: you're the name I associate with them 15:39
dholbachas soon as you get a prompt again it's done15:39
ebeljtoomey: as bad as the packaging stuff seems ubuntu/debian/deb/apt is one of the best systems out there15:39
ebeldoing the same task on windows or OSX takes mucho much longer15:39
ebeleven things like "apt-get build-dep X" save you massive amounts of time :)15:40
jtoomeywell - at least i have the basics now and i can go back to doing battle with GTK+ and UDisks :D15:41
jtoomeydholbach, czajkowski, mhall119: thank you all for your help! its very much appreciated!!! 15:42
jtoomeynow i better write it down before i forget...15:42
=== CptSerious is now known as Joeb454
mhall119jtoomey: no problem15:49
mhall119hope to see your contributions15:49
mhall119hint hint15:49
czajkowskilol 15:50
nigelbmhall119: heya!15:54
nigelb(do you ever see your PM?)15:54
nigelbNice work on the foundation thingy :)15:54
mhall119nigelb: yes I see my PMs15:55
mhall119they make a pretty red number on my screen while I ignore them15:55
mhall119but you can rest happy in the satisfaction of knowing you've made my laptop screen slightly more visually attractive15:55
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
czajkowskimhall119: subtle15:58
czajkowskimhall119: I miss blake! 15:58
mhall119czajkowski: you allowed to have pets where you're at now?16:50
mhall119too bad16:51
mhall119guess you'll just have to come visit again16:51
cjohnstonmhall119: could you look at Bug #644817 please23:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 644817 in loco-directory "Global Event Page should list the team name and the event name (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64481723:36
mhall119cjohnston: you want comment or code?23:36
mhall119oh, there is23:36
mhall119I see that now23:36
mhall119cjohnston: the venue information should only be listed once23:37
mhall119it won't be different for different teams in a single team_event23:37
mhall119print venue info, then ' - ' then loop over teams23:38
mhall119make sense?23:38
cjohnston<a title="{% trans "More Information about Team Event" %}" href="{{ team_event.get_absolute_url }}">{{ team_event.name }}</a>{% for team in team_event.teams.all %}{% if team_event.venue.city %}, {{ team_event.venue.city }}{% endif %} - <a title="{% trans "more information about this team" %}" href="{{ team.get_absolute_url }}">{{ team.name }}</a>{% endfor %}23:39
cjohnstonthats what it does23:39
mhall119you're printing team_event.venue info for each team23:39
mhall119{% for team  in team_event.teams.all %}{% if team_event.venue.city %}23:40
cjohnstonthe city23:40
mhall119but that won't be different from one team to the next23:40
cjohnstonits based on the location of the event23:40
mhall119every team in team_event is going to the same venue23:40
cjohnstonbut they are listed by country23:41
cjohnstonthis is for global events23:41
mhall119okay, maybe I'm missing something, hang on23:41
cjohnstonso florida and new york can be listed right next to each other23:41
mhall119oh, i see now23:42
mhall119I forgot that global event participating team events are grouped by location, not by team_event23:42
* mhall119 is tired23:42
mhall119hmmm, there's got to be a better way of doing this23:43
mhall119we're already doing too much nested looping on that page23:43
mhall119okay, let me get my testing environment back up and updated and I'll try it out23:46
mhall119oh, I wasn't as out of date as I thought23:50
mhall119looks good and merged23:52
cjohnstonyour killin me23:54
cjohnstonmy merge wont go in cause you merged yours first23:55
mhall119what are you merging?23:59

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