
c2taruncan anyone help me with patch command, following is my difference file http://paste.ubuntu.com/533703/.02:52
c2taruncan anyone help me with patch command, following is my difference file http://paste.ubuntu.com/533703/02:52
pooliec2tarun: you want to know how to apply this diff?02:55
c2tarunactually i tried to use 'patch -p0 < file.diff' but get this error: patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.02:58
c2tarunpoolie: actually i tried to use 'patch -p0 < file.diff' but get this error: patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.02:58
pooliehow about if you add the -e option?03:00
c2tarunsorry i tried patch -e, -e003:01
c2tarunboth not working03:01
c2tarunwith -e i m getting the same error03:01
pooliedo you know where this file came from?03:02
c2taruni created this file using diff file.old file.new > file.diff03:02
c2taruni also have both my files03:02
poolieis there any reason you don't want to use diff -u?03:03
c2tarunactually i knew that it only adds line numbers to the diff file and i read that patch should work with all the difference files created by diff03:05
poolieyou should use -u03:05
c2tarunok can u just wait for a moment, let me try03:07
c2tarunhey i worked, but still i m not able to understand the output ( i mean what patch did), can u please explain me the output. if u want i can send u both old and new file.03:09
micahgtumbleweed: are you taking care of SpamapS's mongodb SRU for lucid03:52
abudawudcan anyone tell me if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/597728 is already packaged... Please excuse the terrible new guy04:00
ajmitchabudawud: yes, it's in natty04:02
abudawudajmitch, why is the bug still open if you don't mind? :)04:04
ajmitchbecause the uploader of the package didn't mention the ubuntu bug in the changelog when it was uploaded to debian.04:05
* ajmitch has closed it now04:05
abudawudthanks, at least I got some easy experience messing with the packaging tools04:06
ajmitchas it was in progress, and the comments linked to a site with the package, you could assume that there was a package for it :)04:07
abudawudhow can a fella like me easily find projects that need packaging?04:07
ajmitchyou could search for open bugs with that tag04:08
abudawudwell thats how I found where I am now, and it appears every one of these I have opened thusfar is not really in need of packaging04:08
micahgabudawud: http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/prospective04:09
micahgabudawud: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=needs-packaging <-- in status new04:10
micahgor triaged04:10
abudawudmicahg, awesome, thanks04:10
ajmitchalso, check that it's not included already - it's quite likely that bugs won't get closed if it was synced from debian04:11
abudawudajmitch, by 'included' you mean the .deb is already linked somewhere in the bug page correct?04:12
abudawudor attached04:12
ajmitchabudawud: I mean in ubuntu already, though checking comments of a bug is also important04:12
abudawudajmitch, maybe I should just wait on a response to my mentor request before I go around tearing things up :)04:14
abudawudanother stupid question, for a package that is new to Ubuntu, would the version always start at 0.0.1?04:25
micahgabudawud: there are no stupid questions, the version depends on the version of the software, not when it enters the distro04:28
abudawudwell the dev just labeled it with the python revision it pertained to, so theres a '2.6' and a '3.0' version04:29
micahgabudawud: link to upstream?04:40
micahgabudawud: I don't see any releases04:43
abudawudnor do I in retrospect. These bugs are confusing me. I think I'll move on to upgrading packages instead04:43
abudawudif a developer made changes to a revision of their software and their changelog, how do I merge their changelog into the debian/changelog with their signature?05:03
micahgabudawud: that's not what usually goes in a Debian changelog05:36
abudawudso the actual developers changes don't go in there?05:37
micahgabudawud: no, it's usually packaging changes or references to bug fixes05:38
abudawudmicahg, the entire rest of the file is full of his bugfixes, I just was unsure if I should just do a New upstream version05:39
micahgabudawud: what package?05:39
micahgabudawud: I think you should just let him update in Debian05:41
micahgwhich would happen after squeeze is releases05:42
micahgfabrice_sp: hi, what IRC client are you using?05:44
fabrice_spHi micahg : xchat05:44
fabrice_spwhy? Something wierd happens each time I connect?05:44
micahgfabrice_sp: join then auth05:45
fabrice_splet me check the configuration then05:45
fabrice_spthis channel is in auto-join, so not sure05:45
micahgabudawud: that bug is fixed in Natty BTW05:46
micahgfabrice_sp: I see it happen often, so I'll file a bug later :)05:46
abudawudabudawud, I don't get why I can't see when things are fixed. How are you finding this?05:47
micahgabudawud: rmadison?05:48
micahgabudawud: or you can click on the source package name and see what versions are in LP for it05:48
micahgin teh breadcrumb, not the bug task05:48
abudawudah got it, over to code from bugs05:49
abudawudthanks micahg05:49
micahgnxvl: hi, can you hop in -mozillateam for a minute?05:49
abudawudis there a better way to start helping here? Apparently I'm a pretty huge derp05:50
micahgabudawud: no, just to the main section05:50
fabrice_spmicahg, I can't see any way of doing it differently at xchat options elvel, so a bug report is required :-)05:51
fabrice_spmicahg, shouldn't we unsubscribe sponsors when working on a bug for sponsoring (like 676758)? IIRC, this is what ack-sync do, but I don't remember if it's by policy or not06:14
fabrice_spfound that wiki page that seems to say so: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/SponsorsQueue06:16
dholbachgood morning!08:02
ajmitchmorning dholbach08:03
dholbachhi ajmitch08:03
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tumbleweedmicahg: will do, I commented on it last night, waiting for SpamapS to answer. I'm hoping it won't FTBFS on the buildds, can't see why it is in PPAs08:38
c2tarunhi friends, can anyone please tell me the difference between schroot and debootstrapchroot08:39
=== c2tarun changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Archive: Open | maverick-proposed is now unfrozen, time to work on SRUs! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | Congratulations to new MOTUl: micahg.
c2tarun hi friends, can anyone please tell me the difference between schroot and debootstrapchroot08:42
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Archive: Open | maverick-proposed is now unfrozen, time to work on SRUs! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | Congratulations to new MOTU: micahg.
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Rhondaouch, the german translation of the ubuntu single sign on is … looks like debian-l10n-german did it.  %-/12:14
geserthat good?12:20
Rhondageser: http://deb.at/~rhonda/sarcasm.png12:22
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c2taruncan anyone explain me the difference between schroot and debootstrap??13:48
c2taruncan anyone please explain me the difference between schroot and debootstrap??13:50
Rhondadebootstrap creates what schroot can use.13:50
Rhondadebootstrap actually installs a base system for a given distribution into a specified path. With schroot you can use that to work in a different distribution than what your main system runs.13:51
c2tarunwhat i read is debootstrap is something that creates a chroot environment that acts as jail out of which an application cannoot go... am i wrong???13:53
RhondaThe "acts as" part is wrong. :)13:53
RhondaWhat it creates can be seen as chroot environment indeed. But actually it just does install a base system into a directory. For whatever purpose that might be.13:54
c2tarunwhat do we mean by base system here??13:55
RhondaBasic libraries and tools.13:55
RhondaIncluding dpkg and apt.13:56
c2taruncan u please give me some examples, i m not still getting it. :(13:57
c2tarunu still there rhonda??14:00
joaopintoc2tarun, deboostrap is a base system installer14:09
joaopintochroot is s jail like system14:09
joaopintofor testing/building purposes it is common to use both14:10
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c2tarunhey i was in a discussion on debootstrap but got disconnected...  :(15:02
c2taruncan anyone guide me to some examples on debootstrap??15:02
c2taruni read on the internet and found that debootstrap can be used to install GNU/Linux into a directory. can i do use debootstrap to install ubuntu lucid on my friends system which has winxp installed on it??15:06
joaopintoc2tarun, no, debootstrap is only available for linux15:10
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c2taruni was reading this page: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/426  they used there chroot to lock into a directory, is schroot and chroot are same/?15:21
c2tarunjoaopinto: i was reading this page: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/426  they used there chroot to lock into a directory, is schroot and chroot are same/?15:26
joaopintoschroot is an utility which makes it easier to use chroot15:29
joaopintoschroot uses chroot15:29
c2tarunok maybe after using chroot i may understand schroot in better way. according to you what should i use first for my learning ???15:31
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c2tarunone more thing please, i just googled and found Sarge is one whole debian operating system, dont want to do that much of installation as i m just trying to learn, is it ok to install some application from the repositories??? how can i do that??15:37
c2taruncan anyone please reply to my last two posts plz :(16:10
joaopintoc2tarun, Sarge is not a whole OS, it's the codename for a Debian release, using deboostrap will just install you a base system, not the entire repository contents16:18
c2tarunone more thing please, can i use debootstrap to install some application from the repositories??? how can i do that??16:25
c2tarunjoaopinto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/533909/16:28
joaopintoc2tarun, you can schroot into your deboostrapped environment to install applications from the repositories, yes16:39
c2tarunjoaopinto: so first i have to create a ubuntu environment by debootstrap and then install an application there and then i can perform my experiments??? one last thing... i m sorry to ask but please tell me how to create the debootstrap environment for ubuntu??16:42
joaopintoc2tarun, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot16:42
ari-tczewachiang: could you look at gimp? it's ftbfs, maybe you can fix it :)17:30
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achiangari-tczew: i'll take a quick look, but i do have my day job to contend with. :)17:59
ari-tczewsure achiang18:00
BlackZachiang: I have a proposed fix for it18:00
ari-tczewoh, nice18:00
achiangBlackZ: ok, good. looks like it should be pretty simple too18:01
* achiang goes back to wrestling with pulseaudio18:01
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Joelitogood day all18:56
JoelitoI have two questions18:56
Joelito1.- When I made my own makefile to compile my program, how to use it to debuild?18:56
JoelitoI don't want to use dh_make18:57
c2taruni just set up a chroot environment of hardy into my lucid, is it possible to boot into that chroot environment??19:17
persiac2tarun, How did you set up the chroot?  (The answer is probably "No", but there is a chance)19:22
c2tarunpersia: i set up by this command =>   sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 hardy /var/chroot/hardy http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/19:23
persiaWhat is the backing store for /var/chroot/hardy?19:23
c2tarunsorry its my first time, i m not aware of this term19:24
_rubenis it on a seperate partition/logical volume?19:24
persiaJoelito, http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2010/08/is-packaging-new-software-hard.html is one of the simplest outlines of how to not use dh_make I've seen.19:25
c2tarunno its in the same partition, i thought of first setting it up in separate partition but then i thought that partitions are not mounted automatically so if i did so it'll be impossible to boot into it19:25
Joelitothanks persia, I'll look19:26
persiac2tarun, Actually, having it a separate partition would mean you could install a kernel on it, and then fiddle your bootloader.  With it in a regular directory you'd probably have to export it with NBD or NFS or something, and then boot *another* computer over the network (assuming the bootloader on the other computer supported whatever protocol you export)19:26
_rubenor just chroot into it, which obviously isn't The Real Thing (tm) ;)19:27
persiac2tarun, So, this brings a related question: why do you want to boot that?  What are you trying to accomplish?19:28
c2tarunactually i was trying to translate gnome menus into my native language as my college project. For that i needed another operating system on my laptop. i tried virtual machine but didn't like it. then while reading packaging i found debootstrap. i read about it and in ubuntuforum a guy told me that we can also boot into the environment19:29
c2tarunas it is my first time, i setup the chroot env not i can lock to it but its not something i wanted. i want to boot into the system. perform some experiments and then remove it.19:30
persiaIt's true that you can, but it's complicated.  For the purposes of translation, a chroot is likely sufficient.19:30
c2tarunpersia: but how can i see the gnome menus without booting into it??19:31
persia_ruben, Do you have a good pointer to running X in a chroot?  I generally just use `schroot -p ...` which isn't sufficient for this.19:33
c2tarunwow... can we run X into chroot without booting into it??19:34
persiaAbsolutely.  Some stuff works a bit different (different kernel, etc.), but the menus and most translatable GUI applications work normally.19:35
_rubennever really tried actually .. it wouldn't surprise that with a properly setup /dev /proc etc, you could just start (an extra) X server from within the chroot19:36
c2tarunu talked about some pointer for X. i didnot get it. can u enlighten me a bit please...19:36
_rubenhm, now that i think of it some more, that'd probably not work due to kernel (abi/api) incompatibilities19:37
_rubenvritualization might not be ideal, but i do think it's most appropriate here19:37
ebroderpersia, _ruben: You probably want to use Xnest or something, but I don't know how to make it work19:38
persiaebroder, Yeah, probably.  The tricky bit is getting all the bindings right, including the special DBUS magic, for which I'm not finding any comprehensive document just now.19:39
c2tarunpersia, _ruben: check this out  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot19:40
c2tarungoto topic 5 in the index19:41
persiac2tarun, That doesn't bind-mount /sys/ or set up the DBUS channels, but it's 90% of what you need, and might be enough, depending.19:43
c2tarunok, i m not getting few things... in setting up the chroot.. they mounted proc??? what does it mean..19:43
persiaDoes anyone have time to take a quick look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~persia/packages/devicetype-detect_0.01.dsc ?  I believe it's clean, but want a second pair of eyes before I upload.19:55
persia(well, it's potentially buggy, but I believe there only to be upstream bugs)19:56
ebroderpersia: There's some weird spacing in the description19:59
ebroderpersia: I generally consider having to use dh_dirs to be a deficiency in the upstream build system. Why not do a mkdir -p in the install target?20:00
persiaebroder, Because it's better to pass -d to install :)  Thanks for catching that.  The spaces are troff's fault, but definitely deserve to be fixed.20:01
ebroderpersia: That's all I see in the packaging. The VERSION handling makes me twitch a little, but it's not like I haven't done worse things before20:02
ebroder(And I can appreciate the desire to only have a one canonical location for the version number)20:03
persiaebroder, That's pulled direct from laptop-detect.  I don't know another way to do it unless I don't do a native package (and yes, I know non-native is better, etc.)20:04

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