
* nhandler goes to post the Global Jam post00:16
nhandlerAh, pleia2 beat me to it (just didn't show up in google reader)00:18
pleia2sorry for not mentioning it00:18
nhandlerpleia2: No problem00:21
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
akgranerHey all - just wanted you all to know before the open letter to the list goes out - I am going to be stepping down as Editor in Chief for UWN and calling for nominations and more volunteers12:17
akgranerDue to personal circumstances beyond my control I just don't have the 15 hours per week (sometimes needed all in one day) right now - and don't foresee having that time until after Spring12:18
akgranerI'll help anyone get up to speed and go over the processes personally with anyone - I am also going to email former editors to see if they will help in the interim12:20
akgranerYou all are great  - and deserve someone who can give the necessary time and attention to UWN as a whole - so stepping down is the only responsible thing to do  - Thanks again! :-)12:21
akgranerstepping down email sent to the list - Pendulum nigelb highvoltage alourie johnc4510 nhandler13:15
akgranerfeel free to email or ping me if there are questions - I am adding call for nominations to the meeting agenda as well as training needs13:16
akgranerWe don't have a very open or transparent way to select a new Editor in Chief - in the past the Editor has picked their successor - I'd like to open it up for nominations and the Active UWN team members decide - if you all aren't open to that please make suggestions :-)13:22
alourieakgraner: oh, I'm sorry for that13:27
alourieare you still going to be an editor? That is - writing for it...?13:27
akgraneralourie, I'll still help where I can13:27
akgranerand I'll do whatever I can to help with the transition and shadow the new Editor in Chief until they are comfortable13:28
akgranerI won't leave anyone hanging13:28
akgranerand just disappear :-)13:29
MTecknologyakgraner: hugs13:29
alouriethank you13:29
akgranerI want you all to have the opportunity to try out these positions and succeed in them13:29
akgranerMTecknology, thanks13:29
akgranerwe've done some great things in the last year - making UWN processes more transparent, moving to publishing on Mondays so people don't give up their weekends, recruiting more new people, though more is needed... etc13:31
akgraneryou all are great!13:31
akgranerI'll stick with getting the fridge migration to completion sense that is almost complete13:31
akgranerI'll finish fighting that battle :-)13:31
MTecknologyakgraner: You've been holding that role for a year already?13:31
MTecknologyIt feels like yesterday13:32
akgranerwell I've been working on UWN for a year don't think Editor in Chief is a year13:32
akgranerand I personally think the position should rotate each cycle - it will burn you out in a hurry if you are doing a lot of other stuff in the community and trying to have a balanced life13:33
akgranerI have been working hard to re-org UWN in a way that would not burn people out  - not sure if it's working or not :-/13:34
akgranerbut I have tried13:34
akgranerI hate I can't do it all right now - but I am sure everyone will be awesome the UWN will improve even more13:36
MTecknologyI gave up on a balanced life13:37
akgranerI'll get the survey results to everyone tomorrow13:37
MTecknologyif I have down time I wind up doing things like this.... I've been up for almost 24hr and have nearly nothing to show for it..13:39
akgranerMTecknology, yep I know the feeling - but working on the "burnout to balance" stuff - I was taking a hard look at things before the lightning/fire - that just reinforced what needs to come first for me13:43
akgranerI don't suggest lightning thought though :-D13:44
akgranerMTecknology, go get some sleep before you fall over13:48
MTecknologyI'm trying to force myself through until tonight (~14hr) - I want to make myself get back on a normal schedule13:51
akgraner:-) gotcha13:51
akgranerremember "normal is just a setting on the dryer" :-D13:51
MTecknologyBy normal, I mean not taking an hour long nap while it's dark out and kissing my fiancee when it's light out (same walk) before she heads off for student teaching13:53
MTecknologyor.. withing 8hr of the same sleep schedule13:53
akgraneryep - I knew what you meant  - I was teasing you :-P13:54
MTecknologyit was fun to explain though :)13:54
akgranertime for work - thanks everyone - I'll blog later today about all this :-)13:56
MTecknologyI miss work13:57
highvoltageakgraner: just read your email, will you still be able to be editor for this week's issue?14:06
highvoltage(sorry if you already explained that, wnet to bed late last night so still a bit groggy :p)14:07
akgranerI've pulled items and written summaries  - just need to add them to the wiki14:15
pleia2thanks for your work akgraner :)17:28

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