
cwilluthe !wubi support link is dead01:15
cwilluer, http://wubi-installer.org/support.php redirects to http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer, which is a 40401:16
h00koh lord. -offtopic is going to be a handful tonight01:25
elkybring out the kitteh pictures01:26
h00kyeah :)01:26
h00kI have to be in my LoCo channel in 1/2 hour, so I won't be able to watch it as closely01:27
othellofuck you08:00
othelloHOW DARE YOU KILL US08:00
tonyyarussothat was odd08:00
ikoniathis is the same guy that was going to hack us08:01
ikoniaI'll change the forward to a ban if it happens again08:01
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
ubottutapper called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()08:31
IdleOneWhen do we find out who the new ops are going to be in the various channels?14:44
PiciIdleOne: Next week.14:45
IdleOnethank you14:45
IdleOneGood morning btw :)14:45
PiciIdleOne: The deadline for current ops to voice their opinions on all the candidates is Sunday night.14:45
IdleOnesounds good14:45
ikoniapeople talk such utter rubbish "fedora is better than ubuntu for raid"17:04
PiciIs that person even addressing anyone?17:05
ikonianice one Pici17:15
PiciKicking a webchat user will automagically ban their real host.17:16
ikoniaI've still not got into that habbit17:16
ikoniaFYI: I'm also still not happy with the floodbots open proxy banning, it's doing a fair amount of false positives17:16
PiciI'm still working on the floodbot guide for ops.17:16
Piciikonia: I'm not either.17:16
ikoniaI did know what you said, it's just my bad habbit - not your fault17:17
ikoniano guide would have saved me17:17
PiciI know.17:17
PiciI probably learn perl again for just long enough to work on a redirect url script.17:18
gnomefreakn/win 317:37
popeyn/lose 117:58
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Cubey` appears to be abusive - 4.5)20:51
guntberthi, I want to voice a concern about (sometimes) disappointing user experience in #ubuntu-server21:14
tonyyarussoguntbert: If it's relatively short, voice away.  If you have a fairly detailed explanation, it could be more useful to send it to the ubuntu-irc mailing list.21:19
guntberttonyyarusso: just shortly to collect my thoughts: every now and then there is a user asking for help and two or three experts chat away about some kernel feature...-- they often totally ignore the user21:20
guntbertI know the topic of #ubuntu-server is special  "discussion and support" so that might lead to those situations21:21
tonyyarussoguntbert: So in short, you'd like to see it fulfill the support aspect better, yes?21:22
guntberttonyyarusso: yes that seems to cover it ... well I think the discussion must happen somewhere and we don't want to spread forces too thin....21:23
Tm_TrI see it reasonable to even just ask the one in need of help to wait a moment to get help or such, total ignoring is rude21:24
Tm_Trassuming it's relatively quiet channel21:24
tonyyarussoit usually is pretty quiet, yeah21:25
guntbertTm_Tr: it is most of the time21:25
guntbertbut I have no idea how to accomplish this - my first thought was to switch places for "discussion" and "support" in the topic but that seems .... moot?21:26
tonyyarussoguntbert: Usually this sort of thing is done by "lead by example".  In other words, offer support frequently yourself and try to get it to catch on that way.21:27
guntberttonyyarusso: would be great if I was able to do so, but the field in #ubuntu-server is somewhat wider than my field of experience ... but you have a very good point there, sometimes I do the same thing in #ubuntu too21:29
Tm_Trguntbert: just giving some attempt to help usually draw others more capable into it21:31
guntbertTm_Tr: thats true - thank you both for listening and your input - I'm gonna let it lie (with some positive attempts from me) for a while, maybe I send it to the mailing list later21:33
topylii would do this on the mailing list21:33
topyliwell, i would do more on the mailing list anyway :)21:34
guntberttopyli: taken into account :-)21:34
topylithis channel is real time and people are not. darn foreigners, living in weird timezones!21:34
topylimail is better if you want to voice a concern21:34
guntbertgood point! (btw its 22:30 here :-)21:35
topyliwell i'm only one hour further, but there are people even more unfortunate :)21:36
guntbertah, the man from the north is speaking :-)21:37
guntbertand now I'm off - enough idle chatter in the ops channel - thx to you all21:38
topyliit happens!21:38
topylii think Tm_Tr is right though, ignoring newbies is just about the worst approach21:42
topyli(and guntbert)21:43
Tm_Trit is, especially when it's relatively quiet support channel21:44
Tm_TrI tend to slap people when they keep chitchat when someone asks support question in our loco channels21:45
topyliyeah well our channels are slow enough that we sometimes forget which is support and which is -ot21:46
topylislapping is needed :)21:46
* Tm_Tr slaps topyli and then huggles him tightly21:46
* topyli tickles21:47
* Tm_Tr hides21:47
ikoniaI'll try to make a point of being more active in #ubuntu-server I understand the concerns earlier22:50
ikoniawhy are the #ubuntu-uds channels still open ?22:51
ikoniaIRCAnswersBot [~IRCAnswer@207-126-122-147.ip.openhosting.com]23:03
ikoniatons of ubuntu channels ?23:03
IdleOneikonia: Brother has pretty  decent printer/scanner support, not all of the models have linux drivers but the brother website does have a good bit of information on models and instructions to install the drivers.23:08
ikoniaIdleOne: tell him23:09
ikoniaI find they suck23:09
IdleOnewell, yeah they do.23:09
IdleOnebut still better then Canon for example23:09
ikoniathat's getting annoying23:44
ikoniais unitedpotsmokers acceptable as a nick in #ubuntu23:53
topyliikonia: no23:54
ikoniaI have asked him to change it in pm23:54
ikoniagiving chance to respond23:54
elkyhe's been asked before23:54
elkyand stormed off iirc23:54
topyliif we have the policy we do, it extends to nicks and quit messages and such23:55

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