
jgjonesHmm as you get older you still don't get enough sleep...kids make sure of that.16:20
Wafflejgjones,  hum i ;like nightclubs (a bit noisy tho)16:20
BigRedSisn't 'noisy' part of the point?16:24
WaffleBigRedS,  kinda16:25
* BigRedS feels old16:25
* Waffle feels young16:25
popeyAlanBell: fill yer boots16:28
Waffleit goes ding by the way16:28
Wafflewill MSN run in wine16:29
popeytry it and see16:29
BigRedSWaffle: I don't think that's something many people would have tried16:29
WaffleBigRedS,  i guessed that16:30
AlanBellhttp://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f384/browsertest.htm not in the Ubuntu font yet :(16:31
ikoniaWaffle: did you go by any other nicknames in the past ?16:31
Waffleikonia,  i really don't want to talk about this in this channel, is there another channel we can talk in?16:32
ikoniaerrr why ?16:32
ikoniaif you feel it's an issue, just send me a pm16:32
Waffleikonia,  i'll continue with this topic via PM16:33
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/ | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 23rd November 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Christmas party http://ubunt.eu/c2
* BigRedS complains that the party's in London16:34
ikoniaWaffle: ok16:34
evilchristelAlanBell: we missed noel gallagher visiting our fine town earlier! all my girlfriends are raving about how he was shopping in the guitar village!16:34
evilchristel(i felt very embarrassed to have to wikipedia him to work out who they were talking about) :s16:35
evilchristelhi ikonia btw :)16:35
ikoniaevilchristel: your back !16:36
AlanBellevilchristel: I wouldn't recognise him (or care) but I am sure those who saw were suitably impressed!16:37
AlanBellI can't deop myself16:38
evilchristelapparently very much so, to the extent that they've all developed a sudden interest in guitars it seems16:38
evilchristelikonia: oh im usually hiding somewhere :016:38
DJonesAlanBell: Is that better16:38
popeyAlanBell: http://ubunt.eu/ where'd that come from!?16:39
ikoniaevilchristel: it's nice to actually SEE you though16:39
AlanBellpopey: I was thinking of registering it a while back, and it was already there!16:39
evilchristelikonia: <316:40
evilchristeland you m'dear16:40
ikoniaworking my arms just for you at the moment ;)16:40
shaunoshame there's no .tu in 316616:41
popey\o/ dots16:42
evilchristeler sorry16:42
czajkowskievilchristel: I miss cutie hugs16:43
ikoniaevilchristel: been enjoying watching wunder kind's progress16:43
ikoniakinde ?16:43
Pendulumevilchristel: hey! haven't seen you around in ages :)16:43
AlanBellPendulum: evilchristel came to the Farnham Fireworks16:44
PendulumAlanBell: that's because y'all are actually local to each other. When I live in the area, I'll go to the Farnham Fireworks too :P16:45
AlanBellthat would be lovely16:46
evilchristelczajkowski: he misses you to! come visit16:46
evilchristelikonia: good! he's lush! :D are you still sober or did you fall off the wagon? :P16:46
evilchristeland halloooo Pendulum16:46
Wafflewhat is a good frame by frame animation maker for linux?16:46
czajkowskievilchristel: yes16:47
AlanBell!info pencil16:47
lubotu3pencil (source: pencil): animation/drawing software. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4b-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 508 kB, installed size 1264 kB16:47
ikoniaevilchristel: still sobre16:47
evilchristeli say!16:48
WaffleAlanBell,  does it do .jpeg importation16:48
evilchristeli was going to suggest beers when im next in the west country.. but we can meet for a protein shake instead?16:48
AlanBellWaffle: no idea, tell me when you find out.16:48
ikoniaevilchristel: we can do beers, I'm allowed to drink again now, just not had a reason16:49
evilchristelooh :D16:49
ikoniatoo easy to not drink at the moment after so long off16:49
popeyhow long?16:49
popey13 weeks is the longest I've gone without booze16:49
ikoniapopey: in honesty, I've forgot exact dates, as it was only supposed to be a month, but I'm easy over 316:50
dauberspopey: 2.5 years longest I've done (stupid antidepressants)16:51
ikoniaonce I'd gone over $X I just forgot about it, so didn't drink because I'd forgot to16:51
daubersikonia: That seems to last too16:51
WaffleAlanBell,  yup it does do .jpeg imports, thanks allot XD16:51
ikoniadaubers: yeah, I don't want a drink, but I can now comfortably have one16:52
ikoniaevilchristel: although a shake is always welcome if you want a gym session first !16:52
* Waffle could do with a drink of beer16:52
daubershttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11790715 I see you can't use SVN in china anymore if you get arrested for "inciting subversion"16:59
popeydaubers: http://tumbleweed.popey.com/17:00
evilchristelikonia: i dont know about want.. need on the other hand! :)17:03
Wafflei can't figure this out17:03
evilchristelalcohol is curious to me these days, having not had any for 16 months it takes half a glass of red wine to turn me into a giggling schoolgirl-esque daftie17:03
Wafflehow do i import a .hpeg into kToon17:12
Waffleanynyone know?17:15
* Waffle is waiting17:16
lubotu3Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:16
* AlanBell notes that it is home time/cooking sprogs dinner time for most people17:16
BigRedSThe commuting hour17:16
BigRedSand, again, I'm at work to see it :(17:17
* screen-x lurks but know nout about animation17:17
AlanBell!info ktoon17:17
lubotu3ktoon (source: ktoon): 2D animation toolkit. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-4.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2480 kB, installed size 6136 kB17:17
AlanBellpresume that is a kde app17:17
WaffleAlanBell,  thats right17:17
AlanBellsomeone in #kubuntu might know it, I can't be bothered to install all the dependencies17:18
screen-xWaffle: <guess>dragondrop, file>import? </guess>17:18
MartijnVdSdrag & drop..17:18
MartijnVdSyou do that with dragons now? :)17:18
screen-xin soviet wales, dragons drop you17:19
daubersIn the Red Valley is it now boyo?17:20
MartijnVdSWales has fallen to the commies?17:20
daubersI just can't seem to hear a welsh accent saying "Now Comrade, to arms!"17:20
Waffle*sigh8 no help ther17:21
ikoniabecause your banned17:21
Waffleikonia,  i didn't do anything i just joined and poof you come along17:21
ikoniaWaffle: because your banned under other nicknames, as you know17:22
ikoniaWaffle: so don't play dumb17:22
Waffleikonia, i know but this is a new kick i may have changed since then17:22
ikoniaWaffle: lets not discuss this here - you know you've not changed, I explained to you in PM, you know you're banned, so don't try, lets keep it simple17:23
Waffleikonia,  when will i be allowed back in?17:23
evilchristelcor, it excites me when you're being strict!17:23
evilchristelbut now i must marinade some meat17:24
popeyis that a euphamism?17:24
ikoniaha ha ha17:24
Waffleevilchristel,  i hate it when she is strict17:24
* popey chuckles ... she17:24
Wafflepopey,  exactually, i said that on superpose17:25
ikoniapopey: he knows I'm a he, it's one of his trolls to call me she17:25
Waffleonce again psycho  guy is right17:26
popeyWaffle: be nice17:26
popeyWaffle: keep this up and you'll get kicked/banned again17:26
Wafflepopey,  me and ikonia need to make up to etch other to make the world a happy place17:27
popeyor.. just stop being a dick.17:27
MartijnVdS(or stop acting like you're 12)17:28
Wafflepopey,  thats also an option17:28
popeyit's the favourable option IMO17:28
WaffleMartijnVdS,  i am 12 plus 1 year17:28
AlanBell#uksnow next week or so they think17:29
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Snow? Already?17:29
Waffleit hasn't even snowed yet (in the UK)17:30
MartijnVdSWaffle: I believe AlanBell is trying to say it's going to next week17:30
WaffleMartijnVdS,  well we'll have to wait and see17:31
screen-xit was #uksnow that pursuaded me to join twitter :)17:32
Wafflescreen-x, i think i'm on twitter17:33
popeyi might have to get a survival kit for my car I think17:33
MartijnVdSsnow chains17:33
gordhttp://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/alternative-to-200-lines-kernel-patch.html - interesting17:33
screen-xpopey: What would you include in a survival pack?17:34
* popey bets thats lennarts "patch" before clicking it17:34
MartijnVdSit is17:34
popeyscreen-x: lets see... http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/CarSurvivalKit17:34
czajkowskiit's only novemeber :(17:51
gordsnow? i like snow!17:52
gordsnow is the only reason i let winter exist at all17:52
BigRedSI like snow when I'm allowed to stay at home17:52
czajkowskigord: you're just plain odd17:52
BigRedSor, at least, not go further than walking distance17:52
Wafflei'l see you guys later17:52
czajkowskiIt's evil17:52
gordqualifier: i don't own a car, i don't drive and i don't need to commute anywhere17:53
gordi get all the pro's of snow with non of the cons :)17:53
* BigRedS fits the first of those...17:53
gordalso, my cat jumps about in the snow for five minutes before running back inside needing a hug because she is so cold, then she runs outside again17:54
BigRedScats + snow = awesome17:56
jacobwthrowing snowballs at cats = awesome17:58
jacobwfixed that for you :)17:58
dutchiemy dog chases snowballs in exactly the same way she chases normal balls18:41
dutchiethen wonders where they have gone when they melt or she eats them18:41
jacobwAw :)18:46
andylockranhowdy guys and gals18:49
andylockranhow goes things?18:49
jacobwnot too bad thanks :)18:51
jacobwsoo tired. need beer :p18:52
AlanBellhttp://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ep/pad/view/CarSurvivalKit/latest etherpad rocks18:53
* jacobw has Black Sheep Golden Sheep Golden Pale Ale19:06
jacobwer.. the second golden is extraneous19:07
=== ivanka is now known as ivanka-train
lubotu3Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:15
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] No Maverick PPA For Unity - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/11/18/no-maverick-ppa-for-unity/19:17
Azelphurhmm, weird19:27
Azelphurspeed dial on firefox won't generate a thumbnail for deluge's web ui :(19:27
Azelphuroh wait it did, it just took like 60 seconds, weird19:28
andylockranDeluge webui any good Azelphur ?19:39
Azelphurhell yes.19:39
Azelphurdeluge is awesome19:39
andylockranI use deluge, but not it's webui at the moment19:40
Azelphurandylockran: I use deluge+flexget to get all my stuff, it's pretty cool19:42
AzelphurAnyone know how to fix firefox's terrible attempt at theme inheritance so I don't get crap like this? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/November%202010/search.png19:47
AzelphurThere is text in that box, believe it or not :P19:48
evilchristelim not sure how i feel about potential snow19:56
evilchristeli like snow. snow is fun.19:56
evilchristelbut last years snowfall was annoyingly inconvenient19:57
DJonesSnow is great fun when you've got a dog19:57
DJonesOur dog loved it last year, although when he was waist deep in it walking last year he might have got a bit chilly on his stomach19:58
evilchristelyeah, the dog loved it last winter, she burrowed into it and you could just see this white bump moving along19:59
evilchristelit was cute!19:59
DJonesI bet it was, ours is too big to do that19:59
evilchristelwhat wasnt as cute was the supermarkets not having deliveries, all my antenatal classes being cancelled and the road being littered with abandoned cars!19:59
* dutchie has a pretty picture of his dog in the snow20:00
dutchiedon't have an electronic version though20:00
dutchieso you will have to take my word for the cuteness20:00
DJonesI was off work all the time the snow was down, all I had to do was walk the dog20:00
evilchristelmy dog is in love with czajkowski20:00
dutchiethat is a non-snowy Pebbles20:01
czajkowskithis is rather true20:01
evilchristelpebbles is indeed cute!20:01
danfishdutchie: that snow's melted ;)20:01
czajkowskievilchristel: dog used to walk me to my room, mount my back lick my arm and pat my tummy20:01
evilchristeltillie is impossible to get photos of as she doesnt like being still, but here she is recovering after being spayed: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs204.ash2/46697_481909445936_668090936_6939229_3935327_n.jpg20:02
czajkowskii've rarely seen her that stil20:03
DJonesThis is Oscar last year http://lh3.ggpht.com/_PnGeXTQd-uE/S0SBWOAiWSI/AAAAAAAABWY/_4pyZRc_SQ0/s640/2010-01-06%2011.24.36.jpg20:03
czajkowskiDJones: cute20:03
evilchristelhttp://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs478.ash2/75154_10150100952695937_668090936_7509453_5357731_n.jpg and here she is eating a small child20:04
DJonesevilchristel: How old is she, looks quite young in the picture20:04
evilchristelDJones: she's 18 months20:04
evilchristeland even more nuts than she was as a 12 week old puppy20:04
czajkowskievilchristel: cute20:04
DJonesevilchristel: Right, ours is 3 years + a bit20:04
evilchristelooh oscar is fluffy, i want to cuddle him!20:04
DJonesHeh, he'd love that20:05
evilchristeli love dogs, they're fab20:05
evilchristelczajkowski: tillie misses you!20:06
dutchiepebbles will literally chase her ball all day and all night20:07
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: sweet saint jack daniels, was that farnham last year20:08
TheOpenSourcererYes czajkowski20:08
czajkowskioh lordie20:08
dutchiei do have snow pictures without dogs in: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jshholland/3756314812/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/jshholland/3755506163/in/photostream/20:08
DJonesThis is oscar with 2 of my parents dogs http://lh3.ggpht.com/_PnGeXTQd-uE/TOWHv2t-PFI/AAAAAAAABeI/vgF0MI8_w7s/s720/ThreeDogs.jpg (fluffy warning, more cuddles needed)20:09
dutchiebet that hair is a nightmare to clean20:09
evilchristelczajkowski: it was very pretty last winter! (with the snow and all)20:10
evilchristeloooh they're gorgeous20:10
dutchiei understand oxford is pretty in the snow20:10
DJonesdutchie: Not really, they're always cleaning themselves if they get dirty and they get a bath about every 6 weeks20:10
czajkowskievilchristel: dread the cold20:10
gordeveryone keeps talking about snow, i'm just gonna sit here and call you all liars >:(20:10
evilchristeli spoke to my brother earlier, its -15 back home!20:10
* czajkowski watches gord go into a corner and sulk20:11
evilchristelmind, it was -37 at its worst last year, which was the coldest for like 70 years or something20:11
gordi don't need a corner, i'll just sulk in the middle so everyone can see20:11
evilchristelgord: lakeland sells instant snow in cans!20:11
TheOpenSourcererimages 0001-16, 40, 41 if you are interested.20:11
TheOpenSourcererWe built an Igloo: http://lordies.co.uk/Jan/200008.jpg20:11
TheOpenSourcererGot to go and collect my Son from Scouts. Laterz.20:11
evilchristeli nearly purchased some before i realised it was for indoor use and not for making the garden look white for christmas :S20:12
gordmy fridge makes instant snow too, but that is less fun20:12
gordi have an entire drawer in my freezer that just fills up with freezer snow20:12
evilchristel(i should have realised that a small can wouldnt make enough snow for the entire garden)20:12
czajkowskievilchristel: roflol20:12
dutchieTheOpenSourcerer: impressive igloo20:12
dutchie(that could have been a good codename)20:13
dutchieexcept igloo isn't an animal20:13
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] PCI DSS - http://zrmt.com/article/view/pci-dss120:17
danfishhas anyone packaged up etherpad?20:18
evilchristeli like the igloo!20:18
DJonesdanfish: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Etherpad Doesn't look like it20:20
DJonesBut looks like that wiki has instructions on how to install20:21
danfishDJones: tx - I've installed from source before - that wiki page looks like things have moved on a bit though20:23
DJonesdanfish: Have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+bug/563484 as well, there are some pointers in that20:23
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 563484 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] etherpad - web based collaborative real-time editor" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:24
danfishDJones: packaging (learn howto) - added to mental etherpad :)20:28
DJonesdanfish: Looks like there might be a repository for Etherpad http://etherpad.org/download/#debian20:30
DJones"Etherpad is available as a debian package. In debian and ubuntu, add the following apt repository in your package manger"20:31
finelytunedive just joined the launchpad team20:34
danfishi'll check it out20:36
* daubers should really reboot his vps :-s20:39
andylockrandaubers: uptime?20:40
daubersandylockran: 116d22h20:40
dutchieonce it's past 100d you are not allowed to reboot it20:40
daubersNot updated for a couple of kernel updates and the ssl update that came down recently, should reboot for that really20:40
danfishdaubers: who are you using?20:40
andylockranI'm on 47 for both of mine.. last kernel update20:40
daubersdanfish: bitfolk20:40
andylockranmoi aussi20:41
dutchieyay bitfolk20:41
danfishlinode for me20:41
daubersreally, _really_, want to put a machine in a DC myself, but cost is an issue at the moment20:41
daubersah screw it20:42
* daubers reboots20:42
daubersSeems ok20:43
daubersNot a bad reboot time either really20:44
dutchiewas thinking that seemed quite quick20:46
danfishdaubers: \o/ arduino dc hosting20:49
Azelphuranyone know if it's possible to get a cheap internet connection without a phone line?20:49
AzelphurIE: I don't want to use the telephone at all I just want to have an internet connection20:50
daubersdanfish: heh, be fun to do that20:50
daubersAzelphur: Unless you go down the VM route, you'd need to pay the line rental on the line20:51
daubershence it'd be just as cheap to have the phone line there20:51
DJonesAzelphur: Apart from a 3G dongle, I doubt it, you'd need to pay line rental whether you use it or not20:51
daubers(or that's what people at BT tell me)20:51
Azelphuryea I understand you'd need to pay line rental20:51
Azelphurbut you generally have to pay line rental + internet + phone, I don't want the phone part20:51
Azelphuror rather, my cousin doesn't :p20:51
daubersAzelphur: Jus don't plug the phone in?20:51
daubersand get a line rental only tariff20:52
andylockranStill have to pay a minimum of £11 per month Line Rental20:52
Azelphurdaubers: oh like pay as you go phone but you never use it so it's free20:52
andylockranI think that's what I paid when I had BT in my Student Flat.20:52
andylockran£11 per month, and free evening and weekend calls included.20:52
daubersAzelphur: Yeah, I believe thats possible20:52
andylockranbut that was the cheapst at the time20:52
AzelphurI see20:52
daubersandylockran: Thats what we had20:52
Azelphurso next question is who has the cheapest internet connection :p20:53
Azelphur(This is for my cousin \o/)20:53
daubersandylockran: Also meant that we could call in takeaways for free in the evening \o/20:53
DJonesAzelphur: Do they have sky tv?20:54
AzelphurDJones: nope20:54
andylockranthe other option is Virgin Media.. not sure if you can get their broadband offering w/o a phone line20:54
Azelphurandylockran: not in a coverage area for vm so doesn't matter20:54
andylockranas they have their own home<>box connection20:54
andylockranAzelphur: ah, ok20:54
finelytunedyou can have it without a phone line20:54
DJonesThats out then, they do a free broadband option for customers20:54
finelytunedused to cost £10 per month20:55
daubersalso, VM are evil20:55
finelytunedtrue but they do ok for me :)20:56
Azelphurlooking at the talktalk website because they are cheap, their website seems to make sense20:56
daubersSeen their latest campaign? They want ISPs to drop the "Upto" and have made a big fuss of it, but HAVEN'T DONE SO THEMSELVES!!!!20:56
Azelphurin the box at the top it says "+ £12.04 line rental a month" and then just below it it says "Line rental included no need for BT"20:56
Azelphurcontradictory statements are contradictory20:56
dutchiedaubers: how naughty20:56
DJonesAOL do a £4.99/month service .... I didn't they were still around20:58
daubersdutchie: They're all a bunch of so and so's20:58
dutchiewell, true20:58
finelytunedi agree with the above20:58
finelytunedok gotta log cya all tomorrow21:00
diploevening all21:05
nucc1for the first time in 2 years, i want to use something other than the default icon theme in ubuntu, and i can't get the folder icons to change :(21:17
nucc1did something change in that period?21:18
diploFaenza ones are nice, post at omg http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/faenza-icon-set-gets-a-ppa/21:20
diplonever had an issue changing mine21:20
nucc1diplo, for some reason the icons are changing except the folder icons21:20
diplomissed the folder part, not had that before myself21:21
diploHow did you change them, new theme ? or manually21:21
nucc1when i install the theme, it asks me if i want to apply, and i say yes21:22
diploNo errors ?21:23
nucc1mime-type icons change21:23
nucc1but folder icons dont21:23
nucc1it seems like changing from the "customize" place works21:23
nucc1is that a bug worth filing?21:23
nucc1ah, it doesn't work.21:24
nucc1only icons that were shipped with ubuntu are working21:24
diploPosts from 2008 but seems similair issue21:27
nucc1ok, so its likely old icon themes.21:29
nucc1oh well.21:29
nucc1i'll try those in the link you gave me.21:29
DeathSlingdaubers, AlanBell & screen-x... thank you for your help the other day with SFTP. I now have my first fully operational Virtualised SFTP server.   Ubuntu rocks!22:07
DeathSlingI'm even starting to get used to using vi, which I thought would never happen!22:09
DeathSlingStill wish I could get TextMate on Ubuntu though, I love that app22:10
DeathSlinghow sad is it that my favourite app is a text editor... I need to get out more22:11
* AlanBell fears vi22:11
* AlanBell huggles nano22:11
AlanBelland gedit when there is a gui22:12
* AlanBell is soft22:12
jacobwi've learnt to use vi about 3 times now, its always a small epiphany when i realise how useful it is22:12
jacobwthe reason i've learnt to use it 3 times is because i don't do a great deal of computer stuff and i keep forgetting22:13
DeathSlingstill haven't tried nano. GEdit skanked a file today. Might be my file permissions of the xserver but I was still pretty cross22:13
popeyi have a vi cheat sheet posted up near my desk at work22:13
popeyI never use it22:13
popeymy co-workers do22:13
popeyi use nano22:13
jacobwyeah, i think its one of these things where it doesn't become useful unless you use it all the time22:14
DeathSlingvery true22:15
DeathSlingdoing this virtual machine stuff has forced me into it, now I'm glad because I'm not quite so frightened f it22:17
mgdmI've got the new guy at work (it's no longer me!) learning Vi22:23
mgdmafter showing some 1337 regex sk1llz the other day22:23
DeathSlingI've looked at the license for VirtualBox and it seems that I'm perfectly legal in using it to run my servers through it for free, in my workplace. Does anyone here know if I right?22:26
diploAnyone recommend me a good prog for resizing a bulk load of images to a defined size ?22:26
diploOr best just with CLI ?22:26
dutchiediplo: there is a very easily scriptable "resize" command in the imagemagick package22:27
DeathSlingit's command line. never used t, but heard it's very good22:27
dutchie!info imagemagick22:27
lubotu3imagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 7: (maverick), package size 70 kB, installed size 284 kB22:27
mgdmimagemagick is ace22:28
jacobwi've never seen the attraction of emacs personally22:28
mgdmthe 'convert' command is the swiss army knife of image handling22:28
diployeah used it before, just wondering if any gui apps using it now22:28
stuphidiplo: for f in *.jpg;do convert $f -resize 1024x768 small_$f;done22:32
DeathSlingi'd like to see launchd ported to ubuntu22:35
mgdmit has upstart22:37
DeathSlingmainly i'm after watched folders22:37
diplocheers stuphi, already used mogrify but will try yours as well to see diff results22:37
danfishmy 20month old has just woken up thinking it's morning and is wide awake :( suggestions on a postcard on how to get him back to sleep22:38
jacobwput him back to bed and turn the lights off?22:39
* jacobw has no experience of kids, is it obivous :P22:39
danfishjacobw: :)22:40
jacobwi'm watching a documentary on 4od called "In the Shadow of the Moon" about the moon landing22:40
jacobwits really amazing all the things they acheived22:41
danfishjacobw: it was all faked22:41
diploIt's great fun isn't it danfish22:41
diploI've got a 2 1/2 and a 4 year old22:41
jacobwdanfish: impossible22:41
diploYounger one been doing lot's of that recently22:42
DeathSlingthinking i might need to write my own, but not sure if php, perl or bash would be best. Anyone recommend a language that would be best suited to spawning other script with the option not wait for response?22:42
danfishdiplo: wonderful - can't remember the last night of unbroken sleep22:42
DeathSling1 son, he's 8 and twin identical girls, 5 and there mental22:43
danfishDeathSling: python - subprocess module has that option IIRC22:43
DeathSlingnot in the literal sense22:43
DeathSlingI tried a bit of python a few of months ago, it freaks me out a bit. I don't quite it syntax22:45
jacobwwhy have we never been back to the moon? i want to go :(22:45
diplodanfish, honestly it does get easier22:45
danfishjacobw: a few more nights like this, and I'll be volunteering for the Mars trip - one way if necessary22:45
jacobwha! i've seen that too22:46
danfishdiplo: tx22:46
diploBest thing I can suggest is routine and stick to it22:46
diploAfter 2-3 weeks of bad nights of routine they follow suit, you just have to stick to your guns and not give in.22:46
danfishdiplo: agreed. 4 year old was having a tantrum at bath time which I think affected the younger one22:47
danfishDeathSling: how did it freak you out?22:48
diploaha you are going through exactly what we did then, 2 close together both wake each other up22:48
stuphiDeathSling: I found this helped http://code.google.com/edu/languages/google-python-class/set-up.html22:49
DeathSlingdiplo: am I right in thinking that you use whitespace to end multi lined if blocks and such?22:50
DeathSlingsorry diplo22:50
danfishdiplo: yup - boys too22:50
DeathSlingmeant that for danfish22:50
danfishDeathSling: it's the indenting that needs to be precise - if you want a good editor for python code, geany helps a lot with proper syntax22:52
DeathSlingI shall have to have another look at it properly.22:53
jacobwthe identing put off python for a long time22:53
DeathSlingthe indenting is all important then?22:54
danfishDeathSling: yup - in essence, you can't use tabs. 4 spaces is the 'standard'22:54
jacobwi really must develop my computer skills constructively rather than dip in and out computer stuff for projects22:55
DeathSlingi see22:55
danfishgedit and nano have got extensions that help with indents etc in python22:55
DeathSlingi dip in and out all the time, too impatient and too curous and WAY to much coffee22:56
DeathSlingbut it's what i love, i nerdy and happy22:56
AzelphurAnyone happen to have an answer to the firefox gnome theme problem? https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/76535522:57
danfishDeathSling: experience it all the time myself - "ooh shiny new thing. must try. want instant results. now bored" :)22:57
DeathSlingdanfish: "bored", na, must be the coffee wearing off, have more!22:59
danfishAzelphur: hmm, no setting in gconf that I can see23:00
danfishDeathSling: nah, switching to jack daniels23:00
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Sigh. - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/129815.html23:17
DeathSlingMmmm jack daniels, mabey tomorrow...23:28
danfishDeathSling: sorry - to clarify, I'm sticking with coffee, the JD is for the 20 month old :P23:32
DeathSlingDONT give it the coffee!   :)23:33
danfishheaven forbid23:33
DeathSlingif i gave my girls coffee they could power the whole of this country23:34
danfishI remember a house warming party my folks had a number of years ago. The 'bar' was in the utility room where the labrador slept. After many alcohol spills the labrador was positively wasted and very grumpy the next mornig23:35
danfishin hindsight, to be avoided. Although, certain animals do go out of their way to consume fermented fruits23:37
danfishright, son finally asleep. Time to turn in. Good sleep all :)23:53
DeathSlingnight danfish23:58

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