
Cheri703sooooo. I'm bored. And I need a new job.00:30
Cheri703I'm working on a contract to present to my current bosses, but I'm under no illusions that they'll agree to it00:41
canthus13sounds like loads of fun...01:01
Cheri703SUPER loads of fun...CRAP loads of fun01:02
gilbertjacob: anybody else eventually show?01:02
canthus13Super crap. :)01:07
* Cheri703 has a good start to what will be in the contract, also fun comment from a friend's friend's mom (who works for the IRS specializing in small business stuff) "QUIT AND REPORT THEM! $10,000 minimum fine!"03:29
* BiosElement wonders if this is the "Lets annoy people while still getting away with it"-us-oh room >.>05:33
* Cheri703 is sorry if she was annoying :)05:33
BiosElementCheri703, Wasn't really referring to you. >.<05:34
Cheri703kk, didn't *think* so, but just making sure ;)05:34
BiosElementBTW paultag any word on the council apps? Be nice if we got those on the public list or something.05:34
BiosElementTrying to strike while the iron's hot and all that.05:34
Cheri703jacob: how does one get permission to add to the loco calendar?05:34
BiosElementCheri703, Probably nag paultag, IIRC jacob didn't have access.05:35
Cheri703ok, I couldn't remember who it was05:35
Cheri703someone gave canthus13 access I thought...05:35
BiosElementI'll see if I can findout real quick05:35
Cheri703I don't remember05:35
Cheri703I had some dates I'd like to add for the mansfield ubuntu hours05:35
BiosElementBah, naturally, unlike every other google-thing, the cal hides the owner. I don't have a way to find out who's it is. Be nice if we had a real alternative to google cal too >.>05:37
* Cheri703 likes google cal for most stuff05:37
BiosElementSeems silly to use a closed-source proprietary app for things. ;) (Half kidding) But really though, I'll see what I can workup. I think drupal has a decent cal system which we could give actual permissions/approval to things. Might be a cool example to set for other loco's + give a spot for re-loco news etc. I'll see what I can workup.05:39
Cheri703go for it! I have NO idea what's involved in that05:39
Cheri703sometimes I call my brother and I'm all "hey, would it be possible to write up something to blah blah this and do this other thing with it?" and he's like, "uhm....theoretically, yes...realistically, it'd take a REALLY long time" or something. I have no programming knowledge.05:41
BiosElementHeck that 'is' a drupal install right now. >.< I thought it looked familiar.05:41
BiosElementCheri703, Heh, sometimes 'simple' is complex and 'complex' is simple. Just takes a bit of understanding of how things are done05:42
Cheri703I usually just look around for stuff that could be modified to suit my purposes05:43
BiosElementThat's typically the best way05:44
paultagBiosElement, aye05:59
paultagCheri703, I do have permissions05:59
paultagCheri703, what do you need when, where ( with details, plox :) )05:59
Cheri703well, same as last week's actually, for 11/18 (today :) ) and then every 2 weeks thereafter06:00
paultagCheri703, what time, where ( including address ) and description06:02
paultagCheri703, also is it week 1 and 3 or every other week?06:02
Cheri703can you copy last week's?06:02
Cheri703if not, that's fine06:02
Cheri703it will be every other week, but starting this week (if we'd started last week it'd hit thanksgiving, christmas eve eve, etc)06:03
Cheri7036pm Mansfield / Ontario Panera Bread (can get address, one sec)06:03
Cheri7036pm at the Panera06:03
Cheri703Bread off Lexington-Springmill Road (across from Meijer) 2070 Walker06:03
Cheri703Lake Rd, Ontario, OH 44906-142606:03
paultagthanks Cheri703 :)06:04
Cheri703sure sure06:04
Cheri703so 11/18, 12/2, etc06:04
paultagCheri703, all set06:05
Cheri703awesome, thanks :)06:05
paultagnp, ty06:05
Cheri703whoever writes up the reports of what happens in the loco each month can put down 2 ubuntu hours in mansfield06:05
paultagCheri703, no one does. We got yelled at for it06:06
Cheri703freaking computer06:13
thafreakMorning Ohio13:55
canthus13BiosElement: Jacob should have access. he gave *ME* access. :)14:01
Cheri703canthus13: I knew I wasn't crazy14:58
Naviriothis is starting to anger me lol15:09
Naviriorofl im watching breaking bad and they described botnets lol16:20
jacobok, cheri has access now20:19
canthus13Should prolly tell her that.... :)20:21
jacobyeah, whenever she's back online20:21
paultagWhat's up Ohio?21:56
paultagNavirio, haha21:56
BiosElementNothing apparently paultag22:04
* Cheri703 is the only attendee of mansfield ubuntu hour :/23:20
Cheri703but still enjoying my peppermint hot cocoa :)23:20
jacobCheri703: :( :) gotta start somewhere23:21
Cheri703had one last week, he said he'd be here this week, but something may have come up...23:21
Cheri703going to every other week after this23:21
jacobfair enough23:21
Cheri703but yeah jacob, I think we'll get a few more after a while23:21
jacoboh yeah, you have calendar access now too23:21
Cheri703saw that, thanks :)23:21
Cheri703once some work stuff calms down, I'll probably be working on advertising a bit for the reloco...we'll see23:22
Cheri703there is some middle aged guy in the corner with hipster glasses, an ipad and a t-shirt that says "top 10 good things about liberals" and they're all blank -_-23:27
dmcgloneHi everyone23:38
dmcgloneHi. I got a parent teacher conference in about 15 minutes. Kids.. they keep you buisy! :-)23:45
Derath-Srvrhi all23:54
Derath-Srvrpaultag, you around?23:54
Derath-Srvrpaultag, poke23:55
paultagDerath-Srvr, hey23:55
paultagDerath-Srvr, I'm here, what's up23:55
Derath-SrvrHey cool23:55
paultagDerath-Srvr, just working out what I want to cook in the morning :)23:55
paultagDerath-Srvr, How's life? Long time no chat23:55
Derath-SrvrDid you get a hold of your ShipIt contact?23:56
Derath-SrvrBeen busy23:56
paultagDerath-Srvr, Yes, but no response. I've only sent one email, so it's worth another23:56
Derath-Srvrteaching at Sinclair, getting a job at the AF Base, new kid, and a toddler lol23:56
paultagDerath-Srvr, here's what'll be good -- if you can draft up and kick out to shippit ( I wrote up the protocol on the wiki ) and CC me, I'll stamp it23:56
paultagDerath-Srvr, that way I don't fuck up and you will know exactly what's up23:56
paultagDerath-Srvr, that's kickass, congrats my friend!23:57
Derath-Srvrokay, I'll take a browse and see what I can figure out23:57
paultagDerath-Srvr, let me find the link, sec23:57
Derath-SrvrYeah, exciting times23:57
Derath-SrvrJust met with my future boss earlier today, seems really cool...23:57
Derath-Srvrand in the office, I'll be the only Linux guy for right now, but I'll be training others lol23:58
paultagDerath-Srvr, between https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences23:58
paultagDerath-Srvr, that's great, congrats!23:58
Derath-SrvrIt's funny how he talked about his plans... said they usually get guys straight out of college who spent more time in front of the computer than dating...23:59
paultagDerath-Srvr, haha aye23:59
Derath-SrvrSo he's getting some officers who can do the face-to-faces with general and such, so the geeks can just worry about doing their jobs23:59
Derath-SrvrLaughed since I'm both a geek and a face-to-face person (from teaching)23:59

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