
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
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=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
jcristauanybody here familiar with xf86-input-multitouch?12:00
jcristau(trying to understand if i should really push back on bugs.debian.org/603534)12:01
tseliotcnd: ^^12:25
tseliotSarvatt: do you know how to disable nouveau in mesa (so that it doesn't build)?12:49
tseliotshall I just disable gallium (I'm working on the source from -edgers)?12:49
tseliotah, nice, thanks12:53
Sarvattstarting from edgers might be a headache because I build the kitchen sink including stuff that wont be in the distro anytime soon like vmware, might want to put debian/ from the ubuntu package in the git checkout and add --enable-vg to the confflags13:44
Sarvattthat should be the only change needed in 7.10 so far13:45
Sarvattoh need that too13:45
tseliotSarvatt: ah, ok. The only driver that I need is r600c BTW13:56
tseliotSarvatt: actually evergreen13:57
cndjcristau, rydberg maintains xf86-input-multitouch14:18
cndyou can find him in #ubuntu-touch14:18
Sarvattwow, how did I miss THIS http://www.opengl.org/sdk/tools/BuGLe/14:48
tseliotsweet (if it works as advertised)14:50
virtualdis there an intel version of x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature?14:57
Sarvattargh, went to start packaging it then I see the ChangeLog * Replace automake with scons14:57
Sarvattvirtuald: I wish!14:57
virtualdi found this http://www.x.org/wiki/IntelGraphicsDriver last changed in march15:00
Sarvattdang, BuGLe works for egl, gles1 and gles2 too15:13
ScottKRAOF: I thougth you might find http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2010/11/multihead-plasma-desktop-needs-you.html interesting.15:15
ScottKafiestas: ^^^15:15
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=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
tseliotSarvatt: does the radeon DDX driver work with Lucid's xserver?18:24
tseliotSarvatt: the DDX from -edgers, that is18:25
Sarvattit needs a minor change to build against lucid's xserver18:25
Sarvattthats in x-updates I believe18:25
* tseliot has a look at x-updates18:26
Sarvattoh bryce updated it without the changes18:26
Sarvattreverting the xsfbs stuff from this diff http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58593127/xserver-xorg-video-ati_1:6.13.1-1ubuntu1~xup3~lucid_1:6.13.1-1ubuntu5~xup1~lucid.diff.gz18:26
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
tseliotSarvatt: thanks18:31
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/ati-lucid.patch something like that18:31
Sarvatterr im sure that doesnt apply directly but those are the changes18:32
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
Sarvatthmm, interesting stuff here https://wiki.linaro.org/Releases/1105/PublicPlanReview?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=graphics-wg-plans-11.05.odp19:38
Sarvattcurious about "Provide upstream path for Mali Xorg driver stack as an example for other vendors."19:39
Sarvattand an OpenGL proxy library?19:41
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
Sarvattbryceh: what was your bug upstreaming page again?22:36
Sarvattfinally found one that needs to go - https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/67618322:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 676183 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Basic shaders produce incorrect output (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]22:36
brycehSarvatt, oh sorry it's down for maintenance at the moment22:38
Sarvattno worries, easy enough to do it by hand just wanted to try it out22:39
brycehyeah I think once I'm done with wayland and launchpad I'll focus on that project again22:39
Sarvattit took what, 6 months for me to find a bug i'm positive needs to be upstreamed? :)22:40
brycehSarvatt, hey btw did you get to doing natty versions of the wayland packages?22:54

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