
kiddhello all!01:46
mtvxCould not initialize Xv output01:55
mtvxDoes anyone know what's all about? thanx01:55
genghisjahnso are there people out there?02:00
ubuXubugood evening02:00
genghisjahnah good! bots!02:00
ubuXubuhow can we serve you.02:01
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ubuXubugood morning.07:22
paldepindHi! When installing Xubuntu on my netbook I was forced to pull out the installation USB during installation. Everything works fine though, except that when I try to update it tells me to insert a cd, wich I can't because my netbook doesn't have a CD drive.. Now what do I do?09:12
ubuXubudo u update thru synaptic paldepind09:15
paldepindOk.. I'll try that09:16
paldepindIt also tells me to insert the installation disk..09:20
vic20gmris there a channel more suited to ppc ed of xubuntu? my "main" question is, would i have access to more pkgs if i click the upgrade button [going from 9.04 to 9.10]?09:21
vic20gmrim using ppc version, and if ishud ask this someplace else,plz tell me where to go09:22
moetunesthere's #ubuntu-ppc09:24
vic20gmrmoetunes, thank you for your response09:25
moetunesnp :)09:25
vic20gmrno1 seems to b home in ppc channel, duz any1 here happen to know if i shud b concernered with sound, if i upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10?09:54
moetunesI would be concerned with my spelling if I was you :)09:55
vic20gmri installed fromlive cd, an 32bit 9.10 some time ago, and sound was a real pain09:55
vic20gmrwell, in the interest of time, i often shorten wordsd to phonetic basics, especially since i expect this upgrade to take at least an hour and a half :)09:56
ubottub is an IRC channel mode that you don't want on your hostmask.09:56
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.09:56
vic20gmrfyi, i am a dictionary.com enthusiast :)09:57
TheSheeptrying to save your time you waste the time of people trying to help you -- don't expect much enthusiasm from them then09:57
vic20gmrwill some one give me their feedback on the question? is sound something i shud be concerned with regarding an "upgrade" to 9.10 from 9.04?09:58
moetunesthe ppc has a very limited user base - there would only be the people that use it that would know about it09:58
vic20gmrtelling me ur is not a word, wen clearly wut i mean is known is not a waste of time?09:59
moetunestime to grow up a bit I think...10:00
* TheSheep goes to do something productive instead of deciphering blabber10:00
vic20gmrill work on it, so is it a waste of time or not?10:00
moetunesask in the ppc channel - no one else knows10:01
vic20gmren i was in grade school i put slashes through my zeros, and some of the other students knew it was a zero, but insisted on pointing out that they did not know if it was a zero or an 8, the "ur situation" is exactly the same, and yes they knew it was a zero10:02
moetuneswho cares - this is becoming trolling10:03
vic20gmrive come to apologize10:12
vic20gmri apologize10:12
moetuneswell done :)10:13
vic20gmryou    all ruffled my feathers, and all that meta to tell me you dont know the answer anyway10:13
vic20gmrit must simply be beyound my understanding, but i do apologize the same10:13
shahadathow to install ibus on xubuntu 10.04 LTS 32 bit11:09
shahadatsudo apt-get install ibus is not working here.11:10
bazhang!find ibus lucid11:11
ubottuFound: ibus, ibus-chewing, ibus-gtk, ibus-hangul, ibus-m17n, ibus-pinyin, ibus-pinyin-db-open-phrase, ibus-qt4, ibus-table, ibus-table-cangjie (and 69 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ibus&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all11:11
bazhang!info ibus lucid11:11
ubottuibus (source: ibus): New input method framework using dbus. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 454 kB, installed size 4008 kB11:11
bazhangcheck your sources.list and pastebin the error messages, if any11:13
Sysiapt-get update?11:13
shahadatI want to install ibus on xubuntu12:09
bazhangcheck your sources.list and pastebin the error messages, if any shahadat12:14
shahadatbazhang, I am totally new on xubuntu12:15
shahadatdont know what to do? and how12:15
shahadatIts a totally a fresh installation on my PC12:17
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Sysidoes "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ibus" give any error messages?12:18
shahanSysi, let me check12:21
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StaRetjifolks, how to turn of tooltip balloon in xfce4? It is annoying info which show when you hover over desktop shortcut icons?17:39
charlie-tcaXubuntu Community Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in about 10 minutes; Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings18:49
vinnlknome, not coming to the meeting?19:18
knomeactually i was having a nap :D19:24
vinnlHaha :)19:24
Aicasnhow can I make an ubuntu box tolerant of unexpected power outages?20:01
Aicasnie. power goes out and when xubuntu boots it always gives errors. I'd like to avoid that20:01
Sysiget UPS so you can shutdown properly :p20:02
Aicasnanyone have a link that describes such a process?20:03
Aicasn(UPS is not an option, but thank you)20:03
Aicasn :)20:03
Sysierror's about unmounting filesystems, you can't umount them in milliseconds or use unmounted20:04
Aicasnhow about making them sync on write so that not properly umounting isn't such a problem20:05
Enigmati1CoderI did a distribution upgrade on my parents Xubuntu computer, but it upgraded to Ubuntu. Their machine is really old and cannot handle Ubuntu. How do I convert back to Xubuntu?20:05
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:05
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »20:06
rand401Hi, I have just installed Xubuntu 10.10 amd64 desktop, and sound does not work. However, it worked before in Ubuntu 10.10 amd64 desktop. Any ideas?20:11
Enigmati1CoderI did a distribution upgrade on my parents Xubuntu computer, but it upgraded to Ubuntu. Their machine is really old and cannot handle Ubuntu. How do I convert back to Xubuntu?20:19
charlie-tcaEnigmati1Coder: you got an answer to that already. Please read the links Sysi gave you20:20
vinnlEnigmati1Coder, see ubottu's reply to !purexfce20:20
charlie-tcaoh, rather that vinnl gave you20:20
Enigmati1CoderThanks, I didn't see that20:21
charlie-tcano problem20:21
Aicasnanyone have any ideas on how to make a xubuntu system tolerant of power loss?  iow, prevent errors on the subsequent bootup?20:39
Aicasnmaking all mount sync-on-write, etc.20:39
TheSheepAicasn: I think that ext3 and ext4 already keep a journal, so they will recover the system to a consistent state on bootup20:53
Aicasneverything can be made fine on bootup, but there are errors that must be corrected. i would like it to boot as if there were no problem20:54
Aicasnfs does a good job fixing errors, but i want to prevent them completely if possible20:54
Enigmati1CoderI still have the same problem. When I upgraded Xubuntu, somehow Ubuntu was installed. I do not get a GUI login that allows me to choose xfce. I tried http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce but that didn't work. Any other ideas?21:27
charlie-tcaAicasn: the only way I know to make any os power loss tolerant is to use a UPS21:29
aubrey616anyone recommend an easy way to install and use themes for xfce in 10.10 ?23:18
charlie-tcachange them in settings - Appearance, Desktop, Window Manager ?23:25
charlie-tcaoops, missed the three minute window23:26
vinnlEnigmati1Coder, ah, you do not get a GUI login at all? Is gdm installed?23:27
vinnl(Or even: is xubuntu-desktop installed?)23:28
xubuntu309Plese, i need same help with TV card (in portuguese if possible)23:41

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