
nisshhcjohnston, haha, you wish :)00:12
nisshhJanC, i mean its a Pentium 4 3Ghz from 2003 with 1GB of RAM00:12
JanCyou could put more RAM in it...  ;)00:13
JanCOTOH, new hardware is always nice of course00:14
nisshhJanC, its difficult to find the RAM it takes00:14
nisshhJanC, it runs Ubuntu very well tbh, but im not just a "i want web and email" kind of person, i compile stuff, i do 3d design, etc00:14
nisshhcjohnston, G44?00:15
cjohnstonI missed the ctrl00:15
nisshhyou lost me there :)00:15
cjohnstonCTRL + G + # switches my window #00:16
JanCunless it's some weird kind of RAM, I'm sure it's not that difficult to find it (actually, I might have some laying around for P4s...)00:16
JanCanwyay, newer CPU might be useful too for you00:17
nisshhJanC, its plain DDR400 RAM but it seems all the RAM i find is about 3 pins too big, too small for it :(00:17
nisshhcjohnston, ah, ok00:17
JanCthere are computer sales fairs around here (where we have Ubuntu booths with our locoteam) that I'm pretty sure you could find that RAM00:18
JanCmight be 2nd hand though00:19
nisshhJanC, you live in the US?00:19
JanCnope, Belgium00:19
nisshhah ok00:19
nisshhin Australia we have nothing like that00:20
nisshhit sucks :(00:20
JanCbut I guess there must be shops in the large cities that keep that sort of stuff00:20
nisshhJanC, meh, nothing as old as DDR00:21
nisshhmost have DDR 800 minimum00:21
JanCwhat do companies do that still have P4s around?00:21
JanCDDR800 should work too AFAIK?00:21
nisshhJanC, no, my machine can handle only up ti 533Mhz00:22
JanCthen the DDR800 will work at 533 MHz00:22
nisshhim not sure what large companies do with their machines over here00:22
JanCit should work, oherwise somebody didn't follow the specs  ;)00:23
nisshhmy college is selling off their somewhat old dual cores which are decent00:23
nisshhat the end of the year00:23
nisshhim hoping i can grab a few for $100 :)00:23
JanCthat's a nice price, if the rest of the hardware is okay00:26
nisshhJanC, yeah, they have E6600's in them or something similar and they have 6GB's of DDR800 or maybe its DDR2, i cant remember00:57
JanCcertainly DDR201:01
nisshhi would say so01:06
nisshhJanC, we are upgrading our college machines because we do a lot of virtualizatiion stuff and trying to run a server OS and 4+ VM's on a dual core is asking for trouble :)01:07
JanCactually, unless you're doing load-testing it's mostly RAM that's important  ;)01:08
JanCwell, as long as you don't do anything really CPU-intensive01:09
nisshhJanC, yeah, they originally had only 2GB's each, but now they have hit their limit, we have to upgrade the whole lot in order to add more RAM01:10
nisshhour server is not very powerful either, its only a pair of dual core xeons01:11
nisshhwith 8GB's of RAM01:11
nigelbMorning all.02:31
nigelbcjohnston: Another restart? :/02:33
cjohnstonI know02:33
* nigelb huggles AlanBell 02:37
dpmgood morning everyone!07:56
dpmheya kim0! good morning!08:04
kim0dpm: howdy morning08:05
* kim0 waves to everyone08:05
nigelbMorning dpm and kim0 :)08:12
* nigelb waves to ara08:12
kim0nigelb: hey there08:12
dpmhey kim0!08:12
nigelbFinally, Friday has arrived \o/08:13
dholbachgood morning08:42
jussimorning Daniel08:44
dholbachhi jussi08:45
duanedesign'lo all08:54
dpmheya dholbach!08:55
akgranerkim0, hey you around?08:55
akgranerdpm, did you see joe formatted and added an interview to ubuntu-news for your review :-)08:56
dpmakgraner, ah, awesome!, I've just seen the e-mail, thanks for the heads up. I'll go and review the interview now08:58
duanedesigntgif :)09:01
akgranerdpm - thank you :-)09:02
dpmakgraner, I'm just looking at it and it seems Joe has done a wonderful job with the formatting and all!09:03
nigelbmorning dholbach, jussi, duanedesign09:04
nigelbakgraner: Morning!09:04
akgranernigelb, morning :-)09:04
akgranerdpm, yep I thought so to - I can change his permissions so he can add the pics and publish only the interviews he is author of...or do you still want to review the interviews before he posts them?09:05
duanedesignnigelb: hello!09:05
akgranerI hate my computer - I think my harddrive is dieing a slow death - it's not a good thing when you can hear it grinding and spinning is it? :-/09:07
dpmakgraner, I'll leave the decision on permissions to you, as I don't know Joe much yet. I would still like to quickly review the interviews before they are published (without becoming a blocker, a quick ping will do, and if I don't have time they should be published anyway)09:08
akgranerdpm - roger that :-)  thanks - just making sure all the ducks are in a row  before I say  - it's all yours have fun :-)09:10
nigelbduanedesign: tgif indeed :)09:13
kim0akgraner: hey howdy09:18
czajkowskioktodays plan of action is do something productive!09:20
popeyczajkowski: milk, two sugars please.09:25
czajkowskiI was thinking more of drawing up a marketing plan, a press release for pg event and signing up for london events. tea seems a lot easier09:36
czajkowskiAlanBell: grand will buzz in the afternoon so09:39
* czajkowski bangs her head off the wall, press releases means I've to use my noggin! 10:52
* AlanBell wonders if banging it against a wall is the normal preparation technique for the use of a noggin11:13
czajkowskiwhoo tick off the list11:22
popeygot tea?11:24
czajkowskipopey: eh no but did get one marketing blurb done11:26
czajkowskinow just need to book flights.accomomodation and register for event11:26
nigelbarg, someone mentioned about a live classroom video thingy12:06
nigelbIt was a fun site, but now I don't remember the URL :(12:06
czajkowskiranda: since when am I now Linda eh ;)12:19
senseIs it 'an article at that blog', or 'and article on that blog'?12:24
czajkowskian article on that blog would be more correct12:30
czajkowskior an article on a blog depending on context12:30
* nisshh is very annoyed12:31
senseczajkowski: ok, thank you12:31
czajkowskinisshh: sup12:32
czajkowskisense: no bother12:32
nisshhhey czajkowski :)12:32
nisshhczajkowski, i just had to explain to a user why my application turns negro (its a bug in the ambience/radiance themes on maverick)12:34
nisshhhis response was "Well, i cant use an app that doesnt work properly, i guess ill have to use GTG now"12:34
nisshhthat hurt :)12:35
czajkowskiah ok12:35
nisshhso im now annoyed because i have no idea what causes that bug12:35
czajkowskidid you/they file a bug12:36
nisshhand i want to release the next version of my app this weekend12:36
nisshhi filed a bug against the theme package in maverick on lp12:36
nisshhbut it hasnt been touched12:36
nisshhits a very strange bug12:36
duanedesignnisshh: what is the app?12:38
nisshhduanedesign, http://launchpad.net/pytask12:39
nisshhRick's been helping me out with it, in exchange i contributed code and docs to Quickly and quickly-widgets :)12:39
duanedesignnisshh: nice12:44
nisshhduanedesign, thanks :)12:44
duanedesignnisshh: i am hoping to get a release out this weekend myself. Still wrestling with the treeview bug i have :P12:45
nisshhduanedesign, ah yes, im still wrestling with my indicator code, its decidedly fiddly :)12:46
randaczajkowski: linda: beautiful12:49
randain spanish czajkowski :)12:50
czajkowskithank you12:58
czajkowskiI now know a spanish word :) thought you had just given me a new name12:58
dpmjust had an weird experience jumping over the neighbour's fence to our terrace. Stupid me had left the keys at the main entrance door. The neighbours don't tend to go out much, and they didn't recognize me despite the fact we live there for more than one year. I had to show him my national ID card13:36
jcastroI have this nightmare of always locking myself out during the day and there's no one around to help me13:37
dpmRepeat with me... "never leave the keys inside when going for lunch" "never leave the keys inside when going for lunch" ...13:37
nigelbdpm: wow, your neighbor of 1 year doesn't recognize you?13:37
jcastrodpm: where I live that kind of jumping into other yards can get you shot!13:37
nigelbjcastro: This is precisely why I hate autolocking doors13:37
jcastro(just kidding)13:37
dpmjcastro, :-)13:37
* nigelb has a funny image of jcastro with a gun in a rocking chair.13:38
dpmhere they just give you glances that could kill13:38
popey\o/ impossible to lock keys in my house :)13:40
popeynot impossible for my wife to leave the key in the door when she's inside, preventing me from being able to get in13:40
popey.. at 3am13:40
jcastropopey: well, that's an obvious "on purpose"13:42
jcastroI mean, that's what I would do13:42
jcastrodo we ship pastebinit by default?13:43
popeytis universe innit13:44
AlanBellwould be nice to do an ubuntu patch to pastebinit package to configure it for paste.ubuntu.com13:45
popeybe nice if paste.ubuntu.com didn't depend on launchpad accounts13:46
AlanBellit does?13:47
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/534274/ vs http://paste.ubuntu.com/534274/plain/13:48
popeywatch for the redirect through launchpad13:48
jcastrooh boy13:49
popeywhy is PCI-X not hot-pluggable?13:50
jcastroon a desktop?13:50
popeyits a laptop13:50
nisshhjcastro, oh wow :)13:50
jcastrooh dude13:51
jcastroit's a slot13:51
popeynext gen pcmcia13:51
* jcastro edits13:51
popeythe sil 3124 should be _well_ supported13:51
popeyoh, thats yours13:51
jcastrook, redited ....13:51
jcastrothis is disturbing13:55
jcastropopey: the google spiders are full on now, googling for his laptop comes up with his question13:56
jcastropopey: I have been waking up early and staying up late to answer questions13:57
jcastroam I weird?13:57
popeyi used to do that on lp answers13:57
popeywhich is how I got insane amounts of karma13:57
jcastrothat is now all decaying? :)13:57
popeyyeah, that was 3 years ago13:57
nisshhjcastro, someone made a joke the other day that you must do ask ubuntu in your sleep :)13:58
popeyjcastro: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13981/recover-lvm-after-hdd-crash13:59
popeyam I reading that right?13:59
popeyhe has 4x partitions and made an LVM from it13:59
popeywith no raid13:59
popeyif so, then dataloss central13:59
jcastroI dunno, I avoid anything LVM, too complicated14:00
jcastroI set up 4 drives with mdadm, that's as far as I go14:00
jcastronisshh: not in my sleep, it definately costs me sleep14:11
jcastroI have an addictive personality14:11
czajkowskijcastro: as do I for everything except sleep14:13
czajkowskiwhich is a pain as I do like sleep14:13
popeyjcastro: Pro-Tip! Don't play minecraft14:13
nisshhjcastro, hehe14:18
nisshhpopey, +1 :)14:18
jcastrothat game looks horrible14:19
senseWill it get a graphics overhaul?14:19
senseIt needs one.14:19
nisshhi dunno, i have never played it :)14:19
nisshhi play Urban Terror and Assault Cube mostly :)14:19
popeyit is amazingly great jcastro14:20
popeymy 4 year old son comes to me at the weekend.. "daddy daddy! can we play minecraft!?"14:20
popeyscares the bejeezus out of both of us :)14:21
popey<- great parent ;)14:21
jcastropopey: that sounds suspiciously like "daddy daddy can you make it so I don't develop social skills ever?"14:21
czajkowskipopey: your kid is kinda cute though14:21
popeyhe's a good lad14:21
czajkowskihe is :)14:21
popeythats the last lasagne I'm making you!14:21
popey(please babysit)14:22
czajkowskithat was a divine lasagne!14:22
czajkowskiI've said I'll baby sit any time, the kids are lovely14:22
nisshhstop! your making me hungry! :)14:22
czajkowskisophie is adorable with her little brother keeping an eye on him and helping14:22
popey:) thanks14:23
popeyshe is a sweetheart14:23
popeyi made scrambled egg on toast with bacon for them this morning14:23
popeyI got _no_ bacon :(14:23
popeythis is suboptimal14:23
czajkowskino maple syrup, this is clearly suboptimal14:24
nisshhive now been awake for 29 hours straight14:25
popeymaple syrup stays where it should be at breakfast time!14:25
popey(in the jar)14:25
nisshhbut im still wide awake.....14:25
czajkowskiakgraner: ping14:47
akgranerczajkowski, pong14:54
czajkowskiakgraner: you ever found any decent project manager oss softwre14:57
czajkowskiabout to use http://www.taskjuggler.org14:57
akgraneryep - I've tried it :-)14:57
czajkowskiliked ?|14:58
akgranerfor some things it was good but even it didn't do what I needed it to in an easy intuitive way14:59
czajkowskihmm ok15:01
czajkowskiwhen you say didn't do what you wanted it to do15:01
czajkowskiwhat was that ?15:01
czajkowskior  was it you think it could have done things in an easier manner15:02
czajkowskihmm ok15:02
akgranerLet me finish up a couple of things and I'll give you more details15:03
akgranertry it  - it might work for you15:03
czajkowskiok thanks15:03
akgranerFedora and RHEL both used to use it - not sure if they still do or not15:03
czajkowskiconfigure: error: The important program kde-config was not found!15:05
czajkowskiPlease check whether you installed KDE correctly15:05
czajkowskiprefer when i can install things without having to do it line by line15:05
czajkowskithings then work15:05
jcastroUDS in barcelona was what? UDS-K?15:27
czajkowskikarmic my first one15:28
nigelbczajkowski: Which was the most fun UDS to date? :)15:29
nigelbjcastro: I have an interesting question about to hit askubuntu.com :D15:31
dpmah, nice memories in BCN. It was my first UDS too and I remember I was freaking nervous trying to lead the translations sessions :)15:32
czajkowskinigelb: hmmm Karmic then dallas tbh15:33
czajkowskinigelb: there was a lot more folks hanging out in the evening time in the lobby and randomly working on things15:33
nigelbczajkowski: Ah, that sounds like fun :)15:34
czajkowskiyes it was15:34
nigelbjcastro: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14038/what-would-be-the-most-practical-way-for-a-web-developer-to-develop-on-ubuntu-but :)15:39
senseczajkowski: I think that is something that I was missing in Orlando: a central lobby-like place where everyone could sit to chat or get some work done. We did have that in Brussels, which was a great space but which had horrible wifi.15:40
nigelbsense: so where did you all like hang out?15:40
nigelbsense: Also, good time talking to you last night.  Made me sit and think on what I wanted to accomplish :)15:40
senseThere wasn't really a place for that. I think some stayed on the convention centre.15:40
sensenigelb: Good! I'm glad that helped.15:41
nigelbI ended up deciding to use python.  What better way to learn it :)15:41
czajkowskisense: in orlando, there was the bar area, or down by the breakfast area where folks sat outside for smoking and having a drink15:41
senseah there, yes15:42
sensenigelb: Python! :) I'm curious how you'll find it to work with.15:42
jcastroczajkowski: I believe that was the one where it was like Wednesday before I was like "who are you?"15:43
czajkowskiheh :)15:45
senseI'm going, see you!15:46
dholbachhi jono15:49
jonohey dholbach15:49
jonodholbach, which BP was not approved btw?15:49
dholbachthe one I sent in that email15:49
jonowhich email?15:50
jonocan you link me to it?15:50
dholbachI put a link in that email too :-P15:50
dholbachIt says "Proposed for natty "15:50
jonoahhh ok15:50
jcastrojono: ... and I'm blocking on unity.u.c access pls.15:51
jcastrojono: good morning friday! :)15:51
* jcastro finds other stuff to slam jono with15:51
dholbachjono, I'll update the burndown line monday morning then15:51
jonojcastro, I know, it is not working for me either, I am trying to get it fixed with IS15:51
jonothanks dholbach15:51
jonojcastro, also how is this blocking you?15:54
jcastroYou wanted me to get a bunch of things out of the way with unity.u.c before they finished fixing unity for the bugworking-tasks15:55
jcastrothings like this: [jorge] Start work porting the presentation into a places API and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Places into unity.ubuntu.com : TODO15:55
jcastroI've got his presentation and the API docs, etc.15:55
jcastrojono: sorry, I don't mean like totally blocked as in I have nothing to do15:56
jcastrobut more of a "man it would be a perfect time to bust out unity.u.c tasks before I get slammed with the bug thing and the places thing"15:56
jonojcastro, talk to IS, I think its best if you talk to them directly15:56
jcastroNoooooooooooooo </vader>15:56
jcastroright, on it.15:56
Technovikingmorning all16:01
jcastrojono: also, do an update. :16:02
jonolol re. vader16:02
jcastrothat's the  one we've been waiting for!16:03
jonojcastro, nice!16:04
jonodpm, great work on the twitter feed?16:05
jonooops, no question mark needed16:05
jonojust great work :-)16:05
jono54 followers! that's awesome :-)16:05
dpmjono, heh, thanks :-)16:05
jonojcastro, did you find out which twitter accounts we have?16:06
dpmthe FB group seems to have more success, nearly 600 "likes" :)16:06
jonodpm, sweet!16:06
jcastrojono: no response yet, but @ubuntudev is now daniel's16:06
jonodholbach, ok, cool, I would like to see you actively tweeting to ubuntudev on Twitter16:07
jonodholbach, do you also have the identi.ca account set up too?16:07
jonoI would like to see you tweet to both from gwibber16:07
jonodholbach, can you register the identi.ca one now, it doesn't exist16:09
dholbachI'm on it16:09
jonoand then tweet something to both dholbach and I will mention both accounts and the FB page on the Ubuntu Facebook page16:09
jonoget it filled up :-)16:09
jono gonna do a FF so I have @ubuntul10n @ubuntudev @ubuntucloud #ubuntu #locoteams - what other official Ubuntu twitter accounts?16:11
jcastrodo the platform status one16:11
jcastrothat is handy16:11
jcastrolet me find it16:11
jonothanks for doing this dholbach16:11
dholbachjono, done16:12
jonodholbach, these are fantastic channels for reaching out to folks16:12
jcastro@ubuntustatus is robbie16:13
jonojcastro, cool16:13
jonodholbach, so I recommend you post the same article links to all through16:14
jcastrolol. The most boring ubuntu twitter account: http://twitter.com/#!/ubuntusecurity16:14
jonoal, three16:14
dholbachjono, hm?16:14
jonodholbach, when you post links to cool things going on, articles etc, post them to the ubuntudev accounts on twitter and identi.ca and also the Facebook page16:15
jonothen everyone gets it16:15
jonosweet :-)16:15
jcastroyou can set identi.ca to autopost to twitter iirc16:15
jonojcastro, not sure you can to pages, just to accounts16:16
jcastrooh, I see what you mean16:16
jonodholbach, ok when you have posted a few tweets to the twitter/identi.ca accounts I will Facebook it - ready when you are16:16
jcastrowait, twitter has pages?16:16
jonojcastro, no16:17
jonoFacebook pages16:17
jcastrooh oh, I mean for posting to the account16:19
kim0jono: why does everyone get a FB page and I don't :)16:20
jonokim0, go and make one :-)16:20
kim0hehe okie16:20
jonokim0, yeah we need a cloud page for sure!16:20
jonokim0, call it Ubuntu Cloud16:20
jonokim0, http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php?campaign_id=372931622610&placement=pghm&extra_1=016:20
jonomake sure you make it an Official page16:21
kim0jono: thank you!16:21
jonofor a Brand16:21
jonokim0, ping me when it is created and I will Facebook it16:21
jonodholbach, Facebooked - let's see how many followers we get now :-)16:22
kim0jono: Official page for "Product" ?16:22
dholbachjono, sweet16:22
dholbachjono, I'll post some more stuff on Monday16:22
jonokim0, yep16:22
jonothanks dholbach, just update it as you work and also as you see cool things that people are going16:22
jonoI really want us to highlight great work via these resources16:22
kim0jono: I'll link the FB page to ubuntucloud twitter account, makes sense ?16:23
jonokim0, absolutely16:24
jonokim0, are you owning ubuntucloud on identi.ca too?16:24
kim0jono: I own it .. although I don't really post to it16:24
jonokim0, everything you post to twitter should go to identi.ca too16:25
kim0need to link it with twitter too ..16:25
jonokim0, Gwibber can do this easily16:25
jonoawesome, look at us, bunch of social media oddballs!16:25
jonodholbach, jcastro, kim0, dpm you guys rock :-)16:25
jononote how I even included jcastro16:25
jcastroI am trying to remain quiet16:26
kim0that was hilarious16:26
jcastrobefore you make me use identica16:26
jonojcastro, lol16:27
nigelbjcastro: haha16:27
jcastrohere's how I can help though16:27
czajkowskithere is a large JD with my name on it for after work today, with a possble cheeky chinese take away16:27
jono"I think we should harness the power of 1998 and use ICQ"16:27
jcastropaultag: yo, we need reddit juice16:27
nigelbjcastro: just feed your twitter to identi.ca and keep quiet, jono won't find out :p16:27
jonoczajkowski, rock on :-)16:27
nigelbjono: oooooh, ICQ haha, how about AIM? :p16:27
czajkowskijono: one of my better ideas this week I think :)16:28
jonoreddit meh16:28
paultagjcastro, what needs done16:28
jononigelb, lol16:28
jonoczajkowski, :-)16:28
jcastroreddit is where the traffic is16:28
paultagjono, oh don't give me that16:28
jonojcastro, I know, it's not that I don't like reddit16:28
kim0what's #FF16:28
nigelbLesson 1: Never meh teh paultag :p16:28
jonoit's more people who read reddit16:28
paultagjono, ....I read reddit16:28
jonopaultag, ahem16:28
jcastroyou don't have to, you can ask paultag for the juice16:28
jonoexcept you16:28
jcastrosince you need rep on reddit to post and not get lost16:28
nigelbAcutally, I read reddit too jono ;)16:29
nigelbThat's how I lose entire days of productivity.16:29
jonook, scratch my reddit comment from the record16:29
paultagjcastro, what's the link?16:29
jcastrowell, whenever they post something awesome on their new twitter accounts16:30
* nigelb plays that unknown rock band "Severed Fifth" to drown out the reddit comment16:30
jcastropaultag: so for now link to jono's twitter #FF16:30
nigelbjcastro: hrm, wonder if we can automate that step.16:30
jcastroand then say something like "new status accounts for ubuntu cloud, l10n, and developers" or something like that16:30
jcastronigelb: no!16:30
jononigelb, lol16:30
jcastrono spamming.16:30
nigelbjcastro: well, its not spamming, its like cross-posting16:31
paultagjcastro, link me, baby -- I can't find it16:31
paultagnigelb, I'll hit r/ubuntu if you hit r/linux16:31
nigelbpaultag: twitter.com/ubuntucloud16:31
nigelbjcastro: did I get that link right?16:31
jcastrothis one ^^^^^16:31
jcastrobut wait16:32
jcastroin the description I'd like you to do this:16:32
jcastrowait, no, we'll do that seperately16:32
jcastrothat's good for now16:32
* nigelb signs up to help16:33
paultagnigelb, http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/e8pkp/ubuntu_follow_friday_weve_got_new_status_accounts/ <-- upboat, plox16:33
paultagOh shit!16:34
paultagIt's my reddit birthday :)16:34
jcastropaultag: ok, for the next one (whenever you determine a time frame): Take the top 4 posts here and call it "new getting started guides for ubuntu clouds" or something.16:34
nigelbVoted up16:34
jcastropaultag: upboated16:34
paultagnigelb, jcastro, cheers16:34
jcastroteamwork, high 516:34
paultagI'll post this next one, sec16:35
jcastrogod I love the linux reddit16:37
jcastrothis one about the terrorist and linux16:37
jcastro"San Diego has ties to animal rights extremist groups. He is known to follow a vegan diet, eating no meat or food containing animal products. In the past, he has worked as a computer network specialist and with the operating system LINUX. "16:37
jcastroomg, it's dholbach!16:37
dholbachvegan diet, no16:37
dholbachnot yet, but there's at least points when I'm thinking about it16:38
dholbachbut that guy clearly is a terrorist16:38
dholbacheco terrorist16:39
dholbachconsumer terrorist16:39
dholbachetc :)16:39
nigelbvegans are dangeours! </stereotyping-for-fun>16:40
duanedesignespecially to plants16:40
paultagnigelb, jcastro, http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/e8ppz/ever_want_to_get_started_with_ubuntu_in_the_cloud/16:40
dholbachnigelb, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGpJ7J8ReJ4 is when I last seriously thought about it (in German and quite ugly)16:42
dholbachbut whatever16:42
dholbachtime for the weekend now16:42
jcastro\o/ dholbach!16:42
dholbachso have a good one everyone16:42
dholbachand see you next week!16:42
paultagdholbach, Tschuss!16:42
duanedesignanyone have the link to kim0's blog?16:44
jcastro^^ duanedesign16:44
duanedesigncool thanks16:45
czajkowskijcastro: jono just a thought for next uds on the summit page, a link to pull in blog posts about the event kinda like a summary, but that all posts with a tag UDS-Letter appear there so all the content is in one place16:47
nigelbpaultag: gah, some $foo downvoted16:47
paultagit's ok nigelb16:47
jcastroczajkowski: like this but bigger? http://summit.ubuntu.com/16:47
nigelbok, I admit my love for askubuntu.com16:47
nigelbAsked a question and I got a good solution in about 1 hour16:48
jcastroor maybe like ... http://summit.ubuntu.com/media/lifestream.html16:48
jcastroexcept working16:48
nigelbJust waiting to see if there better ones coming in :)16:48
paultagduanedesign, dude :)16:48
paultagduanedesign, I posted those links in the post16:48
paultagduanedesign, and it's 101 part 2, not 102 :)16:48
czajkowskijcastro: well yeah like that but without it being being tweets/dents like perhaps their blot posts or part of a blog post16:48
nigelbczajkowski: off the planet?16:48
paultagduanedesign, but you rock for posting16:48
czajkowskinigelb: not everyone is on the planet16:48
nigelbczajkowski: yes, but there is no central place for all blogs16:49
nigelb(I'm brain storming, so I can build it)16:49
czajkowskithis would be for non Ubuntu folks and upstream who tag their post UDS-N they'd appear there on the summit page16:49
jcastronigelb: no new building!16:49
jcastronigelb: patches bro, patches16:49
nigelbjcastro: I know, but I'm a web developer!16:49
czajkowskiproblemwith the tag UDS is it isn't unique to us so it would have to be UDSLETER for it to work I think16:49
nigelbczajkowski: for me the issue is, if you tag something on your blog, on your domain, how would I track it.  Should we let folks submit links to the site that we're thinkng of?16:50
czajkowskijcastro: was just reviewing some conference sites and got the idea, just mindles thinking here16:50
nigelblike, here's a link to a post I've written kind of deal?16:50
czajkowskithis is how meego does it http://wiki.meego.com/MeeGo_Conference_2010#Conference_Wrap-up16:51
czajkowskinot sayint it's the way to go, but as an example16:51
* nigelb looks excitedly!16:51
nigelbjcastro: I'm just going to start with latest patches, that makes more sense.17:08
jcastronigelb: if you can check the guy who posted on my blog that would be <317:11
nigelbjcastro: right, good idea, can you link me again? :)17:13
nigelbjcastro: I wish there were people I could poke about say sound, video, or other hardware stuff.17:14
nigelbjcastro: sigh, its complicated.  I guess I could poke zul17:26
nigelbjcastro: poked zul, I'll see where that goes17:27
nigelbjcastro: aha, packaging the patch into a debdiff now :)17:29
duanedesignpaultag: lol17:32
duanedesignpaultag: ok ill come up with osme other links :P do not know how I missed that17:32
paultagduanedesign, :P17:32
nigelbjcastro: dude, zul gave me +1 to put into a package \o/17:36
nigelbdoing that now :D17:36
jcastroone down!17:37
nigelbno! 2 down!17:37
jcastrook then!17:37
jcastroI suppose I should go eat now17:37
nigelbanother 1598 to go ;)17:37
Technovikingjcastro: I was thinking about Compiz Unity and nvidia last night. I know we are not allowed to ship the 3D nvidia driver on the CD, but could Ubiquity detect, ask, and download the nvidia 3d driver?17:43
jcastroI think that would be awesome17:44
Technovikingjcastro: has a wishlist bug every been filled?17:44
jcastronot sure, I would guess so, it seems obvious17:45
jcastrobut you never know17:45
TechnovikingI will fill one, never hurts17:45
dpmjcastro, I'm just writing a blog post about the new twitter/identi.ca/FB accounts we've been creating and resuscitating this week. anything you'd like me to mention on the upstream front? kim0, if you've created the cloud FB page I can add a link to it too18:03
jcastrodpm: not specifically18:05
jcastrodpm: that information is probably best mentioned with appdeveloper specific stuff18:05
jcastrobut haven't really figured that out18:05
dpmok, no worries18:06
nigelbugh, that google plugin that asks you to do math if its late, I hate that!18:07
nigelbI always get addition and subtraction wrong.18:07
JFomath if it is late18:17
JFoI am not familiar with that one18:17
nigelbJFo: Yah, so that you don't send a mail that you regret18:17
nigelbNow I regret using it18:17
nigelbJFo: Its a Google labs plugin18:17
JFoI see18:17
nigelbWant ot give it a spin I suppose? ;)18:18
JFoI do need food though18:18
kim0dpm: jcastro Yeah I did http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-Cloud/18:42
kim0dpm: jcastro Ideally .. I want to post to twitter .. and have that reflect in ident.ca and the FB page. Any of you masters of this kinda thing :)18:43
dpmkim0, thanks, I'll link to it. I think you can add a twitter feed to the "Notes" tab, but you cannot have a feed on a page, unless it's your personal feed18:44
dpmalthough I've tried to add the ubuntul10n rss feed to the Notes tab and FB gave me an error18:44
kim0bah .. I've been googling and finding weirdo apps to do that18:45
kim0nothing quite right yet18:45
kim0dpm: The link I gave is incorrect it seems, please use: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-Cloud/10826289590913118:57
Technovikingjono: btw Joeb454 is our new forums Council member,19:08
jonoTechnoviking, cool :-)19:08
jonohi Joeb454!19:09
Joeb454hi jono :D19:10
Technovikingthe best thing about Joeb454 is that he lives in the UK, so he can smack popey as needed:)19:13
jcastrocongrats Joeb454!19:13
Joeb454Technoviking: only if you give me a couple of hours notice to drive down there ;)19:13
Joeb454thanks jcastro19:13
TechnovikingJoeb454: heh19:14
JFoJoeb454, how likely is it that I could get you to move down there :-)19:25
akgranerJoeb454, congrats!19:25
JFosorry, missed my ? key19:25
Joeb454thanks akgraner19:25
JFoheya akgraner:)19:25
JFoall well? (not sick)19:26
Joeb454JFo: well I'll be looking to move sometime after next Sept, so more than possible :P19:26
Technovikingjcastro: today unity is much better in natty19:26
JFoexcellent! I want to maximize the smacking possibilities :-D19:26
jcastroyeah I just tried it Technoviking19:26
jcastroTechnoviking: other than nautilus starting up real slow19:26
Joeb454lol JFo :P19:27
paultagPici, are you around, my friend?19:45
AlanBello/ Joeb45419:53
Joeb454o/ AlanBell19:55
* popey tickles Joeb454 20:01
* Joeb454 ... giggles?20:01
Joeb454oh good20:01
Picipaultag: did jussi sort you?20:08
paultagPici, yup, no worries, thanks, though!20:08
jonojcastro, did you get the new unity working?20:15
jcastroon my laptop, I don't want to lose my session on my desktop20:16
jonojcastro, is it working much better?20:17
jcastrothe indicators are in the right spot now20:18
jcastroand there are placeholders for quicklists20:18
jcastroand the switcher is on the bottom now20:18
jcastrothe bottom right corner20:18
jcastrojono: it seems less buggy, feature wise not much new20:18
dpmok everyone enough for today, time for dinner and weekend. Have a good one, cheers!20:19
jcastroI feel like I can switch fulltime when I can add things to the launcher20:19
jcastrowoo dpm!20:19
dpmSee you all on Monday!20:19
jcastrojono: are you on natty or maverick?20:20
jonojcastro, Maverick until unity lands and is reasonably stable in natty20:20
jcastrooh good, I have some audio glitches too20:21
jcastrolike sound cutting out during songs, etc.20:21
jcastroso I don't recommend it if it's your only PC20:21
jcastrojono: conor landed some refinements to the menu, let me get you a screenie20:22
jcastrojono: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5720/natty_sound.png20:27
jcastronew buttons20:27
jcastroalso note the old music note is now the app logo20:27
jonojcastro, nice!20:54
jonois Banshee working with it now then?20:54
jcastroit's always worked with it20:54
jcastroit's not default yet if that's what you mean20:54
jcastromondayish I hope20:54
jonojcastro, do we know when Unity will be switched on by default in natty? I assume early next week20:56
jcastroyeah he wanted another week to bang on it first20:56
jcastronext thursday20:56
Joeb454jcastro: have you had any issues with banshee randomly closing on maverick?21:03
jcastroclosing or crashing?21:03
jonojcastro, cool21:03
jonojcastro, are there any work items you can tick off today21:04
jonoI want to get http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-community.html in shape21:04
jonosince dholbach forgot a blueprint, it has erased our progress :-)21:04
jcastroI was just about to review them21:04
jcastrooh man21:04
jcastroI was like "but I thought I was good"21:04
jonojcastro, "talk to libre office people about their plans21:06
jonois that really something for you?21:06
jonoI thought that would be a jasonwarner thing21:06
jonojcastro, "Provide a graph for tracking metrics for this initative" for Unity21:06
jonothat is done right?21:07
jonoit is in qa.ubuntu.com21:07
jcastroyes, wait, let me make sure daniel's is still there21:07
jcastroyep, I can close that one21:07
jcastrothe libreoffice thing is up to you21:08
jcastroit doesn't bother me either way21:08
jonojcastro, let me check21:09
jonojcastro, also "Plan regular "bug day" activities with Pedro to highlight these bugs"21:10
jonowould be good to get a schedule of events ready21:10
jonoshouldn't take much work21:10
jono"Form plan for web app integration (aka youtube) by Alpha 1" re. Places, what do you mean by this plan?21:11
jcastroyou know how you can have 2 kinds of places21:11
jcastroone for apps21:11
jcastroand one for web sites/apps21:11
jonobut what "plan" are you referring to21:12
jonoplan of advocacy, development?21:12
Joeb454jcastro: sorry - got distracted by Children In Need :P - it appears to crash, but I've not seen any errors from it21:13
jcastrojono: both I suppose, I don't really have a plan yet, other than we need it.21:13
jonojcastro, well if it is a development plan, that is really a DX thing, if it is an advocacy plan, that is you21:14
jonowhat is the desired outcome for that work item?21:14
jcastrohmm, it seems to overlap with [jorge] Form a list on the wiki of cool websites we can integrate with (like we did for youtube): TODO21:15
jcastrowhen I have my next call with neil I'll discuss it with him21:15
jcastroI remember talking about it in the session21:15
jcastro(I DONEd another one from default apps)21:16
jcastroso I got 221:16
jonojcastro, I am still not clear on what the plan is to do though21:16
jcastroplaces can talk to websites21:17
jcastrowhen they work we need people to make places that talk to websites21:17
jcastrofor that we need a plan21:17
jcastrothat WI is to form that plan21:17
jcastroa subitem of that would be to make a list of websites of sites that would be handy to have places for (the other WI)21:18
jonoI understand that, but is this a development plan to do ensure the technical work is completed to make this outcome happen, or an advocacy plan to get people excited about it?21:18
jcastrothe advocacy plan21:18
jonocan you make that clearer in the WI?21:19
jcastro"hey jono you should make a Severed Fifth Place" kind of thing21:19
jcastrook fixing21:19
jonoso to make that happen you need a set of docs, API docs, tutorial and outreach21:19
jonojcastro, talked to Jason, you can mark the libreoffice one done - they have the knowledge they need, Allison talked to mmeeks21:19
jonojcastro, "mail to tb-planning about indicator integration" what is tb-planning?21:20
jcastrothat's a tbird list, I don't even know how that got on there, all the tb stuff was deferred21:20
jonook, mark it as postponed21:21
jono"setup a front desk for Debian developers (sync requests, questions) (note:adding this info to existing places and pages)"21:22
jonojcastro, I thought we already at the derivs front desk?21:22
jcastroone sec21:23
jcastroplease slow down a minute, I can barely keep up21:23
jcastrook that tbird one I can do, it's basically just a roll up of the discussions we had at UDS, which I have the notes for.21:26
jcastrothat front desk one is pending on what archive admins want to do with sync requests.21:26
jonojcastro, I thought it was deferred?21:26
jonook np21:26
jcastrojono: yes but we agreed to send the results of the UDS session to the rest of the tbird community, it's one email, easy21:27
jonosounds reasonable21:27
jonothanks, pal21:27
jcastrothe overall spec is deferred though, which is why it's missing from my bookmarks21:27
jonoanother simple one to tick off21:27
jonojcastro, you caught up now?21:30
jcastroI was going to get started on the tbird thing21:31
jonojust before you do21:31
jonoI want to add something to your 11.04 plan as you have the most capacity in the team21:31
jonoI want to focus you back on the server community to help them build some growth there21:32
jonoI am going to gather some reqs and flesh out a plan21:32
jonoit won't be a huge chunk of work, but your sysadmin experience and knowledge of the community will help21:32
jcastroJoeb454: run it from the command line and see what happens next time it disappears21:46
Joeb454jcastro: makes sense, will see how it goes :)21:47
jonoduanedesign, ping?21:47
jcastroJoeb454: there's a bug day next friday, for your convenience. :)21:47
Joeb454just for me? aww jcastro you shouldn't have :P21:48
jcastroI make things happen21:48
* Joeb454 goes in search of food21:49
* Technoviking repeatly beats head againist wall.22:06
jonohey Pendulum22:07
jonosorry I missed you re. our next call22:07
jonolet me check my cal22:07
jonoPendulum, how about Monday at 2pm Pacific?22:08
Pendulumjono: sounds good to me22:08
jonocool :-)22:08
Technovikingjcastro: ping22:14
* popey pokes jcastro in the face with askubuntu.com23:37
popeyI'm becoming additicted you bugger!23:37

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