
ChinnoDogMeeting time came and went02:42
andrewwrong night02:43
ChinnoDogThe upa calendar and the topic say it was tonight.02:45
andrewwe changed to thursday?02:46
ChinnoDogjthan changed it, it suck, but jthan doesn't show up02:46
ChinnoDogI guess it sucks too. haha02:47
ChinnoDogThis is confusing. I open the meeting event on the calendar and I set a reminder and save it... is the reminder part of /my/ calendar or did I change the main calendar?02:49
ChinnoDogIt doesn't show that I edited just my settings, and I also have the option to copy the meeting to my own calendar, but do I have permission or even the ability to change the upa calendar while logged into my own gmail account?02:50
* ChinnoDog scratches his head02:50
ChinnoDogI guess I'll know the next time a meeting rolls around because people will get reminders unexpectedly and show up02:51
bts3685|vpsChinnoDog: tuxducken04:32
MutantTurkeyharry potter = awesome08:24
ChinnoDogbts3685|vps: a chicken in a duck in a penguin?14:24
andrewpoor penguin14:25
InHisNameNo Wait:   MutantCockroach15:38
ChinnoDogI think I am installing Ubuntu on my SSD using btrfs with compression enabled. Anyone see any problems with this?17:28
andrewohh, package from dell17:33
ChinnoDogWhat is it?17:34
PennBotRumor has it it is more than 5hrs to rochester from my parents cause my dad decided to stop at every place from his child hood, ChinnoDog17:34
andrewChinnoDog: new desktop for a coworker17:39
andrewremember last week when I was talking about the one that I was trying to fix?17:39
andrew(or was i saying that in #plug...)17:39
ChinnoDogI don't remember...17:44
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: well this is a bit late about the btfs21:29
MutantTurkeybut definitly go for it. should work great on an ssd :)21:29
MutantTurkeymake sure to mount your tmp and shit not on the ssd, and don't use swap cause it will wear out your ssd fast21:30
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: I didn't intend to put swap there. idk about /tmp because I want my system to be portable. I want to be able to plug my SSD into another PC and boot up.21:48
MutantTurkeyjust mount your tmp to a ramdisk22:00
MutantTurkeyor tmpfs or whatever22:00
MutantTurkeyit should be portable22:00
ChinnoDogoh.  I see.  tmpfs allocates memory dynamically. Yes, I will use that.22:04
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