
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
intraderAnyone, I have two computers and would like to share tomboy notes, and one or more file. On the first computer I used synchronize from tomboy - that seems to have worked. On the second computer when I start synchronize in tomboy, it find a few duplicates (which I rename), and it looses one of the notes. Then when I start tomboy from Applications or Terminal it aborts after Initializing Mono.Addins. As to the file sharing, I don'01:45
intradert see the ubuntu folder. I am running Maverick.01:45
keeshad a folder shared with me recently but it doesn't show up on my filesystem (just the web interface). I've tried a disconnect/reconnect but it's still missing. any clues?02:59
beunokees, how about restarting the client?03:00
beunothere's a restart button03:00
beunoI had the same today03:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 676983 in ubuntuone-client "Shares (to me) don't download automatically (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]03:00
keeshm, --refresh-volumes didn't do anything03:01
kees-d then -c didn't help either03:01
beunodoes --list-shares show it?03:01
beunocould you then attach your logs to the bug?03:02
keeswhere are they hiding?03:04
keesah, .cache/ubuntuone/log03:04
beunothat's the one03:06
beunoapport may collect them03:06
keessyncdaemon.log.2010-11-18_19-03-11:2010-11-18 18:20:41,427 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - ERROR - Node delta for cc318c95-a8a9-4de6-8b0c-5bd6953f5381:d579ee63-6438-4eaa-bb61-5db619a77994 can't be applied.03:06
keesanyway, I'll attach stuff03:06
beunokees, that will be interesting to the people who know that area batter than me  :)03:07
keesyou bet!03:08
intraderAnyone, I would like to share tomboy notes, and one or more files. On the first computer I used synchronize from tomboy - that seems to have worked. On the second computer when I start synchronize in tomboy, it find a few duplicates (which I rename), and it looses one of the notes. Then when I start tomboy from Applications or Terminal it aborts after Initializing Mono.Addins. As to the file sharing, I don't see the ubuntu folde03:49
intraderr. I am running Maverick.03:49
sapquestion: my ubuntuone-gnome client doesnt show up anymore...no symbol in the taskbar or anything. if I start ubuntuone-preferences from shell, it recognizes my account, but can't connect. I don't have anything important uploaded yet...so a fresh/clean re-install wouldnt be a problem08:38
sapI just don't know what to check first...standard re-installation didn't work08:38
duanedesignsap: hello08:52
sapbrb, reboot09:00
duanedesignwb sap09:02
sap-hi again duanedesign :)09:03
duanedesignsap: what version of Ubuntu are you running?09:04
duanedesignsap-: ^09:05
sap-duanedesign, lucid, if thats enough...kernel & package-info as well?09:07
duanedesignno thats enough09:07
duanedesignsap-: ok can you open a Terminal and run this command:  u1sdtool -s09:07
sap-duanedesign, just a sec09:08
sap-nopaste? or is "Ready" enough info?09:11
duanedesignsap-: its not a lot and its slow in here so it is ok if you post it here09:11
sap-State: READY09:12
sap-    connection: Not User Not Network09:12
sap-    description: ready to connect09:12
sap-    is_connected: False09:12
sap-    is_error: False09:12
sap-    is_online: False09:12
sap-    queues: IDLE09:12
duanedesignsap-: ok. can you run this command:  u1sdtool -c09:12
duanedesignthat is the same as pushing the 'Connect' button on the Ubuntu One Preferences09:13
sap-State: QUEUE_MANAGER09:13
sap-    connection: With User With Network09:13
sap-    description: processing queues09:13
sap-    is_connected: True09:13
sap-    is_error: False09:13
sap-    is_online: True09:13
sap-    queues: WORKING_ON_METADATA09:13
sap-new status..09:13
duanedesignsap-: ok. that looks pretty good09:14
duanedesignsap-: the newer versions of Ubuntu One do not have the applet in the panel anymore09:14
sap-duanedesign, oha, thats new info...but how do I know how about the status of the syncing then?09:15
duanedesignsap-: their is one you can install, it is just not part of the install09:15
sap-duanedesign, and how come there is no icon in my "internet" programms anymore?09:17
sap-it's no biggy to get to the preferences via terminal, but it's confusing09:17
duanedesignsap-: The Ubuntu ONe Preferences is now accessed from the 'me Menu'09:17
duanedesignthat is the Menu with your username09:18
duanedesignalso you can access it in System > Preferences > Ubuntu One09:18
karnihi duanedesign -- you know where can I can I find U1 "file status" emblem pictures, such as "ok tick" or "updating" ?09:18
sap-duanedesign, alright, thanks a lot for the info.09:19
duanedesignsap-: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1594301 <--I did a post on the forum about getting more info from Ubuntu One09:19
duanedesignmight be useful09:19
duanedesignkarni: /usr/share/icons/...09:22
karniduanedesign: /usr/share/icons/Humanity/emblems/ -- finally found it. thank you09:27
duanedesignkarni: aha09:27
duanedesignkarni: i was looking..lots of folders ;)09:27
karniduanedesign: me too ^ ^09:27
karniduanedesign: by the way, I also found some really neat ubuntu 'tray' icons, that I might use for notifications! yay09:27
karniduanedesign: all's good?09:36
* karni attends a lecture on SCRUM and TDD09:37
karni& XP09:37
duanedesignwhats TDD09:38
duanedesignkarni: i have been struggling with a bug in CLI Companion.09:39
karniTest Driven Design/Development09:39
karnifirst you write tests, then you write code that will pass them09:39
karnibecomes more and more popular recently09:39
duanedesignmakes sense09:40
* karni away, listetning to the lecture09:43
alecuhello humans!12:18
alecunessita, ping12:27
duanedesignalecu: hello12:35
alecuhi duanedesign!12:35
alecuhow is it going?12:35
duanedesigngood! answering some questions in the Ubuntu One section fo the forums.12:35
duanedesigntaking a break from coding. I am stuck on fixing a bug in one of my applications12:36
duanedesignalecu: so some of the team is off learning about cassandra? Are there plans to use cassandra in some way?12:37
alecuduanedesign, I think it's being considered for some parts of the file server backend.12:41
alecuduanedesign, what's your application?12:41
duanedesignalecu: CLI Companion. It is a Terminal with an attached 'command dictionary'12:46
duanedesignalecu: here are some screenshots http://okiebuntu.homelinux.com/blog/?p=21112:46
karniduanedesign: looks nice!12:48
duanedesigni got tired of always going  back and forth from tomboy to the terminal getting commands12:49
duanedesigni have a new release that i want to get out this weekend that puts the command list in an expander. So you can hide the command list when you are not using it.12:50
karnineed is mother of invention :)12:51
karnithere's such saying, or something along that line12:51
mandelduanedesign, I did not knwo you used spanish vars in your code :)12:56
kklimondaaquarius: ping12:57
mandelunless traducidos is english...12:57
aquariuskklimonda, pong13:03
kklimondaaquarius: does it make sense to assume that most documents in desktopcouch are going to have the same record_type (and so are going to have the same type)?13:08
aquariuskklimonda, no13:08
aquariuskklimonda, a record type is specific to the type of thing a document represents. A document describing a contact has a different type from one describing a recipe13:09
karniin theory, each app using desktopcouch backend can have different record type(s)13:09
kklimondaaquarius: yes - but does it mean we can't assume that each database stores a majority of documents of one type?13:09
aquariuskarni, not only in theory: I would absolutely expect each app using desktopcouch to use different record types, unless they're two apps which deal with the same data (for example, both Evolution and Thunderbird should use the same record type for contacts)13:10
karniaquarius: right :)13:10
aquariuskklimonda, ah, in one database, that's different. It depends. Some applications only really deal with one sort of data, or they store their different data in two places (so Evlution would store contacts and tasks in two separate databases, I'd imagine)13:10
* karni attends advanced operating systems lecture13:11
aquariuskklimonda, others, not: imagine, for example, a recipe manager, which might have different record types for "recipe" and "ingredient"13:11
aquariuskklimonda, for example, "cheers" (the game achievements library) has two record types: "trophy" and "trophy set"13:12
aquariuskklimonda, but they'd both be in the same database13:12
kklimondait's getting ridiculously hard to map desktopcouch into GObject while making library feel like C :/13:12
aquariuskklimonda, doesn't couchdb-glib already do that?13:13
kklimondaaquarius: only for two types, hardcoded deep inside code.13:13
aquariuskklimonda, couchdb-glib shouldn't be contacts-specific?13:14
aquariusrodrigo__, see kklimonda's point about couchdb-glib?13:14
rodrigo__aquarius, yes, we've been discussing it for some weeks now13:14
rodrigo__we're redesigning the API13:15
rodrigo__and desktopcouch stuff is giving us headaches :)13:15
aquariusrodrigo__, oh right OK if you're already on top of this then I am behind on data ;)13:15
karniEasiest way to implement distributed mutex - centralized manager xD13:18
karnijoin #dropbox13:29
karnixD I wanted to report a bug lol13:29
karnitheir mobile app seems to have a minor bug..13:30
nessitaalecu: pong13:48
alecuhi nessita, was about to ask you about landing changes to server code with only one review.13:49
alecunessita, but already talked about it with the boss and j.do and b113:49
nessitaalecu: :-)13:49
nessitadobey: any idea what happened with https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/ping-url-can-be-none/+merge/41177 ?13:52
nessita"There was a problem validating some authors of the branch"13:52
alecuyeap, that looks weird13:54
alecuseems like otto should put on his glasses when piloting13:55
nessitathisfred, mandel: mumble?13:59
nessitajoshuahoover: mumble?14:00
joshuahoovernessita: joining...14:00
nessitaChipaca: if you're around, mumble?14:00
Chipacanessita: looking for my headset..14:00
nessitadobey: mumble?14:01
alecunessita, I think dobey is out today.14:01
nessitaalecu: is not out on canonicaladmin, maybe the leave wasn't approved yet?14:02
thisfredoops yes14:02
alecunessita, my leave of last friday was not approved as per last night. :-)14:02
Chipacait wasnt?14:03
dobeyno i'm not out today14:03
dobeyvds is14:03
alecuChipaca, no, it still isn't! :-)14:04
nessitayes, vds is out (though canonicaladmin doesn't know about that)14:04
dobeynessita: re: merge failure, is a bug in tarmac; i'm working on a fix14:04
nessitadobey: thanks14:04
Chipacaalecu: I only have things for december from you14:04
alecuChipaca, there's a "Holiday - November  2010 - 12/11/2010 - 12/11/2010"14:05
alecuChipaca, and it says "awaiting sign off"14:06
alecuChipaca, but don't you worry14:06
alecuChipaca, we know those are tasks for Chipaca214:06
m4n1shon what port does U1 sync? 80? HTTP?14:21
duanedesignm4n1sh: Ubuntu One uses the https port to communicate, which is port 443.14:27
nessitaalecu: ping?14:30
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
kklimondaIs sequence of elements in mergeable lists important? some old documents mention it but I don't see sequence in lists I have (in the contacts database)15:09
jamesh_kklimonda: you mean the _order key?15:15
kklimondajamesh_: yes15:15
joshuahoovernessita: so, as dobey rightly pointed out earlier, the burndown charts only pickup source bugs...ugh15:16
joshuahoovernessita: i'll go through today and add those for all existing bugs and send out a reply to your email about how we track the desktop work so everyone understands we need source bugs/tasks along with the project bug going forward15:17
nessitajoshuahoover: thanks. Question: is there any chance to track non-source bugs?15:18
jamesh_kklimonda: Users would probably be surprised if the order of addresses in a contact jumped around.15:19
jamesh_you will lose some ordering info from one alternative when merging a conflict though.15:19
kklimondajamesh_: hmm, when I browse my contacts database I see lists like this: http://pastebin.com/xVURTTzT - there is no _order here15:22
jamesh_kklimonda: perhaps the eds plugin isn't setting it.15:23
kklimondaperhaps :)15:23
joshuahoovernessita: i'll ask15:24
jamesh_kklimonda: looking at http://git.gnome.org/browse/couchdb-glib/tree/couchdb-glib/couchdb-document-contact.c, it doesn't15:25
jamesh_and it looks like it'd have trouble if there is an _order key15:25
rodrigo__yeah, not setting/getting it15:28
kklimondajamesh_: as I understand, mergeable lists make it easier to work with conflicts? I can see which elements from the list have been removed, which were added and edited?15:29
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
jamesh_kklimonda: the main case it helps with is a conflict where both sides add an item to the list.  Not sure how well it'll handle removals15:30
kklimondaI wonder.. how to decide whether the fact that phone number is missing in one database means that it has been removed locally and should be removed on the remote database or vice versa?15:36
nessitawooohooo! ubuntu-sso-client v1.0.7 was released to maverick-updates!15:36
nessitaalecu, joshuahoover: ^15:36
joshuahoovernessita: excellent!15:36
nessitathat version fixes bug #667899, bug #656545 and bug #66051615:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 667899 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "User may register without validating the email address (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66789915:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 656545 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "Accessing the keyring in a thread make the program crash (was find_credentials segfaults) (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 32)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65654515:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 660516 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "Ubuntu SSO Client does not notify of failed Ubuntu One ping attempt / invalidate token (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66051615:37
alecunessita, great!15:37
nessitajoshuahoover: any update on how's u1client SRU going?15:37
* alecu goes to have lunch.15:37
joshuahoovernessita: no, i have no news :(15:37
nessitadobey: do you have another branch to test the "There was a problem validating some authors of the branch" other than mine? I'd need to land it so I can package ussoc (alecu mentioned nightlies are borken so I wanna fix the packaging bits)15:42
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
dobeynessita: ok, i'll land your branch then15:43
nessitadobey: I can run tarmac here, is working for me15:43
dobeynessita: it works here too; i just have to disable that plug-in, which i just did; so it will land in 2 minutes15:44
nessitadobey: awesome, thanks15:44
dobeyi was just trying to enable that plug-in so that we could avoid potentially landing code from someone that hasn't signed the contrib agreement15:45
dobeywithout having to manually check it15:45
m4n1shduanedesign: thanks a lot. This means I can use U1 client for windows behind the firewall too :)15:48
CardinalFangthisfred, reviewed branch.  Only one complaint, and it's very minor.  One question, though.16:15
thisfredCardinalFang: give it to me straight :)16:18
thisfredor is it on the review?16:18
thisfredand thanks, that was a big review!16:18
thisfredCardinalFang: fixes pushed16:23
CardinalFangLunch!  brb16:59
lalejandHi, I noticed that the music synced with the U1 app on my Ipod is not listed in the music folder of the ipod. Is that normal ?17:09
jamesh_lalejand: you mean the music streaming app?17:10
lalejandjamesh_ : yes17:11
lalejandjamesh= : ah it is played streaming ? the music are not downloaded ?17:12
jamesh_lalejand: I think it might cache some music locally, but it is primarily a streaming app.17:13
lalejandjamesh_ : ahm, ok17:13
beunoit doesn't store them in a centrally-accesible place17:21
joshuahoovernessita: ping17:51
nessitajoshuahoover: poig17:58
joshuahoovernessita: is the ubuntuone-control-panel project going to be a separate package or just be part of the ubuntuone-client package? i ask because i'm adding source tasks/bugs to the blueprint project bugs17:58
nessitajoshuahoover: separated project and package17:59
joshuahoovernessita: ok, well...hmmm17:59
nessitajoshuahoover: the package is ready. can't be landed in natty because it depens on newer u1client that the currently released there17:59
joshuahoovernessita: got ya17:59
intraderAnyone, how do I store a file in the ubuntu one folder  - I don't see this folder in Maverick20:33
JamesTaitintrader: IIRC, if you click on the Me Menu and select Ubuntu One, the Ubuntu One folder will appear in your Places menu,20:45
intraderJamesTait, sorry, when I click on  'my login name' I see 'Ubuntu One' and 'About Me'. When I bring up 'Ubuntu One', it brings up a preferences menu21:01
nessitahello! can I have a couple of reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/split-gui/+merge/41369 ?21:36
intraderJamesTait, Anyone, I don't know where the 'Me Menu' is21:36
beunointrader, top roght, where your name is21:38
duffydackWill Mr Rye`s indicator be in the main repo, and/or by supplied by default when using U1 ? like it should..22:06
duffydackits as/more important as any gwibber nonsense.22:06
Chipacastatik: about spidermonkey, they're considering splitting libmozjs out of firefox, ChrisCoulson is looking into that23:57
Chipacastatik: s/they're/we're/ really :)23:58
Chipacastatik: that still needs work from couchdb to upgrade to the new api, but that's work they want to do already23:58
Chipacastatik: and this spidermonkey is a tracemonkey already :)23:58

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