
=== |mirttex| is now known as dantti_desktop
DarkwingDuckScottK: ping00:40
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198858 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationWindow.cpp Better sizing policy for the sidebar; horizontal resizing no longer makes the sidebar smaller00:40
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1198859 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (ApplicationWindow.cpp ViewSwitcher.cpp) Oops. Fix the last commit00:41
macoRiddell: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/4353  <-- really, exciting has a c! i'm not joking!01:18
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1198876 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h) Add a new workerState() function to the QApt::Backend that returns the last event that the worker reported. (No running worker will return an InvalidEvent)02:08
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Pong02:52
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DarkwingDuckScottK: it will be a couple days on that script.... its hacked together and i keep breaking it trying to do what i need it to04:27
mfraz74Can anyone help me with trying to compile Audex? I can't use it on 10.10 due to the change with vorbis-tools08:53
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://np237.livejournal.com/29608.html10:24
Quintasanapachelogger: ^10:24
Quintasantry this10:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: what is there to try?10:29
Quintasanwell, you were mumbling that dpkg in pbuilder is slow :P10:30
apacheloggerbecause it is moving massive amounts of data10:31
Quintasancause it uses fsync lol10:31
apacheloggernot because it fsyncs them10:31
Quintasanwhatever, just try it10:31
* apachelogger is not gonna try 5% improvement techniques when he has one that promises >50%10:34
mfraz74is anyone here using Audex?10:37
* apachelogger does not even know what that is10:39
mfraz74apachelogger: A CD ripping program10:39
apacheloggerk3b ftw!10:39
* apachelogger actually uses the audiocd slave but realizes that he probably is one of a few ^^10:40
mfraz74does k3b fetch the cover art?10:40
mfraz74I'm trying to fix this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audex/+bug/66868210:40
apacheloggeramarok fetches the cover art10:42
mfraz74amarok seems to dislike storing the cover art properly10:43
apacheloggerdefine properly10:43
mfraz74if i play a track from an album where the cover is missing and then fetch it, if i play a 2nd track the cover is missing again10:44
mfraz74This is the error I'm getting from building Audex: audex-0.72b1/utils/upload.h:31: fatal error: KIO/MkdirJob: No such file or directory10:46
* apachelogger is wondering what file called upload had to do with cover download11:01
mfraz74apachelogger: I've no idea, but it is stopping me from compiling it11:04
apacheloggerthat is a different story11:10
apacheloggersupposedly it is only compatible with kde 311:10
apachelogger!find MkdirJob 11:10
ubottuPackage/file MkdirJob does not exist in maverick11:10
apacheloggeror maybe it jost never existed11:11
apacheloggerwho knows11:11
mfraz74it says it is a KDE4 app11:12
apacheloggermaybe it is too new11:12
apacheloggeror just buggy11:12
apacheloggeronly one way to find out11:12
apacheloggeroh dear, my sister is singing again11:12
* apachelogger closes door and turns up amarok's volume11:12
debfxmfraz74: that build failure is fixed in the ubuntu/debian audex package11:13
apacheloggerno such file11:14
* apachelogger blames all on audex11:14
mfraz74debfx: how can i add the patch for vorbis-tools and compile it myself?11:15
bulldog98Riddell: Some users of kubuntu-de.org said the translations for German aren’t complete and I have to agree that11:16
apacheloggerbulldog98: that is a bit vague11:16
apacheloggeralso if it is not complete one probably should do something about it?11:16
apacheloggerbeing native german speaker and all11:16
debfxapachelogger: MkdirJob has been removed in KDE 4.411:17
bulldog98apachelogger: for example the lancelot translations aren’t shiped, but I know it’s 100% translated in German11:17
apacheloggerdebfx: isnt that against kdelibs policy or something?11:17
apacheloggerbulldog98: because it is pyth0rn I suppose11:17
bulldog98apachelogger: ?11:18
* apachelogger got a en_GB lancelot, but no german one11:18
apachelogger(translation files that is)11:18
mfraz74have removed the line that includes mkdirjob and it seems to be compiling now11:18
apacheloggerRiddell: I think phonon-gst has problems with streaming in general, not just last.fm11:20
apacheloggerScottK: http://www.notmart.org/index.php/BlaBla/Meego_summit_and_Mobile_sprint_ more prototypes we can roll versions for ^^11:24
apachelogger!find lancelot.mo11:25
ubottuFile lancelot.mo found in language-pack-kde-ar-base, language-pack-kde-be-base, language-pack-kde-ca-base, language-pack-kde-cs-base, language-pack-kde-csb-base, language-pack-kde-da-base, language-pack-kde-de-base, language-pack-kde-el-base, language-pack-kde-en-base, language-pack-kde-eo-base (and 43 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=lancelot.mo&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any11:25
apacheloggerthere i is11:26
apacheloggerstupid slocate refused to list my local lancelot.mo11:26
apacheloggerit is completely translated according to launchpad, it is installed, and yet lancelot talks english11:28
apacheloggerbulldog98: I blam lancelot11:36
bulldog98apachelogger: me, too. I’ve got language-pack-kde-de-base installed11:37
apacheloggerjust got the po from kde 4.5.1 and compiled it11:38
apacheloggernow lancelot uses that11:38
apachelogger3658  stat64("/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/lancelot.mo", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=8239, ...}) = 011:38
apacheloggerstill it is untranslated11:38
bulldog98apachelogger: hm I’ll look into that11:41
mfraz74I now have a working Audex in Kubuntu 10.1011:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ari-tczewanybody here? o/12:18
* apachelogger goes with a knife after glib12:22
ari-tczewcould someone highlight me? I'm testing integrate konversation with indicator-applet.12:29
ulysseshello ari-tczew 12:30
* apachelogger finds the internal architecture of phonon-gst a bit silly12:31
ari-tczewulysses: It works! thanks12:32
apacheloggerQtGstreamer todo: Investigate the usage of exceptions12:38
apacheloggerthat surely is a proper Qt library12:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: im sick... literally ... had to rush the doctor...13:04
shadeslayerQuintasan_: that is one heck of a name13:05
yofelI knew that libeatmydata.so existed, but I didn't know that someone actually packaged that...13:08
shadeslayerRiddell: please announce the KDE 4.5.3 packages for lucid13:19
ari-tczewcould someone sponsor this one?  bug 67630313:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676303 in konversation (Ubuntu) "[natty] indicator applet doesn't handle konversation notifications" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67630313:29
ulyssesChoqok crashes, backtrace: http://pastebin.com/tgAcscDz13:32
ulyssesprobably it needs a rebuild against 4.5 too13:32
markeylet me repeat what I said yesterday, when the timing was bad (meeting)13:37
markeyplease do *not* use Phonon-GStreamer in Natty13:37
markeyuse Phonon-VLC from Git Master13:37
markeyit's much better13:37
markeybelieve you me.13:37
markeyI've hacked on it, seen the code, and used it13:37
markeyit's better in all regards13:37
markey(and the sound quality is awesome, about twice as good as xine)13:38
markeyRiddell: ^13:38
markeyapachelogger: ^13:39
apacheloggermarkey: qtwebkit uses gstreamer13:39
apacheloggeropenoffice uses gstreamer13:39
apacheloggerand we have limited CD space13:39
markeythat's all nice and dandy13:39
markeyso, how much space does LibVLC use?13:39
markeycan you calculate that?13:39
markey(also, why on earth would OOo need Gstreamer Oo)13:40
apacheloggermultimedia in presentations I gather13:41
markeyso incredibly important ;)13:41
apacheloggeralso with libvlc we first have to do license and security evaluations13:41
markeyso then, if a user uses that, it could auto-download the gstreamer foo13:41
markeyfor all of the 5 users that need it13:41
apacheloggermarkey: that implies that someone touched the ooo code base13:42
markeyapachelogger: then please do that. talk to j-b13:42
markeyhe's nice13:42
markey(Jim Beam)13:42
apacheloggerqtwebkit still depends on gstreamer13:42
markeyanyway, I very much doubt that LibVLC uses much space13:42
markeyyou don't want users complain about a crashing Amarok, I guess?13:43
markeythat's kinda more important13:43
shadeslayerulysses: does it crash on start or is it a randomn crash?13:44
shadeslayeralso do check bugs.kde.org13:45
ulyssesshadeslayer: after refreshing the timeline13:45
shadeslayerulysses: thats a bug in choqok i think13:45
shadeslayerit was reported on bugs.kde.org13:45
shadeslayerkde bug 25722013:47
ubottuKDE bug 257220 in general "Choqok crashes after timeline refresh" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25722013:47
shadeslayerseems like the same backtrace13:47
shadeslayerok so we have 4.6 beta 1 tarbals14:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: where di you get the sickness?14:29
shadeslayernope ... change in weather14:29
MamarokOh crap, this ubuntu-bug stuff makes it impossible to file a bug14:30
apacheloggerwell, if it is sickness in the morning...14:30
apacheloggermorning sickness one could say14:30
apacheloggeraspect is messsed up14:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^^^^^^14:31
apacheloggermarkey: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^14:31
apacheloggerRiddell: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^14:31
* apachelogger is wondering where sheytan is hiding again14:31
apacheloggerbetter quality http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/phonon-qml-native.avi14:37
ScottKapachelogger: If Ubuntu still has meego images it might be nice to have the needed bits to run plasma on them.15:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: Null Project? really? :P16:13
shadeslayerbug 677845 16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 677845 in meta-kde (Ubuntu) "kde-devel metapackage is missing in Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67784516:13
apacheloggershadeslayer 2>&1 /dev/null16:13
shadeslayerMamarok: the new package is called kde-sc-dev-latest btw16:14
shadeslayeror something like that16:15
apacheloggerthat just ensures the packages you have are from the latest sc16:15
apacheloggerDepends: debhelper (>= 7.2.3~), cmake (>= 2.6.3~), automoc (>= 1.0~version-0.9.88), pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.9.1)16:16
apacheloggerBreaks: kdebase-workspace-dev (<< 4:4.5.1), kdelibs5-dev (<< 4:4.5.1), kdepimlibs5-dev (<< 4:4.5.1), libkdcraw-dev (<< 4:4.5.1), libkexiv2-dev (<< 4:4.5.1), libkipi-dev (<< 4:4.5.1), libmarble-dev (<< 4:4.5.1)16:16
shadeslayerRiddell: phonon-gstreamer is broken16:38
shadeslayerplease do not ship it16:38
shadeslayeramarok cannot play mp3's16:39
ScottKshadeslayer: We need to see if it's fixable.16:39
ScottKshadeslayer: You should speak to our Phonon maintainer.16:39
* shadeslayer stares at apachelogger16:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: amarok does not play anything with phonon-backend-gstreamer16:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: just like dvds, we do not support mp3 playback out of the box :P16:40
apacheloggeryeah, well, install plugins16:40
shadeslayermoar packages? :O16:40
shadeslayerim trying to keep my install footprint minimal16:40
shadeslayersee phonon-backend-vlc is awesome16:41
apacheloggervlc also has plugins -.-16:41
shadeslayeryes but i just have the PA one16:42
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: a true point though, we need to port codec magic from xine to gst16:42
apacheloggerOTOH phonon-gst can handle this stuff internally, since gstreamer emis a signal if it cannot find an appropriate codec16:42
shadeslayerfor gstreamer i have bad, ugly, and good16:42
apacheloggerso we could hook phonon-gst up with kpk or something16:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: seen this http://is.gd/htf7B ?16:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: also im getting a HTC Desire on monday ^_^16:44
apacheloggerthere, now I am having morning sickness16:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: because of the link?16:54
apacheloggerbecause of android16:55
apachelogger  if (ip != this->ip) free(ip);16:55
apacheloggerwho wants to guess what ip stands for?16:56
shadeslayerinstruction pointer?16:58
shadeslayerpoints to next instruction on the stack.......16:58
Sputnot on the stack :>16:58
apacheloggerquite honestly I would not even care if shadeslayer managed to put the instructions on the stack and called the pointer ip16:59
apacheloggerbut this my friends is an instance pointer :P16:59
* apachelogger cannot crash his amarok17:00
apacheloggerbut I get stutters17:01
apachelogger!find 17:23
ubottuSearch for a package or a file: !find <term/file>17:23
apachelogger!find gstreamer-codec-install17:23
ubottuPackage/file gstreamer-codec-install does not exist in maverick17:23
mfraz74!find gstreamer-nogui17:23
ubottuPackage/file gstreamer-nogui does not exist in maverick17:23
apacheloggergstreamer-codec-install is an alternative17:29
apacheloggerprovided by for example gnome-codec-install17:29
apacheloggerI gather, if we wrote kde-codec-install we would b ethe kings of the world17:30
apacheloggeror something like that17:30
ScottKapachelogger: I've got ice cream working with the older gcc from a logged in pbuilder.  One thing I had to deal with was the ccache binary getting ahead of the icecc binary in my path.17:30
apacheloggerccache should go away17:31
apacheloggerwhy are you using ccache?17:31
ScottKI didn't do anything explicit to get it.17:31
ScottKpbuilder attempts to use it by default, I believe.17:31
neversfeldeCould not find a signing program (pgp or gpg)!17:41
neversfeldegpg is installed, I cannot discover what is wrong17:42
neversfeldedebuild -S -sa is not working anymore :(17:42
apacheloggershadeslayer, rdieter: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot96.png17:45
rdieterapachelogger: *hugs*17:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: looks gnomey ....17:46
apacheloggerthat is gnome though :P17:46
shadeslayerwheres my KDialog?17:46
apacheloggerwell, easy enough to replicate17:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: wanna do it?17:47
ScottKapachelogger: Someone should summon the Ninjas to package 4.5.80, don't you think?17:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: is it trivial?17:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: can it wait till after Wednesday? :)17:47
shadeslayeri can do it then17:47
apacheloggerthe app gets called with something like "gstreamer|0.10|My Cool Video Player|Quicktime|decoder-video/quicktime"17:48
shadeslayerwhut? 17:48
apacheloggersupposedly the best thing to do is query packagekit for a suiteable package and offer a selection to the user17:48
apacheloggerthen just invoke some configurable app to carry out installation17:48
shadeslayeryeah.. like its done with rekonq and amarok17:48
shadeslayershow notification > direct to kpk17:49
shadeslayerthat is really better imo..17:49
apacheloggerthat is bogus and ugly and gross and everything17:49
shadeslayeryou want a KDialog?17:49
apacheloggera window17:49
apacheloggerno need for a dialog17:49
shadeslayeri rather like the notification 17:49
* apachelogger is gonna tell our notificatoin lover about that17:50
shadeslayerhehehe :D17:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: note that this is much more precise than notifications17:50
apacheloggerat the point the codec installer gets called gstreamer already ran into a codec it cannot play17:50
apacheloggerso at that point it is a blocking issue to the user who wants to play a file17:50
apacheloggerwhich means you need to utilize intrusive/blocking means of allowing the user to fix it17:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: this needs to be patched in amarok? or what?17:51
apacheloggerit is an application17:51
apacheloggerultimately bundled in with kpackagekit I suppose17:52
apacheloggerso you should talk to dantii17:52
shadeslayera standalone app?17:52
apacheloggerbecause kpk already does half the stuff anyway17:52
shadeslayerdantti: ^^^17:52
danttiapachelogger: shadeslayer not sure I followed, you guys have an app that needs codecs?17:54
shadeslayeramarok to be precise...17:55
shadeslayerwhich needs gstreamer codecs to work17:55
apacheloggerany app that uses gstreamer17:55
danttiPackageKit has a session interface to install those things17:55
apacheloggerdantti: gstreamer can call a helper app to find codecs it does currently not support17:55
danttisearchProvide(gstreamer... ) 17:56
danttibut I don't recall if I finished the code in aptcc17:56
danttisince what the python backend was doing was wrong17:56
danttiapachelogger: token for example calls this interface in gnome17:57
danttiit's the same interface17:57
danttiwhich btw I should write some kde docs pages about that17:57
danttiapachelogger: btw I've made some improvements to the kde print tool17:58
apacheloggerdantti: is it ready for release yet? :D17:58
danttibut right now I need to know what to do with ppds.py17:58
danttiI could of course transalte that into c++/qt code but I really want to make that file a C lib shared by python-cups and our tool17:59
apacheloggerso, lets do that then?17:59
danttiapachelogger: I sent an email to Tim Waugh, he said that he was thinking on make this file accessible by DBus18:00
apacheloggerby dbus? :O18:00
danttibut for Debian or any remote cups that requires auth this will suck18:01
apacheloggerthat sounds like going with a rocket after a fly or soemthing18:01
danttisince py cups does not handle auth18:01
danttialso if we make this file into a C lib we could patch localhost:631 to use it18:01
danttiand maybe even Apple helped to maintain it :P18:02
danttiapachelogger: if you want to help, I will really need your help since there is a bunch of stuff I don't understant in python :P18:03
apacheloggersure thing18:03
danttiapachelogger: http://cyberelk.net/tim/2010/10/26/choosing-the-best-printer-driver/18:04
danttidoes someone knows why openoffice crashes after the loading banner is gone?19:51
danttiit crashes on all my pcs, but a friend with kubuntu 10.10 does not have this problem..19:51
danttiit seems to be related to the oxygem theme but I'm not sure19:52
yofeldantti: does it give an error in ~/.xsession-errors? or a segfault message in dmesg?19:53
danttiyofel: http://pastebin.com/Uy3JT6KR19:53
danttithis is console output19:53
danttiI have no ~/.xsession-errors19:53
yofelI don't know anything about X errors I fear :/19:54
danttioh no I have it :P19:54
danttithat's why I think it's related to oxygem gtk19:55
sheytanRiddell ping and pong and all that stuff19:55
* sheytan feels no luck to cach Riddell19:56
sheytanapachelogger ping19:59
sheytancome on guys, no one around? :D20:01
sheytanshadeslayer: you? :D20:01
sheytanshadeslayer can i have a request ? :D20:01
shadeslayerdantti: do you have raster set?20:02
danttishadeslayer: yes20:02
shadeslayersheytan: if its trivial :D20:02
sheytanlooks like i can't cache Riddell, what i'm trying for a long time :D20:02
shadeslayerdantti: thats your problem20:02
danttioh no... :(20:02
shadeslayerdantti: open office + raster = kaboom20:02
sheytanshadeslayer if you cache Riddell, please show him this http://ryrych.pl/null/kubuntu/index.html20:02
danttiok, I'll stick with MS office :P20:02
shadeslayerlol :P20:02
danttiraster makes my old ibm pc does not seem so old :P20:03
shadeslayersheytan: buttons could be more KDE'ish :)20:03
sheytanshadeslayer first Riddell need to know that's done :)20:03
danttishadeslayer: isn't there a fix for that?20:03
sheytanshadeslayer but please remember to show him that page :)20:04
sheytanand thank you :)20:04
shadeslayersheytan: just leave him a ping and he will get back20:04
sheytanshadeslayer did many times :D20:04
shadeslayerapachelogger:  ^^^^20:04
shadeslayersheytan: apachelogger was waiting for you20:04
sheytanpinged him too :D20:04
shadeslayerdantti: nopw20:04
sheytanshadeslayer i know20:04
sheytanno time ;/20:05
shadeslayerok :)20:05
shadeslayerdantti: someone is supposed to be working on it, not sure who tho20:05
danttishadeslayer: k, thanks... go go koffice :P20:05
sheytanhaving a job is cool but it sucks too :D20:05
shadeslayeryeah :D20:05
shadeslayerto both of you :P20:05
sheytananyway, i have to live :D else i couldn't work for kubuntu :D20:05
danttisheytan: btw nice page, but it still misses the smartness of guessing the arch of the user..20:06
sheytandantti: so many things to think about. But i will, i promisse :)20:07
shadeslayerhehe ..20:07
sheytanand btw: fedora sucks :D20:07
sheytanit's like experimens before the code comes to red hat20:07
danttiwell right now all I can say is that pycups sucks..20:08
danttimade by...20:08
* sheytan doesn't know why, but he thinks that apps in python suck20:08
danttibut not their problem py ^^20:08
danttigot to go..20:10
sheytandantti: i'll ping y ou when i come out with something :)20:11
danttisheytan: k :)  it might worth a looking at drivers.nvidia.com maybe it's JS to guess the arch20:11
sheytanyep, i'll think about it. Maybe i'll come out with something cool :)20:12
danttishadeslayer: now that you told me the problem I know a simple fix :P  QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native openoffice.org20:15
shadeslayerdantti: yeah that can be done as well 20:15
shadeslayerbut thats just a hack :P20:15
danttihehe well at least it works :P20:15
shadeslayerdantti: libreoffice ftw20:16
shadeslayerand afaik it works in raster20:16
shadeslayerdantti: for win20:16
shadeslayer*for the win20:17
shadeslayerand yeah, libreoffice works in raster20:17
danttiah right20:17
danttiI'll try it later.. have to go now :P20:17
* yofel wonders why nobody here uses memoserv to catch people20:23
* ScottK started working on preps for 4.6 beta 1. Doing attica atm.21:45
JontheEchidnaI've got polkit-qt-1 and polkit-kde-1 from svn packaged, but hopefully tarballs will appear22:45
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ScottKattica's uploaded to Ninjas.23:53

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