
kirklandokay, something funny is going on00:45
lifelesskirkland: ?02:04
lifelessixokai: hi, did you get some help? when did you put the tickets in to the login support form ?02:04
ixokailifeless: Weeks ago. I didn't yet-- well, mthaddon looked into it a bit a few days ago, but we didn't get a resolution02:05
lifelessso mthaddon is an appropriate person to look02:05
lifelessI certainly can't look where he can :)02:05
ixokai`He changed my email account to see if the + in the address was causing the problems: it wasn't. He was going to talk to someone to look at the mail logs, but I dunno how that went.02:06
lifelessI suggest you follow up on monday02:07
ixokaiHow? :|02:07
ixokaiSince the tickets seem to not work too.02:07
ixokaiCome here again and .. ping? again?02:07
lifelesshe should be in this channel from UTC 0900 through 170002:07
wgrantThe last couple of weeks have been a bit sparse admin-wise.02:07
George_eCan I request a URL change for my project on Launchpad?03:01
wgrantGeorge_e: File a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion and an admin can rename it for you.03:04
kirklandlifeless: seemed a reboot solved it04:10
kirklandlifeless: i was having some really weird failures trying to do bzr things against lp:*04:11
kirklandlifeless: bzr+ssh:// worked fine04:11
kirklandlifeless: but not shortnames a la lp:04:11
kirklandlifeless: no matter, working now04:11
psusiI uploaded a package to my ppa... before it started building, I realized I made a mistake, so I deleted it.  Now it won't let me upload the corrected version.  It keeps rejecting it saying that version is already there, but I deleted it.04:12
wgrantpsusi: You can't upload the same version twice -- that doesn't make sense.04:17
wgrantpsusi: You need to increment the version number.04:17
psusiwgrant, but I deleted it04:17
psusiit is no longer there04:17
wgrantIt is remembered, to avoid confusing everybody and everything.04:18
psusiit never even got built04:18
nigelbwell, still.04:18
wgrantIt is confusing to both computers and people, not to mention a lie, to have packages with the same version but different contents.04:19
happyaronWill a deleted ppa remain listed in a person's ppa list?04:33
wgranthappyaron: At the moment they do (but they're only shown to you, not anybody else).04:33
happyaronwgrant: I see, thanks.04:35
psusiso once you have deleted a package from your ppa, it is impossible to replace it?05:03
wgrantpsusi: It's impossible to upload a new package claiming to be the old version.05:06
psusibut... there is no old version.. it's gone05:17
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xapantuI need help about rosetta, can I ask here ?15:47
maxbxapantu: Yes, though at a weekend, it's harder to get in contact with Canonical employees (obviously), so you might need to re-ask on Monday16:33
xapantuok, I didn't think to that ^^16:33
xapantuSo, a user spammed our japanese translation, and we would like to remove it, is there a nice way ? or we must remove it by hands ?16:34
maxbxapantu: I suggest you log a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion16:39
xapantuok, I am going to do that :)16:39
xapantuThanks :)16:39
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jderoseI'm trying a source package recipe and got this failure: "dpkg-source: error: can't build with source format '3.0 (quilt)': no orig.tar file found" under maverick, but build worked on lucid.22:33
jderosebuild log is here: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59379869/buildlog.txt.gz22:33
charlie-tcajderose: support for Natty only here22:44
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jderosecharlie-tca: not sure i follow. do you mean a should be asking on another channel?22:45
charlie-tcaIf you are asking about lucid/maverick, then yes22:45
charlie-tcaPerhaps #ubuntu , which is support for all versions except Natty22:46
charlie-tcaNever mind. My mistake22:46
jderosecharlie-tca: this isn't an Ubuntu issue, it's a PPA issue...22:46
charlie-tcaYeah, I see that now. I am on the wong channel22:46
charlie-tcajderose: sorry, didn't mean to upset things22:47
wgrantjderose: Source package recipes don't support orig.tar.gz files at the moment. dpkg in Lucid and earlier falls back to a native package, but Maverick's doesn't.23:24
wgrantjderose: You'll need to change the format to 3.0 (native) and manually apply any patches you need.23:25
jderosewgrant: okay, thanks!23:25
jderosewgrant: one more question. so will recipes automatically run ./autogen.sh?23:26
wgrantjderose: Recipes do whatever debian/rules says.23:27
jderosewgrant: so a recipe would need different rules for building from upstream branch vs a release tarball, correct? (FYI, I'm a little autotools dumb)23:29
wgrantjderose: Probably, yes.23:29
wgrantYay autotools.23:29
jderoseor something like that :)23:29

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