
kjcoleAnother late night at work. Tomorrow I'll be at OLPC Learning Club in the morning, and POSSIBLY the Beginner Python Sprint at Radio Free Asia in the afternoon.  Then, if I'm not dead yet, Taste of India.02:14
edrzoh. right. python sprint thing ... hmm. guess it's mostly over by now.18:49
edrzanyone else planning on TOI tonight?18:49
kjcoleLooking unlikely that I'll make Taste in any timely fashion...20:55
bcurtiswxim in western PA.. no way I make it20:59
macowhatcha doin in my stomping grounds?20:59
bcurtiswxim in nothern western PA... west of coudersport PA at my fiancee's relatives21:00
kjcoleTaste of India may be a bit sparse this evening then.  maco, wazzup w/ you?  You heading that way?21:27
macokjcole: im here23:26
macokjcole: merge wants to know if you still wanna see a movie23:26
kjcolemaco Megamind?  I'm at Gallaudet at the moment, but that sounds like fun...23:27
macohe said there was some movie you wanted to see that he couldnt remember what23:27
macooh the amount of oil in this food when he's not here... O_O23:28
kjcoleWe talked about "Megamind" and then he mentioned another, but I forget what. Wasn't something that stuck with me.23:29
macomerge is still in virginia right now. he called me a while ago to see if i was coming up to TOI and i said i was at Staples but going to head that way due to hunger, and that others were busy so probably not a meetup today, and then he mentioned movie and tried calling your house which obviously didnt work23:29
kjcoleAh. I assumed he was standing there asking.  So. Shall I call him at home, or is he bound for DC at the moment?23:30
maconot sure. ive been talking to him on his cel23:31
kjcoleI don't recall if I have his cell number handy.23:31
macosee pm23:31

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