
vinnyis this NC loco teem?01:03
mhall119it is ;)01:04
vinnycool lexington hear Kubuntu user01:05
mhall119feel free to hang out here until people are around01:05
mhall119I'm from Florida myself, but hang out in most of the south-east channels01:05
vinnyha ha .... quiet chanel?01:05
mhall119sometimes, list most loco channels there's highs and lows of activity01:06
vinnywell hear to help with what I can !!01:06
mhall119that's awesome, I know the team likes to do stuff together01:06
vinnyI'v ben using linux fore sevrall years and Kubuntu for about 2-3 so ....01:08
mhall119akgraner: holstein: either of you around?01:08
holsteinmhall119: pong :)01:08
bacvinny: check out the wiki listed in the channel topic for info about IRC meetings and real meetups.  the group is pretty active.01:08
mhall119holstein: got a new member for ya01:08
* holstein just started a theory blog :)01:09
holsteinAH, welcome vinny :)01:09
mhall119holstein: theory of what?01:10
holsteinthe musics01:10
mhall119I see, over my head (ear?)01:11
vinny:) nice to meet eveyone01:11
holsteinjust some diatonic stuff i go on and on about in #music-theory01:12
holsteinnow i can just link to that01:12
mhall119holstein: I couldn't carry a note in a bucket, as my wife says01:12
akgranermhall119, what's up?02:06
* akgraner reads backlog 02:06
akgranerHi vinny welcome!02:07
akgranervinny, what part of NC are you in?02:08
akgraneroh ok02:09
vinnysouth  of Winston .... whare you ?02:10
akgranernear asheville02:10
akgraner_marx_, and BugeyeD are in the Winston area02:10
vinnycool ....02:10
akgranerthe wnc group - has made a road trip to winston before and that was cool02:11
akgranervinny, are you active in the Kubuntu group?02:12
akgraneror have you been using Kubuntu and now are looking at contributing...just curious :-)02:12
vinnywell I'm trying to help in eny way I can02:13
akgranerI apologize if I am asking too many questions... just wanted to make sure we got you the resources to the areas you are interested in02:14
akgraners/got/get  - DOH02:14
akgranerI can't type tonight02:17
vinnyno q's are good ....I dont know how I can help just hanging out02:17
vinnytrying to see02:17
akgranerwhat are you interested in doing? developer /non-developer?02:18
akgranerdo you have questions about the communities (ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, xubuntu, etc)02:19
akgranervinny, I've been know to overwhelm people with links  - so I don't want to do that to ya :-)02:20
vinnyI use Kubuntu so prob non dev ...I'm not THAT good02:22
akgraneryou don't have to answer now - but as you think of things or if you read something and wonder what is that? etc just ask in here and we'll do our best to get you information or point you in the right direction02:22
akgranervinny, you don't have to be a developer to contribute in the communities  - so I bet you are more technical than you think :-)02:23
vinnyI know a thing or 2 ;) but dont know how to contrb. exept hanging out in forums and ansering what qqQQQQ02:25
vinnyI can02:25
vinny Q's02:25
akgranerhey that's a great start02:33
akgranerI need to finish a couple of things tonight - but please ask questions in the channel as most folks here can help ya out...02:35
akgranerI'll be back in the channel hanging out tomorrow night for a little while as well...02:36
vinnysorey my net drops off now and then..........02:38
holsteini still cant do KDE02:40
vinnywhat do you mean?02:40
holsteincant use it02:40
holsteindont like it02:40
holsteintheres a great audio distro02:40
holsteini use the PPA02:41
holsteinreally cool guy cranking out some great packages for ubuntu02:41
holsteinid like to use it, but i cant get into KDE02:41
holsteini used to use it02:41
vinnyHummm never herd of it02:41
holsteinback at 3.something02:41
holsteinmepis with KDE02:42
holsteinthen i got antiX running02:42
holsteinfluxbox on mepis02:42
holsteinsince then, i just got really comfortable with gnome02:42
holsteinand dont like change ;)02:42
holsteinKDE looks slick though02:42
holsteini want to like it02:42
holsteinits just laziness02:42
holsteini cant find what im looking for02:43
holsteinand i just log out and back into gnome02:43
vinnyit works well for me .....but I like Gnome 2 :)02:43
holsteinim not sure if i like gnome really02:44
holsteini just know it02:44
vinnyand fluxbox and xfce4 and ldxe ....depending on the hardware02:44
vinnyKDE works well hear02:44
holsteinOH, is that not what you run?02:45
vinnyO yes KDE is what I usualey run02:45
vinnybut I can load flux or some others02:46
vinnyI even like XBMC02:46
holsteini need to look at that again02:53
vinnyit prity cool as a media player02:56
holsteini set one up recently02:56
holsteinnot really using it yet02:56
holsteinBUT i ended up going with gnome ;)02:57
vinnyO well XBMC will run in eney window manager02:57
vinnydisplay manager02:57
holsteini run something like that02:58
holsteinboxee i think?02:58
holsteinsomething that takes over like XBMC does02:58
holsteinits not working out though02:58
holsteindoesnt get a good spouse approval rating02:58
vinnyXBMC will run as a window/program or is bootable/loginable03:00
holsteinive never used it bootable03:01
holsteinmaybe in a distro live03:01
vinnyme eather :)         just as a login or a program/player03:01
vinnyas a login it uses varey little resorses though and is varey visual :)03:03
vinnyIE: cool efects03:04
vinnyHumm just looking at KXstudio.......looks neet03:09
holsteinyeah its really amazing03:10
holsteinVERY nice looking03:10
holsteinbut the work the guy does03:10
holsteincustom packages and extras03:10
holsteinquite nice03:10
vinnymite throw it in the spar HD and give it a spinn03:10
vinnyyou use it a loght?03:11
holsteinwe are absorbing some of it with ubuntustudio03:11
holsteinvinny: i only test it really03:11
holsteinBUT i use the PPA03:11
holsteinwith normal ubuntustudio03:11
holsteinso i get access to the packages03:11
vinnyO the we are absorbing some of it with ubuntustudio uses it?03:12
vinnyubuntustudio uses it?03:12
holsteinthe pulse to jack packages03:12
holsteinand i bet some of the ideas in general03:12
holsteinJACK starting at boot03:13
holsteinthat is being discussed03:13
vinnyAA I see03:13
holsteini used to use it03:13
holsteinfor a while03:13
holsteinthats me :)03:13
holsteintop left03:13
holsteinbut i couldnt get into KDE03:13
holsteini pretty much use it though03:14
holsteinGXstudio :)03:14
vinnynice set up in the link's pick03:16
holsteini got a different box now03:16
holsteincouple acutally03:16
holsteinthe silver one up there is the mediacenter box i used03:17
holsteina P4 with a gig of ram03:17
holsteini got a nice dual core 64bit machine for recovering some data for a guy03:17
holsteinthat has been my main studio rig for a few months now03:17
holsteinnice quiet case03:18
vinnythe one I'm on right now is a P4 HT 3.0Ghz 2 Gig RAM intel 915 onbord GPU KDE-4.5.103:19
vinnyfull KDM 3D cube and all :)03:19
holsteini was totally cool with the p403:20
holsteinbut im enjoying having a 64bit install of ubuntustudio03:20
holsteinand its noticably peppier03:20
holsteini need to get some ram03:20
holsteinits only got 3gb03:20
holsteinand thats not ideal03:20
holsteinwith the 64bit install03:20
vinnynaw you want at least 8 :)03:21
vinnyhe he03:21
vinnyfor my living room box the above is OK I guess03:22
holsteini would say so03:22
vinnyI was just happy I moved up frome he 700Mhz-CPU 383-RAM box I had03:23
holsteinthe box i use most of the time is an EEEpc03:24
holstein900mhz one03:24
vinnyand befor that a 180Mhz-CPU 90-RAM box03:24
holsteini think i finally threw all that memory out that i had03:25
vinnyI had slacware runing on that at one time03:25
holsteini need to try that again too03:25
holsteini had a VBOX install03:25
holsteinbut i need to put it on metal03:26
vinnyit's good if you don't mind spending a month hammering it into submition03:26
vinnyrock soled after that03:27
holsteini got that impression03:27
holsteinthe guy i knew that was running it03:27
holsteinfor audio03:27
holsteinis using KX now03:27
holsteinits just too easy not to try it out03:28
holsteinand its slick03:28
holsteinbut not slack03:28
vinnythe web page looked good for it...... KX03:28
vinnyI think I will DL i03:28
vinnythen VBox it and mabey HD it03:29
holsteinit runs live pretty good too AFAIK03:29
vinnyDLing 10.04.2 liveDVD now :)03:32
holsteintheres a channel03:33
holsteinfalktx is the dev03:33
vinnyseems to be a channel for every one .....he he03:36
Sgiomlaireachdhowes the pxe boot going holstein04:46
* holstein hasnt had time04:46
holsteindidnt do anything more with it04:46
holsteinmight be a holiday activity04:46
holsteinprobaby the week after04:47
Sgiomlaireachdya i have not worked on mine eather today i was writing more scripts to control my VM's on freebsd04:47
Sgiomlaireachdalright will i got to get up early for a meeting tomorrow have a good night everyone04:47
holsteinSgiomlaireachd: GN :)04:48
holsteinelterco: morning :)14:29
holstein^^ local dev here in asheville15:09

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