
Chipacastatik: if that plan fails, I'll be looking for help in getting our own libmozjs packaged for this... as otherwise we won't fit on the cd00:01
intraderbeuno, pardon the delay, I did not see your answer. I locate 'Ubuntu Oe...' . This opens a preferences dialog,, in the Services I click on checkbox for Files and say Close. I don't see anything in 'Places'00:07
Chipacaintrader: hi00:09
Chipacaintrader: what's the issue?00:09
Chipacaintrader: beuno is probably afk, or *should* be00:09
* Chipaca looks at beuno00:09
Chipacaintrader: he's been sprinting for a week solid00:09
Chipacaintrader: for some upgrade paths, you won't have an Ubuntu One folder in Places00:10
Chipacaintrader: if that is your case, you can easily add it00:10
intraderChipaca, I like to share one file. I found Ubuntu One inside Places->Home00:10
Chipacaintrader: you're in maverick?00:10
Chipacaintrader: when you say "share", do you mean publish so anybody with the link and a web browser can find it, or share with a single person so they get it in their ubuntu one?00:11
intraderChipaca, yes, I have taken the file and moved it to the Ubuntu One folder. And I want the latter, just for me on all my laptops.00:12
Chipacaintrader: ah! so that's not sharing, that's syncing :)00:13
Chipacaintrader: if you sign in with the same ubuntu one account on all laptops, you'll have it everywhere00:13
Chipacaintrader: is that what you want?00:13
intraderChipaca, I stand corrected :). The problem is that on the other computer, when I synchronize tomboy notes, the synchronization fails and I loose one of the files with duplicate on the second laptop.00:15
Chipacaintrader: files and tomboy notes use completely separate methods of synchronization00:15
Chipacaintrader: you shouldn't be having the issues you're having with tomboy, but even with that, you should be able to sync a file between computers :)00:16
intraderChipaca, I thought ubuntu one would work on both. I will try the file  Further about tomboy, after the synchonize, tomboy does not start all the time. If I am lucky, I will see the yello folder with notes that are local, nothing synchronized.00:18
Chipacaintrader: oh :(00:21
Chipacaintrader: now is past EOW for practically the whole team; could you contact us next week about your tomboy issues?00:21
intraderChipaca, what is EDW :(00:23
intraderChipaca, the second computer's ubuntu folder ->Shared with me, is empty.00:26
Chipacaintrader: EOW is end-of-week00:26
Chipacaintrader: ok, let's debug this. Can you tell me the name of the file on the computer where it is?00:26
intraderChipaca, so kind willing to hang around. I have been able to see the file on second computer by saying in the Ubuntu Preferences->Services chek the files checkbox.. I will verify if it updated.00:32
intraderChipaca, the update from the second laptop is not in the first computer. something not working.00:35
Chipacaintrader: ok. what is the output of "u1sdtool -s" on each?00:36
intraderChipaca, command not found. Do I need to install something?00:38
Chipacaintrader: ubuntuone-client00:39
intraderChipaca, it must be a python thing - before the Command not found it tells me something about 'Command 'olsdtool' from package etc.... How do I write this00:40
Chipacaintrader: not sure how you don't have that; no wonder file synchronizing is behaving strangely for you :)00:40
Chipacaintrader: u1sdtool is u-one-sdtool, not u-ell-sdtool, right?00:41
intraderChipaca, when I type `ubuntuone-client ulsdtool -s` it tells me that ubuntuone-client not a command00:42
Chipacaintrader: try "u1sdtool -s"; make sure you write u1sdtool and not ulsdtool00:42
intraderChipaca, on the second computer I go to the ubuntu one preferences, and in Services I check on Files. Then I see the update in computer one.00:43
Chipacaintrader: stop checking and unchecking that; just leave it checked (for now at least)00:44
Chipacaintrader: make sure it is checked on both computers00:45
intraderChipaca, ah, on first computer what I get is 'connection: with user with Network\nldescription: processing queues\nlis_connected: True\nis_error:False\nis_online:True\nqueues:IDLE00:45
Chipacaintrader: and that in the Devices tab of ubuntuone-preferences, the entry for your computer says it's connected00:45
Chipacaintrader: excellent00:45
Chipacaintrader: and in the second one?00:45
intraderChipaca, on the second computer nothing, only the pythonesque 'Command not found' with something about the namespace ubutuone-client00:47
Chipacaintrader: could you copy the whole thing to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ?00:48
intraderChipaca, the stuff that I sent with \ns?00:49
Chipacaintrader: no, the one that failed00:50
Chipacaintrader: u1sdtool, not ulsdtool :)00:54
intraderChipaca, I don't see the difference00:55
Chipacaintrader: u-one-sdtool versus u-ell-sdtool00:56
intraderChipaca, the l end the one show the same here on terminal's font00:57
Chipacaintrader: yeah... add 'look for a better monospaced font' to your to-do list :)00:58
intraderChipaca, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/53444600:59
Chipacaintrader: that's still an ell, not a one01:00
intraderChipaca, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/53444801:00
Chipacaintrader: ok, wait a few seconds and try again01:00
intraderChipaca, same01:01
Chipacacan you check whether "files" is checked in ubuntuone-preferences?01:02
intraderChipaca, i broough up the dialog for Ubuntu One Preferences and turned one Service --->Files, and I get same output as in computer one01:03
Chipacaintrader: could you pastebin this output?01:05
intraderChipaca, on computer two I open the file and update it, on computer one I attempt to open, it tells me computer one has it locked ---> we are getting somewhere01:05
Chipacaintrader: yay01:06
Chipacaintrader: I deduce this is an openoffice file :)01:06
intraderChipaca,  once I exit the spradsheet in computer two, I can open on computer one. Of course it is openoffice!01:07
Chipacaintrader: excellent then01:07
intraderChipaca, the Ubuntu One note in tomboy describes something different from what I see. Services does not have Tomboy Notes01:09
intraderChipaca, sorry "Tomboy Web" instead01:09
intraderChipaca, how secured is this stuff in ubuntu one?01:10
Chipacaintrader: the file sync is done over ssl, and the file name and ownership information is physically separate from the file data itself, but the file data is not encrypted in storage01:11
intraderChipaca, shall we adjourn ? I need to go to the Apple store. Thanks so much for your help!01:12
Chipacaintrader: cheers01:12
KoterpillarHow do I move ~/Ubuntu\ One to another place?09:55
Koterpillar? ?10:32
duanedesignyou can not move the Ubutnu One folder. But you can sync any folder in your home directory10:33
kklimondahola duanedesign, how are you today? :)10:34
duanedesignhey kklimonda10:34
KoterpillarToo bad. I keep directories name lowercase, everything else is changed in user-dirs.dirs...10:34
duanedesignkklimonda: i am fdoing good10:35
kklimondait's not really something that can be added to10:35
kklimondathat can be added to user-dirs.dirs10:35
KoterpillarI know10:35
kklimonda(as the content of this file is defined by freedesktop.org)10:35
Koterpillarthanks... I guess subscribing to #392583 is as good as I can get now :(10:39
kklimondabug 39258310:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 392583 in ubuntuone-client "move ubuntuone default location (affects: 7) (heat: 7)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39258310:40
kklimondalooks like it, youcan also click on affects me too10:40
duanedesignkklimonda: you are in poland?10:40
kklimondaduanedesign: yes, I am10:44
duanedesignkklimonda: was just looking at a map of the next UDS location (budapest)10:46
duanedesignyou and rye will not have far to go :)10:46
kklimondayes, it's just around the corner :)10:47
kklimondamuch nicer than the 16 hours long flight10:47
kklimondaand in the same timezone10:47
duanedesigni have never been on a flight that long10:48
kklimondawell, it was the sum of two flights and waiting in between10:48
duanedesignI really want to make the next UDS though. I have always wanted to visit europe10:48
kklimondahope to see you in few months then :)10:49
duanedesignkklimonda: how is your coding coming along10:50
kklimondaduanedesign: I'm preparing first merge of couchdb-glib for tomorrow, I hope to get rest of them ready by the end of the week.10:50
kklimondaI got my gnome git account so I can work on it directly \o/10:52
duanedesigni think i got my bug fixed in CLI Companion. I ned to get caught up. Got lots of 'anxious' users10:57
duanedesignsometimes i think users forget a lot of this software is free and created by volunteers. I got an email from a user who threatened to 'no longer use my product' lol10:58
kklimondaMaybe they should consider paying you for fixing it ;)11:01
duanedesigni am glad peple have found the software useful11:03
kklimondasure, it's always nice to know that what you write is something others find useful.11:04
duanedesignor they can fix it themselves11:04
kklimondaI'd actually prefer people paying me for fixing bugs than sending fixes themselves ;)11:04
duanedesignand thhat they find it useful enough that they write me an email demanding bug fixes and new features11:05
kklimondaheh, something is broken if they demand bug fixes and new features but don't put the money where their mouth is.11:06
kklimondawhich reminds me that I haven't had time to work on my feed reader for days :/11:08
* duanedesign nods11:10
duanedesigni have been meaning to get back to developing Stipple. I put it on the back burner while Couch replication was down11:11
kklimondasome of it is superseeded by OneConf, right?11:11
kklimondafor example "list of installed applications"11:11
duanedesignkklimonda: yes it was11:12
duanedesignkklimonda: so what i did was make it plug in based11:12
duanedesignthat wat i could pull and add features11:12
kklimondahow did you do empathy logs?11:13
kklimondaI have quite a lot of code for telepathy-logger written11:13
kklimondaah, you sync files with logs11:13
kklimondaI've written a couchdb backend for telepathy-logger11:13
kklimondagot stuck on getting avatar pictures and full name of contacts in telepathy-logger window, looks like the API was lacking :/11:14
kklimondaand I'll have to rewrite quite a lot of code now that I've refactored couchdb-glib.. blah.11:14
duanedesigni started a project to put all my irssi (IRC) logs into couchdb11:16
duanedesignand then create a viewer to search and read them11:16
duanedesigni got the firsst part done...but havent completed the viewer11:17
duanedesigni have a folder full of half finished applications :P11:20
kklimondaI know the problem :)11:21
kklimondaI have quite a few ideas for nice applications11:21
kklimondabut not nearly enough time (and skills) to write most of them11:22
kklimondanow I'd like to finish couchdb-glib, telepathy-logger for couchdb and my news reader..11:22
duanedesignkklimonda: what is the news reader name?11:23
* duanedesign goes to get breakfast11:27
kklimondaduanedesign: kangaroo11:39
kklimondaduanedesign: btw, where do you live?11:51
kklimondaisn't it somewhere in US?11:52
kklimondaah, right - it's around 8am there?11:52
duanedesignkklimonda: Tulsa, oklahoma (U.S.)12:22

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