
ScottLTheMuso, persia: just to keep you informed, i tried to germinate but it had trouble finding a bzr branch16:37
ScottLturns out the build failed last night because of a rogue 'audio' seed being listed16:38
ScottLcolin has already fixed that one, but i am going to grep the rest of the seeds to make sure no more 'audio' seeds are left to break the build16:38
ScottLon the morrow i will try to ./update again16:39
ScottLthis was the error i got:17:12
ScottL* Fetching branch of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.natty/17:12
ScottLsh: bzr: not found17:12
ScottL* Fetching branch of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.natty/17:12
ScottLsh: bzr: not found17:12
ScottL! Could not open STRUCTURE from checkout of (any of):17:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:12
ScottL!   http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.natty17:12
ScottL!   http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.natt17:12
TheMusoI'll have a look.20:45
TheMusoAt the metapackage.20:45
TheMusoScottL: In the metapackge, edit update.cfg and change all instances of maverick to natty.20:46
ScottLTheMuso, i already had before trying the ./update21:05
TheMusohrm ok then21:07
ScottLbut i will check it again, to make sure it didn't type something silly, like "natt" for instance ;)21:08
TheMusoheh ok21:09
ScottLTheMuso, my update.cfg -> http://pastebin.com/7dF07bKZ21:18
ScottLbut i didn't see any obvious errors21:18
TheMusohrm ok.21:29
TheMusoNo idea then.21:29
TheMusokinda busy with other things atm so can't take a good look.21:29
=== detrate` is now known as detrate
ScottLTheMuso, no problem, i need to make two more changes to the seeds to fix some other 'audio' references tonight, and hopefully the iso image will build tonight21:46
ScottLi'll try the ./update again tomorrow morning21:46
ScottLif that doesn't work, then i'll start worrying ;)21:46
ScottLbut i suppose i should also send a nice note to colin for fixing my mistakes22:27
persiaScottL, I just ran germinate with your update.cfg successfully.  Did you also update debian/control to match the new model?23:02
ScottLpersia, not properly i realize now23:25
ScottLpersia, would leaving out either ubuntustudio-generation or ubuntustudio-recording cause the ./update to fail?23:26
* ScottL is feeling very unintelligent throughout this process23:26

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