
=== marker_ is now known as m4rker
holsteinmorning :)15:08
mynameisdeletedI looked at sourceforges eos-movierec and tried it from my mac(also runs on linux and I have ubuntu machines)15:11
mynameisdeletedit looks like full hd 1080p h264 stream studio quality over usb15:11
mynameisdeletedat blu-ray datarate15:11
mynameisdeletedmuch better than a real webcam15:11
mynameisdeletedand I have it already for photography and recording videos to card15:11
mynameisdeletedlike that setup15:12
mynameisdeletedI was wondering if I could turn that into a webcam15:12
mynameisdeletedor live streaming cam easilly15:12
mynameisdeletedand if there were tools to support blue-screen and video path mixing live in ubuntu15:12
mynameisdeletedI was also wondering about computer-controlled light dimmers15:13
mynameisdeletedI like how jackd works15:14
mynameisdeletedI'd like to mix live video with video-game/opengl program output15:14
holsteini know green-screen is possible15:14
holsteinive seen some examples15:14
* holstein is an audio guy15:15
mynameisdeletedyou have a source code example of live greenscreen from "webcam"?15:15
holsteini dont know about that hardware15:15
holsteinBUT if its USB15:15
holsteinplug it in15:15
holsteinand see :)15:15
mynameisdeletedit appears to be a digital camera15:15
mynameisdeletedbut that software can capture a live h264 stream in linux15:15
holsteinmynameisdeleted: i have seen sample videos15:15
holsteinmade with linux15:15
mynameisdeletedI'm thinking live15:15
holsteinusing green screen15:16
holsteinim not sure about h.26415:16
holsteini think thats an option though15:16
holsteindepends on the application i suppose15:16
mynameisdeletedpipe to mencoder for new format15:17
mynameisdeletedmencoder can pipe from most file pipes15:24
mynameisdeletedand wtih 4 ghz overclocked i715:24
mynameisdeletedyou can convert real time15:25
mynameisdeletedwithout multithread15:25
mynameisdeletedwith it it works better I think15:25
mynameisdeletedfor live video I think 6 thread 4ghz is good enough15:25
mynameisdeletedor 6 core 12 thread15:25
mynameisdeletedmaybe dual xeon 4-core15:25
mynameisdeletedbeyond that .... if you need more cpu get more boxes15:26
holsteinfor live streaming15:26
holsteinh.264 is probably over kill15:26
holsteinit seems to be quite lean15:27
mynameisdeletedI'd want blu-ray quality live streaming that can have 1 stream sent to tv station over internet15:27
holsteinBUT we got folks with some funky internet still15:27
mynameisdeletedI have 45mbps upload15:27
holsteinsure *you* do15:27
holsteinbut i have 10 down15:27
mynameisdeletedI have 45/4515:28
mynameisdeletedI love it15:28
holsteinand thats pretty high for around here15:28
mynameisdeleted4ms ping time to yahoo15:28
mynameisdeletedthere are a few parts of country where they sell gigabit internet to house15:28
holsteinmost in my neighborhood have DSL15:28
holstein1.5mb/s down15:28
mynameisdeletedfor 350 USD a month15:28
holsteinseems like youtube has or had a quailty button15:30
holsteini think if i did video streaming15:30
holsteini would use something like youtube15:30
holsteinunless it had to be live or on my local net15:30
mynameisdeletedI also have cell-phone internet iwth 5mbps upload15:32
mynameisdeletedand about 80-100ms ping15:32
mynameisdeletedwas wondering how good 1080p video could look over 4g15:33
mynameisdeletedI think its better than live satelite15:33
holsteinyou and 3 other people world wide can enjoy it ;)15:33
mynameisdeletedyeah... many satelite broadcast trucks have under 1mbps15:34
mynameisdeletedso I'd have better mobiel hd than the tv station trucks15:34
holsteinpersonally, im just fine with the quality15:34
holsteini want content15:34
virtuhi 4 all15:35
virtuwas away15:35
holsteinits 2010, and i have to wait on a plastic circle to come in the mail to watch 'dexter'15:35
holsteinvirtu: hey :)15:35
virtuHi holstein, how are you holstein?15:35
holsteinnot bad at all15:36
virtunice... =)15:36
holsteini started a theory blog last nite :)15:36
mynameisdeletedso my home ubuntu cluster has 20 cores and 30GB ram over gigabit ethernet15:36
virtulet me see it15:36
mynameisdeletedso that can hanle green-screen and mixing in 3d graphics15:36
holsteinmynameisdeleted: :)15:36
holsteinthe guy i saw doing it had a p4 i think ;)15:36
holsteinso that should do the job well15:37
virtunice blog... very clean and objetctive15:37
mynameisdeletedand private t3 can distribute to limited number of viewers blu-ray content15:37
mynameisdeletedif I need more I upload to a datacenter to re-distribute15:38
holsteinvirtu: thank-ya :)15:38
holsteini go on and on about that in #music-theory15:38
holsteinnow i can just drop that link15:39
mynameisdeletedI got 6 local bands willing to do live broadcasts and wanting me to do video recordings fo their concerts15:39
mynameisdeletedplan on making music videso too15:39
holsteinthats great15:39
mynameisdeletedkdenlive is the best tool for editing?15:39
holsteinmynameisdeleted: i would hit up the email list15:40
holsteini tried several15:40
holsteinand i forget which one i landed on15:40
mynameisdeletedmy macbook has finalcut pro but that is inefficient compared to kdenlive and my ubuntu boxes are much faster15:40
holsteinive used avidmuex before15:40
holsteinyeah, i suppose final-cut is just stupid simple or something15:41
mynameisdeletedimovie is15:41
holsteinOH, and it has the apple on it15:41
mynameisdeletedfinalcut is a pro level tool15:41
mynameisdeletedhbo uses finalcut with $40k video rigs15:41
mynameisdeletedor more15:41
holsteinthats what they use around here15:42
holsteinwe have a local station15:42
mynameisdeletedand all their shows take multiple computers overnight15:42
holsteinand they have final cut rigs15:42
mynameisdeletedI'd like a jackd equivelant for video to become a linux standard15:43
mynameisdeletedmost professional audio software for linux uses jack15:43
mynameisdeletedand can be routed however15:44
mynameisdeletedI set all audio outputs to use jack as backend15:44
holsteinfalktx is doing some great work with KXstudio15:44
mynameisdeletedso I have full control of all sound on all programs15:44
holsteinjack was auto starting for a while15:44
holsteini think it still is15:44
holsteinyou login, and JACK is up and running :)15:44
mynameisdeletedif I make mod to that(I have my own jack autostart and config scripts)15:45
mynameisdeletedI'll make a video pipe program15:45
mynameisdeletedthat has green-screen and blue-screen plugin15:45
mynameisdeletedand can use blu-ray, dvd, webcam, a program window or anythign like that for video15:46
mynameisdeletedthat can be routed15:46
mynameisdeletedif I get somethign very primitive that organizes that and lets me have mplayer module for conversion15:46
mynameisdeletedand video streaming output control nicely15:46
mynameisdeletedand mix 2 video streams and bluescreenfor start15:46
mynameisdeletedand can appear to be a webcam device for anythign that requires a "webcam"15:47
mynameisdeletedI guess there is a fork of jakcd that can route video15:48
mynameisdeletedbut no programs for it15:48
holsteinnot that i know of15:48
mynameisdeletedand handling bw is much more critical15:48
holsteinyou should query the email list though15:48
holsteinand see15:48
holsteini dont do video15:48
holsteinwell, very rarely15:48
virtuit's not easy play dream theater on piano16:37
holsteinis that a tune?16:38
holsteinhttp://www.dreamtheater.net/ ??16:39
virtudream theater? a band[16:40
virtua band.. a great band16:40
virtuhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opq72hDWHt4 this one I am trying16:41
holsteinhey http://www.dreamtheater.net/disco_books.php16:42
holsteinthats pretty cool16:42
mynameisdeletedhows 15C/59F for a cpu core temp?16:42
virtuhttp://www.dreamtheater.net/disco_books.php?s=sfam this album is great16:42
mynameisdeleteddoes that make the case 10C/50F?16:43
mynameisdeletedand the refrigerated fluid?16:43
virtubut hat music boot is only for guitar16:43
mynameisdeleted(liquid refrigerator cooled at 4 ghz)16:43
virtu15c for a cpu core temp I think its nice16:43
holsteinyou could get by playing G F# D in the right hand16:43
holsteinand playing the bass notes with the left16:44
holsteinin ocvates16:44
virtuI got the piano sheet holstein16:44
virtunow, just have to pratice16:44
holsteinim just saying that would be a simplificationa16:44
virtubut you are right... all music is on G F# D16:44
holsteinim just saying that would be a simplification *16:44
virtusure =)16:45
virtuthere are some measures that I dont play all notes... just the ones that sound great and easy to play...16:45
holsteinyou can put them in later :)16:46
holsteinif you want16:46
virtuafter that, when my hands are already trained..16:46
virtuthat what I was writing =D16:46
virtuI set my piano to a pop piano sound and insert a litlle delay16:46
virturock piano is the sound that I set16:47
holsteini have a rock piano ;)16:47
holsteinold CP-8016:47
holsteinyamaha electric grand16:47
virtuit sounds very near with Jordan Rudess keyboard16:47
virtuJordan Rudess a.k.a Dream Theater keyboarder16:48
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virtu_OFFhave to go16:53
virtu_OFFbye for all16:53
virtu_OFFnice weekend16:54
ventrikHas Wacom ever come back?22:14
holsteinventrik: hmmm22:25
holsteini have an old white wacom22:25
holsteinand i tested it with lucid22:25
holsteinseemed like it worked22:25
ventrikI meant the user22:46
holsteinnah, havent seen Wacom ;)22:48
mugwort13what kind of program would someone use the make a keyboard controller make sounds like a keyboard one would buy?23:22
holsteinwhat are you looking for?23:23
holsteina software synthesiser?23:23
holsteinyou can control with a MIDI controller?23:23
mugwort13Yes, I believe so23:23
holsteinany idea what kind of sounds you are looking for?23:23
holsteinthere are soundfont players23:24
holsteinand im less familiar with the other kind23:24
mugwort13any sounds, really.  I have a radium 61 that is collecting dust.23:24
holsteinthere are standalone synths23:24
holsteinseveral that are organs...23:24
holsteindssi plugins too23:25
holsteinmugwort13: i...'23:27
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virtuI am back23:47

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