
alketI installed a theme from Desktop Theme > Get more themes, but how do i activate it ?00:21
vinnyalket: is it showing in the theme window you installed it from00:22
vinnycheck ~/.kde/share/apps/aurorae/themes/  and see if it's thare but still pact up00:26
vinnyor ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/00:27
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SirLeehow do i use this?00:49
SirLeeim new and just dled00:49
SirLeeI just built a new computer, and have been trying to install kubuntu 10.10 with no success.  It gets through the install and asks to reboot, once i do it doesnt load, the screen just goes black.  Can anyone help?00:53
vinnySirLee: did you install grub?00:55
SirLeeummm no.  To be honest im really new to this00:55
SirLeei worked with a fresh install, no OS on at the time00:55
SirLeeI downloaded Kubuntu from their site and made a boot disk00:56
vinny1 HD 2 .....00:56
SirLee2 HDDs00:56
SirLeeone solid state00:56
vinnyok hold00:57
vinnyof the 2 HD's is the solid state the primary and the other for storage00:59
SirLeethe solid state was strictly for boot01:00
SirLeeother HDD for storage01:00
vinnysize of the primary01:00
SirLeeeventually im going to dual boot so i customed the partitions when i did the kubuntu install01:01
vinnyas long as on the end of the install prosess last page or just befor thars an advanced box to check01:02
SirLeeat the end of the install process it asked me to reboot01:03
vinnyand you must install grub to the MBR of the primary boot drive usualey /sda01:03
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vinnyno I mean the installer befor it acualey starts to install01:04
SirLeemy boot was sdb not sda01:04
SirLeesdb was the 128GB SSD01:04
vinnyand thats the drive the BIOS considers the primary boot device?01:05
SirLeeim...not sure01:05
SirLeehow do i go about checking that?01:06
SirLeein the bios01:06
vinnycheck it ....enter the BIOS setings and see ...try booting the other drive01:06
vinnymabey grub went thare01:07
SirLeeim not sure waht grub is though to be honest01:07
SirLeei never dealt with it in the install01:07
SirLeei dont recall01:07
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:08
SirLeeoh wow!01:08
SirLeeok ok01:09
SirLeeit was trying to boot from my storage HDD01:09
SirLeenot the SSD01:09
SirLeei switched them around so the SSD was the primary and it booted!01:09
SirLeei never would have thought of that had you not mentioned it01:09
SirLeethank you01:09
SirLeemy windows  7 ulti never came in mail yet so i decided to start by installing kubuntu first01:11
ertrteHey everyone01:11
SirLeeive been itching to try this new comp i built01:11
SirLeethank you so much01:11
SirLeenow all i gotta do is start figuring out how to use linux and kubuntu! :) first timer01:12
ertrteAnyone know how to share home directory with rest of network vmware fusion os x01:12
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draikHello all. I'm trying to setup SSH keys onto my server, but I keep getting prompted for the passphrase that I setup. Is there a way to not be prompted for the passphrase? Maybe a step that I'm overlooking.04:15
Alarmgoodmorning , i got a small problem with my touchpad on my laptop. although every time i do disable it and use my mouse, on each reboot its being activated again. this was not happening with previous versions of kubuntu , i use maverick08:19
BactaHi guys08:43
BactaI'm banned from all the #ubuntu channels so I thought I would give things a try here08:43
sfearsBacta, why are you banned?08:48
Bactasfears: For insinuating that the next release of Ubuntu would be called "Masturbating Monkey"08:54
BactaApparently the Ubuntu community don't appreciate Torvald's work or humour08:58
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roxyi have a fetish for programmers..is there a way to fix that?09:21
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oysteris there an ubuntu kernel package with group scheduling patch applied?09:57
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gr8m8oyster: there's supposed to be a way to use it with the present kernel you have by adding a few lines to bashrc - have a google10:04
oystergr8m8: thanks:)10:04
oysterstill i think about compiling my own kernel(presently - 2.6.36) is there a good and not-that-old guide?10:05
gr8m8oyster: and this is why it is not a good idea for everyday users - http://ck-hack.blogspot.com/2010/11/create-task-groups-by-tty-comment.html10:10
oystergr8m8: thanks again10:19
sunny_sllshi all10:20
sunny_sllsi have version 10.10 installed10:21
sunny_sllsi have added backports too10:21
sunny_sllsbut still it shows kdelibs version 4.5.110:21
sunny_sllswhile i wan't kdelibs 4.5.8010:21
sunny_sllshow can iget it10:21
sunny_sllsplease help10:21
=== ubuntu_ is now known as sorbanos
sorbanoshi all10:23
sorbanosi need help10:23
gr8m8sunny_slls: try asking in #kde they might know10:23
sorbanosafter few tweaks i reboot my laptop and now either touchpad nor keyboard doesn't work10:24
sorbanosi can't login to my system10:24
gr8m8sorbanos: from a tty you could move ~/.kde to ~/.kde.bak and try again10:24
sorbanosmy laptop is HP Pavilion DV5 and kubuntu 10.1010:24
Peace-sorbanos: try with a live cd10:25
sorbanosbut i can't switch to condole10:25
Peace-sorbanos: ok lets to read this10:25
sorbanosyeah i'm using live now10:25
rascranasinghayes try the live10:25
Peace-sorbanos: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/10/31/try-to-fix-your-kubuntu-box-with-kernel-recovery/10:25
oystersorbanos: u can mount your / partition from liveCD and do what gr8m8 said;)10:25
Peace-sorbanos:  but do only the thing to get the terminal10:26
Peace-sorbanos: remove the $HOME/.kde10:26
Peace-sorbanos: rename the $HOME/.kde10:26
sorbanosPeace-: i've already done this few times and my keyboard don't work10:27
sorbanosoh and when i'm in recovery system hangs out10:28
gr8m8ok so what were the tweaks you did sorbanos10:28
Peace-sorbanos: selectiing another kernel?10:28
sorbanosi've got only one 2.6.3210:28
Peace-sorbanos: and what did you do before kid10:28
oysterhow do i upgrade to kubuntu 10.10?10:29
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:29
sorbanosi was trying to speedup my kubuntu10:29
Peace-sorbanos: how10:29
Peace-what does it mean?10:29
gr8m8let him type10:29
sorbanoswith this BFS Scheduler10:29
sorbanosi must say that when i've done10:30
Peace-sorbanos: i don't understand what you did10:30
Peace-so no help ... explain better10:31
gr8m8on one line pls sorbanos don't hit enter so much :)10:31
sorbanosok i will try10:31
Peace-why people do thing out of the wiki ?10:32
sorbanosthere is a way to speed up reaction time, to do this i've downloaded packages deb with linux headers 2.6.36 but my kernel was 2.6.32 and i 'can't install those package10:33
rascranasinghamust have been inviting10:33
Peace-omg omg10:33
sorbanosso i've try to edit this manualy10:34
Peace-sorbanos: this is the worse thing you could do10:34
Peace-now.. what did you edit?10:34
sorbanosand i've done this "sudo gedit /etc/rc.local" then "mkdir -p /dev/cgroup/cpu10:34
sorbanos mount -t cgroup cgroup /dev/cgroup/cpu -o cpu10:34
sorbanos mkdir -m 0777 /dev/cgroup/cpu/user10:34
sorbanos echo "/usr/local/sbin/cgroup_clean" > /dev/cgroup/cpu/release_agent"10:34
sorbanosand that in bashrc "if [ "$PS1" ] ; then10:35
sorbanos mkdir -p -m 0700 /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/$$ > /dev/null 2>&110:35
sorbanos echo $$ > /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/$$/tasks10:35
sorbanos echo "1" > /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/$$/notify_on_release10:35
sorbanos fi10:35
sorbanos Tworzymy teraz ostatni już plik:10:35
sorbanos 10:35
Peace-o jesus10:35
sorbanos sudo gedit /usr/local/sbin/cgroup_clean10:35
sorbanos Wklejamy do niego:10:35
sorbanos 10:35
sorbanos #!/bin/sh10:35
sorbanos rmdir /dev/cgroup/cpu/$*"10:35
Peace-sorbanos: now...10:35
Peace-sorbanos: you have ruin your distro10:35
sorbanoswhat ?!?!10:36
Peace-sorbanos: i think you can easly reinstall it :) instead to understand the sick things you have doen10:36
gr8m8that's not the bfs patch - that's the hack for ppl that have multiple cores working flat out all the time - silly thing for regular users to do10:36
Peace-gr8m8: xD10:36
Peace-sorbanos: want speed up kubuntu ?10:37
sorbanosthat was my intention10:37
Peace-sorbanos: first reinstall it10:37
gr8m8it's not unfixable10:37
Peace-gr8m8: i will not stay here reading what he made10:37
Peace-to understand what he did i know i am lazy :D10:38
sorbanosok reinstall and what then?10:38
Peace-sorbanos: you need of amarok ? you need of akonadi ? you need stringi ? if not i could tell ya how to disable10:38
gr8m8sorbanos: what else did you do - that won't make things not work10:38
Peace-gr8m8: leaving him to you10:39
sorbanosgr8m8: only this10:39
sorbanosnothing else10:39
sorbanosPeace-: i've had poor performance even on ati drivers10:40
Peace-sorbanos:  you had a video card problem...10:41
rascranasinghaeither way10:41
Peace-sorbanos: anyway...10:41
sorbanosPeace-: no10:41
gr8m8sorbanos: is there only kubuntu on the computer?10:41
sorbanosmy videocard works fine10:41
rascranasinghai don't think editing anything under /dev/ is wise10:41
sorbanosgr8m8: no i have Win710:41
Peace-rascranasingha: he doesn't read what he do ... so i guess he has done alots more10:41
Peace-rascranasingha: just next next fuck mydistro10:42
gr8m8sorbanos: thinking about it it will prob be way quicker to just reinstall10:42
Peace-gr8m8: +110:42
rascranasinghai'd love to help10:42
gr8m820 mins here for a reinstall10:42
rascranasinghabut i just can't get what he tried to do!10:42
gr8m8and trying to explain about chrooting might be a bit above your experience10:43
Peace-rascranasingha: a script to destroy the distro ?10:43
gr8m8rascranasingha: I posted a link earlier from webupd8 that explains what he tried10:44
rascranasinghasorbanos: it's better if you reinstall...10:44
sorbanosi'm asking is there any way to login to my system besides reinstall10:45
rascranasinghasorbanos: well your general input don't work so no10:46
gr8m8sorbanos: yes but it would be alot of work and there's no gaurentee10:46
sorbanosgr8m8: ok but why my usb mouse is working ?10:46
gr8m8sorbanos: prob something to do with the wrong version stuff you installed10:47
gr8m8I'm not sure of everything you installed/did10:47
sorbanosi've already told i've installed nothing10:48
gr8m8you installed the wrong kernel headers10:48
sorbanosonly edit those files10:48
sorbanosno i'm just downloaded them10:48
sorbanosnothing else10:48
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gr8m8sorbanos: you can mount the partition and read the syslog to check what errors there are10:50
gr8m8or just hit the install icon10:50
sorbanosreinstall doesnt teach me anything10:51
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sorbanosand i want to know why his don't work10:51
gr8m8sorbanos: mount and have a read then :)10:51
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot10:52
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Shaunlaptop and desktop are both ATi.  On desktop, every time I log in, desktop effects claims to have been disabled by another application, and I have to enable it twice for it to turn on12:00
Shaunon my laptop, this sometimes happens, but when it doesnt, and effects are on straight after login, no content in windows draw12:00
Peace-Shaun: it's a bug of your driver12:01
Peace-Shaun:  ALT F2  systemsetting12:01
Peace-go on desktop effects12:01
Peace-on advances instead of opengl you have to select xrender12:01
Peace-but it will be bad ... at least you can read then12:01
Shaunif i toggle effects off then on, it's fine12:02
Peace-i guess you should not use kwin effects your video driver is bad12:02
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Shauni can probably get away with the oss drivers for my laptop (hd4330)12:02
Shaunusing fglrx at the moment12:03
Peace-use xrender, or change driver , or don't use kwin effects12:03
Shaunis there an app like treesize for kde4?12:04
Shauni'm sure i found one and used it, but i must have dreamed it as nothing like that is installed on my system12:05
=== mike is now known as Guest34031
rethussince some tays, the shutdown-button in kde didn't work anymore.12:39
rethuscan press it, nothing happends.12:39
rethusany idea what could be wrong?12:39
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annihilatoris running a linux domain server better in 64bit?13:50
tsimpsonannihilator: if you have >4GB RAM, possibly13:57
annihilatorim running 64 bit version for kubuntu through wubi but i was not sure if staying with 64bit when i install 10.10 will be good  i have 2gb of ram13:58
annihilatorwubi auto installed 64bit for somereason....13:59
annihilatorfor 10.0413:59
farfadetBonjour a tous14:00
farfadetexcusez-moi est-ce un serveur francais s'il vous plait?14:01
=== petr is now known as pathfinder
pathfinderhi all14:02
pathfinderhow to load new theme in kub 10.10 ?14:02
farfadetSinon pouvez-vous me communiquer l'adresse d'un serveur francais merci d'avance14:02
farfadetHi all14:03
farfadetHow to update kub 10.04 in 10.10 without a dsl connection please (i'm a newbie)14:04
=== petr is now known as pathfinder
pathfinderThemes loader does not work on Kubuntu 10.10   !!!14:06
pathfinderI remove one theme... and I can not load new!14:07
pathfinderIt is big bug!14:07
James147pathfinder: which theme loader?14:07
pathfinderthemes for login screen14:07
James147pathfinder: run it as root "kdesudo kcmshell4 kdm" and try14:08
pathfinderYES... you are right ... you can't belive but you are right14:10
NJLI just did an update yesterday and when I rebooted my display 1 has the wrong height, so that when windows are maximized they go under the panel at the top of the screen14:12
NJLthe panel settings didn't change, and they're not supposed to be doing this14:12
NJLanybody have any idea what I'm supposed to look for?14:13
pathfinderBut I have deleted sefault theme ((( .  And I can not find them in big list of themes that I can download... Somebody know name of default theme for "login screen"14:13
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NJLI've figured out that since my last update, which included some X11 related packages),, I can't have windows maximized with the panel at the top of the screen, because the panel will overlap.  This is not the case if the panel is at the bottom.  Any ideas?14:27
sorbiq_gr8m8: hi u remember me and my problem?14:29
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sorbanosgr8m8: i've managed to get this to work14:30
sorbanosthis was problem with Xorg and now is working :) anyway i'd like to thank u for support14:31
NJLsorbanos: what was your problem?14:31
sorbanosoh it was unresponsive keyboard and touchpad on my HP Pavilion dv514:31
NJLIm having X issues since the last update so I was hoping it was related14:32
sorbanosNJL: no this wasn't update fault i've patched kernel with BFS patch14:33
sorbanosto get some performance14:33
NJLah ok14:34
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BluesKajhiyas all15:03
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC . The Ubuntu EeePC Channel is #ubuntu-eeepc , main EeePC discussion in #eeepc15:23
RurouniJonesHeh, now that was a lucky guess!15:23
EagleScreenwhat directory are KDE themes in?15:50
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lloowenHi all! I'm trying to set up dual boot on my pc. I have kubuntu on one partition and windowz on another. Where is the grub boot menu?! I'15:59
lloowenI'm looking in /boot/grub/ but I don't know where the menu is. There's a lot of files in there.16:00
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:01
ebrithilSorry, i'm speak french... Is there a channel for the French ?16:10
EagleScreen!fr | ebrithil16:14
ubottuebrithil: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:14
ebrithilThank you16:14
yuzyukподскажите плиз как скайп влючить, настроить, или установить в линуксе 1016:19
yuzyukбудьте человечны подскажите плиз16:20
BluesKaj!ru | yuzyuk16:29
ubottuyuzyuk: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:29
geekosopherhow do I activate typing in my local language on maverick?17:31
* Patricia freenode lixoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 17:51
* Patricia freenode corrija esse bug lixo17:52
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v3nd3tta``BluesKaj need help: i got Kubuntu 10.04 and need Java for websites in Firefox, a friend suggested install netbeans , but i don't want to dl 500 mb (on 80 kb/s) which i don't need for just executing java thingy's... what do i have to install for that?19:08
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BluesKajv3nd3tta``, install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:20
progre55hi guys. any good video recording apps? so that I could record from my webcam and save it into the comp..19:40
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DiogenesWgute nacht21:49
ByronHello all.22:29
ByronI upgraded my desktop from 10.04 to 10.10 and get "error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not found" from time to time. Some times, I can reboot and it's gone; I can login.22:30
ByronI have booted into a LiveCD and did the re-installation of GRUB2, but that hasn't fixed it this time.22:30
ByronIs there an actual fix to this issue?22:30
ArGGu^^anyone knows why I can't input ^ character in shell?23:05
ByronArGGu^^: What's the error?23:08
ArGGu^^Byron no error23:09
ArGGu^^I mean that when I try to type the ^ from keyboard it wont work in shell23:10
ArGGu^^but it work just fine in gui application23:10
ArGGu^^I can copy paste it to shell23:10
ArGGu^^but I can't type it directly from keyboard23:10
ArGGu^^on my mediacenter it works. It has lucid installed23:13
ArGGu^^on my desktop maverick and it does not work int my desktop23:13
ArGGu^^hmm in xterm it works, but not in kde4 konsole23:26
ArGGu^^so the problem must be in kde4 konsole in maverick, because it works in lucid :S23:26
ArGGu^^I noticed that it does not work in qt gui software23:31
ArGGu^^but example in firefox it works23:31
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ArGGu^^Byron you can input the "^" character just fine int qt applications?23:34
ArGGu^^And if you can do you have maverick installed?23:37
Tully2does anyone know what it takes to watch IMDB video trailers in rekonq?  I get sound but just a white box where the video should be.23:57
jmichaelxTully2: it says something about 'jw player'. no idea what that is23:59

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