
=== |Slurpee|_ is now known as |Slurpee|
=== zkriesse__ is now known as zkriesse
retkuummm, I am having a problem installing lubuntu to Fujitsu Siemens AmiloPro V2000: nothing happens after choosing "Install Ubuntu"09:06
retkuand "nothing" means desktop without panels or anything09:08
retkuand there is mouse too what I can move09:42
retkunothing else09:42
retkuI have only succeed to install ubuntu 9.04, should I try this: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce?09:53
szczur9.04 is very old and it's unsopported09:57
retkuyes but install 9.04 and then install lubuntu from it and then remove ubuntu09:59
retkui mean lubuntu09:59
retkuyes but install 9.04 and then install lubuntu from it and then remove ubuntu. Thats what i wanted to say10:00
szczuryou can install 10.04 and intall lubuntu this way too10:00
retkui could not install ubuntu 10.04 or 9.10 or 10.1010:01
retkuI dunno why10:01
szczurdoes it give any error?10:02
szczuror just fails just because it said so :)10:02
retkuyes ubuntu 10.10 gave several and 9.10 and 10.04 just went to a white/black screen10:02
retkunow I tried install lubuntu by pressing "try ubuntu" when i click "Install lubuntu" from desktop I get only desktop and mouse, every panels etc. go away10:07
retkuIs it possible to do the installation in textbased way by pressing "alt ctrl f6"?10:14
szczurretku, not from livecd10:17
szczuryou need the alternate cd or mini.iso10:17
retkubut it need internet connection?10:18
szczurnot for alternate cd10:18
szczurbut you need it for mini.iso10:18
jjovereatsIs it okizzay for me to use Compiz on Lubuntu, or would that defeat the object (it works on the dell to the right of this computer)10:19
szczurretku, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/AlternateInstall10:19
szczurjjovereats, i think it wouldn't make sense. however if you have fast PC you can do it.10:21
szczurit won't be so fast then, but still faster than gnome+compiz :)10:22
retkuszczur: so installing using alternative cd does NOT need internet connection, what I can't use?10:28
szczurretku, if internet connection is available at the time doing alternate installation it will update packages and install language packs10:29
jjovereatsBE* and o2 users have been Qlined by #ubuntu.10:29
szczurif it is not then it will install packages from cd without updating them10:29
hyperairjjovereats: qlined?10:30
retkuThis cant be true, even the screen saver works in my lubuntu installation but I cannot install10:32
jjovereatshyperair: Q:lined.10:34
hyperairjjovereats: is that different from klined?10:34
jjovereatsYes. Every Be* and o2 user is kill lined in one line.10:34
hyperairjjovereats: eh. what did they do?10:35
jjovereatsI blew up. And instead of kickbanning me for 2 days, they disrespectfully Q-lined o2 users. Lots of whom may also be needing help.10:36
jjovereatswhat is with buffered bytes?10:37
hyperairblew up?10:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
retkuSo hey, I have failed to install ubuntu 9.10, 10.04LTS and 10.10 and lubuntu 10.10. only the 9.04 ubuntu did install correctly. Laptop is Fujitsu Siemens Amilo V200013:51
retku Should I try lubuntu 10.10 alternative cd or xubuntu 10.10?13:51
kosaidpohello people13:59
kosaidpoanynoe have a fix to turn the panel tranparent in lubuntu i read on the web that its caused of pcmanfm but i found no fix thanks14:01
retkuWell I burned ubuntu alternative to cd and now booting, hope that works with my Fujitsu Siemens Amilo V200014:03
kosaidporetku: good luck14:04
kosaidpoguys cud this solve my issue i dont understand the procces of it ,if someone will help wud be cool https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=831135#p83113514:20
phillwkosaidpo: I understand that the transparancy issue is a known bug, if you read the email you sent to the support team.14:22
kosaidpophillw: yeh i did it says its an issue from pcmanfm14:22
phillwwe have to wait for pcman to get time to fix it. He will get it fixed.14:23
kosaidpophillw: and can you please check this out https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=831135#p831135 and tell me if ill fix it14:24
phillwyou can try it out, the guy didn't report it completely breaking his system.14:26
retkuWhat is the main difference between xubuntu and lubuntu?14:26
kosaidpoxubuntu use the xcfe desktop envimeent ad lubuntu use LXDE14:27
kosaidpothis is the main one to me since i dont kno how to deep my noise in this things :P14:28
phillwretku: lubuntu needs about 1/3 of the resources of a computer than xubuntu or ubuntu.14:30
retkuso the ram is needed like: Ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu highnest first?14:31
phillwubuntu and xubuntu need about the same RAM, lubuntu needs about 1/2 of it.14:32
retkuOh, then lubuntu should be best from those to old laptop with 256MB RAM.14:33
phillwretku: yes, and if you're on an older laptop with 256MB it's best to use the ethernet lead and go via a minimal install method.14:35
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
retkuHow can I set software center to the menus?19:38
retkunow I can only use it with command line19:39
Kurdistanphillw hurry up19:59
KurdistanI want the bug of lubuntu menu not fully translated20:00
KurdistanI fixed so one person can take care of that20:00
phillwKurdistan: pop it onto the mailing list, it will get integrated.20:00
Kurdistanphillw this person have translate alot of lxde things to swedish20:01
phillwKurdistan: then he should be familiar with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Translations if not, ask him to read and join.20:02
Kurdistanphillw thx20:03
Kurdistanphillw can you give me a link about the bug20:03
retkuHow can I set software center to the menus/desktop shortcut?20:03
phillwKurdistan: not off the top of my head, if you ask on the mailing list I'm sure gilir will tell you of the bug or make a new one for you.20:04
Kurdistanphillw, you gave me information from your forum about the two big bugs.20:05
Kurdistancan you give it to me20:05
phillwKurdistan: they're not on my forum, they are on the main wiki area at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReleaseNotes/MaverickMeerkat/20:09
Kurdistanhe will take care20:12
Mikelevelany special package for laptops?21:01
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
=== ross is now known as Guest19566
Guest19566do i need to do something special to talk to someone for help on an issue?22:47

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