
MeekoIs right click supported in utouch yet?00:49
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Drakesonhow can I get a netbook session now?03:40
BUGabundono idea03:40
Drakesonthere is none in gdm03:41
bazhangDrakeson, on 11.04?03:41
BUGabundoI can't even get my applet bars to work03:41
IdleOneDrakeson: yeah it disappeared03:41
BUGabundothat's not GDm03:41
bazhangis there even an alpha yet?03:41
BUGabundoit makes you think it is03:41
BUGabundobut it isn't03:41
ubottuA schedule of Natty Narwhal (11.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule03:41
IdleOnebazhang: no but doesn't stop us from running natty03:41
DrakesonBUGabundo: _what_ is not GDm?03:41
BUGabundowhat you called GDM03:41
Drakesonoh, what is it now?03:42
IdleOneyou meant login manager03:42
IdleOnebut yeah it's gone03:42
IdleOneremove unity and get default ubuntu back03:42
IdleOnenetbook session is still gone though :/03:42
DrakesonI restart it by "sudo service gdm restart", yet it is not "gdm" ?03:42
DrakesonI so wants unity!03:43
IdleOneDrakeson: yeah I was getting used to the netbook version but a recent upgrade went and messed it all up03:43
Drakesonif I enable the unity plugin in compiz the "unity" bars appear with correct indicators, etc.03:43
IdleOneI blame gord03:43
Drakesonwell, at least it is not a ppa, now03:44
IdleOneright, the full brokeness is official lol03:44
DrakesonIdleOne: it was official before that!03:44
Drakesonotherwise I wouldn't care so early on03:44
IdleOneI am looking forward to using unity03:45
IdleOneI was really starting to like it03:45
Drakesonone day unity (with mutter!) was shoved to my poor natty machine, breaking it03:45
DrakesonIdleOne: I guess it is already there, we just need to get a working session startup script. Now if I knew which package contains it ...03:46
Drakesonthere is ubuntu-netbook, and ubuntu-netbook-default-settings, and also ubuntu-netbook-unity-default-settings. with the latter two conflicting with each other.03:47
IdleOne#ubuntu-unity maybe can help03:48
IdleOnehmm not a channel03:48
kklimondathere is no more Ubuntu Netbook on architectures other than armel03:49
Drakesonyeah, nothing's in there03:49
Drakesonkklimonda: oh, I see.03:50
Drakesonthe desktop session will use compiz + unity by default, right?03:50
DrakesonI mean the "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" option in "gdm"03:51
rwwI think so03:51
Drakesonkklimonda: thanks a lot.03:53
BUGabundocan't keep my eyes open anymore... nite03:54
Drakesonis there a package other than unity that I have to install to get the new unity session(s)?04:08
IdleOneDrakeson: it should pull in what it needs04:09
Drakesonit seems it does not :(04:10
Drakesonthanks anyway04:10
nperryAm I missing somethinng, just install uity from natty repo and no option in ccsm09:13
nperryIs the option still meant to be there?09:13
nperryAs when I start unity it shows the panels for 5 seconds then goes to a blan desktop09:14
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penguin42on a boot of todays update it took a while to get through the plymouth disk stuff; it had a 'device is not available yet' that went away after a few secs - it's an internal sata disc so it's a little unusual12:50
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dsxackI have gone to the menu items suspend and hibernate, anyone else have this?13:00
penguin42yeh same here13:03
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alex88hi guys, i've tried to install 10.10 on raid system, but it cannot see the hdd, is possible that 11.04 (lastest build) have more luck to see that?17:53
penguin42alex88: It's possible, it does have a newer kernel - worth a go, although remember that it's very very new and anything may break17:54
alex88i know, i'm used with alpha and beta versions.. it's not a problem :)17:54
penguin42it's pre-alpha - it's even more broken than Alpha!17:55
alex88because i've a  marvell sata6 raid controller + 2 wd caviar black sata6 hdd and 10.10 doesn't see anything17:55
penguin42hmm that's a pain; what does lspci show as the id ?17:55
alex88i haven't it running now, if you want i can boot at 10.10 and tell you..17:57
alex88if you have time..17:57
alex88windows seems to see 1b4b:91a317:58
penguin42just give me a sec17:59
alex88penguin42, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9971762&postcount=22 can be real?18:00
penguin42alex88: Yeh that could be real; it'll be a firmware raid but I'd expect dmraid to be exactly what you would need to deal with it18:01
alex88so i'll try to remove it..18:02
penguin42alex88: Have you configured it as a RAID in the BIOS?18:02
penguin42or do you just want to see the drives?18:02
alex88yup, i've tried also as ahci but no luck18:02
alex88i want to install ubuntu.. :)18:02
penguin42yeh but what have you told the BIOS?18:03
alex88sorry i don't understand, in bios i've set raid, yes18:04
alex88then configured the controlled that's after the bios.. windows install worked after adding marvell drivers..18:04
penguin42ok; so I've not used one of these guys, but the way I understood it was that if you want Ubuntu to see the same RAID as the BIOS then you need dmraid, if you want to see individual drives then you don't use dmraid18:04
penguin42thing is I can't see that PCI ID in the Marvell driver in the kernel source18:05
penguin42sorry, not that useful!18:05
alex88neither in the 11.04 version?18:05
alex88sorry but i don't know how to check18:05
penguin42I don't know, I'm looking in the latest general kernel source, not the ubuntu version18:06
alex88btw, see individual drives would be no good, it's raid 0 :)18:06
alex88damn :/18:06
alex88let me run on livecd and i'll paste lspci etc..18:07
alex88one sec18:07
penguin42alex88: OK, so  If the Linux Marvell driver doesn't know about it then use AHCI mode and try that *with* dmraid - it should understand the raid018:08
h3sp4wnWhat gives you the impression that dmraid0 is better than software raid 018:16
alex88[N95]Talking to me?18:16
alex88[N95]I haven't said that18:17
penguin42h3sp4wn: dmraid is the stuff that understands the software RAID formats defined by the BIOSs18:17
penguin42alex88[N95]: I think you have the same problem as is shown in bug 658521 which I think is misduped with a different one18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 658521 in mountall (Ubuntu) "In Live session or installation HD not recognized (dup-of: 595321)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65852118:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595321 in linux (Ubuntu) "Sata drives not detected by 2.6.35.* kernels" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59532118:19
alex88bug 65852118:19
h3sp4wnI know what it is just don't know why anyone would use it18:20
alex88btw, can you please re-link bug? alex88[N95] is my phone :)18:20
penguin42h3sp4wn: If you use it then Linux gets to see the same disk layout as the BIOS and Windows say so you can dual boot and also your boot survives failure of one of the disks in the RAID18:20
* penguin42 goes to make some food - back in 2018:21
alex88my lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/534965/18:21
alex88how to get hid like xxxx:xxxx ?18:22
h3sp4wn -vv18:23
h3sp4wn(or just -v if you have a really good memory)18:23
alex88it isn't there18:24
alex88in both18:24
h3sp4wn(unlike me) -n18:24
alex88ok so it's correct it is 1b4b:91a318:25
alex88Thanks to Dave Gilbert to writting for that bug about my problem :รง)18:27
alex88i'm downloading natty cd and i'll try with that18:33
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penguin42alex88: No problem18:47
penguin42alex88: I've unduped it, reassigned it linux kernel19:04
alex88penguin42, thank you, i'm downloading natty to check if something changes19:13
alex88damn..too big for a cd :)19:21
charlie-tcaUm, the desktop image will run the live environment, but will not install yet19:22
penguin42charlie-tca: Still, if it sees his disks he'll know it's changed19:24
charlie-tcaalternate image did install today, too19:30
alex88penguin42, no luck with natty install19:38
h3sp4wnFrom the live cd shouldn't be too difficult to install19:39
h3sp4wnalex88: Can you boot any distro ?19:40
alex88h3sp4wn, sure, 10.10, 11.04, the problem is that it don't see the hdd19:40
alex88cause i have the marvell controlled as talked above19:41
h3sp4wnDid you try fedora 14 ? (Or sidux ?)19:42
alex88nope, just ubuntu...why?19:43
h3sp4wnFedora seems to have much more effort spent on its kernel19:43
alex88i'll try it..thank you19:44
h3sp4wnalex88: And sidux is quite a small distro (only one channel concentrates on having the best hardware support)19:45
alex88ok, i'll check it out.. thanks :)19:45
Ian_Corne260.19.21 is finally in repos19:59
penguin42alex88: Is it in acpi mode or not at the moment?19:59
alex88not now, it's in raid20:03
alex88but i've tried also in that mode20:03
penguin42alex88: Can you attach the output of dmesg in both modes to that bug - it should help anyone looking at it - i.e. dmesg from the live cd20:03
alex88raid and ahci?20:04
alex88ok, give me some minutes..20:05
alex88on 10.10 ok?20:05
penguin42alex88: I'm going to disappear in a few minutes, but attach it to the bug and hopefully one of the kernel guys might help; 10.10 is OK, if you can do it from the natty live CD that's probably a bit better20:05
alex88i'll do in 4 ways..20:06
alex88can you please just give me bug number?20:06
penguin42bug 65852120:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 658521 in ubiquity "In Live session or installation HD not recognized" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65852120:06
alex88ok, going to do that..20:07
alex88*brb (damn)20:07
alex88penguin42, better as attachment?20:27
penguin42yeh that's fine20:27
alex88added both of 10.10, now burning again 11.04 to post them20:28
alex88btw, are you sure that set in raid and ahci changes something?20:29
alex88because the bios don't see the drives in the storage info, just in the boot order settings20:30
Ian_Cornegief nvidia beta driver20:31
penguin42alex88: Not sure, just looking at it - tell me, where is your DVDRAM drive connected to?20:32
alex88sata, one of the 6 sata-2 ports20:32
penguin42alex88: And that's a different set of ports to the ones the hard drives are connected to?20:32
alex88yes, those are on the 2 sata-6 ports, the mobo is a asus p6x58d-e20:33
penguin42ok, and how many hard drives do you have in there?20:33
alex882 sata-6 hard disks20:33
alex88only those 220:33
alex88set in raid-0 in the marvel controller "bios" that comes up after the bios20:34
penguin42there is very little difference between the RAID and AHCI boots - I don't quite get it20:35
alex88if you don't have other questions i'll reboot and post dmesg in natty20:35
penguin42alex88: I'm going to disappear now, have to leave it to some other guys20:35
alex88ok, have a nice time and thank you.. i'll check updates into the bug report20:36
alex88going to reboot..cya20:37
penguin42alex88: There is a bit where it shows scsi0..scsi5 as ahci and then ata1..ata6 as SATA; the ata are definitely the controller with the DVDRAM drive on, I'm not sure if the scsiblah is just the same device or whether ti actually saw the other one20:37
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BUGabundoromium-browser/chromium-browser --type=plugin --plugin-path=/home/bugabundo/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so --lang=en-US --plugin-data-dir=/home/bugabundo/.config/chromium/Default --channel=2492.0x7f6bd8165238.534314402: ../../src/xcb_io.c:183: process_responses: Assertion `!(req && current_request && !(((long) (req->sequence) - (long) (current_request)) <= 0))' failed.23:03
BUGabundolove to see flash screw it23:03

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