
igor_hi everyone00:12
igor_I'm new to ubuntu and I'm having an issue, would this be the right place to seek support?00:12
pedro3005absolutely igor_00:21
igor_I'm sorry i didnt respond sooner, I've asked around in #ubuntu channel, thanks!00:30
aluexi don't know why i cannot see grub screen while starting.00:50
aluexanyone is free now?00:57
SoloveiUh. I have a stupid question about GNOME.01:23
SoloveiI somehow got rid of the wireless indicator icon and now I don't know how to get it back.01:23
AndrewMCSolovei: right click > Add to pannel01:24
AndrewMCon the panel itsself01:25
AndrewMCthen rightclick the indicator > Move to move it around01:25
SoloveiIt's not there though.01:27
SoloveiI removed it by accident and I can't add it again for some reason.01:27
Soloveithe one that's next to the sound icon and the messages.01:27
AndrewMCi think its called indicator applet01:29
AndrewMCSolovei: if you have no luck with that ^ take a look here: http://j.mp/alVMGT01:31
SoloveiThanks a lot.01:32
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
hakimsheriffDo I need an antivirus or internet security software?02:18
brennydooglesHello all!02:36
aveilleuxhello brennydoogles02:41
brennydooglesHow's life?02:44
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
brennydooglesSo anyone feeling brave?03:06
aveilleux_!ask | brennydoogles03:06
ubot2brennydoogles: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:06
paultagaveilleux_, brennydoogles is an old UBT member04:22
paultagaveilleux_, :)04:22
aveilleux_paultag: Ah04:23
hxcjonnysniperdoes anyone know how i can put my music files on a partition drive?04:32
aveilleux_hxcjonnysniper: I think you're confused on terminology. You mean a different partition on the same drive?04:32
hxcjonnysniperaveilleux: yeah. thats what i meant. =p04:33
=== zkriesse__ is now known as zkriesse
carandraughxcjonnysniper, just create a separate partition and mount it where you want to have the music files04:46
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: http://img815.imageshack.us/f/screenshotas.png/04:49
hxcjonnysniperthats what my partitions are.04:49
hxcjonnysniperhow do i do this. sorry im such a n00b. =p04:49
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
carandraughxcjonnysniper, first of all, why do you want all the music in a separate partition but in the same drive? I fail to see a reason to do it04:53
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: because i have been having random problems with ubuntu to where i had to reinstall ubuntu. before i had to reinstall it this time i lost 90 gigs of music. i was told to make a partition for files i need in case it happens again.04:55
carandraughxcjonnysniper, also, by looking at your partitions, they are a mess. There's loads of unallocated space04:55
carandraughxcjonnysniper, but you already have one. It's mounted in /data04:56
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: yeah. i know that but how do i put my music on that partition?04:57
carandraughxcjonnysniper, on Nautilus, click on filesystem on the side04:58
carandraugthere's a folder called data. It's that one04:58
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: wowwwwwww. i feel stupid. lol. i opened that up earlier too. lol. thank you. hahah.05:00
carandraughxcjonnysniper, however, I think you may have missunderstood the advice. You gave 11Gb to the root (inclusive your home directory) and 100Gb to a directory /data. I think what you wanted to do was to have all your home directory on that partition05:00
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: yeah i think so. =/ sadly enough i followed a youtube instruction video to do it. lol.05:01
carandraughxcjonnysniper, as you have now, all your system, all your programs, everything, your documents, desktop, videos, etc will be on the small 11Gb05:01
carandraughxcjonnysniper, this is very easy to do at install time. Is this a fresh install of Ubuntu?05:02
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: wow.  i installed it yesterday. and downloaded just a few programs. but thats it.05:02
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: is there anyway to change the size of that partition?05:03
carandraughxcjonnysniper, yes there is. But if you haven't made many changes it's easier to just install it again and do it properly from start up05:04
carandraughxcjonnysniper, which Ubuntu version are you using?05:04
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug:10.04 right now.05:04
carandraughxcjonnysniper, would you be interested on installing it fresh? I could give you proper instructions on to do it on 10.0405:05
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: can you just tell me how to change the size of that partition to something normal? lol. i hate reinstalling this thing.05:07
carandraughxcjonnysniper, also, just for curiosity, is there as reason to not use 10.10?05:07
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: yeah idk. 10.10 seemed like it had bugs or something. my wine was all messed up and my openGL stopped working and just a bunch of problems.05:08
carandraughxcjonnysniper, you'd have to boot from a LiveCD. Move your home directory to the 100Gb partition and make sure you keep the right permissions. Then you'd have to edit manually /etc/fstab05:09
carandraughxcjonnysniper, that's the file that says where to mount each partition. You'd change it so it mounts in /home05:10
carandraughxcjonnysniper, if you are, as you said before, a noob, reinstall would be quicker and safer05:11
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: right. dangggg. i can't do this in gparted?05:12
carandraughxcjonnysniper, I don't think so, no. I don't have it installed to check and it's been some time since I used it but I'm fairly confident that no. Gparted is to set partitions, here you have to move files around and configure the way the system uses them05:14
hxcjonnysnipercarandraug: okay so when i drag a file into the /data folder it says i don't have permission. =/05:15
hxcjonnysniperError opening file '/data/Menahan Street Band - Make the Road by Walking [2008].rar': Permission denied05:16
carandraughxcjonnysniper, then you don't, you'll need to change them. If you had moved your home directory there without setting the right permissions your Ubuntu would have never started05:17
carandraughxcjonnysniper, it's easy to change the permissions, you just need to decide which permissions you want to give to the files there05:18
Cheri703hxcjonnysniper: I'm going to toss a vote in for reinstalling05:18
Cheri703once it's set up properly, it makes life much easier/smoother to get it set up05:19
hxcjonnysniperdang. =[ well imma need help guise. =p05:19
Cheri703do you have another computer from which to access irc while you're doing your install?05:19
hxcjonnysniperi have another computer but it has windows on it. is there anyway to access irc on there?05:20
Cheri703yeah, easiest way is through http://webchat.freenode.net/05:21
Cheri703that way you don't have to download/install anything new05:21
carandraughxcjonnysniper, do you need help to take files from /data? I have another computer next to me  where I just booted from 10.04 and on the install menu so I can give visual aid05:21
hxcjonnysniperalright imma download it on that one.05:23
Cheri703download what?05:23
carandraughxcjonnysniper, just so we can decide on the amount of swap when setting the partitions, do you know how much memory you have on your computer?05:24
hxcjonnysniper120 gigs? i think.05:24
carandraughxcjonnysniper, sorry, I meant to ask for memory (RAM), not Hard Drive space05:25
carandraughxcjonnysniper, if you run the command "free -m" on a terminal, it's the top left number05:27
hxcjonnysniperdoes that sound right?05:27
carandraughxcjonnysniper, sounds right. 994Mb or 1Gb05:28
hxcjonnysniper_okay are yous getting this im on my other laptop.05:29
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, good. Have you saved all the files you had on the computer for the reinstall?05:29
hxcjonnysniperi had none. lol.05:30
carandraughxcjonnysniper, I thought you said you had problems accessing the files inside /data . They'll be removed too05:31
hxcjonnysnipernah i had problems putting in files to the /data folder.05:32
carandraughxcjonnysniper, oh, ok. Then boot from the live CD and tell us when you start installing05:35
hxcjonnysniper_okay its pulling the cd up in boot right now. ill tell you when the install screen is up.05:37
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, good. I'm still here. But mention my nick so that I get a warning05:38
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: now by doing this will i be able to reinstall ubuntu without losing my music?05:39
Cheri703same here hxcjonnysniper_, I'm around, just nursing a crappy headache, but I can help too :)05:39
Cheri703where is your music currently hxcjonnysniper_ ?05:39
hxcjonnysniper_Cheri703: k thank yo. =^-^=05:39
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, yes. In the future you'll be able to reimstall it without losing any of your data and configuration files05:40
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703: okay i chose my time zone and keyboard layout now im at the partitioning part.05:41
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, chhose manual05:42
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703: okay did that.05:42
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, now, select one of the partitions and click on the button delete05:43
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:k. i deleted them all.05:44
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, then repeat for all the partitions until you're left with /dev/sda on the first line and "free space" on the second05:44
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, ok. Then now select free space and click on "add..."05:45
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:yep.05:45
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, choose primary for type05:46
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, for size choose 19 000, for location choose beginning05:47
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, use as "Ext4 journaling filesystem", and for mount point select "/"05:47
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:k.05:48
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, now, select free space and click "Add..." again. This time we'll set up the swap05:48
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:yep.05:49
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, select primary type, 1 300 for size (this should allow you to hibernate with no problems of space), "beginning" for location and "swap" for use as:05:50
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:uh huh.05:50
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, and now the last partition. Select free space and click "Add..". Choose primary type, for space leave as it is (you'll want all the space), the location is beginning", use as:"ext4 journaling filesystem" and mount point: "/home"05:52
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:now click forward?05:52
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, just to check first, how do your partitions look like?05:53
carandraugyou should have 3, /dev/sda1 2 and 3. The table would look something like this:05:53
carandraug/dev/sda1   ext4   /          19000 MB05:54
carandraug/dev/sda2    swap                            1300MB05:54
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703: /dev/sda1 ext 18999, /dev/sda2 swap 1300, /dev/sda3 ext4 /home 9973305:54
carandraug/dev/sda3    ext4    /home                   big number around 99000MB05:55
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, looks right to me05:55
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, click forward now05:55
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, basically all you system stuff will be kept in /dev/sda1 and your user stuff, your configuratios, files, documents etc will be kept in /dev/sda305:56
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:okay its installing now. is there anything in particular i have to do in order to access sda3?05:57
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, nothing at all. You won't even fell that it's a separate partition because it's mounted in /home, where your user stuff is located05:58
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, when you go to Places > Home, you're opening sda3 and because you did it during install, the permission will all be set correctly05:58
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, if you need to install Ubuntu again, make sure you go through this menu and choose /dev/sda1 for root and /dev/sda3 for /home and untick the format box on /dev/sda3. Having the system configured this way even allows you to have 2 Linux installed on the same computer, both sharing the same documents05:59
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:riiioght.thanks man. this will hopefully be what i needed. so what if i stored my music in the music folder. thats part of that partition?05:59
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, yes. your music partition is actually /home/yourUsername/Music . since it's under /home it's on /dev/sda306:01
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703:alright. sweet deal.=]06:02
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, well, if you don't have any other doubt, I'll leave. It's 6:00am here06:03
hxcjonnysniper_carandraug: Cheri703: dang. thank you very much. =]06:06
carandraughxcjonnysniper_, no problem. Glad to be of help. Go to #ubuntu, help someone and enjoy your Ubuntu06:08
Forerso it seems grub had issues with my computer, it did a prompt "hey we're going to install grub" and I clicked next, realized "oh wait I have it" and it said I couldn't go back after that so I finished, Now it seems I'm getting an error "Error: no such device: f81f7c76-a4c2-45bd-bc75-ae8f77b4b8eb. grub rescue>" prompt06:51
Forerand I used the wubi and have no live cd06:51
bioterrorI suggest to contact a friend and make a ivecd ;)06:59
ForerI had a vista disk lying around07:05
Forerbooted recovery mode from there07:05
Forerbootrec.exe /fixboot07:05
Forerbootrec.exe /fixmbr07:05
Forerrestarted and problem solved07:05
forerso is there any good guides as to what linux compiling entails? I've seen some where it's "do this long convoluted process" and others where it's "run this file" and others where it's "type make and then make install"07:08
UndiFineDgood morning09:09
devajHi, I would like to know whether the kernel available here : http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.36-maverick/  are already patched09:16
devajI would be grateful if someone could lend a helping hand09:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
earthling_anyone know what "user folders update" is for?13:10
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
ggeorgyhi !13:41
ggeorgycan help me to install a -.bin file please? thanks13:41
ggeorgycan help me somebody?13:44
kosaidpohello guys14:00
kosaidpoanynoe have a fix to turn the panel tranparent in lubuntu i read on the web that its caused of pcmanfm but i found no fix thanks14:01
zkriesse_Oh I hate that14:02
zkriesse_They ask their question twenty times in a row, don't get I two second response so they leave14:02
kosaidpozkriesse_: im stil here : ]14:03
nlsthznkosaidpo: think he meant ggeorgy :)14:06
zkriesse_Hmm panel transparent14:07
zkriesse_No response in #lubuntu on this?14:07
kosaidponlsthzn: cool14:08
kosaidpozkriesse_: yes im there but noe seem to respond :P14:08
zkriesse_Welcome to you nlsthzn14:09
zkriesse_kosaidpo: Well give it a few minutes14:09
zkriesse_I don't use lubuntu myself so14:09
nlsthznhi :)14:09
zkriesse_I mean is there no option when you opposite click on the panel to change the settings?14:09
kosaidpozkriesse_: sure,no theres but i read that the issue come from pcmanfm14:10
kosaidpozkriesse_: http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=165114:10
kosaidpozkriesse_: i tried to transparent my terminal too but it doesnt work14:11
switchgirlanyone got instructions for installing a wall mounted cat5 and telephone acsess point? [im in the united kingdom]14:15
zkriesse_switchgirl: Uh don't ask your question in multiple channels one right after the other like that please14:25
switchgirl(14:08:38) in ##electronics - no one answered so i asked in  (14:10:29)14:28
zkriesse_hobgoblin: !!!!14:29
* zkriesse_ hugs hobgoblin 14:30
hobgoblinhi zkriesse_14:32
karthick87hiyas hobgoblin14:36
Cheri703also switchgirl, try google? I'd think there'd be a tutorial of some sort online14:40
Cheri703and under 2 minutes isn't particularly slow for irc14:40
karthick87coolbhavi: hi14:56
coolbhaviheya karthick8714:56
karthick87coolbhavi: how's you14:56
coolbhavikarthick87, m fine mate15:00
genupulascoolbhavi:  bss15:10
coolbhavigenupulas, hey lets move the talk to -team channel15:11
karthick87genupulas: how's you?15:11
genupulaskarthick87:  good fine and u  man?15:11
genupulascoolbhavi:  team?15:11
coolbhavi#ubuntu-beginners-team I meant15:12
genupulascoolbhavi: yes boss15:14
mikeycooperwhile installing 10.10, i didn't check the "encrypt home directory" option.  is there some easy way to do whatever that option would do now that i'm up and running or do i have to reinstall?15:25
ehcahDoes anyone know if the casual home user serving up Movies from Server Storage and played locally by dedicated HTPC's, would notice any speed/performance difference between Linux generic Raid6 / Samba versus ZFS?16:12
davidjr621i didnt make my partition for ubuntu big enough, is it possible to make it bigger without completly reinstalling it?16:35
ivanbgyou can resize it using some partition manager16:36
davidjr621where can i get one?16:37
hobgoblindavidjr621: is this a real install or an install inside windows one?16:38
davidjr621dual boot16:38
hobgoblinthere's a partition editor on the livecd you installed with in the sys admin menu16:38
hobgoblinif you have a swap and it and root are in an extended you will need to right click the swap and turn it off16:39
davidjr621whats it called?16:40
hobgoblinpartition editor I think - or it might be gparted16:40
hobgoblinone of the two16:40
davidjr621is it in the Ubuntu software center by chance?16:41
hobgoblinwell it is - but if you install it in your running system you won't be able to resize it as / needs to be unmounted16:43
hobgoblinso you need to run from a livecd or something - you don't have to use a buntu livecd as you can get partition editors as iso's for burning16:43
davidjr621ok, so i used a USB to install it16:45
davidjr621what do i have to do to edit the partitions?16:45
davidjr621will it require rebooting?16:46
davidjr621ive only had ubuntu since yesterday and i have used 11/20gb16:48
davidjr621so i really need more space :/16:48
hobgoblindavidjr621: hang on I'll get you a couple of useful links16:48
hobgoblinbut a search in google will provide a plethora16:49
ubot2gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:53
davidjr621so from my understanding, i will boot into the liveusb like i would be testing the OS, then DL gparted, and resize?16:53
hobgoblindavidjr621: no - it should already be there in the liveusb you installed with :)16:54
aveilleuxdavidjr621: No, you would download a LiveCD with GParted already installed, then resize using it.16:54
IdleOnedavidjr621: boot with the usb install you have and chose Try Ubuntu, it should have gparted installed already if not you can install it in the live cd from the software center16:54
davidjr621woah, different answers, lol16:55
hobgoblin3 of us can't be wrong :d well we could - but we aren't ...16:55
IdleOnedavidjr621: we are all basically telling you the same thing but in different ways :)16:55
davidjr621oh ok, lol16:55
IdleOnedavidjr621: you already have the usb ready, no need to burn a cd.16:55
hobgoblinboot the usb and it will be there - as if by magic16:55
ivanbgAnd a question from me: I'm trying to install Xubuntu on a 256MB RAM DELL machine, but the LiveCD booting process i slow as hell - something like taking 15 minutes to boot. And when its done i'm trying typing in console apt-get or other correct commands the reply is command not recognised. Is this a hardware problem or other issue - ACPI or something else?16:59
IdleOneivanbg: exact command you are typing?17:00
ivanbgsudo apt-get -y install x11vnc17:00
ivanbgit is working flawlessly at my other machine17:01
IdleOnehmm that should work17:01
IdleOnereason it is slow to boot is not a lot of ram, system should run faster when installed.17:02
ivanbgwell slow booting is now such an issue, OS not responding as expected is the real one17:03
=== Phrea is now known as FireBeard
ivanbgwill some kernel boot options make some difference?17:05
geekosopherhow do I activate typing in my local language on kubuntu maverick?17:38
yofelgeekosopher: system settings -> input devices -> keyboard -> layouts18:09
geekosopheryofel: it does not have the language I want (gujarati)... though I installed all the langauge packs and language input support packages18:10
JazzinghenI've got some problems with my ATI card18:12
yofelgeekosopher: could be that it's missing, not sure, either use another similiar layout or ask in #kubuntu or #kde if nobody else has a tip18:12
aveilleuxJazzinghen: What problems?18:13
JazzinghenI'm using Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit and I have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD565018:13
geekosopheryofel: doing that :) thanks!18:13
JazzinghenI'm using the fglrx proprietary drivers18:13
JazzinghenBut I'm experiencing video tearing when watching videos (expecially h264 ones)18:14
JazzinghenMy fans keep on working18:14
JazzinghenAnd colour gradients are not smooth18:15
JazzinghenThey are a sum of various concentric areas18:15
JazzinghenI had this problem with Ubuntu 9.10 but was resolved in 10.0418:15
JazzinghenNow this problem came back18:15
FireBeardthanks for all the tips18:20
Jazzinghen\join #ubuntu18:26
geekosopherJazzinghen: its forward slash (/)18:27
JazzinghenI think I'm writing too much with LaTeX18:30
JazzinghenHowever can anyone help me with this problem?18:30
geekosopherJazzinghen: i am sure you must have already gone through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:33
JazzinghenI'm using 10.1018:34
JazzinghenThese cover 9.10 and lower18:34
aveilleuxJazzinghen: The instructions haven't changed18:36
geekosopherJazzinghen: hmmm... looks like that, can't say since I never needed this stuff. Just a regular on-board graphics guy :)18:36
JazzinghenBut with 10.04 everyting worked fine.18:38
JazzinghenHowever, I'll try it18:38
JazzinghenHm. I've installed the drivers with the "Additional Drivers Manager"18:39
MrAnthropeIs there a keyboard shortcut to bring up the System Monitor?19:10
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Not by default, but you can make one.19:11
MrAnthropeHow so?19:11
MrAnthropeAnd what's a good keymap for it? Isn't CTRL+ALT+DEL already mapped in Ubuntu?19:12
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: System > preferences > keyboard shortcuts19:12
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: It is, but you can remap that.19:12
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Just find the shortcut that has Ctrl+Alt+Del (it's something like shutdown? idunno) and set that to undefined19:13
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Then make Ctrl+Alt+Del open up gnome-system-monitor19:15
MrAnthropeWhat do I need to type in the command line?19:17
MrAnthropeError while trying to run (run gnome-system-monitor) which is linked to the key ( ....19:18
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Let me check, I thought that was it19:18
MrAnthropeOh. I got it.19:18
MrAnthropeaveilleux It's just "gnome-system-monitor"19:18
MrAnthropeThanks for the help. :)19:19
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Er, yeah, did I typo?19:20
aveilleuxOh okay19:21
MrAnthropelol no I'm just stupid. :)19:21
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Nah we all make mistakes19:22
zkriesse_Ignorant is more appropriate not stupid19:26
zkriesse_Ignorance is lack of knowledge, stupidity is having the knowledge but doing "it" anyway...usually to devastating consequences19:27
MrAnthropeYou're too kind.19:27
zkriesse_Just being brutally honest as my recruiter would say19:27
MrAnthropeHeh that's a good thing.19:28
MrAnthropeWhile I have some attention in this room... I have another question.19:28
zkriesse_Try to be19:28
zkriesse_Not saying I don't lie19:28
zkriesse_Sure ask away my friend19:28
MrAnthropeI installed an icon theme which I'm very happy with except it has changed the Ubuntu icon in the upper left hand corner (applications) and I want it back. I have a 24x24 .png file I'm trying to use but it's not working.19:29
suprengrMrAnthrope: zkriesse_ definition of "expert":  e='expert', x=unknown quantity, 'spert (as in spurt)=a drip under pressure19:29
MrAnthropeI open the configuration editor and I go to apps, panel, objects, Menu_bar_screen19:29
MrAnthropeI click use custom icon, and then under custom_icon I put home/geo/Icons/ubuntu.png19:30
MrAnthropeI restarted and still nothing.19:30
MrAnthropeis the theme overriding this somehow?19:30
zkriesse_Ah no idea19:35
zkriesse_That's a bit of coding which I don't do19:35
zkriesse_And I'm on my iPod so I can't research it ATM19:36
MrAnthropeI'm wondering if I should be trying to replace the icon in the icon theme pack, but I don't know how to do that.19:38
MrAnthropeAnd it seems when I uninstall themes they don't uninstall correctly and I can't reinstall them because they're still partially installed.19:38
MrAnthropeIs this something for #Ubuntu perhaps?19:38
zkriesse_Not sure19:39
MrAnthropeI just noticed that my Terminal is transparent... wth.19:39
MrAnthropeNo... not transparent...19:40
aveilleuxTranslucent, yes19:42
MrAnthropeCheck that out, it redraws the object on the desktop but not my icons.19:42
MrAnthropeHow do I turn that off?19:43
aveilleuxShould be in the preferences19:44
zkriesse_XChat FTW!!!!!!19:45
MrAnthropeI miss Trillian Astra.19:45
MrAnthropeWindows IM client.19:46
MrAnthropeIRC is a bit sketchy on it but everything else is really nice.19:46
aveilleuxI never liked Trillian19:46
MrAnthropeEmpathy IM is horrible.19:46
aveilleuxuse Pidgin19:46
MrAnthropePidgin is worse.19:46
* MrAnthrope blanches.19:46
MrAnthropeTrillian Astra is loads better than Trillian Pro, if that's what you're thinking of.19:47
MrAnthropePro was quite buggy.19:48
MrAnthropeI see window transparency but not window translucency.19:48
aveilleuxPartial transparency is translucensy.19:49
aveilleuxPidgin is fantastic!19:50
aveilleuxWhat's wrong with Pidgin?19:50
MrAnthropeI have transparency off.19:51
kosaidpoMrAnthrope: im using pidign its pretty cool tho19:51
aveilleuxQuit and restart gnome-terminal19:51
MrAnthropeAnd now it's gone...19:51
MrAnthropelol. That was weird. w/e19:52
MrAnthropeIs there a way to open something (like gconf-editor) without also having to have the terminal window open?19:52
kosaidpoMrAnthrope: i guess thats wht you want19:53
MrAnthropeyes yes yes :)19:53
MrAnthropeCan I make an icon for this?19:53
MrAnthropeNevermind. Found it.19:55
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: You can add Launchers to the panel19:55
MrAnthropeThere's a Run Application icon in 'Add to Panel' :)19:56
harrisonkanyone here good with incripted WMA files?20:14
aveilleuxYes, don't use them.20:14
harrisonkI know20:14
harrisonkTHe national public library system uses them20:15
harrisonk*of the US20:15
MrAnthropeDoes WinFF convert encrypted.wma files?20:15
MrAnthropeConversion program.20:16
aveilleuxThey have DRM?20:16
MrAnthropeHold on.20:16
MrAnthropeI'll see if it does.20:16
aveilleuxI think VLC Media Player uses DRM20:16
aveilleuxcan handle DRM*20:16
harrisonkTried VLC and it didn't work20:16
aveilleuxBut as far as I know, DRM'd wma files are basically useless on anything that's not Windows Media Player20:17
harrisonkTime to get Vbox running20:17
MrAnthropeHmm it says unknown encoder...20:19
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
davidjr621I need to make my ubuntu partition bigger21:21
davidjr621I'm booted on my liveusb21:21
davidjr621And have gparted open21:21
davidjr621What do I need to do?21:21
hobgoblinhi there21:22
hobgoblinfirst - are there any padlocks showing the gparted window?21:22
davidjr621<-- noob21:22
hobgoblinyes - I know :)21:22
davidjr621What do you mean padlocks in the gparted window21:23
hobgoblincan you see anything that looks like padlocks against any of the partitions21:23
davidjr621As far as I see, no21:23
icejoewhat are you trying to do?21:24
davidjr621Make my ubuntu partition bigger21:24
davidjr621Its only 20gb and want atleast 5021:24
icejoeand you're trying to do it within ubuntu?21:25
hobgoblindavidjr621: ok - cool - hit the printscreen button on the keyboard - do a screenshot and then upload it to http://imagebin.org21:25
davidjr621I'm on the liveusb I made21:25
icejoegot it21:25
hobgoblinthen we can see what we need to do  - as it stands we know what the end result is - but not what we have to work with :)21:25
icejoelets see what it looks like21:25
hobgoblinI would suspect without seeing that you have an extended partition - we'll need to expand that first21:26
davidjr621Any ideas?21:27
hobgoblinkey instead of padlock lol21:28
hobgoblinright click on sda6 - swapoff21:28
davidjr621Is that good or bad? Lol21:28
hobgoblinmeans we can;t do anything yet - do ^^21:28
davidjr621I swapoff'ed21:29
hobgoblindavidjr621: do you have backups of data you can't lose21:29
davidjr621There isn't anything I need, no21:29
hobgoblinok - now this might take some time - I assume fi you have a laptop it is plugged into the ac21:30
hobgoblinyou are playing about with partitions - possibility of issues - rare - but I've aasked if you have backups - so it's your call :D21:31
hobgoblinok - so first thing you must do is shrink the ntfs partition - sda2 - by however much you want to increase the linux one by21:32
davidjr621I don't have backups, but I don't need anything since I don't have anything21:32
hobgoblindavidjr621: I also mean in the ntfs windows partition21:32
davidjr621So if I shrink it 30 gigs, and my partitiion is already 20, ill have a 50 gig partition, correct?21:33
hobgoblinoh - quick thought here - what version of windows is this - if it is vista or w7 you might be better off doing the shrink in windows - there were some issues I think at one point, I'm not au fait with newer windows I am afraid21:34
hobgoblinyes - that is right21:34
davidjr621Alright, booting into windows21:34
hobgoblinmmmm - I'd do the shrink in there to be honest21:34
hobgoblinthen boot the liveusb again21:35
davidjr621I'm in windows21:35
davidjr621Do you know where the winows partition manager is? Lol, never used it before21:36
icejoejust try searching for it21:37
hobgoblinI have absolutely no idea at all ... - try searching in the thingy for disk management21:37
icejoewhat version of windows?21:38
icejoesorry just read that haha21:38
pedro3005what's the default gnome pdf reader?21:39
hobgoblindavidjr621: I'm actually off shortly - but basically you need to do this http://paste.ubuntu.com/535011/21:39
hobgoblinpedro3005: evince21:39
hobgoblindavidjr621: there will be people about who will knwo what you need to do21:40
davidjr621Alright, thanks for what you have done so far21:40
hobgoblinhave you found the tool yet?21:41
hobgoblinit seems a lot more daunting than it actually is - once you start it is quite intuitive :)21:41
hobgoblindavidjr621: http://www.suite101.com/content/windows-7-disk-management-a18514821:42
davidjr621Found the tool21:43
davidjr621Windows won't let me shrink21:44
icejoerun as administrator?21:44
hobgoblindavidjr621: looking at the image you aren't going to be gaining much space - are you sure you really need it?21:44
davidjr621Probably since I can't shrink a windows partition while running windws?21:44
icejoenah tha link says its possible.21:45
icejoei believe so anyway21:45
hobgoblinshould be possible - might be due to the space it would leave21:45
* hobgoblin guesses at arcane windows possibilities ... 21:46
=== MrAnthrope is now known as Geo|Away
hobgoblindavidjr621: I hope all goes well - be logical, be methodical 0 it will work - don't ever assume gparted has crashed because it looks like it has stopped and good luck with it22:05
davidjr621I'm gonna have to do it in Ubuntu LiveUsb. Its not working in Windows.....22:17
davidjr621What's it mean operation pending?22:20
davidjr621How can I get it to do it?22:20
davidjr621How do I turn swap off in gparted?22:32
davidjr621Someone quick?22:32
UndiFineDswapoff -a22:47
vitali_Hey guys. i have the problem, it is explained in this screenshot - http://habreffect.ru/files/666/2e497e303/screenshot1.png I run a script - nothing happens, i can't click a window, can't close it, can't even move it, it's like it's not even there. I figured out this is not a program specific as it happens with some other programs too. I posted a video incase it's difficult to understand my problem from a screenshot:22:47
vitali_http://dl.dropbox.com/u/585201/out.ogv I'd appreciate any help.22:47
UndiFineDprefer to do that with ALT+F2 : gksu  swapoff -a22:47
vitali_No ideas on how to fix my problem? No?22:52
UndiFineDvitali_, can you open up a shell ?22:53
vitali_What you mean, a terminal?22:59
UndiFineDtop can help a bit, perf(ormance) monitoring on 1 or multiple items can give more details, or debugging23:02
vitali_Not sure on how it can give more details, but here, take a look at screenshot - http://habreffect.ru/files/7ea/571adeb13/screenshot1.png23:04
UndiFineDhmm java, I think you can open up a jvm shell too23:07
UndiFineDand see wht break23:07
vitali_I figured out this is not a java specific, take a look at a video i posted above, same problem happens with plymouth-manager.23:09
vitali_And how do i open a jvm shell? :)23:09
=== Geo|Away is now known as MrAnthrope
vitali_Soo no ideas? :(23:16
UndiFineDvitali_, sorry I stay away from java :)23:16
vitali_:D I am pretty sure this is not java specific, not even geany specific.. did you watch a video?23:16
UndiFineDyes i did23:18
vitali_plymouth-manager as an example.. no java there..23:19
UndiFineDand the jvm will probably tell you it fails to produce the output23:19
UndiFineDdid you check you geany messages tab while running ?23:22
vitali_sorry, went afk, geany messagse tab is empty23:35

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