
virtualdpaultag: you're supposed to have a package training session now00:25
virtualdpaultag: according to classbot it started 26 minutes ago :)00:26
paultagoff-by-one virtuald :)00:39
paultagit's on sunday last I was told00:40
paultagcrap, brb, food's burning00:40
virtualdpaultag: twitter and google calendar says it's now :p00:44
penguin42google is all knowing00:44
virtualdthe closest thing to a god we have00:45
infinity__hi all02:44
infinity__can i ask something02:44
xelisterrecent ubuntu updates destroyed my bitcoin miner program02:45
xelisterit uses python a bit, and mostly opencl. With amd stream sdk, and closed source drivers.02:45
xelisterIm trying to debug this...02:45
xelister- how to get packages as I had them 5 days ago? i.e. I know what packages I want to downgrade, now how to find out the version and do it?02:46
xelister- btw how to know exact gfx driver in use,  and version of fglrx, and of catalyst drivers (radeon)?02:47
infinity__some icons in the taskbar and the avatars in skype are broken, sometimes they are not (i`m using kubuntu)02:49
vishnisshh: no need to move 'new' bugs, only the triaged and inprogress , maybe the confirmed ones at times.. milestone the bugs only when you feel they are papercuts05:42
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devildanteanyone have text disappearing in natty?11:31
ari-tczewdevildante: which text?11:35
devildantelemme explain11:36
devildantewhen logging in to gnome, the wallpaper + panels appears like usual, but any text on them doesn't11:37
devildanteworse, ANY text from any window or dialog doesn't appear11:37
yofel(-> #ubuntu+1)11:38
yofelbut I only heard of the panels not coming up at all, not yet that they appear but without text o.O11:39
devildanteyofel: not only the panels, everything that has text on it11:41
devildantethat includes terminal, menus, etc11:41
yofelno idea, I'm using KDE which works fine in natty11:41
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penguin42I think bug 678125 should probably be set to wishlist15:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 678125 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "No A6 format preset in 'page' dialog (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67812515:11
charlie-tcaI take it that is a different paper size; like letter, legal, A4?15:13
charlie-tcaNever heard of A6 before, myself. I agree with wishlist, though. will set it15:14
penguin42charlie-tca: It's one of the sequence of ISO paper sizes; they go smaller as you get a larger number; i.e. a6 is smaller than a5 is smaller than a415:14
penguin42charlie-tca: http://www.ukofficedirect.co.uk/iso_paper_size_cp.aspx15:14
charlie-tcaProbably needs to go upstream, too15:15
charlie-tcaset it to wishlist15:15
penguin42I can upstream it15:16
penguin42I've never actually had a use for A6 that I can think of, A3,A4 and A5 are quite common15:17
penguin42hehe, I've just found an upstream bug which fixed i t - last week even though it had been open for ~4 years15:19
* penguin42 reads the wikipedia page on paper sizes and learns a whole bunch of probably useless info15:25
charlie-tcathanks, penguin42.15:29
penguin42can someone set importance on bug 677955 - I suggest low15:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 677955 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Grub 1.98 crashes with command 'help b' (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67795515:46
charlie-tcaWhy is that even valid? I would think most commands if run by the alphabet will crash on some letters15:49
charlie-tcaOr, does every crash mean it is a bug?15:50
penguin42help b     should display help on the b commands15:52
penguin42help should never crash15:53
charlie-tcayeah? Okay, triaged and low15:53
charlie-tcaMy new item learned today! Thanks15:54
penguin42charlie-tca: A command might tell you that a parameter is invalid or if the parameter is something like an address then it could do something evil, but in general it shouldn't hang the machine15:54
charlie-tcaI agree with that. I did not know that help (letter) would display help for that letters commands. does that work everywhere or just in grub?15:55
* charlie-tca hates the grub command line thingy15:56
penguin42help is a grub command15:56
penguin42bash also has it15:56
charlie-tcaheh, Thanks so very much. I tend to even reinstall if it is a fresh install dropping me to the grub command line.15:57
penguin42I preferred old-grub1 but grub command line can get you out of one hell of a mess15:58
charlie-tcaI suppose it can, I just try really hard not to use it15:59
penguin42it's got tab complete and stuff so it's not too bad - especially compared to what Grub1 setup was like in the early days16:01
penguin42(Anyone who understands Chinese might like to take a look at bug 677841 - google translate doesn't do a very good job)16:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 677841 in empathy (Ubuntu) "無法顯示名子,只顯示帳號 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67784116:02
charlie-tcaMight be a good one to try the "convert to a question so it can be translated" thing16:03
kklimondaindeed, it's the new, proposed workflow16:03
penguin42well it's already got a forum discussion associated with it16:03
charlie-tcaStill needs to be translated, though, right?16:04
kklimondaI still don't think it's worth an effort but meh, I'm not going to translate it myself :)16:04
kklimondapenguin42: forum discussion is also in Taiwanese16:04
mortalwhen will the new pidgin be uploaded?16:45
kklimondamortal: to natty, as soon as someone have time to do that. to previous releases never, unless you count in backports (in which case it's the same as natty - as soon as someone asks for it and developers have time to prepare a backport)17:08
xelisteron ubuntu, how to check installed fglrx version?17:14
penguin42remind me, does ubuntu pull from sid or testing ?17:14
xelisterdebian guy thinks ubuntu sucks because dpkg can't even say what fglrx version it is, and debian does. version like 10.09 drivers etc17:15
penguin42what's the debian guy on? dpkg will show you the version of your package?17:16
xelisteryeah but it shows stupid version, like17:17
penguin42and why's that stupid?17:18
xelisterwell debian says17:18
xelisterfglrx-driver   1:10-10-117:18
xelisterwhich is much more informative, because it refers to ATI's upstream version number (10.10) which is important in debugging etc with AMD/Ati17:19
xelisterand here on Ubuntu if some Ati guys asks "what drivers you use, 10.10 or 10.9" I can't say17:20
xelister10.9 = 8.771      10.10 = 8.78317:22
penguin42and I don't think it's that out of date17:22
penguin42xelister: It should show the version in /var/log/Xorg.0.log anyway when you try and run it17:22
xelisterubuntu uses some strange version between officiall 10.9 and 10.10 (other guys say, probobly they are right)  why not just ship 10.10 based driver then (and btw, name it like, 2:8.780-0ubuntu2-catalyst-10-10-based or something)17:23
xelisterIm on maverick17:23
penguin42I don't know the mechanics of how it gets packages - you could try #ubuntu-x17:24
penguin42xelister: However you might get further if you don't say it sucks; even if it isn't clear!17:24
xelisterwell I was toning down what he said lol17:26
xelisteranyhow, on #bitcoin-dev there are often interesting discussion about GFX hardware, also on linuxes and ubuntu. bbl17:26
micahgxelister: penguin42, we got a pre-release version of the AMD driver to ship with17:50
penguin42micahg: Yeh makes sense; so why the weird numbering?17:50
micahgpenguin42: it's a pre-release version17:51
penguin42micahg: But I think what xelister is pointing is that the numbering doesn't look even similar tot eh ati numbering; the current ati numbering is 10.x17:52
yofelmicahg: that means we only had pre-release versions? I can't remember the package ever having a logical version number17:52
micahgpenguin42: no, that's the catalyst version, not the fglrx version17:52
yofelxelister: you should probably go to #ubuntu-x and ask Sarvatt. IIRC he makes the packages for the x-updates ppa so he should know where the numbers are from17:53
micahgyofel: huh?, no just for maverick we got the prerelease so we could ship with KMS for ATI AFAIK17:53
penguin42micahg: Ah there was only one number visible on the ATI website to casual inspection17:53
yofelmicahg: ah, I didn't know there was a difference between catalyst and fglrx, I always assumed they're the same17:54
yofelmost people that asked about ati ususally didn't make much of a difference there17:54
yofelthen again, why do the debian folks use the catalyst version for the fglrx package then...17:58
yofelgreat, viewing the ati homepage crashed ffx4..17:59
yofelmicahg: by the way... about the mozilla crash reporter: Just adding a comment what I was doing and sending the report is fine?18:00
micahgyofel: yep18:01
micahgyofel: we're working on getting access to those upstream crash reports as well in case there's an Ubuntu specific issue18:01
xelisterkrusader seems to be totall crap18:08
xelisterit crashes. always. for long time.18:09
xelisterwill anyone ever fix it18:09
xelistercrashed again, as usuall, when closing some tab18:09
micahgxelister: have you used the KDE crash reporting tool?18:09
xelisteryeah I will. probably will not help anything.18:11
xelisteralso bugs there where reported many many times since always18:11
xelistersame bugs18:11
penguin42hi can someone look at bug 65821 and tell me if they agree that it is not a dupe of 595321 ?18:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 65821 in mutt (Ubuntu) "edgy beta - mutt sasl authentication broken (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6582118:48
penguin42try that again18:48
penguin42bug 65852118:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 658521 in mountall (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "In Live session or installation HD not recognized (dup-of: 595321)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65852118:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 595321 in linux (Ubuntu) "Sata drives not detected by 2.6.35.* kernels (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 54)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59532118:48
penguin42that's better18:48
charlie-tcaIt is a linux bug. We do not mark any bugs against the kernel as duplicates18:49
charlie-tcaYou need to have the kernel team review it for that. #ubuntu-kernel18:49
penguin42charlie-tca: Indeed - I think what confused it was that 658521 wasn't marked as Linux18:49
penguin42you can't tell who marked it as a dupe can you?18:50
penguin42(If it was one of the kernel guys I wouldn't undupe it - otherwise I think I should)18:50
yofelyou can - full activity log (I think that's njin)18:51
yofel2010-10-30 12:49:03 Fabio Marconi marked as duplicate 59532118:51
charlie-tcaisn't it?18:51
yofelit is18:51
penguin42ok, I'll flip it to Linux and undupe it18:52
charlie-tcaThanks again, penguin42. That was a good find18:58
penguin42someone on +1 seems to have the same controller18:58
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macolifeless: why shouldnt it be a bug on launchpad that launchpad is giving an incorrect command to users?23:15
lifelessmaco: launchpad doesn't give that command23:15
lifelessmaco: its just data configured by the ubuntu bug squad23:16
lifelessmaco: also, its an ubuntu bug if they changed things incompatibly with their own messages23:16
macowell then the package would be apport23:17
macobut how does the message on lp get changed?23:17
lifelessjust edit it23:18
lifelessI may be wrong, but I really wouldn't expect this to be code rather than data.23:20
macoedit it where?23:21
JanCI guess an ubuntu project owner has to set it or something like that?23:22
micahgwhat's the issue?23:23
macothe "please use ubuntu-bug" message on lp gives a deprecated syntax for how to use it23:24
micahgmaco: where?23:24
lifelessthis one23:24
lifelessxterm (Ubuntu) bug reporting guidelines:23:24
lifelessPlease report bugs against xterm with this command:23:24
lifeless  $ ubuntu-bug -p xterm23:24
lifelessFor more tips on effective bug reporting against Ubuntu Xorg packages, please see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting and thanks ahead of time!23:24
micahgyeah, we can edit that23:25
lifelessmaco: in summary: data in launchpad isn't a bug of launchpad itself.23:26
macois there a better place to report such bugs than the blackhole of no-package-set?23:27
lifelessI don't know23:28
lifelessIs there a meta place for bugs about ubuntu itself: governance issues, TB issues etc.23:29
lifelessspeaking of bug stuff23:32
lifelessanyone got an answer for the last question in bug 67755823:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 677558 in launchpad "launchpad chooses package fglrx-installer when reporting a bug for package fglrx (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67755823:33
charlie-tcalifeless: yes, there is a way.23:38
charlie-tcaI don't how practical it is or how to implement it though.23:38
charlie-tcaI can use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search  to search for any package, binary or source.23:38
charlie-tcaIf it is a binary package, it will give me the source it is in23:39
charlie-tcaSince launchpad bugs are always filed against source packages, searching for fglrx shows me fglrx-installer as the package affected23:41
lifelesscharlie-tca: yeah, but how can we communicate better with users that don't know this structure23:48
charlie-tcaWe need to educate the users either through classes or documentation.23:49
charlie-tcaperhaps we need to review the procedures we (bug triagers) use. Why do we insist on telling the reporter "you made a mistake. The package should have been..." instead of just changing it to the correct package23:51
charlie-tcaThe reporter should be able to tell us "this is a bug I found." Part of triaging is to insure the package is correct. The reporter did not make a mistake.23:52

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