
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
halvorsHow can i create new domains and users to my email server?00:31
michael_is there a way to boot the ubuntu server iso from grub2?01:50
webdudei am currently installing lamp-server using 'taskel. and it's stuck at 91%02:38
webdudeis that normal, or am I gonna have to do something?02:42
webdudeyeah it's still stuck...02:53
SpaceBasswebdude that sounds stuck03:46
armenceHello all. I just realized that installing the server edition with encrypted LVM means I can't restart without supplying the passphrase... That's not going to work out for me. Is there something I can do about that?05:48
armenceShort of reinstalling that is...05:49
=== Eric_ is now known as talntid
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
airtonixcan someone inspect this general setup and tell me why i can't ping a hostname in my dns server but i can get a dig result for the hostname ? http://pastebin.com/p2WWXrPx07:42
joschiairtonix: just because a name server can resolve a name doesn't mean that the system having that name/ip address is actually accessible07:50
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airtonixjoschi, i can ping the ip address though07:54
airtonixjoschi, and the name im trying to resolve is the same machine that bind9 lives on07:55
joschiairtonix: your resolv.conf is working?07:55
airtonixjoschi, you mean can i ping google.com ?07:55
joschiairtonix: no. is your bind server in your resolv.conf?07:58
airtonixjoschi, it is07:58
=== whaley is now known as SirLoins
joschiairtonix: search and domain in your resolv.conf are correct?07:59
airtonixjoschi, im not enitrely sure07:59
airtonixjoschi, so according to this setup : http://pastebin.com/X7Yg9RJn , my search domain should be "local" ?08:00
=== Nigel is now known as G
joschiairtonix: yes08:03
airtonixjoschi, cheers :)08:03
airtonix(i actually should use something other than local so it doesn't interfer with avahi)08:03
joschiusually "localdomain" is fine08:05
airtonixdoes this mean i have to rebuild my ldap structure too ?08:06
airtonixor can i just change the last dc from local to dc=home08:06
airtonix(and any other references to dc=local)08:06
talntidI don't think so. I use LDAP and have changed my resolv.conf..08:38
airtonixanother problem i'm having is with openldap on ubuntu 10.04, since i am using cn=config format, im not sure how i go about modifying it to create authentication audit logs08:39
airtonixtalntid, yeah thanks, i just changed the dns stuff and ldap still works fine (except i really need to get some auditing happening)08:39
talntidnow sure what you are asking08:39
talntider, not sure08:39
talntidi use LDAP to authenticate users on thin clients08:40
talntid(among other things, of course)08:40
airtonixtalntid, well currently i only have apache using authentication directives to use ldap database... and apache shows its own authentication attempt logs (lacking a bit) but i want to have ldap show the logs for authentication attempts itself08:41
airtonixi mean i dont want to fragment the logging of ldap authentication out amongst the individual daemons that use ldap08:41
talntidIt should go into auth.log08:42
talntidin my experience08:42
airtonixtalntid, i have no auth.log08:42
talntidoh, and that's the issue08:42
airtonixtalntid, my slapd is using cn=config format too08:42
airtonixtalntid, even when i initialy experimented with slapd, it never created an auth.log in /var/logs08:43
talntidI set mine up 3 years ago... and havn't had to touch it... definately not an expert...08:43
talntidmine does log though...08:44
talntidchecking configs to see if something is special about it08:44
airtonixtalntid, i assume to reconfigure yours you change /etc/ldap/ldap.conf and restart slapd ?08:44
airtonixtalntid, because with cn=config format, i can rm /etc/ldap/ldap.conf and slapd still runs fine08:45
airtonix(just means that i have to work out how to edit the database)08:45
talntidusing GQ ?08:45
airtonixsorry im new to ldap, what is GQ ?08:45
joschiairtonix: I'd recommend apache directory studio. it's a bit heavy weight but also very comfortable if you work a lot with directory services08:46
talntidGQ is a ldap client08:46
airtonixjoschi, thats what i use at the moment08:46
airtonixjoschi, it's very impressive (it even looks like it acts as a temporary ldap server ? )08:47
talntidoh, that looks nicer than GQ =D08:47
airtonixbut really, what i want to do is have all authentication attempts logged to a single log rotated file08:48
DravekxI keep being told to go with 10.04LTS rather than 10.10 for a simple home/media/web server. Does it really matter since it's a hobby server? :(08:49
airtonixit would be less frustrating ?08:49
joschiDravekx: 10.04 has longer support times (hence LTS - long time support)08:49
joschiDravekx: so if you plan to use your system longer than 1.5 years and don't want to upgrade every 6 months or every year, 10.04 is worth to think about08:50
talntiddoes it matter? probably not.08:50
talntidmost of us use 10.04 though :)08:50
airtonixjoschi, so how do i edit the config of an ldap server that uses cn=config format ?08:51
airtonixjoschi, in some places i read that i simply use directory studio08:51
joschiairtonix: ehm, just connect to that ldap server with the proper credentials and edit the cn=config part of the tree with your editor08:52
airtonixjoschi, ok i connect as usual, but i do not see cn=config there08:52
joschiairtonix: advanced ldap editors will also give you a list of possible attributes dependeing on the objectClass08:52
airtonixjoschi, but in my /etc/ldap/ there is no slapd.conf or ldap.conf08:52
joschiairtonix: doesn't have to. the new style config is saved in /etc/ldap/slapd.d/08:53
airtonixjoschi, so how do i edit that ?08:54
joschiairtonix: if you've started your openLDAP configuration as described in https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html, you can simply use the user which you gave access to08:54
joschiairtonix: in https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html it would be cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com08:54
airtonixjoschi, yep thats how i connect to the remote machines ldap server, but i cant see how i edit the config08:55
joschiairtonix: it should be shown as a normal branch of your DIT08:56
airtonixi only child item of the DIT node is "Root DSE"08:57
airtonixit has (2) after it but i can only see one child item under "Root DSE"08:57
joschiairtonix: then it's probably not the ldap admin user you're logging in with09:01
airtonixactually when i press refresh on "Root DSE", i get this error in the search log window : http://pastebin.com/7e7JBb2A09:01
airtonixok i just had to sudo nano /etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config.ldif and change the olcLogLevel09:09
airtonixthen restart slapd09:09
airtonixjoschi, talntid cheers for the patience09:13
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
StrangeCharmi just set up a new ubuntu install, but when i try to boot into the new system, my machine halts after 'verifying dmi pool data' what's going on? [i'm certain that i'm booting from the right disk]11:44
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
l3dxI've installed ubuntu server to a encrypted raid1 array. currently the grub menu is not shown when booting up. anyone know if it's possible to enable? or is the encryption making it impossible..12:57
l3dxI want the grub menu in order to run memtest12:57
RoyKl3dx: press shift during boot13:09
l3dxRoyK: no luck13:14
l3dxafter bios it went straight to password13:15
l3dxpassword for decryption that is13:15
RoyKl3dx: reconfigure grub not to hide the menu13:17
l3dxthought I'd done that13:18
l3dxI'll double check13:18
RoyKI think the ones you're looking for are GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true in /etc/default/grub13:23
l3dxah, I hadn't ran update-grub afterwards13:23
l3dxI'm trying to figure out why it crashes occasionally, and suspect hardware failure. apart from smartmontools and memtest, what else coud I do?13:29
RoyKsmartmontools usually aren't very good for catching crashes13:29
RoyKwhat sort of crashes are these?13:30
RoyKpanics? OOPSes? hangs?13:30
RoyKhard hangs?13:30
l3dxif a hard hang is when there's no way to interact, then yes13:30
RoyKdoes alt+sysrq+something give you anything?13:31
RoyKas in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key13:31
l3dxdo you mean if the command gives  me anything after a crash? or right now in order to find information13:35
RoyKthe logs may give you info after the crash - these keystrokes may give you valuable info during a crash/hang13:39
RoyKa hard hang is when these won't work13:39
RoyKsuch a hard hang is mostly due to bad hardware13:39
l3dxI noticed this error now. don't know if it can cause crashes13:43
RoyK  40 51 80 00 f5 61 40  Error: UNC 128 sectors at LBA = 0x0061f500 = 641971213:48
RoyKAFAICS that's 128 uncorrectable sectors13:48
RoyKmeaning, in English, "Get a new drive and use the magnets in old one for fun"13:49
l3dxbut could it cause hangs?13:50
RoyKit shouldn't13:50
RoyKit should cause tons of error messages about unreadable sectors13:50
RoyKeven if you unplug a drive on a non-hotplug linux system, linux shouldn't hang13:51
RoyKI've done my testing on that :)13:51
l3dxhehe :)13:51
RoyKbut start off with memtest8613:51
RoyKsee if you find anything there13:51
RoyKif not, wait for the next hang and try to dig further with magic sysrq13:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #678134 in openssh "ssh/scp to localhost/ should not update known_hosts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67813414:16
RoyKl3dx: what did the memtest say?14:18
l3dxit has only been running for 25 minutes, but so far no errors14:19
c0nv1ctwhen apache forces a browser to download a file instead of displaying it, this usually means i am missing a module right?  all of a sudden cacti is doing this and i'm not sure what I did to cause it14:49
c0nv1ctit seems to be acting as if php isnt working, yet a simple page with phpinfo(); works fine14:54
l3dxRoyK: any thoughts on how long I should let memtest work?14:55
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RoyKl3dx: how many passes has it gone through?15:45
l3dxI stopped it some minutes ago. don't know how many15:53
RoyKwell, just try to run the server again15:54
RoyKdebug further if it happens again15:54
RoyKis there a pattern when this usually happens?15:54
RoyKhigh i/o load or something?15:55
RoyKbtw, what is this server doing?15:55
RoyKc0nv1ct: download the file to see what it is - it can be anything, really...15:56
c0nv1ctRoyK, huh? it is a php file, one that should be displayed not downloaded15:56
airtonixugh i just spent the last siz hours trying to find information about how to enable the cn=monitor object to a already configured and running slapd database that does not use /etc/ldap/ldap.conf... and i could find nothing!16:20
RoyKc0nv1ct: it should, at lest if php is configured correctly16:25
c0nv1ctRoyK, that is the thing... I have other php webbaps functioning normally, but Cacti and phpsysinfo both act as if php doesnt exist and has the browser download it16:26
RoyKc0nv1ct: HEAD http://your.tld/phpinfo.php (that file having one line '<?php phpinfo(); ?>'16:27
c0nv1ctyep, already made that file, all looks good16:28
RoyKbut not cacti?16:28
RoyKif so, I'd guess #cacti is a place to start16:28
c0nv1ctcacti just has me download a file called "download" which is its index.php16:28
c0nv1ctphpsysinfo which i just installed shows the same behavior16:29
RoyKhow did you enable php for the other sites?16:29
c0nv1ctit is enabled in apache with a2enmod16:29
RoyKthat should be global16:30
c0nv1cti didnt have to do anything specific in the other apps for it to work16:30
c0nv1cti just installed torrentflux just to see, and it works fine out of the box16:30
c0nv1ctCacti was working though, i only noticed it today after trying phpsysinfo and having it not work16:31
RoyKwhich version is this?16:31
RoyKubuntu release ver16:31
c0nv1ct10.10, just a little home server16:31
RoyKjust tried installing phpsysinfo on my 10.10 test box - no problems there....16:33
RoyKif you've installed something custom or have made changes to the apache setup, that might be the reason16:34
c0nv1cti shouldnt have, i just set this up a few weeks ago16:34
RoyKif you choose to download the php file, does that show you the source or the content?16:35
c0nv1ctit opens in Geany16:35
c0nv1ctsource code editor16:36
arrrghhhoh i remember this one.  every php page you hit it asks you to download instead of opening the page?16:36
c0nv1ctarrrghhh, no16:36
arrrghhhoh sorry.  i'll shutup now :P16:36
c0nv1ctok, now it is getting weirder16:37
c0nv1cton another box, cacti is working, but phpsysinfo still downloads the file16:37
c0nv1ctthis is with chrome on both machines, firefox locally loads both just fine16:39
c0nv1ctffs, i guess the server is fine, something is up with the browsers16:39
AnirbanHazraI hav php mcrypt installed on my server. still it is showing "Cannot load mcrypt extension. Please check your PHP configuration." !!16:52
SpaceBassis iptables on by default on a fresh install of 10.04 server16:53
RoyKSpaceBass: man ufw16:54
SpaceBassanything on a fresh install that would prevent incoming traffic?16:54
RoyKSpaceBass: normally no incoming traffic will be allowed unless you install server software that allows that :þ16:54
RoyKnot even ssh is in by 'default'16:54
AnirbanHazraanybody help ! FYI : I am using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS16:55
RoyKAnirbanHazra: do you need mcrypt?16:55
SpaceBassrunning web, ssh and asterisk - can't get the asterisk sip connections to register with remote servers16:55
arrrghhhiptables is available... but it's not blocking anything.16:55
RoyKSpaceBass: try #asterisk16:55
SpaceBassRoyK, Im there too16:55
SpaceBassjust want to rule out platform issues16:55
RoyKSpaceBass: not likely - I've been running asstrix on ubuntu for quite some time until I got a new job where I didn't have to work with that shite16:56
arrrghhhssh and web work fine?16:56
SpaceBassarrrghhh, yes and local sip working fine - suggests its further upstream, although feel fairly sure the problem is on that host and not the edge router16:57
arrrghhhhrm.  yea, can't really help with astrisk in here.16:57
RoyKSpaceBass: try fiddling around with sipsak or nmap to see if asterisk answers16:57
arrrghhhit's probably not the platform, and from the sound of it it's not your provider either.  some ISPs like to block traffic they deem unsuitable for residential connections (assuming you're on one...)16:58
SpaceBassI migrated from a CentOS box running asterisk that had been working fine to a new Ubuntu install - dont think its ISP16:59
RoyKSpaceBass: what's your IP? I can check from here if I can contact 5060/udp if you like16:59
SpaceBassthanks RoyK16:59
RoyK5060/udp open|filtered sip17:00
RoyK5061/udp closed        sip-tls17:00
RoyKlooks open to me17:00
SpaceBassappreciate the check17:00
RoyKSpaceBass: set debug=9 on asterisk17:01
RoyKand verbose=917:01
SpaceBassRoyK, yeah been watching debug messages all morning17:01
RoyKdebug won't be necessary, I think17:01
RoyKyou should see SIP connection attempts, even nmap scans, with verbose=917:01
SpaceBassyeah, just seeing registration attempts over and over17:02
RoyKusing packaged asterisk or something built from source?17:03
SpaceBassbuilt from source17:03
RoyKI guess #asterisk will be the place to ask, then17:03
SpaceBassworking that angle too :D17:04
SpaceBassthanks for the help!17:04
RoyKdamn - 1.8 released17:04
SpaceBassyep! and includes google voice support17:04
RoyKperhaps it's a wee bit better than old 1.417:04
arrrghhhooooo gv support.17:05
RoyKdo you know if digium has gotten around to supporting PLC in codecs supporting that?17:05
arrrghhhthat makes me want to play with it now :P17:05
SpaceBassRoyK, to tell the truth, I dont know17:05
RoyKI paid for the jitterbuffer that went into 1.4, but by 1.4 release, Digium's g.729 codec couldn't keep up with that17:06
airtonixso after playing with a python script that automates authentication attempts against an openLDAP server with many valid and non valid users... i found it does not report : valid users with wrong password attempts, invalid users. It only reports valid user with valid password attempts.17:36
SpamapSairtonix: "It" being slapd?18:29
klaashey, I'm using btrfs on ubuntu 10.04 server but it seems to be causing high load even though system is not really doing much19:14
klaasbtrfs-transacti btrfs-endio-wri those two use 100% of one core each19:14
arrrghhhi don't think that file system is fully supported on linux19:19
klaasits in main ubuntu system -- you can even select it in the installer :)19:20
Doonzhey guys quick question. Im looking at replacing the main hdd in my server. right now its currently a 120gb single drive. Im looking at replacing it with 2x 500gb in raid 1. is there anything i have to do special or can i just clone the single drive using acronis to the new array?19:24
ScottKIt's considered experimental, IIRC.19:24
arrrghhhbtrfs is not 'stable' on linux.  as in the linux kernel19:30
arrrghhhklaas, what's wrong with ext4?19:31
arrrghhhDoonz, what's acronis?  windows utility?  i would not think a bit-for-bit copy be a good idea in your situation, if that's what you're implying.19:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #678249 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.5 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess neues pre-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 128 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67824919:32
Doonzarrrghhh: its a linux based hdd cloning reimaging19:35
klaasarrrghhh I already use btrfs and on a normal day it works great :)19:36
arrrghhhlinux-based?  acronic?19:36
arrrghhhklaas, well it doesn't seem to be working so well today ;)19:36
arrrghhhDoonz, link me to a download for linux.19:36
klaasyeah I googled my problem seems to be known and fixed in newer kernels19:37
arrrghhhit makes me download an exe lol19:37
Doonzyeah but the cd that it creates loads a linux distro19:38
arrrghhhtrial versions?19:38
Doonzanyhow. why couldnt i just clone the hdd onto another one?19:38
arrrghhhwell maybe it's smart enough, but i would think it would want a 120gb disk19:38
Doonzallows for online expansion19:39
arrrghhhwell that's up to you Doonz.  i wouldn't come asking for help with it in here tho :D19:43
DatzHi, I just logged into a machine via the terminal, and tried to resume a screen session. Now there is just a blank line, and I can't exit with ctl + c20:09
mrrothhhanyone of a applaince20:09
mrrothhhthat works as a20:09
mrrothhhpxe deployment server20:09
mrrothhhto deploy / install ubuntu, windows and so forth20:09
arrrghhhyou can setup pxe20:11
arrrghhhyou want a virtual appliance...?20:12
arrrghhhthat's all setup and ready to go20:12
arrrghhhi don't know of one... i bet there's one out there tho.20:12
mrrothhhthe only otherproduct I see is altiris20:15
mrrothhhbut it not free20:15
airtonixmrrothhh, drbl20:46
airtonixmrrothhh, clonezilla server with drbl provides this20:47
Dibbler_anyone know of a file manager like midnight commander , but with a web interface ?20:53
RoyKklaas: don't use btrfs in production unless you like games like russian roulette21:05
RoyKDibbler_: why on earth would you want to expose your filesystem on web?21:06
Dibbler_Royk do you know of any ?21:17
RoyKgoogle knows21:18
Dibbler_taht's why i asked here21:18
Dibbler_cause i don't know how to use google21:18
QueopsDoes anyone have a comprehensive and simple samba server guide that allows me ubuntu server to share files with windows computer only?21:20
guntbertQueops: did you see the server guide?21:21
Queopsoh yes... *depressed*21:21
QueopsDoesn't give me a single hint about how to make my windows computers connect to it21:22
QueopsNor what settings to have21:22
air^ \\<ip-adress> ?21:22
QueopsWhat special settings should I have, how come theres no authentication?21:23
air^What guide did you use? This one? https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html21:24
air^"guest ok: allows clients to connect to the share without supplying a password."21:25
air^And what's so special about any settings? ;)21:25
QueopsWhat is the port21:25
Queopscould you tell me please?21:25
air^port? from windows, just write \\<ip> and it will understand.21:26
QueopsHmm curious, I'm really new to this samba thing21:26
QueopsLet me re-check everything :P21:26
Queops(tbh im really new to networking at all)21:26
air^Samba works just as a regular windows share.21:26
Queopsair^: if I follow the official guide religiously21:37
Queopsit should work?21:37
air^Queops: that's what the guide's are for.21:38
Queopsgenerally yeh, though sometimes they are outdated :p21:38
air^Queops: thing is, you should try to understand the guide, not just follow it.21:39
QueopsThat's one of my problems, I try to understand instead of following them21:39
Queopsand i get confused, but np, ill take my time21:39
QueopsI always ask, why the hell is this entry here and there and what not.21:40
QueopsIs it safe to remove samba folder in etc folder when samba is not present?21:41
QueopsI kinda want to reset the settings21:41
Queopsair^: ^21:42
air^Queops: have you really edited anything there that you need to reset?21:46
QueopsKinda, I was messing with it on webmin :p21:47
air^Queops: I just tested the guide, works fine. (installed samba on my 10.10 server, activated one share on one user account).21:47
QueopsAnd now I regret it and want to follow the guide simply :x21:47
Dibbler_there are some funky settings and weird things you have to do in windows to get full speed though21:47
Dibbler_for me there was anyway21:48
air^Dibbler_: let's hold that back for the first step to get it working :)21:48
Dibbler_you can just copy your smb.conf21:48
QueopsSo it's safe to remove?21:48
Queopsit will make new ones upon install again?21:48
guntbert!webmin | Queops21:48
ubottuQueops: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.21:48
Dibbler_and mess with a copy all you want21:48
QueopsThat sucks!21:49
air^what's wrong with using terminal :D21:49
QueopsWhat should I use :( I felt so proud21:49
QueopsYeh i like having putty on21:49
Queopsand the webpage with nice graphics and al21:49
Queopsall :(21:49
Dibbler_you'll live without21:49
Dibbler_vi or nano do just finbe21:49
QueopsOk thanks for the help21:50
Dibbler_it's all in 1 big hapopy config file !21:50
QueopsI'll stick around here, just discovered the channel :)21:50
QueopsWell is there any kind of webmin thing that doesn't mess with ubuntu server?21:50
Queopsand a web-putty when i'm away?21:51
Dibbler_if all webmin changes is the smb.conf.. and you don't have it change anything else .. meybe it won't be that bad21:52
guntbertQueops: why would you use putty on linux?21:52
QueopsOh but i'm on windows21:52
Queopsmanaging the ubuntu server :p21:52
air^well in that case putty should be just fine :)21:54
Queopshehe allright you guys win21:54
Queopsno web interface21:54
air^Actually I'd like some kind of lightweight status web gui.21:55
air^Kinda like Nagios without all the mess of setting it up :D21:55
QueopsSee? See??21:55
QueopsI would love a simple21:55
Queopsshow status thingie21:55
Queopsover the net21:55
Dibbler_i ned a replacement for MC , web i asked here earlier21:55
Dibbler_no serious replies21:55
QueopsBlasted, I love working with servers21:56
=== Squirrely|BNC| is now known as Squirrely
QueopsWhy wont webmin guys fix the problems?22:01
QueopsUbuntu server is uber used22:01
izinucsDoes the server install have suspend/hibernate built in?  The reason I ask is I'd like to install it on a laptop and have it running with the lid closed ie.. suspend/hibernate is not needed or wanted.. If it's there how do I disable it?22:04
QueopsI tried buuntu server on laptop once22:05
QueopsI didnt suspend or hibernate22:05
Queopswhen lid closes22:05
QueopsIt didn't*22:05
izinucsQueops: nice.. thanks22:06
QueopsI don't think developers would bother with including such thing on server22:06
Queopsmost of them have no screen after set-ups22:06
izinucsI was curious.. if the install identifies the machine as a laptop I thought it might pull in more/different configs because of that.22:07
NightDragon hello question... i would like to take ntop and redirect it  to /dev/tty10, but i would like to daemonize it so i can lock the console and continue to have htop run on dev/tty1022:07
Queopsizinucs not with me22:08
Dibbler_i don't even have a video card22:10
Dibbler_too warm22:10
NightDragonany ideas?22:11
QueopsHmm what's an easy way to give a file to a windows server with a vanilla server?22:11
QueopsKinda need to give a ssh key to my windows pc22:12
Queopsto a windows computer*22:12
Dibbler_mount a share22:12
Dibbler_using root22:12
Dibbler_to a shared window dir22:12
Queopswith samba?22:12
Queopsargggggggghhh :D ok ok22:12
Dibbler_smbmount // /home/yourself/music -o username=blablabla,password=blablabla,uid=1000,mask=00022:14
qman__well, you could install an sshd on the windows server, but that opens it to a whole slew of vulnerabilities22:15
qman__if you just need to push one file, you can use smbclient22:15
Dibbler_just sshd on linux and scp it to you22:15
Dibbler_should work22:15
Queopsah hold on a sec22:15
QueopsAssuming I have OpenSSH installed22:16
QueopsI can transfer files with it?22:16
Dibbler_yu just need winscp22:16
QueopsAh that's great then22:16
qman__you can use smbclient somewhat similar to ftp/sftp22:16
QueopsI'm downloading WinSCP22:17
QueopsOr was... stupid sourceforge :( re-downloading22:18
QueopsWhen it says "By default the public key is saved in the file ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub, while ~/.ssh/id_dsa is the private key. Now copy the id_dsa.pub file to the remote host and append it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys by entering:"22:29
Queopsauthorized keys on the host?22:29
Queopsand send .pub to remote?22:29
draven_solin a raid 10 during the install the installer asks for active and spare drives. what do the spare drives do? are they the raid 1 portion or just dead drives until made active?22:55
Dibbler_hot spares take over when one fails22:56
Dibbler_you basiclaly lose a channel for doing nothing22:56
Dibbler_you can easily replace it manually after it has failed22:56
Dibbler_hot spares are for unattended systems imo22:57
draven_solDibbler_, thanks for the information. i have 4 1.5 tb drives which i want to use with raid 10.  if i make all active and one fails is my array going to be broken or just degraded and the drive is replaceable?23:00
Dibbler_wat wil je nu , een niieuwe bak voor die extra computer die je toch niet gaat zien... of een compleet stille ventilateur23:05
Dibbler_draven yes23:07
Dibbler_in 10 yes23:07
Dibbler_if you have a real raid card you better use 5 though23:07
Dibbler_not 1023:07
Dibbler_you'd have 4.5 T instead of 323:08
Dibbler_if it's a software raid 5 is bad23:08
draven_solwhen i set up the raid 10 with 2 active and 2 spares i only had 1.5 available, when i have done it with all 4 active i get 3 TB available which would lead me to believe that 2 are mirroring and two are splitting the data. it's a software raid23:09
air^what's specifically bad with raid 5 if it's sw?23:09
Dibbler_transfer speeds23:10
Dibbler_too much xor23:10
Dibbler_to be done23:10
Dibbler_by cpu23:10
air^I just setup a fileserver, initial test shows pretty good speed.23:10
Dibbler_not bad per se .. as in you'll lose data ...23:10
QueopsOk I used the samba tutorial... now it just times out when trying to map a new network folder on windows23:10
air^11GB file transfferd over gigabit -> nas (3 disks in sw raid-5), constant write speed 95MB/S23:11
Dibbler_well i have an areca 1261ML in raid5 i get about 1/2 gig/sec burst23:11
air^that should be about 760MB/s.23:11
air^read was from x25 ssd, as my other internal drive tended to be the limit.23:12
air^and the fileserver is an intel i3, so it probably has enough cpu power.23:12
Dibbler_i'm always using close to 100% cpu23:12
Dibbler_i can't have my filesystem hogging cpu time23:12
Dibbler_this is a pointless discussion23:13
air^yeah. it's just a matter of useage.23:13
Dibbler_still if draven wants the extra storage , raid 5 is an option23:13
air^I got lots of cpu free. So I don't mind wasting some on the drives.23:13
Dibbler_of course23:13
air^(this is just at home, I wouldn't consider sw raid in any business case)23:14
draven_solwith software raid my understanding is 4 active drives on a 10 gives me 3 TB use and the failover if one drive fails. additionally it sounds as if raid 5 isn't as reliable as raid 1023:15
Dibbler_not really23:15
Dibbler_riad 5 just uses a lot of processing23:16
Dibbler_1 drive can fail at a time23:16
Dibbler_same as in raid 1023:16
Dibbler_well no23:16
Dibbler_in raid 2 2 can fail , it just has to be the right ones lol23:16
Dibbler_but basically , if you have the extra cpu power23:16
Dibbler_raid 5 is an option23:17
Dibbler_your 4 drives you give you 4.5 tb and 1.5 would contain redundant data23:17
draven_solsince i'm encrypting the entire disk on the fly i'll stick with raid 10 to minimize cpu usage and i don't need the extra 1.5 tb of data that the raid 5 gives23:18
Dibbler_you get about 30 mB/sec per gigahertz i would think23:18
Dibbler_VERY roughly23:19
draven_solthanks for the discussion and information23:19
Dibbler_p :)23:19
* draven_sol goes afk to redo the server23:19
QueopsAnyone has a clue why I can't access the samba share i made :(23:20
draven_solQueops, file/folder permissions, firewall23:21
air^Queops: guest or user?23:21
QueopsI putted guest ok just to try23:21
air^Queops: try "sudo smbpasswd <username>" to reset that at least.23:21
Queopsand I made ufw allow 137,138,13923:21
Queopsjust in case.23:21
QueopsShould I do that sudo?23:22
QueopsI made sudo chown nobody.nogroup /srv/samba/share/ as shown in the guid23:22
air^the smbpasswd command just allows you to reset the smb password for that certain user.23:23
Queopsand on windows map new network.. assign it some later and inputted \\localipoftheserver23:23
air^but it shouldn't matter if you use guest.23:23
air^and what does windows say?23:23
Queopsjust a sec, let me time out23:24
air^btw, no need to map new network drive right away, just write \\ip in the path field of file explorer23:24
Queopsyeh that doesnt do anything23:24
air^ok, so it does not ask for passwd.23:24
air^restarted smbd ?23:24
air^k. then I'd guess it's a fw issue.23:25
QueopsMy guess23:25
QueopsI got an idea lol23:26
QueopsIf it is.. I'm gonna slap myself..23:26
QueopsWhat are the ports?23:26
air^           The default ports are 139 (used for SMB over NetBIOS over TCP) and port 445 (used for plain SMB over TCP).23:27
air^(from man smbd)23:28
QueopsWhat is the default thingie then, NetBIOS or plain23:28
QueopsWell ill put both23:29
QueopsWindows says it cant access it23:31
air^still timeouts?23:32
air^or some other error?23:32
Queopswell i assume "cant access" is a time out because it takes a while to present the error23:32
air^and nothing in the log on ubuntu?23:33
QueopsWhere can I see that23:33
air^Somewhere in /var/log/23:33
air^maybe syslog23:34
Queopstheres samba on va rlog23:34
Queopsno just a bunch of thing of cups23:35
Queopsits not installed23:35
air^jup, seems to be logging separately.23:35
air^well. I gotta go get some sleep now.23:35
Queopshehe do that23:35
air^good luck.23:36
Queopscya :)23:36
FarmCretinive been searching for what i thought would be simple, hibernating my headless storage monster. im finding dozens of posts, dpm, acpi, apm, gnome-power-manager, scripts, .suspend vs .hibernate   please help.23:46

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