
=== spiv changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: spiv | Release Manager: vila | Hooray for jelmer
spivpoolie: btw, remembering a conversation from Thursday, removing say the old CHK1 and CHK2 formats would cut about 30s (of 10m) from selftest (forking on 4 cores).01:38
lifelessspiv: I had a branch to drop a bunch of formats way back... doit01:38
spivpoolie: and also, the subunit tools failed to help me determine that :(01:38
lifelessspiv: they did?01:38
lifelessspiv: there was a timing bug with --parallel that mgz fixed01:39
spivlifeless: yeah, I need to dig, but e.g. the obvious subunit-filter --match invocation seemed to drop way more tests than is reasonable.01:39
pooliespiv, i kind of suspect they will become buggy once they're moved out01:39
pooliethanks for the data01:39
spivpoolie: well, they are old dev formats: I was thinking of deleting them entirely.01:40
pooliethere are options: do nothing; just delete them; move them to a plugin; leave them in but untested by default01:40
pooliei think that's best too01:40
lifelessexactly, nuke and forget01:40
spivI think I'd be against in-but-untested.01:40
pooliei don't think splitting to a plugin will be worth the current and ongoing work01:40
pooliemake sure it's in whatsnew01:40
poolieand maybe post to the blog01:41
spivRight: we have old releases for anyone sufficiently desperate.01:41
pooliewith clear text about them only being dev formats01:41
lifelesswe've done this before with less drama :)01:52
lifelessjust noting01:52
initquestion: is it possible to get CIA working with bzr_access?05:04
pooliei think so; not sure06:50
pooliea link to a zip holding an MS Write file07:45
pooliespiv, i'm thinking of doing a 2.2.2 this week07:55
poolienight all08:15
peitschie_night poolie08:18
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zygalifeless, ping15:11
zygalifeless, could you please review my merge of testtools.TestCase, testscenarios.TestWithScenarios and django.test.TestCase (+TransactionTestCase)15:12
dstuartQuick question, I have two separate active subversion instances that I wish to use bzr to merge the changes into one consolidated branch and then push back to only one of the subversion servers. Is this possible?15:22
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lifelesszyga: link ?16:39
zygalifeless, just a second16:40
zygalifeless, https://code.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/django-testscenarios/0.2/+merge/4147416:41
zygalifeless, you can just look at the part relevant to init.py where the code actually lives\\16:41
zygalifeless, and disregard everything else16:41
zygalifeless, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/django-testscenarios/0.2/annotate/head%3A/django_testscenarios/__init__.py16:43
lifelesszyga: cool stuff, I've added what comments I have to it.16:45
zygalifeless, thanks :)16:46
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zygalifeless, actually there is no redundancy there, django cheated a little bit in how it setups testing environment16:50
zygalifeless, that made it not work with trivial inheritance16:50
zygalifeless, or perhaps I misunderstood you somehow16:51
lifelesszyga: Well, I saw that the methods are different16:51
lifelessbut they are about 80% the same16:51
zygalifeless, you mean the if scenarios part?16:52
lifelessif you ever need to change it, you've got two places to do it16:52
zygaI see what you mean, I did not find any way to make it shorter that would still work with django, there's a nasty interplay of __calL__ and run() that happens otherwise16:54
lifelessI could tell :)16:54
sladenbzr commit  locally tells me that it can't lock a remote lockfile16:54
lifelesstesttools has a nice thing called RunTest which could in principle handle the scenarios glue for you - and the django transaction stuff, but its likely a little complex to get established16:54
sladenlifeless tells me this is because I don't have a full branch16:55
sladenso two questions (a) what's the workaround to turn whatever I have into something that I can commit to16:55
sladen        and (b) what would be the best jargon to file a bug that users should not need to know the difference and it should always "just work"16:56
jamsladen: if you did "bzr co --lightweight" you explicitly asked for something that did not have a branch of its own (--lightweight)16:59
jambzr reconfigure --standalone ? will probably get you a full branch locally17:00
jamprobably you'll want to check "bzr help reconfigure" as there are a few options17:00
sladenjam: don't recall having done --lightwieght at any point, hence puzzled17:02
sladenjam: bzr: ERROR: ... is already standalone.17:03
lifelesssladen: I said 'you hav a checkout of some sort' - I don't have a crystal ball to infer lightweight or not17:03
lifelesssladen: I contrasted that with 'struely independent branch'17:03
lifelesssladen: truely independent is not a synonym for full.17:04
lifelesssladen: did you do 'bzr co'17:04
jamsladen: sorry, "checkout" implies that commiting here will commit there17:04
jamif you have a non lightweight checkout, then you can "bzr unbind".17:04
lifelesssladen: As for a bug, there is already a general thing to overhaul the user experience vis-a-vis  workflow and defaults, I don't think a point item will help17:05
sladenjam: bzr unbind worked17:05
lifelessthis is almost certainly another of the 'git is different to the rest of the world' issues.17:05
sladenlifeless: I think the users need to stop thinking that bzr is git, and the developers need to stop thinking that every usability/weird design issue is down to "not git" :)17:06
lifelesssladen: they don't think that.17:07
lifelessthis area needs improvement.17:07
lifelessThe specific expectation that checkout would be anything other than what it was for 30 years of non-D VCS is a bitkeeper inherited behaviour in git17:08
sladenlifeless: for me, that is the difference between VCS and DVCS17:10
sladenthat things "just work" locally when in the past you got all sorts of conflicts, edit-wars, I-commited-last-damnit that VCS gets you17:11
Takso if you do: git checkout git://github.com/foo/bar , it just works? ;-)17:13
sladenTak: is "just works" in that case committing the change /and/ pushing it back to github ?17:14
lifelesssladen: if you're using bzr, yes.17:14
lifelessthats exactly what bzr checkout git://github.com/foo/bar does17:15
sladenthat seems awefully SVN and un DVCS-like, but I dare say it's been doing that for five years17:16
sladenjam: lifeless: Tak: thank you for the bzr unbind  hint17:17
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Takwell, if you want "dvcs-like" behavior, you read the manual and use the branch command instead, just like new git users have to read the manual and find out that they have no idea what the checkout command is supposed to do17:19
lifelesssladen: so there are two reasons checkout does what it does17:20
lifelesssladen: firstly, centralised -workflow- is actually very useful. Rebasing-on-push is a rather terrible idea, if you accept (as I think most folk do) that rebase turns tested code into untested code.17:20
lifelesssladen: secondly, for many users coming to bzr, CVS, or SVN, or other centralised only tools are the prior experience, and checkout being the same gives them a solid onramp.17:21
lifelesssladen: its a real shame that git is so fundamentally different here, because that adds a tension between help one set, or help another.17:22
lifelesssladen: but like I say, there's a more general 'help folk through things' effort as part of a ui overhaul.17:22
sladenlifeless: nod.  converting/helping SVN users is a use-case here17:22
jamlifeless: what TZ are you in now? (real-world, and effective, I guess)18:02
jamI keep seeing you online with *far* too much overlap with my TZ :)18:02
lifelessjam: GMT+15 or so18:03
lifelessI should be in +1318:03
zygalifeless, are you working on rebase/rewrite plugin for bzr?18:11
lifelesszyga: me? no, I'm not doing anything on bzr these days.18:12
zygalifeless, buggers, I wish you did18:12
lifelesszyga: jelmer might in the new year18:13
lifelesswho knows18:13
zygalifeless, I noticed you assigned yourself to one of the bzr bugs about this18:13
lifelessits probably stale18:13
lifelessone of the problems with the 'assigned' state in volunteer structures.18:13
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axle3dhay, i want to download a specific branch, LATEST revision with bzr. I already know how to download the branch, but how can i only get the latest revision?18:42
jelmeraxle3d: you would just like to check out the latest revision, not any of the history?18:43
jelmeraxle3d: "bzr export" should do that for you.18:44
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spivGood morning21:04
spivjam: and especially good morning to you!21:05
jammorning spiv, good to see you around21:05
pooliehi jam, spiv21:19
spivjam: I'm really looking forward to commit-on-stacked and shallow branches happening21:19
mwhudsonis there an easy way to find all revids that touched a file?22:21
mwhudsontiny repo, ~100 revs, so don't care about performance22:21
Pengbzr log --show-ids some_file | grep ...um...I forget the string...22:22
mwhudsonfrom the api :)22:22
mwhudsoni guess i'll read the log source22:22
spivmwhudson: 'bzr touching-revisions'?22:22
PengAww, no fun.22:23
Pengmwhudson: subprocess.call()! :D22:23
mwhudsonspiv: hm, thanks22:23
mwhudsononly mainline?22:23
mwhudsondon't actually care in this case i guess22:23
jammwhudson: depends whether you consider "I merged your changes, but otherwise didn't touch the content" to be a change22:27
jam'bzr log' does22:27
jamrevs = repo.all_revision_ids()22:27
jamfile_id = ??22:27
jampossible_keys = [(file_id, r) for r in revs]22:27
jamreal_keys = repo.texts.get_parent_map(possible_keys)22:27
jamthere are other possibilities22:28
jamif you want just the changes in the ancestry of the given tip, etc22:28
spivjam: that's not strictly right22:28
spivjam: a (file_id, rev_id) text may be associated with a revision other than rev_id22:29
spivI think...22:29
jamspiv: only in the presence of ghosts22:29
jamotherwise a revision must introduce a text with its revid22:29
jamspiv: and IIRC, only bzr-svn cheats this way22:30
jamand jelmer has been trying to figure out if it should22:30
jamthe latest version doesn't, but suffers from the mismatched inventories, etc.22:30
spivYes, certainly ghosts.  I think perhaps there's also some data from relatively old bzr versions that don't adhere to that strict policy, but that we still consider valid.  I have vague memories of all this from my past adventures with reconcile.22:32
jamspiv: right, reconcile was meant to fix those. Also, there is the bug that it doesn't track deletions.22:34
jamso the other way to do it is to iter the changes to inventories22:35
mwhudsonhow do i get bzr builddeb to use the pristine tar info to recreate the orig.tar.gz?23:24
mwhudsonah: make sure the upstream tag is in the branches ancestry23:29
mwhudson(which i thought i'd done, but goofed)23:29

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