
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
lenIs lxshortcut working for the rest of you?  What I try to run it nothing happens.03:15
lenHmm.  lxshortcut opens when you right click on a program in menu so you can edit the properties of the specific item, but lxshortcut will not lauch stand-alone.  How are you supposed to create a new shortcut for an installed program that didn't get a .desktop file created for it automatically at startup?04:05
lenat install time, I mean.04:05
lenI installed a windows program that seems to work  fine with wine, but a shortcut never showed up.  I had to created my own .desktop file with a text editor.  There must be a way to use lxshortcut to create a new shortcut from scratch.04:08
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bigdad1ei need some help setting up my network08:51
bigdad1ewhat i want to do is- i have 2 servers and a wireless router- i want to run from my modem to one server from that server into the other then into my wireless router. can i do that?08:52
bigdad1ecan anyone help me with that?08:54
bigdad1ei want to run internet from my modem into my servers then into my wireless router08:56
bigdad1eim new to linux so please dont laugh lol08:56
bioterrorI have a cable modem which is connected to pfSense 2.0-beta4 machine which shares my internet connection08:56
bigdad1eim glad to know i can do it. can you help?08:57
bigdad1elinux doesnt like me too much lol08:57
bioterrorbehind my pfSense machine  (router, dns, nat) is my media server (my desktop) and wlan and other laptops and network media streamer08:57
bioterroris my kind of network in your mind?08:58
bioterrorthat you want NAT08:58
bigdad1esomething close to that. i want server-server-wireless-desktop-laptop08:58
bigdad1ei want nat behind my routers08:58
bigdad1enat behind my SERVER*08:58
bioterroryou need NAT -> switch -> other computers08:59
bigdad1ei have gameservers running off of the first server will it mess with the ports?08:59
bioterroryou can do port forwards09:00
bioterroror you can specify a DMZ09:00
bigdad1eok. whatever i have to do to get it to work09:00
bigdad1ehow do i do it09:01
bioterrorare you really asking us to guide you thru configuring your home network09:02
bigdad1ecorrect i have no other choice.09:02
bioterrorwell, 85 euros an hour, thank you09:02
bigdad1ei trust everyone until they show me otherwise09:02
bigdad1ewith a name like bigterror what do i need to worry about lmao09:04
bioterrorinstall pfSense, ipfire, zentyal or what every you want for your first server09:04
bioterroryeah, I like my nickname09:04
bioterrorbut my wife thinks it's a little childish09:04
bioterrorbut NUCLEARWINTER is too long :(09:04
bioterroreasiest way is to install zentyal from ppa09:05
bioterrorbut I dont like how zentyal works09:05
bioterrorso I'm using pfSense my self09:05
bigdad1esudo apt-get install pfsence?09:06
bioterrorzentyal is a ubuntu derivate09:07
bigdad1ehow do i install it?09:07
bioterrorgrab .iso, burn it on disc, boot it and install it09:08
bioterrorthen with another computer connect to it09:08
bioterrorwith web browser09:08
bioterrorand start configuring09:08
bioterroryou'll get so freakin' awesome home network, that you'll score chicks alot09:08
bigdad1ei cant burn anything. my desktops down and server only has a cdrom09:09
bioterroratleast, my wife loves our home network09:09
bioterrorgo with the zentyal09:09
bioterrorit lacks some things with DNS09:09
bigdad1eis there any other ways of install?09:10
bioterroras I am a nice guy09:10
bioterrorI'll show you09:10
bigdad1ethank you09:10
bioterrorI installed zentyal on a lubuntu box09:10
bigdad1edo you want to remote connect?09:10
bioterrorusing 10.0409:10
bioterrorno Id ont want09:11
bioterroryou shall do it yourself09:11
bioterroryou dont learn anything if you dont do it yourself09:11
bioterrorhope you're using 10.0409:11
bigdad1ei think i am lol09:12
bigdad1ei installed ubuntu server and did sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop09:12
bioterrornow you just need to add that zentyal09:13
bioterrorand start configuring09:13
bigdad1eim lost.. lol sudo apt-get install zentyal?09:14
bioterrorFor Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid). You should install the server edition.09:15
bioterrorAdd to your /etc/apt/sources.list:09:15
bioterrordeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/zentyal/2.0/ubuntu lucid main09:15
bioterrorIn order to authenticate the packages in the PPA you can import its public key with the following command:09:15
bioterrorsudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 10E239FF09:15
bioterrorIn order to authenticate the packages in the PPA you can import its public key with the following command:09:15
bioterrordamn windows09:15
bioterrorsudo apt-get update09:15
bioterrorsudo apt-get install zentyal09:15
bigdad1eThe document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to /etc/apt/sources.list.09:17
bigdad1eCheck that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available.09:17
bioterrorremember to use sudo09:17
bigdad1ei was doing it in kate09:18
bioterrorgksudo or something09:18
bigdad1egot that part.09:19
bioterroradd that key from server, do apt-get update and install zentyal09:20
bigdad1eon our way09:21
bigdad1ewhat port? the one it suggests?09:21
bigdad1eits asking for a port number. it has 443 in the box just hit ok?09:22
bioterrorzentyal uses https09:22
bigdad1e────────────────────────┤ Configuring ebox ├───────────────────────────┐09:23
bigdad1e  │ Please enter the port which will be used by the Zentyal HTTPS server.   │09:23
bigdad1e  │ Use an available port that is not being used by another service.        │09:23
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:23
bigdad1e  │ Zentyal HTTPS port:                                                     │09:23
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:23
bigdad1e  │ 443____________________________________________________________________ │09:23
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:23
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:23
bigdad1e  │09:23
bigdad1e1pastebin ────────────────────────┤ Configuring ebox ├───────────────────────────┐09:23
bigdad1e  │ Please enter the port which will be used by the Zentyal HTTPS server.   │09:23
bigdad1e  │ Use an available port that is not being used by another service.        │09:23
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:23
bigdad1e  │ Zentyal HTTPS port:                                                     │09:23
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:23
bigdad1e  │ 443____________________________________________________________________ │09:23
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:23
bigdad1e  │09:23
bigdad1ecan you see what i pasted?09:24
bioterrorhit enter09:24
bioterrorgo on09:24
bigdad1ei put it in09:24
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:24
hyperairbigdad1e: it'd be nice if you could use pastebin next time.09:24
bigdad1ehyperair: sorry i am new to this and dont know how to do that just yet. sorry09:25
hyperairbigdad1e: click the link09:25
bigdad1e────────────────────────┤ Configuring ebox ├───────────────────────────┐09:25
bigdad1e  │ Please enter the port which will be used by the Zentyal HTTPS server.   │09:25
bigdad1e  │ Use an available port that is not being used by another service.        │09:25
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:25
bigdad1e  │ Zentyal HTTPS port:                                                     │09:25
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:25
hyperaircopy your text, paste it into the text09:25
bigdad1e  │ 443____________________________________________________________________ │09:25
bigdad1e  │                                                                         │09:25
bigdad1e  │09:25
hyperairuse pastebin or be kicked.09:26
bigdad1ejesus im sorry i didnt relise it opened in my internet09:26
bioterrorhyperair, so, it was time to rise above others ;)09:26
hyperairbioterror: lol09:26
bigdad1ei just posted it on there09:27
hyperairbioterror: i just sprouted a bump on my head, that's all.09:27
hyperairbigdad1e: okay, copy the URL and paste it here.09:27
bigdad1eshit i exited it one min09:27
hyperairthere we go09:28
bigdad1eim learning09:28
bigdad1edont kick me before i learn something.09:28
hyperairbigdad1e: so anyway, go back to the terminal window where you see the dialogue09:28
hyperairand press enter =)09:28
bigdad1ei didnt know if i was to use a special port09:29
bigdad1ei know nothing about linux09:29
hyperairbigdad1e: when you paste many lines into an irc channel, it gets buffered, and the text comes in line by line, with some delay in between each line, so it takes a long time, and it's very hard to chat in the channel until the lines have finished coming in.09:29
hyperairbigdad1e: the only way to stop it is to kick the user, or for the user to leave the channel and rejoin on his own accord.09:29
hyperairbigdad1e: 443 is the default port for https09:30
hyperairit's probably what you want.09:30
bigdad1ei never set anything up like this.09:30
hyperairwe can see that. =)09:30
bigdad1ejust bought 2 servers the other day and windows was too big to put on a cdr because the servers only have a cdrom09:30
bigdad1e2- 4xxeon 2.8ghz 8gig ram 4 36gb 15k rpm hdds $100usd a piece. good deal?09:31
bioterrornot bad09:31
hyperairi'd love a machine like that.09:32
hyperairexcept that....09:32
hyperairit'll probably be a waste because my home internet connection sucks so hard that the bottleneck will be the network anyway09:32
bioterrorwith 4 hdd's you can make a RAID509:32
bigdad1ei dont understand the meaning of RAID09:32
bioterrorwell, hope your server has a nice color, like black or purple or something like that09:33
bioterrormy wife likes that our car is black09:33
bigdad1elmao they are pasty purple lol09:33
bigdad1ehot swap hdds and hotswap power supplys09:34
bigdad1eoh and i have a / connection09:34
hyperairbigdad1e: sudo apt-get install -f09:34
bigdad1esame error came up09:35
bigdad1eoh i think i see the problem09:35
bigdad1ehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/535130/   at line 2 and 309:36
hyperairbigdad1e: looks like ebox's postinst script is failing.09:37
hyperairbigdad1e: can you paste the whole output?09:37
hyperairyeah the problem lies with ebo09:39
hyperairlemme try it hre09:39
bigdad1eso what can i do now?09:39
hyperairbigdad1e: wait a sec, where did you install your ebox from?09:40
bioterrorfrom the ppa09:40
hyperairwhich ppa?09:40
hyperaircan you give me the url?09:40
bioterrorMon11:15 <bioterror> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/zentyal/2.0/ubuntu lucid main09:40
hyperairhmm lucid09:40
bioterrorhe's running server09:40
bioterrorserver edition of ubuntu09:41
bioterrorI made some assumes that it would be 10.0409:41
bigdad1ecorrect the new one i guess 10.04 or 10.1009:41
bigdad1ewith lubuntu desktop09:41
hyperairbigdad1e: can you run this command: lsb_release -r -rd09:41
bioterroroh yeah09:42
bioterrorthat's the problem09:42
bioterrorzentyal is only for 10.04 :G09:43
bigdad1ehow do you learn all of the commands09:43
bioterrorbigdad1e, with experience09:43
bigdad1ewhewre do i increase font size in quassel irc09:44
* hyperair doesn't use quassel09:44
* bioterror is terminal 4 life09:44
hyperairweechat eh09:44
bioterroryou're not running anything ircII ;*)09:45
bigdad1esweet i got it09:46
hyperairbioterror: hmm?09:47
bigdad1efont size*09:47
bigdad1eit was set at 9pt09:47
bigdad1eon a 21in monitor09:47
hyperairbioterror: it seems ebox's packaging in the ppa is dodgy.09:47
hyperairit uses sudo in the postinst09:47
bioterrorhyperair, seems so. they are using 10.04 as it's LTS :P09:47
bioterrorI've installed it once or twice09:48
bioterrorI think once09:48
bigdad1eis there any other apps i can install for it?09:49
hyperairbigdad1e: what are you trying to setup?09:52
bioterrorhyperair, seems like NAT09:53
hyperairyou don't need zentyal for that.09:53
bigdad1ewhat do i do now09:55
hyperairbigdad1e: well, what you can do is complain to the owner of that PPA that the installation fails miserably.09:55
bigdad1ewhat just popped up09:55
bigdad1ehyperair: did you just send me something?09:57
hyperairno i didn't.09:57
bigdad1eok.. is there a different program i can install instead09:57
hyperairi don't know10:01
hyperairi'd honestly do all the setup manually, never used anything like zentyal or any alternatives10:01
bioterrorhyperair, I used to have my FreeBSD manualy configured with DNS and DHCPD10:02
bigdad1eif you could walk me though it i would :-) lol10:02
hyperairwell i would, but i've got a bunch of exams coming up and i really really need to study10:02
bigdad1eok. thanks anyway10:03
bigdad1eand thanks bioterror for trying10:03
bioterrorI still think you should grab yourself a CD-R or something10:04
bioterrorand burn pfSense or another that kind of program10:04
bioterrors/program/operating system/10:04
bioterrorand do it with that10:04
bigdad1eim out of cdrs lol ive burnt so many not relising10:04
bioterrordo you have a usb sticks?10:05
bigdad1ethey dont have usb10:05
bigdad1eDHCP server for automatic IP address assignment this is already installed10:06
bigdad1enetwork -config?10:09
bioterrorbigdad1e, why you're not using a adsl modem or what ever connection you have in a routing mode10:30
bigdad1ehow do i set up an ftp server?10:34
bigdad1eforget it im going to bed been up way too long. thanks for your help10:34
kaemocan any1 tell me why fonts are so different from each other? these are both gtk apps afaik11:21
bigdad1e_is anyone in here12:21
bioterroryou should be in bed12:21
bioterrorbigdad1e_, back to sleep!12:22
bigdad1e_should be cant sleep12:22
bigdad1e_thinking about how to finish this damn server12:22
bioterrorI know that feeling12:22
bigdad1e_its driving me instane12:23
bigdad1e_why do i get that fatal config error12:24
bigdad1e_everytime i try to install anything12:24
bigdad1e_got any hints?12:26
bigdad1e_does anyone know how i can get rid of the error when i am installing any dhcp server12:37
bioterrorbigdad1e_, make a clean installation12:39
bioterrorand https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router12:39
bioterroractually that's not that hard12:40
bioterrorbigdad1e_, fresh install takes around 20minutes12:43
Kurdistanbioterror, fresh install with usb instead of cd takes shorter amount of time. :)12:46
bioterrorbut his servers doesnt have usb's12:47
KurdistanI see12:47
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Asus1991Hello, what can I use to view my system logs on lubuntu?16:20
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NeosanoI broke my lubuntu in 5 minutes..22:37
head_victimWhat broke?22:38
Neosanooh not yet.. wait..22:40
NeosanoI'll kill it..22:40
head_victimHah well of course you can if you're trying to.22:42
Neosanojust wondering22:42
Neosanowhat is CPUFreq frontend22:42
Neosanoit's possible to add it to the panel22:42
Neosanobut.. it's completely useless... or did I miss something?22:42
Neosanoand really.. I hate it22:44
NeosanoI have reaaallyy old laptop22:44
Neosanoand when cpu is on powersave - it's ok22:45
head_victimAh never tried and the only lubuntu I have is on a VM for now which probably won't work.22:45
Neosanobut when it goes to performance it just shuts down because of the overheat22:45
Neosanoand f***...22:45
Neosanoby default it uses ondemand, which isn't enough for me22:45
head_victimActually I lie. I have a laptop here.22:45
NeosanoI installed cpufreqd and cpufreq-utils22:45
Neosanoand now I can't do anything..22:46
Neosanothis damn panel applet says it's in powersave, really it is not22:46
head_victimI'll go install them on my laptop and see.22:46
NeosanoI think installing cpufreq-utils is enough22:46
Neosanobut I installed cpufreqd22:47
Neosanonow I removed it, but it broke something :<22:47
head_victimNeosano: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=104 that might be useful.22:47
Neosanowhy can't we have a little icon in our panel which will take care of everything about cpu governors........22:51
Neosanoand wireless is not working..... come ooooooooon.......22:54
head_victimWell I tried but apparently I have no known cpufreq driver active on my cpu.23:01
Neosanonow wireless is working23:03
Neosanoyes I love it.23:03

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