
YoBoYgood morning06:36
dholbachgood morning!07:04
valorieczajkowski: aloha08:13
valorieI've been out of town, and was reading up08:13
valoriesomeone was asking about our Washington state LoCo08:14
valorieand was directed to the deprecated team URL08:14
valorieis progress being made on getting those old team names gone?08:14
valoriein our case, http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/washingtonstate08:15
valorierather than http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-washington08:16
czajkowskivalorie: no idea, it's an annoying bug09:24
czajkowskialso helps if teams start naming themselves correctly :)09:24
valorieI can't take responsibility for the wrong one09:30
AlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/568/detail some names on the sign up sheet are not right and not linking to launchpad right10:57
AlanBellx3n2 and openiduser155 in particular10:58
AlanBelland kpocius 10:59
serfuscrazzy, hey there11:22
serfusare you looking for support?11:23
czajkowskidholbach: know any thing more about that bug, where we have duplicate teams on the LD ?11:55
dholbachczajkowski, the fix is implemented11:55
dholbachteam admins can "merge teams"11:55
dholbachthey just have to visit the old team's page11:56
dholbachthen click on "merge teams"11:56
czajkowskidholbach: ahhhh lovely 11:56
czajkowskidholbach: is there a way to add LC to be able to do this, as I can then go spring cleaning and clear up the teams like Washington 11:57
dholbachthere probably is a way to do this11:57
czajkowskidholbach: also when we push for teams to name themselves correctly I can just do it much quicker11:57
dholbachwhat do you mean by "naming"?11:57
dholbachyou mean something like ~ubuntu-xyz11:58
dholbachor "Ubuntu XYZ team"?11:58
dholbachI'd prefer if we didn't change the former11:58
dholbachso... "Launchpad ID" or "display name"?11:58
czajkowskidisplay name I think 12:00
dholbachthat's something they have to change in LP12:02
dholbachwe try to get as much info as possible from LP12:05
dholbachso we don't have to edit it in 2 places12:05
czajkowskinods 12:06
kemmotarwhy ubuntu-ua (Ukrainian LoCo) is not listed in http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ ?14:39
dakerkemmotar, maybe you should ask czajkowski 14:44
czajkowskikemmotar: do you have a launchpad page created for the team ?14:45
kemmotarczajkowski: Yes14:47
czajkowskikemmotar: can you give me the link please 14:48
kemmotarczajkowski: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ua14:49
czajkowskihmm I dont have my login links ton see if you're listed under locoteams in lp 15:02
czajkowskidholbach: can you hel;p for a moment |?15:02
czajkowskiplease 15:02
dholbachubuntu-ua is not member of locoteams15:03
dholbachah, it's invited15:04
dholbachczajkowski, ^15:04
czajkowskiahh there we go 15:05
czajkowskiand kemmotar is gone 15:05
czajkowskithank you dholbach 15:05
dholbachmight be worth mailing him and the other team admins15:06
dholbachthat they should just click on the invitation link on the team page in lp15:06
czajkowskinods 15:07
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachhi mhall11915:39
mhall119hey dholbach 15:40
mhall119got time for code reviews today?15:40
dholbachI did a few15:41
mhall119cool, I'm just getting online 15:41
* mhall119 loves coffe shop wifi15:41
mhall119for what it's worth, I tested the local-time patch with old data I have been using for testing for months15:42
dholbachit's just that we talked so much about it that I thought it'd be good if somebody else had a look over it too15:44
mhall119I'll be on and off all day, so just leave me a message if you need anything15:49
mhall119btw, I'm working on the loco/global directory combination stuff now, looks like it'll be doable15:50
dholbachwow, nice15:50
mhall119just going to require some refactoring15:50
mhall119I'll put up a demo when I've got something running15:51
mhall119feels good to be working on this stuff again15:51
Necroxhello!! everyone16:40
Necroxi need help with a few things16:40
ubot4lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com16:57
paultagczajkowski, Howdy :)16:58
czajkowskimove along nothing to see 16:58
* paultag hugs czajkowski 16:58
* paultag walks away :)16:58
czajkowskieither that or I poke you but I already agreed a week of no poking 16:58
* paultag chuckles silently to himself in the corner16:59
* czajkowski pokes paultag behave you16:59
=== Mamarok- is now known as Mamarok
AlanBellI have names like openiduser155 attending an event in loco directory. Is that something broken in their profile or do I need to raise a bug? http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/568/detail18:37
mhall119AlanBell: we already have bugs for it, and fixes to django-openid-auth waiting to be reviewed by those developers18:38
AlanBellgreat, thanks18:38
mhall119speak of which, dholbach or Daviey, could you guys ping them about it?18:38
dholbachin a call18:39
mhall119we can always just ship our own local copy, but I'd rather not get into maintaining a separate branch of it if we don't have to18:39
Davieymhall119: *sigh*.... i would have thought that would have landed by now19:06
Davieymhall119: Do you want to try adding a "ping" to the merge proposal... if that doesn't help, i'll chase the maintainer19:06
mhall119Daviey: done19:15
Davieymhall119: lemme know if there is (or isn't) progress by this time tomorrow19:18
mhall119I'm checking to see what activity there is on the project at all19:18
mhall119looks like nothing's made it into trunk since august 10th19:18
Davieyit's not a rapid project, to be fair19:19
Davieyit's not like you expect constant inovation :)19:19
mhall119I'm just wondering if jamesh is still actively maintaining it or not19:19
mhall119hmm, looks like it's going to require Django 1.2 now too19:21
mhall119but I think both LD and summit are still on 1.119:21

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