
abuDawudcan any experienced MOTU folks just go over the basics of how they run the entire process... I don't see this anywhere on the wiki00:02
abuDawudLike how do you look for a 'bug', how do you confirm its not already packaged for the requested version, how do you start the process of packaging, etc00:03
bdrungmr_pouit: around?00:10
DiegoTchi guys05:54
DiegoTc I am trying to package a qt code I did05:54
DiegoTc actually i did it05:54
DiegoTc but when i installed it05:54
DiegoTc i can't not find it05:54
DiegoTc i have to search it05:54
DiegoTc wondering if there is a way that it creates a "shortcut on the aplication menu"05:54
DiegoTcsomeone could help me on that?05:59
paultagDiegoTc, look at .desktop files, check some existing code to find it. might be worthwhile to apt-get source on a few packages that install to the menu06:00
paultagDiegoTc, I think gedit has one, and it's a straightforward package, iirc06:00
paultagDiegoTc, if not, groundcontrol has a good setup06:00
paultagyeah, groundcontrol is better, DiegoTc06:02
DiegoTcthanks paultag06:02
paultaggood luck, DiegoTc06:02
DiegoTcpaultag, when I upload a package to lp it takes some minutes to update the ppa page?06:02
paultagBBL, futurama06:02
paultagDiegoTc, you'll get an email06:03
DiegoTcit got reject it06:03
mr_pouitbdrung: yes?06:19
kklimondagood morning06:37
coolbhaviIs internet available on official buildds?07:00
ajmitchnot at all07:00
dholbachgood morning!07:04
coolbhavigood morning dholbach07:33
dholbachhey coolbhavi07:33
* coolbhavi runs back to work 07:34
bilalakhtardholbach: When would be a proper time to push a new update of the sponsoring overview to reports.qa.ubuntu.com?07:40
dholbachbilalakhtar, what do you mean?07:40
bilalakhtardholbach: I mean to ask, is the sponsoring overview in trunk stable enough to replace the one already on reports.q.u.c ?07:41
dholbachI'm quite sure that it is07:41
dholbachso what's in lp:ubuntu-sponsoring  should be what's available at reports.q.u.c07:42
dholbachUsing saved parent location: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-sponsoring/trunk/07:42
dholbachNo revisions to pull.07:42
dholbachbilalakhtar, ^07:42
bilalakhtardholbach: I don't think it is07:43
bilalakhtardholbach: running the sponsoring overview in trunk has a completely new look07:43
dholbachthe message above is from the report.q.u.c07:43
* bilalakhtar confirmes07:43
dholbachwhat is different?07:44
bilalakhtardholbach: wait a few minutes, I will telll you07:45
bilalakhtarI am currently running the overview from trunk07:45
dholbachbilalakhtar, so I just checked the local output and it looks very much the same to me07:56
dholbachI need to go now - I'll bbl, so let me know what you found07:56
bilalakhtardholbach: thanks, mine is the same as well07:56
dholbachok good :)07:56
bilalakhtarsorry for the poke the07:56
dholbachno worries07:57
bilalakhtarActually an older version on trunk had a bit better look07:57
bilalakhtarwhich made me think the one in qa.u.c is old07:57
dholbachI really don't think the look changed in the last few months07:57
dholbachbut if you have suggestions or want to contribute...... :)07:57
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micahgebroder: good call on the source dir issue WRT mame08:18
bilalakhtarquadrispro: good luck with your application!08:44
quadrisprothank you bilalakhtar !08:44
hrwI have a directory with pbuilder results and there are many versions of same package. anyone has a script or other way to remove all versions other then latest one?10:30
Rhondahrw: ls *.changes | tac | tail -n +2 | xargs dcmd rm10:33
Rhonda… this though might remove the .orig.tar.gz for your latest build too. But you should be able to fetch that again anyway.10:33
hrwRhonda: thx10:33
RhondaDo an "xargs dcmd echo rm"10:34
Rhonda… so you actually get an idea what will get done. :)10:34
StevenKdcmd is not necessary, I think he only wants to remove them locally10:35
RhondaStevenK: So?10:35
StevenKOh, I thought it was something else10:35
Rhondadcmd expands the .changes file to all files referenced in it10:36
RhondaSo it will actually remove the sources and binaries referenced within too.10:36
bdrungmr_pouit: i saw that you talked about syncpackage. it takes a .dsc file (from debian) and all corresponding files, creates a _source.changes file for uploading it to ubuntu. do you want to know more about it?11:59
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bdrungbilalakhtar: re sponsors-overview: please check if adblock-plus blocks something12:02
bilalakhtarbdrung: hmm? okay12:02
bdrungbilalakhtar: it will look different if adblock-plus blocks the css file or js file12:03
bilalakhtarbdrung: cool!12:04
bilalakhtarit worked12:04
bilalakhtarbdrung: How did you know that?12:04
bilalakhtarI mean, how did you know I used adblock-plus12:05
bdrungbilalakhtar: because i hat to add an exception for it, too12:05
bdrungbilalakhtar: because everyone uses adblock-plus ;)12:05
hrwmarkos_: browsing net without adblock is strange thing ;D12:06
mr_pouitbdrung: I don't think it was me (I already know what it does ;)13:01
bdrungmr_pouit: about which package did you talked yesterday?13:01
mr_pouitmmh, exo I think13:02
m4n1shI am trying to create a source package, but debuild -S is giving errors http://debian.pastebin.com/TxeMhuq213:13
m4n1shthe initial package worked fine, it started giving problems only after I edited the original source page to add one more section to build a binary package13:14
m4n1shdpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to zeitgeist-datasources/zeitgeist-dataproviders-0.1.0.tar.gz: binary file contents changed13:14
azeem_m4n1sh: why is there a tarball inside the source tree?13:40
m4n1shazeem_: I did a make distcheck13:40
m4n1shto build it13:40
m4n1shtook it outside13:40
m4n1shand then created the debian folder13:41
azeem_outside is what?13:41
sorenquadrispro: To answer your question from #ubuntu-meeting (just respond whenever you're available to do so):13:41
m4n1shazeem_: the orig.tar.g file13:41
m4n1shazeem_: after removing that tar file from inside13:42
azeem_m4n1sh: apparently the tar.gz file is still located in the source tree?13:42
sorenquadrispro: Simple. a) I cannot always attest to a package's correctness on Debian, becuase I happen to run Ubuntu, not Debian. b) There is less resistence in getting stuff into Ubuntu. Faster turnaround => more stuff gets done.13:42
azeem_m4n1sh: ok, so that one is resolved13:42
azeem_the other problem is the new symlink13:42
m4n1shazeem_: do I need to remove all files created by ./autogen.sh ?13:42
azeem_probably easiest is the remove that one in the clean target, and redo it if necessary for the build13:43
azeem_m4n1sh: why do you run autogen.sh during package build?13:43
azeem_does the upstream tarball not have a full configure script already?13:43
m4n1shazeem_: actually I am working with upstream13:44
m4n1shso I need to run13:44
m4n1shand then ?13:44
m4n1shdebuild -S13:44
azeem_upstream (you e.g.) should make a tarball relaease13:44
m4n1shazeem_: did it13:44
azeem_then you should add the debian/ directory to ti13:45
azeem_if needed, add patches to debian/patches13:45
m4n1shmeans extract it and then add debian/ folder13:45
m4n1shdid it13:45
m4n1shthen ./configure ?13:45
azeem_./configure should be run by the debian package build process13:45
m4n1shjust debuild -S13:46
m4n1shazeem_: works13:47
m4n1shnow I need to upload it to PPA and check13:47
quadrisprosoren, 1) well, OK, I run it too. so, I meant: "encourage" contributors, not beat them :)13:48
sorenquadrispro: Your question was "but if the package works fine for Debian and Ubuntu and the delta is not so intrusive, why should we diverge?"13:50
sorenI wouldn't mind at all seeing more packages flow the other way.13:50
ari-tczewwhy meeting logs are not updated yet :/13:50
quadrisprosoren, I need to to have shower. I'm very, very interested to discuss about this point, really, but... can we continue later? :)13:51
sorenquadrispro: I'm always around.13:51
quadrisprosoren, even this evening? anyway, I'll ping you soon, ok?13:52
sorenquadrispro: No worries.13:52
sorenquadrispro: I never log off, at least. I may wander off for a while, but if you mention my name, I'll eventually respond.13:53
pavolzetorhi, I need help with applying patch14:48
pavolzetorcould you look at this?14:50
happyaronCan someone help me on this build failure? it builds on debian unstable, but not ubuntu natty: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59448987/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.fcitx_1%3A3.6.4-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:53
ScottKpavolzetor: If you ask mvo on #ubuntu-devel, I think he is helping people with patches today.14:55
BlackZhappyaron: it's related to binutils-gold most likely14:55
ari-tczewhappyaron: FTBFS due to DSO linking. Related to binutils-gold in natty. http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking14:55
ari-tczewhappyaron: Add -lXrender to LDFLAGS or LIBS.14:56
BlackZhappyaron: the correct way would be add that libraries to the gcc call14:56
happyaronari-tczew: thanks14:56
happyaronBlackZ: thank you, too14:57
geserari-tczew: adding to LDFLAGS won't work anymore since the --as-needed change as order does matter now (the linked library has to be specified after the object file needing it in the linker call)14:59
ari-tczewgeser: OK, what's the conclusion? Adding to LIBS?15:00
geserand checking that LIBS is used after the object files15:01
* happyaron confused15:01
ari-tczewhappyaron: Add -lXrender to LIBS.15:01
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ari-tczewogra: for requesting sync, you can use script 'requestsync'15:12
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happyaronari-tczew: well, it seems not working.16:04
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ari-tczewhappyaron: sorry, I can't foretell from the ball16:15
ari-tczew(show buildlog)16:16
happyaron/usr/bin/ld: TrayWindow.o: in function DrawTrayWindow:TrayWindow.c:160: error: undefined reference to 'XRenderFreePicture'16:17
happyaroncollect2: ld returned 1 exit status16:17
ari-tczewshow more log and use http://paste.ubuntu.com16:18
happyaronari-tczew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/535252/16:25
ari-tczewhappyaron: on which release do you building?16:28
happyaronari-tczew: this log is produced on lucid with binutils-gold installed, if really need to use natty I can try with a ppa16:29
ari-tczewhappyaron: it depends what are you doing16:32
ari-tczewI'm not expert in fixing FTBFS but it looks for me as upstream problem16:33
ari-tczewmaybe any include is missing16:33
happyaronthanks for you help. well here is my rules, I don't know whether I've put LIBS in wrong place16:34
ari-tczewhappyaron: the best solution is add missing flags LIBS to Makefile16:36
happyaronokay, try now16:36
ari-tczewadding to debian/rules is workaround16:36
happyaronari-tczew: yeah add to Makefile seems to work, so I'll try to patch it. thanks for your help!16:40
tonymoyoyhi, How can I make a deb packege for ubuntu that shows a screenshot in the ubuntu software center when you are trying to install it ?17:38
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m4n1shtonymoyoy: I dont think that the deb package has anything to do with the screenshot17:40
m4n1shscreenshots are stored seperately17:40
bilalakhtartonymoyoy: http://screenshots.ubuntu.com/17:41
m4n1shI think Ubuntu syncs from here17:41
bilalakhtarm4n1sh: no, Ubuntu operates a separate version at http://screenshots.ubuntu.com/ which syncs from there17:41
bilalakhtaralong with some of its own17:41
m4n1shbilalakhtar: I have been trying to build the banshee-community-extensions from the HEAD17:42
tonymoyoythanks bilalakhtar17:42
m4n1shweird problems17:42
bilalakhtarm4n1sh: mention itg17:42
m4n1shthe configure part works fine17:43
m4n1shand the make distcheck works for most of the people17:43
m4n1shExcept me :(17:43
bilalakhtarm4n1sh: install the appropriate lib*-dev package then17:43
m4n1shmake works17:44
m4n1shmake distcheck does not17:44
m4n1shand it works for everyone else :(17:44
bilalakhtarCould a UDD user please verify bug #668764 's SRU upload to maverick-proposed? thanks17:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 668764 in bzr-builddeb (Ubuntu Maverick) "Add Natty to the list of known distros" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66876417:44
bilalakhtarI have been using the package since before the upload and its very much fine17:45
bilalakhtarcould someone else also verify? takes only a minute17:45
bilalakhtarm4n1sh: could you specify the problem?17:45
m4n1shgiving you the problem17:46
m4n1shbilalakhtar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/535281/17:47
m4n1shdo you think it is due to bad build script?17:47
m4n1shor do I have to purge the build-deps17:48
m4n1shand then try again?17:48
ari-tczewIMO debian/rules is wrong or upstream issue.17:51
bilalakhtarm4n1sh: looking now, sorry17:54
m4n1shbilalakhtar: you want the git repo?17:54
* bilalakhtar clones17:54
m4n1shand just do install the basic build-dep17:54
bilalakhtarchrisccoulson: there? are you working on bug #630383? or can I take it?17:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 630383 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "Gnome-terminal paste keyboard shortcut does not work" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63038317:58
chrisccoulsonbilalakhtar, feel free to take it, i didn't get time to look at it yet17:58
bilalakhtarthanks chrisccoulson17:58
bilalakhtarm4n1sh: sorry, I don't have the time ATM to look at it18:00
BlackZm4n1sh: seems like the "Main.cs" reference is missing in the makefile18:00
m4n1shBlackZ: it is present. That is the puzzle18:01
m4n1shatleast in Makefile.am it is referenced18:01
* m4n1sh checks again18:02
m4n1shyes it is18:02
bcurtiswxis there a way to tell bzr bd to use more CPU's ?18:09
ebroderbcurtiswx: There's the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-debianrules-options18:10
ebroderBut it only works if the package supports it (i.e. it's opt-in for the packaging)18:10
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quadrisprosoren, what does it mean "less resistence in getting stuff into"? when a package doesn't get accepted by Debian, we should wonder why instead straightly accept it18:30
ari-tczewI have some odd case. I have patch to fix licenses in upstream files. How should do I resolve this? By patch or apply directly?18:34
quadrispro(IMHO), this was about the 2nd point. And about the 1st one: using the same software on both Debian and Ubuntu means learning more things about it18:34
BlackZari-tczew: can't upstream just fix that?18:34
ari-tczewBlackZ: upstream has fixed...18:35
ari-tczewBlackZ: I'm packing new package.18:35
quadrisproari-tczew, if upstream has fixed it in its VCS, it would be better to prepare a new dfsg-clean tarball18:35
ari-tczewand I have prepared stable release. Upstream has fixed in trunk.18:35
BlackZari-tczew: what quadrispro said :)18:36
quadrisproari-tczew, get the sources from upstream's trunk18:36
quadrisproif he introduces something that you consider wrong/broken/experimental, and you want to exclude that18:37
quadrisproyou could strip out it by patching the sources18:38
ari-tczewquadrispro: his trunk is FTBFS, start from this case18:38
quadrisproari-tczew, take a deep look at the differences between the latest release tarball and the trunk and try to catch the issue18:40
ari-tczewquadrispro: bintuils gold :)18:40
quadrisproari-tczew, arghh! :)18:40
quadrisprousually they are linking order-related18:41
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ari-tczewquadrispro: could you take a look on bug 313570 ? guy has noticed that patch is broken, you are a merger18:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313570 in tvtime (Ubuntu Dapper) "tvtime does not rebember matte settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31357018:46
ari-tczewquadrispro: ah, sorry, BlackZ is18:46
ari-tczewyou are the first uploader :)18:46
quadrisproari-tczew, sorry but having busy time now. BlackZ, could you take a look?18:47
BlackZquadrispro: will do18:49
micahgquadrispro: congrats on becoming core-dev18:49
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quadrisprothank you micahg !18:50
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hrwhmm. I need to update wiki and finally start process ;D19:06
ari-tczewhrw: maybe MOTU first?19:08
hrwari-tczew: process to get some kind of level - not core one in 2010 ;D19:08
hrwari-tczew: but for tomorrow I already have listed "go to #bzr and find out why LP shows conflicts in my merge requests"19:09
ari-tczewhrw: IIRC you work for Ubuntu if you got a money.19:10
hrwand once found I will have to rebase/resubmit etc 3 packages19:10
hrwari-tczew: not quite. I also use ubuntu19:10
hrwari-tczew: today worked on fixing byobu bug which occured on my hw and it was not related to my work.19:11
hrwari-tczew: also working a bit on efikamx smartbook support things19:11
micahghrw: so, you're interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer?19:12
hrwmicahg: thats the plan19:12
micahghrw: have you seen this yet? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers19:13
hrwmicahg: if I would not buy linuxpda in 2004 I would probably be ubuntu-by-debian developer already19:13
ari-tczewhrw: start merging with Debian :)19:13
hrwmicahg: need to find where do I have my page19:14
micahghrw: where *to* put it, or where *did* you put it?19:15
hrwmicahg: did19:15
hrwmoinmoin never was my favorite so I have problems with it sometimes19:15
hrwbookmarked this time19:17
kklimondaso, how is your involvment with the Polish LoCo? ;)19:19
* kklimonda whistles and goes away for a beer19:19
kklimondagood night19:19
ari-tczewenjoy kklimonda19:20
ari-tczewhrw: s/Contributer/Contributor19:20
hrwkklimonda: you asked 3rd time for it and during uds-n we had discussion that there is no such thing as PL Loco19:20
kklimondahrw: ah, ust kidding :)19:20
hrwari-tczew: right19:20
kklimondaeven just :)19:20
hrwkklimonda: prefer to mention it when others are listening19:21
ari-tczewlol 3 Polish talking in english :/19:21
hrwari-tczew: you are suprised?19:21
ari-tczewhrw: no, just odd feel19:21
hrwari-tczew: I had situations when I changed pl<>en few times in one discussion (live)19:22
ari-tczewaha heh19:22
hrwari-tczew: but it sounded weird when it occured in a middle of sentence19:22
hrwari-tczew: suggestions/opinions on that wiki page?19:25
micahghrw: that's a nice list of stuff, are you looking for endorsements?19:25
hrwmicahg: will ask people for them in next days19:25
micahghrw: ok, next meeting is in 2 weeks :)19:26
ari-tczewhrw: my suggestion is to show your expierence, knowledge and involvement19:26
micahghrw: I'll be happy to review it later19:26
hrwmicahg: mkey, thx19:26
ari-tczewhrw: I couldn't give you endorsement, I don't have anything sponsored for you or any expierence in cooperate with you.19:27
hrwari-tczew: I asked for opinion/suggestion not endorsement19:27
ari-tczewhrw: so I don't have suggestions for you. I don't like to read on wiki election promises.19:28
hrwari-tczew: ok19:29
akoskmI'm trying to package qtjambi for Ubuntu. I listed phonon-backend-gstreamer as dependency but pbuilder says that there are unmet depends. because phonon-backend-gstreamer is a virtual package. here the pbuilder output: http://pastebin.com/c2fK8ppQ19:29
hrwakoskm: use "virtual | real" for deps19:30
hrwor "real | virtual" order - but you have to suggest some existing package19:30
akoskmthis is the only package which contains the file what I need19:31
akoskmI need to add these options to pbuilder?19:31
hrwto debian/control build-depends19:31
akoskmor inside the control file19:31
hrwakoskm: for example my package depends on "linux-source-2.6.37 | linux-source-2.6" (with versioning inside) because 2.6.37 is in natty but in theory any >2.6.35-something can work19:32
hrwor linux-ti-omap4-source if exists etc19:32
akoskmI see, but how do I figure out which one is the real package?19:33
* hrw has no idea - phonon-backend-gstreamer contains real files so for me it is not virtual19:36
akoskmyep, for me too thats the problem, but pbuilder states that its virtual19:37
* hrw needs to go - feed the daughter19:37
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hrw|gonethx for help guys19:37
akoskmthank you hrw19:38
BlackZakoskm: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html (7.5 Virtual packages - Provides)19:39
akoskmBlackZ, thx19:53
akoskmBlackZ, what to do if actually phonon-backend-gstreamer is a real package, and when I list as dependency its getting handled as virtual?20:16
BlackZakoskm: do you need it for gstreamer0.10-plugins-good and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ?20:18
akoskmBlackZ, no. I should list it because it provides the file "phonon_gstreamer.so" required for qjambi building20:19
akoskmhere is pbuilder's log: http://pastebin.com/c2fK8ppQ, somewhere at the end it says that the given package is virtual, but it isn't20:21
sorenquadrispro: I'm not looking for more stuff to learn. I'm trying to get stuff done.20:44
sorenquadrispro: "less resistence": I can just upload stuff to Ubuntu at will. In Debian, I have to wait for a sponsor and whatnot.20:44
highvoltagemaco: hey, have you tried gally on natty recently?21:16
akoskmpbuilder still states that phonon-backend-gstreamer is a virtual package, and it wont let me to build the package, does anybody have an idea how can I avoid this?21:34
magn3tsWho should I contact about fixing the wubi page: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer22:37
macohighvoltage: i havent upgraded to natty22:39
Picimagn3ts: File a bug under the ubuntu-website project.22:40
magn3tsPici, okay. seems rather glaring IMO :P22:43
quadrisproyou, me, devs can upload, anyone else cannot. In Ubuntu there is a sponsorship process, too23:00
sorenquadrispro: Was that for me?23:07
quadrisprosoren, yes, it was :) (continue) of course policies and workflows are different, but stuff get done anyway (anywhere). The point was: mutual understanding would mean more collaboration. I don't want to state anything like: "Ubuntu should should be more like Debian"23:08
sorenquadrispro: I know we have a sponsorship process too. I used to have to deal with it. Now I don't. So getting stuff into Debian is orders of magnitude more complicated. I'm working on a elaborate flowchart that will make the hilarity of this nonsense obvious.23:08
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quadrisprosoren, you say right, anyway an Ubuntu-powered user could help Debian to improve and viceversa23:11
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sorenquadrispro: Of course. An an Ubuntu-powered user could help Fedora, too.23:12
sorenquadrispro: Really.23:12
sorenquadrispro: The vast majority of the code in Ubuntu is shared by most other distros.23:12
quadrisproindeed it is, but Ubuntu doesnt derive from Fedora23:13
sorenquadrispro: I never said it did.23:13
sorenquadrispro: I just question the notion that spending time fixing same bug in three different places is necessarily better than fixing three bugs in one place.23:14
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sorenquadrispro: Three places: Ubuntu, Debian, and upstream.23:15
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quadrisprosoren, agreed, sure. I think just the following: an Ubuntu contributor who knows well Debian could work better on Ubuntu. That's it23:18
quadrisprothen, we should keep differences alive, be different is great23:19
sorenquadrispro: Ah, I see.23:20
quadrisprowe agree on more points than anyone may think :)23:22
quadrisprosoren, it's been a pleasure, see you soon!23:44
sorenquadrispro: o/23:44

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